• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 07/24/2019
  • AO: SnoBalls
  • QIC: Spiderman
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Watt's Up, Easy Rider, Stinky Bird, Outhouse, Clavin, Gastone, Island, Whoopie, Stroganoff, JJ

of the morning, said someone not associated with this whatsoever.  This was pretty solid though.  See for yourself down below.


Warm up.

Moraccan Nightclubs 20 IC
Don Quixote 10 IC
Monkey Humpers 15 IC
Imperial Walkers 15 IC
Merkins 10 IC

Mosey to Teeter Lot

Bear crawls 2 lines, reverse bear crawl 2 lines and repeate until the end of the row – Hit 12 American Hammers

Bearpie broad jumps: 2 lines 2 burpies.

Repeat with 1 burpie every other line.

Pair up:
Zombie walk 2 lines, 5 booyah merkins reapeat to end of row

Wall Sits
Wall sits with shoulder press 20 IC
Wall sits with shoulder press & march
Wall site with speed bag 20 count
Wall site with reverse speed bag 20 count
Wall sits with shoulder press 20 IC

partner does Merkins, other partner runs a lap around 4 light poles > SWITCH
2 rounds

partner does flutterkicks, other partner runs a lap around 4 light poles > SWITCH
2 rounds

What, wall sits again!

Wall Sits
Wall sits with shoulder press 20 IC
Wall site with speed bag 20 count
Wall site with reverse speed bag 20 count

Mosey to the dangeous block wall in front of the bank.

Dips 15 IC
Monkey Humpers 15 IC
Dips 15 IC
Monkey Humpers 15 IC


5 minutes of Mary.