• Post Type:
  • When:
  • AO:
  • QIC: Tesla
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Broke, Wheezy, Wet Nuts, Dr. Phil, Quiche, Edison, Skoal Bandit (metro respect), Dr. Seuss (respect), Van Winkle (metro respect), Van Winkle (metro respect) Torpedo (metro), Weurfel (metro respect), Tesla (respect)

Today at the Yank was a convergence of Metro “Core” and Gas House Yank regulars. A beat down was to be had and delivered by Tesla, who’s dual citizenship in Metro and Gas House F3  led to this. So we tried to make the best of things. It went like this.

Chapter 1: The Four Corners, defined by the rectangular route around Stowe Park,  the school and over the railroad tracks.

Start point warm up

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Copperhead squats X 20

Merkins X 15

Right foot to right hand stretch, left foot to left hand stretch

Mosey uphill to the school and benches for a little fun:

step ups, 10 each leg

10 dips

rinse and repeat three times.

Mosey across the tracks to the fist intersection

LBCs X 15

Wide arm merkins X 10

Jump squats X 15

rinse and repeat 3X

Mosey to Main street for some wall and fence action

15 elevated wall squats.

10 Mike Tysons

15 regular squats

Mosey down to The Yank for a regroup and on to chapter two

Chapter Two: The Field of Dreams, the field at the top of the hill by the school

Partner work

1st set:

Partner 1: Mosey halfway, 5 hand release merkins. Mosey rest of the way, 10 hand release merkins

Partner 2: LBCs

rinse and repeat

2nd set:

Partner 1: Karoke halfway, 5 CCDs, Karoke all the way, 10 CCDs mosey back

Partner 2; Flutter kicks

rinse and repeat

3rd set

Partner 1: lunge walk to midfield, 10 burpees, mosey back

Partner 2; Hold an elbow plank

rinse and repeat

On to Chapter 3 after all this fun!

Chapter 3: Heartbreak Hill

1st set: Partner 1 does SSH, Partner 2 runs the hill and does 10 merkins. Rinse and repeat

2nd set: Partner 1 does LBCs, Partner 2 bear crawls the hill and does 5 merkins Rinse and repeat

3rd set: Partner 1 does squats, Partner 2 runs the hill and does 10 merkins at the top. Rinse and repeat

4th set: Partner 1 does jump squats, partner 2 bearcrawls to the top of the hill and 5 merkins. Rinse and repeat.

Chapter 4: Beginning of the end

inclined merkins and dips

1st set, 10 each

2nd set, 15 each

Mosey up to the Yank for takeout Mary

Rosalita X 15

Oblique crunches 20 per side

Stretch right foot right hand left foot left hand.


NM: Great work by everybody. Metro guys loved the AO tour and the town. Will return! Great to have my brothers from Core Metro over here today. Meant a lot to me and everybody had a blast and a beatdown! Wanted to give them a tour of a great AO and all the toys we have to play with here. The Yank is a fun stop!

Announcements: Give2Give underway. More expansion this fall. Do what you can. Core Metro celebrates 5 years next Saturday at 7 am at Myers Park Traditional (behind Queens College). OBT and Dredd, the F3 founders WILL BE LEADING. Tesla will be there. Dr. Phil may. Let me know and we can clown car over. I assure this is one event not to be missed. Rev Florida, myself and others will be in RARE form! Great coffeteria afterwards as well.

Dr. Phil and I are going to see about more 2nd F opportunities. Possible Happy Hour discussion. Belmont/Cramerton certainly has venues for that. Its a big deal in Metro these days. They will help us with it.

Remember Tiny Tank’s going away party Thursday at 7:30 in Belmont. He will be missed. Brought a lot of guys out.

Last but not least Dr. Phil’s takeout was worth all the effort. You are a talented and real guy Doc! Glad your in the fold. We could use about a 100 more like you. So could everybody else in F3.

Pleasure and honor to lead this group always.
