I woke up this morning at 2 AM to the sound of Thunder and my first thought was will anyone be joining me at The Goat today?  I was happy to see there were PAX waiting and more coming in after me (including an FNG), and even happier that it wasn’t raining and thundering anymore. However that thunder was replaced by another thunder…  We were blessed with 5 trains this morning throughout our workout and with each train came 5 Burpees OYO!  Speaking of that workout, here’s what went down at the Goat this morning.

  • Disclaimer
  • Warm Up
    • 15 SSH (IC)
    • 15 Don Xiote (IC)
    • 15 Hillbillies (IC)
    • 10 Goofballs (IC)
  • Pledge
  • The Thang

Thanks to Brownstreak’s (who did in fact Fartsack this morning) recommendation we mosey’d to the bridge for some bridgework.

  1. Bear crawl from the base of the bridge to where the wooden part starts.  Zombie walk the wooden part to where it meets the cement again, Crab Walk the rest of the way.
  2. Partner up for a few rounds of Dora 123.
    1. – Round 1 in aggregate while partner runs to top of bridge for 10 Merkins
      1. 300 Russian Twist
      2. 200 Freddy Mercury
      3. 100 Flutter Kicks
    2. – Round 2 (find a new partner)  in aggregate while partner runs to top of bridge for 10 Monkey Humpers
      1. 300 Squats
      2. 200 Dips
      3. 100 Derkins
    3. We ran out of time before round 3 thanks to the trains mentioned before and the added Burpees…
  3. Mosey back to starting parking lot
    1. Guantanamo Bay – 1 Round
    2. 1 minute left so as many Crunchy Frogs as you can in 1 minute
      1. I really like the Crunchy Frogs for some reason and would have hated to Q a whole workout without including them

COT\Announcements\Prayer\Naming FNG

  • Fighting Yank T-Shirts are now available online.


As always it was an honor to lead today and get in a good exercise.  I think we had a record number of trains this morning but you know what they say…  The only way to get better at Burpees is do more Burpees.  Welcome Paw Patrol! If you’re sore tomorrow the only way to fix that is to come back for more.  Looking forward to next time!