Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2017 (Page 3 of 5)

Touchdown Beat Down

8 men showed up for the touchdown beat down on the day of the Burpeethon for a nice little warm up.



SSH- 15 IC

Cherry Pickers – 10 IC

Short Mosey to the Thang…


The Thang:

Starting on the goal line bear crawl to the 10 for 10 CDD’s.

Next Mosey to the 20 for 20 Lunges

Mosey to the 30 for 30 Merkins

Mosey to the 40 for 40 Squats

Mosey to the 50 for 50 LBC’s

Then Mosey to 40 for 40 Squats

Mosey to the 30 for 30 Merkins

Mosey to the 20 for 20 Lunges

Mosey to the 10 for 10 CDD’s

Bear crawl to the goal

Mosey from that goal line back to the original goal line.

Rinse and repeat for 45 MINS!!!!!!


45 mins up and about 5-6 reps completed!!!

Mosey back to the starting point and run through some Mary


Burpeethon, JJ5k , SpeedForNeed Christmastown 5k

COT Prayers

write this down in history! ToolTime didn’t Mublechatter at all!!! It is the least I have ever heard from him!!

It was an honor to lead you men today great work.


Blueberry BOMBS

While planning the beatdown, I really struggled with this. Burpees or no burpees? That was the question. Burpeethon was the issue. After 3 seconds of hard thought: Burpees. Did they leave the other HIMs: a) with a good warmup for the Burpeethon, b) incapable of participating in the Burpeethon, c) wishing they had done the Burpeethon instead, d) all the above, e) none of the above, f) [fill in the blank] ?  You decide!


Warm Up: SSH, Merkins, Toy Soldiers, Cromwells, Monkey Humpers

Pain Lab dismissed. I have no idea what they did. They looked dry and relaxed when we emerged from the woods at 7:59. Draw your own conclusions.


Modified Blueberry biscuit around parking lot ending at flag for pledge,

Mosey across street to library to lower lot for:

Blueberry BOMBS!! This is my own adaptation of a Whoopie favorite, blueberry biscuit, and an old standby, BOMBS. One partner runs around the parking lot and halfway around does 5 Burpees. Other partner continues the usual BOMBS exercises: 100 Overhead claps; 150 Merkins; 200 Big Boy Sit Ups; 250 Squats. 

Then a short fellowship mosey to the upper parking lot for some Dominoes (too hard to explain; look it up).

Mosey across the street to the woods behind Shiele. Beginning at the bridge, alternating Boo Boo Bear Crawl & lunges to the lake.

Modified Blueberry DORA type exercise around lake: runner circles the lake, performing 3 burpees halfway around. Partner continues exercises:  50 Dying cockroaches, 75 Merkins, 100 Flutter kicks. 

Fellowship mosey back to the mill for BLUEBERRY HILLS! Run up the hill to that tree, 3 burpees, run down, 3 burpees, repeat-O until 7:58. Fellowship mosey back to parking lot.

Announcements: Burpeethon now! Speed for Need Saturday after Thanksgiving–sign up or Tool Time will keep talking about it.

Prayer requests: Several seriously ill PAX family members/co-workers, all those we will benefit from the Burpeethon and Speed for Need.

It was terrific working out with Hushpuppy and a couple of HIMs I don’t know all that well.


5 stand at the Yank

With the Burpeethon in progress YHC decided a little station work was in order at TFY this fine fall morning as we gathered in the gloom of early fall. Looked a little like this:

Station 1: COP

SSH X 20

2 burpees OYO

IW X20

4 burpees OYO

Copperhead squats

6 burpees OYO

Merkins X 15

8 burpees OYO

Mount climbers X 20

10 burpees OYO

Mosey to station 2

Station 2: Corner of Knowledge

One legged dips, Dirkins, Squats 3X repeats 10, 15, 20 each with 15 SSH after each round.

Mosey to station 3

Station 3 : Field of Dreams

Slalom Indian bear crawls to the end of the field (Pax in plank)

SSH X 20

Slalom mosey back (Pax in plank)

Mosey to station 4

Station 4: Stairway to Heaven.

Partner up

P1: Run from the park yard up the steps to the sidewalk, drop and do 10 hand release merkins

P2: LBCs until P1 returns. Rinse and repeat

Repeat 3 times

SSH X 20

Mosey to Station 5

Fountain for a little circle work and Mary

Each Pax runs all the way around the circle and up to the Yank and does 5 burpees.

Included but not limited to: Mountain Climbers, Monkey humpers, Quad stretch, LBCs, and others.

NMM: Great work by the Pax today. Great day to be out! Welcome FNG Cherub. Be a great addition. Has a great life story being one of the “boat people” who’s family fled Vietnam in the later ’70s for a better life here. High risk proposition. One in four survived that option. Spent two years in a refugee camp in Malaysia before getting the green light to come here. Think about it! We actually do things right here no matter what the media wants to say. Cherub is a testament to that truth. The pledge meant a little more today than it usually does. Glad to have you aboard Cherub!


Burpeethon 2017 for Special Olympics NC

Well, going back in time a bit, the burpeethon was something that the Gastonia PD put together as a fundraiser for Special Olympics NC.  It was always a varied workout with burpees, but threatened to be discontinued this year after some outside workout organizations couldn’t get along.  That’s when F3 Gastonia stepped in and said we wont let this cause die.  It was a little difficult putting together our own event with the GPD regarding planning, stations, whose where, etc., but it all got done.  My M (Officer J.A. Quinley) started to roll with it and Freight our undisputed Nantan got on board and we showed up to workouts to preregister and make it as painless as possible.  With the support of our F3 group, that started as nothing more than a free mens workout, grew and grew and it truly humbled and inspired me.  You are all HIM.

We started set up and in rolls the mobile command, squad cars, the mule and some other tactical SWAT gear to put on some razzle dazzle.  Pax who posted started to show up, we had some very special Athletes there, who were amazing and pushed us, and the Ms and 2.0s who showed up as support and staff.

We opened with a moment of prayer from Officer Norton and then time to get down to it and the first heat teams are called.  Dolph is a good friend of mine and he teamed up with me and we were in the first heat with four other teams.  I didnt know who would struggle the most, me keeping up with him or him slowing down for me.  The answer is, ME.  The GPD has some pretty fit officers and they set the standards for exercises and demonstrated them to get the idea of what is and isn’t acceptable, but of course, modify as you need to.  They also pulled out a five foot piece of rope and had that up the sleeve because it was truly a team event.  The scene was set as we gathered around Rankin Lake and the weather was beautiful.  Call to start and we started doing synchronized burpees, in which, each hold the end of a rope and do burpees in sync and this is where I crushed it.  We were the first ones done.  Unfortunately, we were passed by all teams by the time we got to station #2.   Each teammate held their end of the rope as you moved thru the eight stations.

Station #1 – 20 synchronized burpees
Station #2 – Lunges from line to line (30 yards)
Station #3 – 100 Air Squats
Station #4 – Burpee broad jumps from line to line (30 yards)
Station #5 – 15 incline sit-ups (modified down from 25)
Station #6 – Duck walk from line to line (+/-40 yards)
Station #7 – Bear crawl from sign to sign (+/-40 yards)
Station #8 – 20 synchronized burpees
All stations done at various points of the lake loop that is +/-1.75 miles

Station #8 is where the rubber met the road.  There were a couple other Clydesdales like me that struggled.  I had to sit out for five minutes and then get back at it to finish it up.  The point is that everyone finished.  A special shout-out to “The M Squad”.  Gena and Jo rocked a time of +/-26 minutes.  Gena is a part of FIA and not sure what her name is, but it should be USS McCampbell.  That is a Destroyer whose tag is “relentless in battle”.  Jo, Tooltimes M showed up in flip flops and just ready to help take care of sign-ins and hand out shirts, until a last minute audible and she stepped up, borrowed a pair of shoes, got a shirt and did the work out on the fly.  These women and animals and my hat is off to them!!!!!!  By the way, this is the second person in a row that Tooltime has unknowingly backed the bus over.  A few more and there will be a support group.

After all of the teams came in, we took a little trip to the mobile command and posed for a picture.  Look for some more information in the newsletter.  After this, turn the temperature up, because its time for the minute competitions.  Max reps in 60 seconds for Burpees, Merkins, Sit-ups and hip slappers.  This was awesome.  I enjoyed this thoroughly, although I didnt come close to winning, but seeing the men in a circle around their bros cheering them on.  Defib, Flush and Blart were the victors, with Defib taking two crowns.

Finish with a BOM

Moleskin – At the end of the day, F3 Gastonia brought in over $1,400 in sign ups, competitions and some very, very special men who donated some large amounts.  I know who you are and you guys are ambassadors and have my respect.  Thank you.  I was worried when tasked with this if anyone would come out since it has a cost implication, does anyone care about this, etc. and I am truly blown away by your support and your actions. You men (and ladies) are examples of what it means to be truly exceptional.  A special thanks to Freights M (Melissa) for her efforts and anyone else who came out in support (Linus, Hushpuppy, Ash Pond, Oompa) and Sidecars M for the Monster drink donation.  Please forgive me if I missed any others, but we know you were there.  Also thanks to all those who gave donations because you were elsewhere but saw fit to help out.  It meant so much to those athletes that we were there.  Tracy (SONC Athlete) mentioned in her speech that God doesn’t just put us anywhere, its where we can make the most impact.  Hearing those words and seeing who they were coming from just blew me away.  Jason, another athlete, who was getting pictures with all of us.  Did you see their medals???  They are so proud of them and thanks to these efforts, they can enjoy the fellowship of their own in competition.  I have attached a few pictures that are amazing, especially the shovel flag.  Look for more in the newsletter.  Look for a bigger and better one next year…they have started to plan it.

Thanks again…


0500 Thursday morning my phone, serving as my alarm, chimes and I avoid the snooze button, why? because I’m the Q today at Goat Island. In order to make it on time, I can’t “tarry” as my wife often, almost daily reminds me. Time management is a vicious opponent of mine, one that provides a daily challenge. I constantly seem to be in a hurry and my family and friends will attest, often late. I can report that I’ve never been late for a Q, though when some set-up of a pain station or depositing coupons is required, I’ve managed to arrive at the start. Back to Thursday morning, I leave in plenty of time to arrive at 0520, good so far. I break up the ladies at About Face Bootcamp performing burpee-long-jumps down Center Street. I check and do not see Roscoe. His sweet M must have shared that painful exercise with the lovely Misty leading her troops. Alone in the parking lot, I stretch in the quiet gloom hopeful a few PAX will post. Mayor and Dolph are typically early birds, so I figure they have other plans this day. Finally a car pulls in and Dr. Seuss joins me. Tiny Tank was famous for skipping the warm-up and that was my plan today. At 0530 Slim Shady appears from the shadows, as I’m about to mosey he informs me GQ is expected and could we wait a few minutes. Informally I suggest Moroccan Night Clubs. After a minute we see headlights; “side to side lunge.” GQ is primping in the mirror to ensure his hair and beard are tight (lookout Frank…). 0532 Slim Shady runs to retrieve his brother in law and guide him to our circle…more informal warm-up: “Toy Soldiers.” GQ finally joins us. “Do you need any warm-up?” I ask. GQ replies that he’ll be fine. 0533 we set off on a mosey up Center Street toward the empty church parking lot at the corner of 10th and 8th. Another tip of the cap to Brownstreak, I announce the first pain station will be my version of the “Dirty Thirty.” The twist is to perform 3 burpees between 9 other exercises that were performed OYO at 30 reps, single count (when applicable). It went like this:


  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Sumo Squats
  • CDD’s
  • Plank Punches
  • Baby Dips
  • SSH
  • Alternating Lunge
  • Flutter Kicks

Wouldn’t you know a train rumbled through around CDD’s so we added two extra burpees to pay our dues. From here we moved across the street to the Rec Center parking lot. When I’m unable to attend F3, I’ll supplement my cardio with Insanity workouts in my garage. There was a good set from the most recent Max 30 Cardio disk that I thought the PAX would enjoy. I set the timer for a 30 second circuit of 4 different exercises and a 30 second rest between.

  • Medicine Ball Jack (pretend you have a medicine ball and as your legs split, twist from side/side)
  • Plank Jack then do an In/Out
  • Power Knee (set 1 – right, set 2 – left)
  • Suicide Flying Squirrels (use the width of a parking to run between and perform FS each side)

On a reconnaissance mission, I found a baby hill that Gastone would salivate to inflict pain. Individual 11’s were called. Begin with 10 Merkins at the top and 1 LBC at the bottom; progress down and up. The hill provided enough resistance to burn the quads a bit. Once that session was completed, it was time to partner up. I paired with Dr. Seuss while GQ and Slim Shady kept it in the family. Partner 1 would perform flutter kicks while Partner 2 ran down a set of steps, around the building and back up our baby hill. No time and no limit on the reps. We went two rounds. I checked my watch and thought it said 0605. So I went for another round, this time with American Hammers. After both partners complete a round, Slim Shady confirmed the time was 0613. Looks like a jail break is in order. We returned to the AO at 0618. We recited the pledge and heard prayer requests for Slim Shady’s father hoping to hear good news about an upcoming treatment; a new leadership program at The Pointe Church; Dr. Seuss and all the kids, teachers, administrators and parents with school under way. It was a little tardy on the start and the finish, but it all worked to produce another good start to our days.


William Penn said “Time is what we want most, but use worst.” My M challenged me on the way out the door this morning to be home by 0630 in order to take our kids to their youth groups Bible’s and Biscuits at Bojangles. She may have huffed under breath that she would be the one that ends up taking them. She works out at the aforementioned About Face Bootcamp, enjoying the camaraderie as well as the exercise. But they don’t have the COT and Ball of Man which are key elements of F3. The power of prayer is a weapon at our disposal. Ephesians 6:18 says: “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” So in typical fashion, I get home a little later than intended and hurry to shower. My time this morning was well spent. A small group of four allowed for direct conversation with Dr. Seuss, GQ, and Slim Shady which made for very little mumble chatter. We all bared down to push through the “suggested exercises.” The Cramerton Rec center is a good spot with lights and a hill to employ as a natural coupon; we should hit that more often. Though there isn’t a set deadline to write a back blast, this is a day later than intended, but I’ll keep working on my nemesis, trying to get better, as we all are. BTW – I did gather my kids to arrive at Bojangles at 0700, right on time. Maybe I’m getting better already. Until the next time, it was a pleasure to lead.


13.5 PAX showed for a Thursday evening workout. Its 5:30 lets do it,

No FNGS so short disclaimer and Warmup went as follows ,or as best as I remember

Mnt climbers 15 ic

Merkins 10 ic

Don q’s15 ic


Next the main event

Started with a little trail run on the lake loop ,We made several stops along the way

Stop 1=  Picnic shelter  ab work while waiting on six ,LBC’S  20 ic ,Merkins 15 ic

Stop 2=Bench next to lake , here we partnered up for some hand clap merkins

Stop 3=Stop  maybe 1/4 mile in for some more merkins and squats 20 ic

Stop4=Next stop was at gravel road where we did some lundges for about 40 yards

Stop 5=back at picnic shelter for some incline merkins, and step ups

Then back to flag for some more partner work , this time using some coupons Slaw was

nice enough to transport for me to the AO. It went as follows:

Partner 1 does 21’s curls with blocks 3 sets of 7, while partner2 does hipp slappers

until complete all 21 curls. This was done 3 times


Then back to flag for PLEDGE and COT

22 merkins for vets

Announcements: Burpeethon 9/16/17,    JJ 5k at COMMON GROUND 9/23/17 great way to support your community

and spread the WORD step  up men!!!

Prayer request all those on IR, and all those HIMS  waiting on us to get them out

MOLESKIN : I usually have some little something to say but all that comes to mind lately is how awesome it

is to be out here with my F3 Brothers pushing this rock and how awesome you guys are KEEP PUSHING

you never know how you just might be changing that mans life next to you ,and not even know it….

Hurricane Irma..pfft – HURRICANE ANDREW

Alright Gents,

The Honorable Mayor had the Q on a rainy day.  I knew this would have a light turnout so I tried to think of a workout that would be able to be done under some shelter, but still fit with F3 and done outside.  our beloved Brownstreak brought us “THE 99”, which is a carry over from a PAX in Mountain Island where he started out.  Its a close quarter, fast paced, hard charged, straight up killing it workout.  Since I reached out and had the wienke figured out, but with the potential low turnout, what I didnt want is to hear someones heavy breathing up close or have them hear mine (thats reserved for the one who sees your O-Face), I had to find us some music.  Thanks to the family account for spotify, Rock was able to be dialed up.  Funny thing was, due to my eclectic musical tastes, the recommended stations were Metallica (Heavy Metal) and Tenth Avenue North (Christian) all while playing the Rolling Stones Honky Tonk Woman.  If you didnt read the BB from shortsale, it was metal.

0529 and its just Dolph and I (notice proper English) and then Tesla comes rolling in hot and jumps in at the second set.

About eight minutes in, there is another car that shows up and out jumps My Boy Blue from the Raleigh Pax.  He had a funny story about how he looked on line, saw Midoriyama at 5:30 and just went there.  He missed the P.M. part and made some amazing time.

The Thang – Set 1-99, 9,etc of exercises (see attached pic), Set 2 – 88,8, etc., Set 3 – 77,7, etc…you get the point.  We made it all the way through and finished up with 10 burpees just because we can.

Announcements – Burpeethon 9/16/2017 @ 0900 Rankin Lake Park.  Bring a friend.

Moleskin – just check out the other picture…..shows how a real man can stay stationary for a Q and still get the distance in.  Garmin looked at its data after I logged my workout and said clearly this isnt right and filled in the route from there.

Thanks Dolph for taking us out.


Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

9 Men showed up to the gloom on a Wednesday morning for a Bootcamp.

The Thang:

30 SSH

10 Merkins

7 Windmill

10 CCD

Mosey to the back of the soccer field at the bottom of the hill to darkness.

Elbow plank 1 minute

20 Squats, Backwards up the hill

20 Squats, 20 Monkey Humpers, Backwards up the hill

20 Squats, 20 Monkey Humpers, 20 Sumo Squats, Backwards up the hill

20 Squats, 20 Monkey Humpers, 20 Sumo Squats, 20 Lunges in place (10 each leg) Backwards up the hill.

Back down the hill and then follow me through the darkest part of the trail around to the small hill.

Backwards up the hill to the free library.

Plank, right arm right leg, then left.

Mosey back down between fields

Elbow plank 1 minute

Mosey to wall next to picnic.

Jack Webb up to 7 and back down.

Sit on wall for 1 minute

Mosey to parking lot.

30 LBC

100 Flutter kicks on my count. (This was a gift really from JK2 and the Mumble Chatter) The last 10 were hard.

25 LBC’s

Mosey to the driveway out of parking lot.

Run backwards to next poll.

Lunge to next poll.

Meander to next poll. (Hushpuppy Mumble)

Elbow Plank 1 minute (JK2 Mumbel)

Mosey to the entrance of park.

20 Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

Prison Break to start for perfect timing.

The Moleskin:

Overall a great morning with great men.

Iron Sharpens Iron, is one of the main talked about verses within F3.

  1. If we are doing 20 3 count Merkins and you can only do 10 that is what you should do. But, to be better you should try to return for the last 3 Merkins. Maybe the next time you might be able to do 4 more.

  2. If you wife ask’s you to do a list around the house and you say that I can get 2 of those things done. Try to do 2 more or even just knock out the list.

  3. You have not been Q or maybe just had it once. Pick up more Q’s with passion become an expert and leading men.

  4. When I started F3 I had not really ever led a group of men in a prayer. I now do this all the time and I am comfortable doing so. Challenge yourself to be a person that leads the prayer.

  5. Weight, health, etc. We should be pushing each other to be better. Not in a mean way but in a productive way. If you are overweight you should cut back and try to make a difference in your life.

  6. The 6, is the group of men at that back of the Pax. I was the 6 and in some workouts in Charlotte Metro I am the 6. I did go through a period that I was happy just completing the workout and very comfortable with being in the 6. But, as people pushed me to Sharpen with little comments I did sharpen. After about 1 year made it to the middle of the Pax. Then I went from 1 workout a week to 5 and sometimes 8.

  7. This is your Pax. If you have not seen a brother in a few workouts check on them. If someone is hurting in the Pax listen to them. I promise they more you give you will one day need.

  8. Try other area’s  and see the difference. Everyone from Gastonia should experience Metro Charlotte workout. One is you can see and learn that each area is different and unique but all follow the basic same tenants.

  9. 2.0’s spend time. We need to start a push towards some F3 Dad’s outings and workouts. The benefits for our children seeing what we are part should be great for our kids.

Everyone did great work this morning and I look forward to the next one.

Prayer for family members and friends of the Pax mentioned this morning.

Gastone Out!


HIMS of Midoriyama

14 HIMS posted for another Pizza Man delivery.  This delivery had a little bit of everything.  No FNG’s so short disclaimer and lets begin.


SSH, Don Q, 10 Burpees OYO

Lets mosey…the PAX moseyed throughout Midoriyama and at every parking lot opening we did 3 exercises.

These exercises were:

  • Merkins, LBC’s, 5 burpees OYO
  • Incline merkins, Flutters, 5 burpees OYO
  • Derkins, Butterfly sit-ups, 5 burpees OYO
  • Mike Tyson’s, American Hammer, 5 burpees OYO
  • CDD’s, Freddy Mercury’s, 5 burpees OYO

Along the mosey we stopped at the bleachers for a set of dips and continued on to my favorite hill for Triple Nickel.  Each HIM was to run the hill do 5 squats at the top and run back down to do 5 WW1’s at the bottom. (Rinse and repeat 5 times)  Good work men and way to push each other!!  On our mosey back we stopped again for more dips then QIC wanted to get the PAX heart rates up so we lined up along the sideline of the soccer field for an all out sprint.  Damn these men of Midoriyama are quick!!!  We continued our mosey through Midoriyama performing exercises at each opening but did not forget the 5 burpees at each speed bump.  With time running short, we lined up for zombie walks with a  added burpee back to the flag and finished with Oompa Loompa taking us out with 22 for the VETS.



  • Burpeethon(9/16)
  • Help Huck Move(9/16)
  • Advisory Board Meeting(9/17)
  • JJ5k(9/23)

Prayer Request: Many prayers were lifted up

Once again, I can’t thank each of the HIMS at Midoriyama enough for the push and motivation during every post.  Great work by everyone!!  As I mentioned in the COT, reach out to someone you haven’t seen or heard from in a while.  We never know what some of our brothers might be going through.   Just remember to be that HIM that God wants you to be!!! 

Until next delivery Pizza Man is OOOOUUUUUUUTTTTTTT!!!!

Some stuff in the rain, with a little wind

With the possibility of gale force winds and torrential rainfall, YHC wasn’t about to expect a huge turn out at Folsom this AM.  Along with the QIC, there were 2 HIMs willing to risk their lives and post in the gloom of Folsom. After discussing how bad it is that a Pax(Roadie) would call another(Hank) out directly the night before, then not post himself, we decided to clock in.


SSH, Hillbilles x12 IC

Mosey to the park entrance flag for the Pledge.

mosey back down to the lower shelter for some dry work. Since we were soaked, Hank insisted we dry off a little under the shelter. Dips, LBCs, knee in and outs all x15 IC


Route 66 has been popular lately and YHC enjoys the challenge, so line up in the parking lot. Lunge walk every other line stopping for 8 count body builders for, you guessed it, a total of 66. Recover, mosey around back to line up again for some 11s with merkins and SSH. Recover, 10 burpees OYO. fellowship mosey a distance then speed the pace a touch. Oh, speed bump. It’d be an injustice to Pizza Man if YHC hadn’t acknowledged the crossing of at least 1 speed bump with 5 burpees OYO. Continue mosey to start. Finish up with 22 merkins for the vets.

announcements; JJ5k, ChristmasTown 5k, Burpeethon, you know the dates.

prayer by QIC

Nice work and thanks men for braving the catastrophic weather to post. Always an honor to lead.

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