• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 02/15/2020
  • AO: Fighting Yank
  • QIC: Tiger
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Whopee, Watt's Up, Anchorman(R), Dry Rub(R), Boudin, VooDoo

Seven strong for Ruck work at the Yank.  Q didn’t plan very well for things to carry, only had Boudin’s 60lb sand bag.  Pax not too disappointed. 0600, let’s go.

Ruck to South Point High School and head toward football field.  Boudin reminds us of how particular SP can be about the field, so we opt for the track instead.  Start at one goal post, bear crawl 10 yards, then lunge 10 yards, 10 merkins.  Repeat to the other end.

Turn around and do the same back, substitute merkins for squat thrusters with the ruck pack overhead.  Get the bag and lets walk.  Circle through the neighborhood behind the high school, lots of hills back there.  Pass the former Nantan home, some good Tool Time stories ensue.  Make our way back to the track.

Q calls for four laps around the track, but going up the bleachers on each side with ruck sack overhead on the up.  Pick up the pace in the turns.  The home side bleachers were no joke.  After four laps we head back.  Check the time, already five mins past the hour and we have a ways to go.  Q fail.  Oh well, a little EC makes you better.

Pledge, announcements (rooster the 29th, axe throwing Feb 21, let Huck know if going, convergence and shoot em up March 21).

Prayer requests:  Lynn Hamm and family, Whoopee father in law having health problems and daughter had knee surgery.

YHC took us out

Always an honor
