Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 2, 2017


10 manly men showed at Midoriyama to put in some sweat equity and learn a little about Gods word. We gathered up. The PAX are all chatty and full of energy. If only they knew what was coming. so here we go.

Warm up

SSH x 10 IC

Grass pickers x 10 IC

Moroccan night clubs x 20 IC

Dying Cockroaches x 10 IC

Mosey past the playground to the parking lot for the Thang.


We lined up across the curb and did 1 burpee and 4 lunges, then another burpee and 4 lunges. It was about the sets for most of us. Some did four. At the other side we turned around and came back. Only we added a burpee. So 2 burpees and 4 lunges. then at the other side add another burpee. All the way to 10 burpees. Halfway through some of the PAX thought that I would Omaha this. Remember we need to push ourselves to the limit sometimes to become better HIM. We figured that as a group we had completed somewhere around 1600+ burpees. That’s crazy. It made the mosey back seem like a cake walk. Halfway through I game everyone a break with a short lesson from the Lords Prayer. Mathew 6: 11 “Give us this day our daily bread” Yesterday has gone, tomorrow has its own problems, today is now. Praise the Lord today and listen to him today. Live now in the Lords will. After we finally rapped up what Burpee Dan had for us, I gave the PAX another rest with another verse from Mathew 6:7 “And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.” God knows your many needs, your friends needs and your family needs. Its ok to change up your prayer time. Praise the Lord in prayer. Listen to the Lord in prayer.

Mosey back to the start for some warm down.

American hammers x 20

WW1 sit ups x 20

Flutter kicks x 20

LBC’s x 40

With a few minutes left we did some mary of

chop sticks

plank ups. regular plank to elbow plank.

And a few more that I cant remember because of all the burpees.

finished off with the pledge and 22 for the vets.


Gastone is q-ing in charlotte Saturday 6/3/17 at Indy. clown car meeting at harris teeter on Kendrick and robin wood.

convergence June 10 at downtown pavilion.

Christmas party get with whoopee

Prayer request

T-Square and family. Each other and our country.

As changes come and go through our lives I would like for us all to remember. Prayer is the only way to move heaven and change nations. Any one who sets aside his own desires and makes adjustments in order to reach people for Christ and seeks to make disciples will be seen as successful in the eyes of God. I hope that the Lord will use me as his tool to help others. Thank you for the time and opportunity to be here. AYE!!!

Pass the Heavy Bag

Friday morning, 9 guys and an 80lb heavy bag. We share the weight, we share the burden, it becomes easier for all of us. I look forward to Friday mornings Downtown, sharing the weight, grinding the teeth, taxing the lungs.

Here’s to Ron Ownbey, I shake my fist at you for being so damn cool, making it hard for the rest of us. I shake my other fist because you never kept any of it a secret. You freely gave everything, leaving us with no excuses.

Side Straddle Hops – 20 IC
Squats – 20 IC
LBCs – 20 IC
Merkins – 20 IC
Flutterkicks – 20 IC
5 Burpies – OYO


Grab the 80lb heavy bag and off we go.

Wall sits, 2 PAX holding the bag, rando 10 count.
Pass the bag down 2 spots, 10 count and repeat until everyone snuggles with the bag.

Mosey to the garage.

Starting on the bottom level –
Backwards bear crawl (Bobby Hendrick, right?) up the ramp
20 LBCs IC
10 Merkins IC
Karaokee to next ramp
Backwards bear crawl up the ramp
20 LBCs IC
10 Merkins IC
Take the stairs to the bottom

Meanwhile back at the ranch
2 PAX are doing these –
6 Pull Ups
11 Dying Cockroach – IC
19 Bobby Hurleys – Single Count
25 punches to the bag – IC
51 Flutterkicks – count each foot

2 PAX out, 2 PAX in and REPEAT.

There we enough PAX to get 4 switches in.
Each PAX did the Bobby Hendrick/Karaoke shuffle 3x, heavy bag/pull ups 1x

Mosey to the silver art tree of Moldor.
15 Dips IC
15 Squats IC
10 Don Quixote IC
15 Dips IC
15 Squats IC

Mosey to the Pavilion
10 Burpies OYO
10 Merkin Peter Parker thing IC

Convergence June 10th Downtown
June 10th Christmas Party

COT: Trinity, Slaughter, Brown family , the Ownbey family

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