Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 6, 2017

Yes, one more time

7 men showed to a simple Wednesday morning beat down at Martha’s.

The Thang:

10 3 count Merkins

20  3 count Squats

10 3 count right arm stagger

10 Wind Mill’s (Whoopee Wheelhouse)

10 3 count left arm stagger

20 3 count SSH

10 Carolina Dry Dock

Mosey, past the picnic area around the soccer field to the left. Once to the back of the field we did plank with alternating arm and then 1 minute elbow plank.

Lunge to scoreboard.

Bear Crawl to next point.

Elbow plank for 60 seconds

Mosey to bottom of hill behind second soccer field.

20 Monkey Humpers

Backwards up the hill then back down.

20 Sumo Squats

Backwards up the hill then back down.

20 Squats, 20 Monkey Humpers

Backwards up the hill and then back down.

20 Squats, 20 Sumo Squats

Up the hill backwards.

Mosey around the next soccer field towards the playground but first backwards up the last hill.

Mosey to the fence at back of baseball field. Tried a new exercise but the fence will not work. I will find a better spot.

5 Burpee’s

10 second rest

5 Burpee’s

Mosey around the fields to the Maintenance parking lot for 6 Minutes of Mary.

30, LBC’s, 3 counts of Flutters

20, LBC’s, 3 count of Flutters

10 LBC’s, 3 count of Flutters to 30 (Head fake on 10 Flutters, your welcome)

Mosey to middle of baseball fields to a bench.

20 3 Count Dips

10 Second Rest

15 3 Count Dips

10 Second Rest

10 3 Count Dips

Mosey to sidewalk on the way back to the first light pole.

20 Monkey Humpers

Mosey to next pole

20 Sumo Squats

Mosey to next pole

20 Squats

Mosey to start

20 3 Count Flutter

Done right on time.

The Moleskin:

Normally a bigger crowd but this was a strong group. Spec and Wet Nut showed up and conquered. I would like to propose a new name for Wet Nut since he does not like the name and it can be taken the wrong way. We can change his name to Shrek. Really I don’t know why but it is a good name and needs to be used. Let me know if you are apposed. If not it will be so.

Please consider we might have plenty of people to help in the next week if the path takes a crazy turn for Gastonia. Let’s check on each other if that happens and help our brothers out. Once we are are all set and safe lets show the community what we are made of. Hopefully this does not happen.

Prayer request for all Houston and the recovery and for the upcoming Irma.

Gastone Out



13 PAX posted Tuesday at Midoriyama. YHC has had a full plate lately and completely forgot he had the Q. Thankfully Tooltime called to tell me he was stuck in traffic and may not make it. He called like he was calling into work….hilarious! During our conversation he advised he was calling in due to me having the Q and the risk of ridicule for missing after his Q at Folsom on Saturday. He made it and I made it so all worked out well! The PAX were warned that if I don’t have anything planned and have to create it on the fly it will probably end badly.


Don Q x 20ic

SSH x 15ic

Don Q’s on the ground x 10ic

Let’s mosey

The Thang:

We moseyed to the field where we keep our blocks. Partner up and one partner gets a block. At this point I think everyone thought we were going to stay there and do something…. Nope! Let’s mosey. Switch the block with your partner when needed. We had an odd number so YHC didn’t have a partner to switch with so that sucked. I was thinking about hitting the trail for a long mosey but that was out. We went to the far side of the far soccer field for some Mary.

Round 1-1 partner runs across the field the other does the exercise. You know how it works.

100-Overhead presses

200-Weighted squats

300-Leg lifts while holding the block up in the air

Round 2-

50-Weighted lunges


150-In/Outs while holding the block over head

Mosey back. Thanks to Pizza Man and Canteen for partnering with me on the way back! Block was getting heavy!



Announcements- Burpeethon-9/16 9:00am I hope to see everyone there. This is our opportunity to show our leadership in our community! SFN get signed up! I’m talking to you Sidecar! Signup and run at the JJ5K in Stanley. Only 15 people are registered and most of those are F3. Yet another opportunity to show our community leadership!

Prayer Request-Ash Pond battling sickness, Pockets


Everyone pushed hard today. Great job! For those that haven’t Q’d a workout get on the schedule. After you do it a while it becomes second nature. You can just show up and make some pain happen. All in all we covered 2.6 miles and picked some stuff up and put it down.

Breakfast Pizza….

5 men posted for a Pizza Man breakfast delivery.  Thanks to me having the day off, I reached out to Huckleberry to see if I could Q.  It went like this…we ran and did some exercises, we ran and did some more exercises, ran some more and did more exercises.  We did this for 45 minutes!!  If you would like more info please SHOW TO KNOW!!!

Announcements– Burpeethon(9/16/17), Help moving Huckleberry(9/16/17), JJ5k(9/23/17), Sparky organizing a mission trip to help Harvey victims(Dates to come)

Thanks again to Huckleberry for giving me the opportunity to lead this manly group of men known as Folsom!!  Way to push men!!

Until next time Pizza Man is OOOUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTT!!!!

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