Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

4th Annual F3 Dads Camp

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Updated on 8/8/2016

2016 F3 Dads Camp Info Pack


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Summer of Sixteen Grand Finale…. F3 Dads is taking over YMCA Camp Thunderbird!

Register and buy tickets at the link below.


Camp will be the weekend of August 12 – 14. We will build on the great success of last year to provide experiences that both you and your 2.0s will never forget. Look for this year to be bigger and better than ever before with more activities, a Friday night pizza party, carnival and cookout on Saturday night, and horseback riding all day! You can also expect something new this year that will BLOW YOU AWAY!! As always, we have full run of the camp with all the activities, air-conditioned cabins, and meals prepared by the Y staff. This event is open to everyone from in the #F3Nation from Charlotte to Columbia, Raleigh, Statesville, Knoxville and beyond.

WHO: F3 Dads from across F3Nation and 2.0s of all ages

WHAT: Full-on summer camp experience with your 2.0s… Zip-lines, Horseback, Water slides, Archery & Riflery, Canoeing, Carnival and much more. All fully staffed with YMCA camp counselors. Check out the cable swing here!

WHEN: August 12 – 14 (Arrive on Friday evening 5:00-7:00 and Depart Sunday around noon)

WHERE: YMCA Camp Thunderbird (located on Lake Wylie, just south of Charlotte)

WHY: 2nd F; Making memories; Building character; Having FUN!

HOW MUCH: $89 / person (includes lodging, meals and all the activities)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Halfpipe or Blackjack


EVERYONE Must Bring Items for SMORES:

  • Box of marsh mellows
  • Box of Hershey bars
  • Box of Graham Crackers

 Recommended Packing List:

  • Workout clothes
  • Sleeping bag or blanket and sheet
  • Pillow
  • Sleepwear
  • One or two pairs of close-toed shoes
  • Daily changes of socks and underwear
  • Heavy and light shirts
  • Shorts for warm weather
  • Rainwear
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Soap, shampoo
  • Bath towel and wash cloth
  • Water bottle
  • Flash light
  • Sunscreen

Optional List:

  • Binoculars
  • Fishing equipment
  • Tennis racquet and tennis balls
  • Insect repellant (non spray type)
  • Travel Coffee Mug








  1. Blackout

    Blackout & Deep Dish are a HC!!!!! From Lexington SC Put us in with the hidden AO Boys Blindside, and No Show, FDIC, Lobo, Crapper, and etc…….Woodside Cabin

    • Say What

      #Flash and I are in — would love to be in the same cabin with these #F3Lex fellas too.

  2. Dunphy_LEX

    HC put in with Lexington Pax.

  3. Freon

    HC Put us in with Lex PAX Turnbuckle, etc! Cabin #2

    • Freon

      Turnbuckle isn’t going, so Dunphy_Lex instead, Cabin #2

      • Freon

        Freon plus (2) 2.0’s P-trap (Male) Spokes (Female) Dunphy_Lex, Cabin 2, Lex PAX’s

  4. Zuckerberg

    Aye – YHC and a handful of F3 Winston-Salem pax and 2.0s are already signed up… expecting at least a few more!

  5. FDIC

    Lexington’s FDIC & (2) 2.0s are registered and paid!

  6. Champagne

    HC with 2 – 2.0s – both girls Swimmer (11) and Bubbles (10) – Area 51 cabins – with Alf and his 2.0s

  7. Hootie

    In and prepared to eat my body weight in BBQ chicken. May bring a 2.0 with me as well.

  8. Ken Doll

    Ken Doll and 2.0s Hound Dog & Thriller are paid & ready to go.

  9. BBQ

    2.0 and YHC are a HC. 2.0’s already asking if the slide will be open this year. Let’s hope for more rain over the summer.

  10. High Tide

    In and Paid.
    One 2.0 (girl, Rip Tide, age 13).
    Please place us in Area 51 cabin with Champagne and Alf.

  11. Bull2

    Bull and 2.0 (girl, Alpha, age 8) are in. Please put in with Harrisburg / MECA crowd – even @Hootie

  12. Reload

    Reload and 2.0s Bolt & Bubbles are in and paid…looking forward to it!

  13. JRR Tolkien

    JRR Tolkien and 2.0 Will ‘Gypsy Danger’ (7yo son) and 2.0 Molly (10yo daughter) are in and paid from A51/SOB! Looking forward to it.

  14. Strawberry

    Strawberry and 7 year 2.0 (boy) -Area51 cabins.

  15. Beaker

    Beaker and 2.0’s Chief(F,9) and CrashOut(M,5) are HC from Grandstrand. Watch for the 2.0’s on a jailbreak for the swing once the car drops below 20mph.

  16. Hoser

    Hoser and 2.0 Iron Man (5b) from Myrtle Beach are a HC and looking forward to it.

  17. Free Pass

    Free Pass & 2.0 Bowser in for another year. NoCo takes the hill again!

  18. Jolly Roger

    Nice try Blackjack, not posting it in Charlotte-North “Isotope”. We found you and we will be taking our rightful place on top of the hill!

    2.0 & 2.1 will be there. Burger eating contest 12pm Saturday!


  19. Calypso

    Calypso and 2.1 Sky Ninja are in on the hill! Let’s all pray that the lake levels stay high enough for the water slide and the blob!

    Appreciate you guys putting this together again!

    And I don’t recommend you enter a thunderbird burger eating contest against Jolly – you will lose and the kids will starve.

  20. Scooper

    Scooper, 2.0s Speedy Gonzales and Road Runner HC. Please put us with Kendoll and his crew.

  21. Binary_NoCo

    Binary, 2.0 Barcelona(M10) and 2.1 Pack Rat(F8) are HC and paid. Please put us with Isotope.

  22. Mooch

    Mooch, Flower (F6) and Mini Mooch (F4) will be in attendance, HC and Paid with other Bourbon Chase team money. Please put us on the isotope hill with the other jokers.

  23. Tantrum

    Tantrum plus 2 X 2.0s in too (7yrs & 9yrs) . Put me up on the hill with the other Isotope guys.

  24. Honey Bee

    Honey Bee + 2.0’s (Girls 8 and 6 yrs old). South CLT Area51/SOB group, girls cabin again.

  25. Kumquat

    2.0 and I are IN & Paid! Put me up on the hill with those other Isotopian knuckleheads.

  26. Gnarly Goat

    Bleat. Goats are in for ISOTOPE HILL.

  27. Jenny

    HC and paid. Put us on the isotope hill.

  28. Fault Line

    HC and paid. Fault Line plus 2.0s (two boys, 10 and 12 yrs old). Looking forward to it. Please include us with Area 51 campground, man cave!!

  29. OneCall

    OneCall from the GrandStrand is a HC once again, along with 2.0’s Nails and Agent Scorpio who had a blast last year! And we are bringing a contingent from the beach this year! Beaker is our regional Q!!

  30. Black Eyed Pea

    Black Eyed Pea and a 2.0 named BigTime. Looking forward to another great weekend on the Isotope Hill. Thx again for putting this together!

  31. Tumbler

    HC and paid. Put us with the rest of the crew from Lexington SC.

  32. StageCoach

    Got our tickets! Moneybags and Mustang are looking forward to it. First time for all of us at F3 Dads Camp!

  33. Gene Robertson

    HC, Mudcat and I are looking forward to our return trip! Put us with SC Lake Murray folks & Stagecoach and his 2.0’s.

  34. Matt Whisonant

    Inspector Mom and Magnus coming straight out of Westside Lexington SC

  35. Tinkle

    Tinkle & (2) 2.0’s (Rhinogirl & Speedy) are signed up. F3 Lexington group. Cabin with NoShow.

  36. Kel Jansen

    Canseco and his 2.0 daughters are signed up and paid and extremely excited about this weekend! Looking forward to representing Lexington F3!

  37. JRR Tolkien

    JRR Tolkien and 2.0 Will ‘Gypsy Danger’ (7yo son) and 2.0 Molly (10yo daughter) … A51/SOB cabins please (with Honey Bee, Champagne, Mr Brady, ALF, etc)

  38. Taz

    Taz and 2.0s Mario (M,8) and Pickles (F,10) are all signed up and ready to go. Requesting cabin with other F3 Hickory (Foothills) dads Markup, Tooth Fairy, Twig, Publix, Herniator,…

  39. TF

    Pretty sure that you’ve got this already, but please put my 2.0 Toothless and me in a cabin with the other Hickory folks (Taz, Markup, Twig, Publix, Herniator). Thanks. See you next weekend!

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