Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 15, 2016

Cardio and hills

I had good intentions for a solid and respectable warmup, but as it got underway I quickly became bored and shortened the reps. I think I just need to be moving to feel like I am getting my money’s worth, maybe that’s it? Who knows? This is what I remember…Maybe it’s undiagnosed ADD? Maybe it’s short term memory loss? Maybe it’s short term memory loss? Maybe…

WU: SSH X 10, Squats X 10, LBCs X 20, Mtn Climbers X 5, Flutter kicks X 10, Imperial Walkers X 5, Merkins X 2 then get your butt up and mosey. Did a slow mosey around in a square with high knees, butt kickers, slide this way, slide that way then burpees X 10 OYO.

The Thang:

Mosey to the lower circle formally known as the lower case i (remember from Derecho???) for Burp and Merk (1 burpee with 1 Merkin on the burpee, 2nd burpee with 2 merkins on the burpee, escalator up to 8th burpee with 8 merkins). This was 1 for each of the pax present. And then the running began….we moseyed up the hill for modified 11’s. Mosey up the hill for 10 reps of flutter kicks, back down for 1 LBC (sorry Sargento, I don’t consider Don Quixote or grass pickers to be an exercise). We adjusted reps by 2 each trip (longer run than I had planned). Lot of encouraging each other-great teamwork. Mayor, after running with you at the CSAUP, I wanted to help you with your goal to get better with the cardio-ask and you shall receive. This was tough for me and though I don’t consider myself a “runner” I was adequately prepared for BRR not too long ago. Hills are some of the toughest things for me to do on my own and I have learned from others it is best to do in groups to stay motivated. I spent the majority of time chasing 4-5 others up that #$%@!!! hill. I wanted to cut it short but didn’t want to let the others down just a little bit more so we stuck it out and finished what we started.

Somewhere along the way around the 3rd trip up we heard the wind howl? a motorcycle go by? or was it a train??? 10 Burpees OYO-nice work pointing out the train passing by whoever that was (?Sargento?). Next we got a quick count off to recover then moseyed up to the wall by the weight room but had to stop and recover our legs from the mosey with 50 squats-was really hoping for some mumble chatter but all I heard was crickets and a few grunts….maybe 75 next time….

We made it to the wall for some hip slappers with 3 sets of 10 then headed back for the pledge and some time with Mary-everyone got a chance to lead with 10 reps of something-don’t remember all of them but I know there were Sandy V, dying cockroach, WW2 setups, Freddie Mercury, LBC, flutter kicks, Mtn Climbers-missing 1 of them.

Was really happy to be there this am. Like we talked about at the CSAUP this weekend, I am not sure what I would be doing without F3, but I know a lot of things would be different. I suspect my Sandy V would be at least size adult XXL instead of whatever smaller size it happens to be today (admittedly it does vary but gets smaller after I post for a workout).

Namorama, Prayers (Feelgood, we are here for you), and COT-Great work guys-thanks for coming out and pushing the rock.

Tiny Tank volunteered to Q next week so bring your A game next week.


I think it was Wednesday…

As a matter of fact, it was Wednesday…at Martha’s House!!!

Ok, the regulars were there so no need for much of a disclaimer other than I’m an idiot.

Warm-Up – Arm Raises, Don Quixotes, Imperial Walkers, Goof Balls

Recite the Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to the abandoned grocery store parking lot where we found a perfectly good wall that wasn’t being used enough. The only way to fix that is to do 10 Australian Mountain Climbers IC. That’s better.

The Thang

In honor of Tool Time who’s on the IR, Jimmy is a song by Tool that says the word Eleven throughout. So there you go, Elevens! On one end do CDDs, go a few speed humps and perform Peter Parkers. Aye! Nothing gets the blood pumpin like Elevens.

Back to the wall for Hip Slappers x10 IC. Everybody’s favorite.

Slow mosey to the middle of the parking lot for a routine of modified suicides.

5 Star Jacks, run to next set of lines and back. 5 Scorpion Dry Docks, run to the next set of lines past the last and back. 5 Gorilla Humpers, run to the next furthest lines and back. 5 Burpees, run to the lines past the last and back. Recover (for Stroganoff cause he says no one calls that anymore). Repeato the same sequence but increase reps to 10 each. Recover. I think Whoopee had to evacuate about now. Repeato again but increase to 15 reps each. Recover. Aye!!!

Circle up around the nearest light pole for the Bear Crawl Ring of Fire. Bear crawl around the pole for one rotation. Everyone hold the plank position while one PAX does 10 merkins, moving counter-clockwise til everyone does theirs. Recover

Mosey back to Pelican’s for a round of Mary to finish up. Bacon called for Mountain Climbers x25 IC. Hushpuppy called for Neckies forward and to each side x10 IC while holding feet at 6 inches. Spiderman called for Canoes x8 IC. JK2 called for Sandy V’s x10 IC.

Prayer Requests- Stroganoff’s M’s mother, Bandit, T-Square’s family. Everyone on IR. Our Country.

COT- It was a pleasure again men. You’re the reason I keep coming out here and I appreciate each of you!


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