Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: October 19, 2015

Gas House Back Blast 100 – 1 =

9 PAXclimbed out of the comfy warm bed to battle the bitter cool air. They showed up slowly 1…….then 2………. 3,4,……. I was starting to feel bad thinking it was me. NAH! It has to be the weather…… Right?!?!? Anyway here’s what went down.

Mosey to the church……. No the other way, across from the school. There you go…. Mosey to lower parking lot…… It was the breakfast we smelt cooking that attracted us there. I told the 9 strong but cold pax “ok that was the warm up!” They looked surprised. I then repeated the math problem I posted on Twitter as my pre blast. 100-1= …. Surprisingly we have some math majors. That’s right! The 99 workout!!!! I could type it all out for you to read but it’s best as a hands on workout. So…. Look it up or scroll down to earlier in the year. We did it at the goat once before. After the workout we played “chutes and ladders.” Ok, well it was like it but not….. We moseyed up the zig zag parking lot doing burpees at each turn 15 in total. Then once at top of parking lot sprint down to the beginning. 10 mins left. We slow mosey back to museum for 5 min of Mary!

At the end of the hour the 8 strong men and I did this:
319-high knees
308sec- air squats
351sec- planking

Thanks for allowing me to be apart! Strong work guys!

Bandit Can’t Spell…

Five more exercises to go and only 90 seconds left on the clock…  Next exercise is the American Hammer… you might call this the Russian Twist.  In position, ready exercise… 1,2,3, ONE, 1,2,3, HALT.  Next exercise is the Flutter Kick. Next exercise is Turkish Get Up….. Next exercise is the V-Up Roll Up… Next exercise is the XYs….

Well that is pretty much how this #DownPainMent ended.  A bit rushed.  We got everything in, but we went 90 seconds over.  #SorryNotSorry.

It was a few weeks earlier when YHC got the idea for this workout.  Thinking to himself…”I’ll surgically piece together 26 exercises (one for every letter in the alphabet) into a 45 minute beatdown — the best #Downtown workout yet.”  This was going to be great and totally original.  OK, it turns out planning this might have been more difficult than the workout itself.  Oh yeah… and about the original part… after some research on, there was a long line of creative geniuses doing this ahead of me too.

Regardless, everyone got in a good workout and no one requested a refund!.  Here is how it went…

Warmup (we started at the Pavilion)…

  • Goofballs IC x20
  • Hillbillies IC x 20
  • LBC IC x 20
  • Moraccan Nightclubs IC X 50

The Thang

Indian Run to the Parking Deck…

Ballerinas IC x 20 (not as easy as it looks on paper)

Monkey Humpers IC x 20 (just realized we have a duplicate here)

Subsititue Nerkins (nose first) for Knerkins (Chuck Norris Knuckle Pushups).  I think we did 8 IC.  At this point the PAX was pretty certain Bandit could no longer spell and might need to break out the dictionary from time to time.

Robert Plant (running up flights of steps like Stairway to Heaven) to top of Parking Deck.  Audible was called here as that was just too easy… needed to add Highway to Hell (running back down to bottom) to this set of musically named sets.  (since we already did Hillbillies in WU, can’t take credit for the letter H again).  Rinse and repeat x4.

Quadraphilia (yes like can’t feel my quad’s anymore).  Down and up parking deck ramp x4.

Zombie Walk (this was standard issue F3 Zombie Walk (straight lunge walk), not the local famed Godfather Zombie Walk (lunge, lunge, squat).  This was done down two straightaways and two ramps (one complete floor in the Parking Deck).

Cherkins (lookup Cheese Head Merkins) IC x 20

Werkins (wide arm).  IC x 8

Pullups AMRAP for 2 minutes

This next part I will concur was a bit of a cheat.  PAX had the option to traverse from Parking Deck to the Circle of Art using one of the following methods… Empty Wheelbarrow, Ollie North, Dan Taylors, or Yeti.  Ok… so I took a little creative license on the Yeti.  You won’t find this on F3Nation, but its basically a winter-like version of the Zombie Walk.  Just lunge walk and groan like a Yeti might.

Knerkins OYO x10

Jump Ups OYO x20

Up Downs for about 60 seconds.

Next we Sprint back to Pavilion where our story began and wrap up 26 exercises in 45 minutes (last 5 at warp speed).  In then end we all made our DownPainMent and had a good workout.  Any way you cut it, this is way better than working out with Fern.  As always, honored to lead such a great group of men.

– Bandit

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