• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/25/2019
  • AO: 2nd F Event
  • QIC: Tesla
  • FNG's: Wet Nuts, Top Hat, Orangeman, Tesla, Milburn (FNG?), Five Degrees, Quiche
  • PAX: Wet Nuts, Top Hat, Orangeman, Tesla, Milburn (Durst), Five Degrees, Quiche

So with the race in Belmont and Speed For Need yHC stepped up to hold the fort down at The Yank again this morning. And as it turned out we did have some new players that we felt needed an intro to the new toy at The Yank which is of course the the Half Pipe, aka the Horrible Half Pipe. As we gathered on the pad for some warm ups it was easily going to be the hottest workout of the year to date. Went like this:

COP on the pad:

Train burpees X 5

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Copper head squats X 20

Peter Parker X 20

2 minutes of right had right leg and left hand left leg strectches

merkins X 20

mosey on up to the field of dreams for some .555 caliber shots as follows:

5X each



Big boy situps


Plank Jacks

After each round, run to the other end of the field and repeat.

5 rounds total

Mosey up to the Corner of Knowledge:

10X each:

Mike Tysons (on the steps)

Step ups (10 each leg)


Line up for burpee broad jumps to the middle path.

frog hops from the road to the steps.

Lunge walk down to the end.

Burpees 5X

Inclined merkins  10X

LBCs X 20

Karoke back to the COK,

Mosey down to the wall for some wall torture as follows:

People’s Chair

Air presses X 20

Air punches X 20

Balls to the Wall, all pax stays in the position while one sprints to the middle of the drive and lays down 5 HR Merkins. Do this down the line.

Mosey over to Heart break Hill for – Half Pipe time at The Yank!

Top pf HBH – 5 plank jacks

Pad – 5 Mountain climbers each leg

Top of stairs: 5 butt to the street mountain climbers.

Repeat 3 times, which was plenty in this heat and point in the workout.

Mosey back to the Field. You KNOW what’s next!

Bear Crawl Slalom! Everybody got three times through. This is not because we want to or even YHC wants to. This is about one thing – Grit! Which takes you a long, long, way in life. Everybody got three rounds. Note: We were in the shade. Not a bad thing.

End of the slalom, a little recovery:

SSH X 10

Squats X 20.

Back to the start:

Run @ 1/3, drop and 2 HR merkins, 2/3, drop and 4 HR merkins, all the way, drop and 6 HR merkins

Down to the fountain for pax led Mary to end.



Great, great , group to be with today. Pleasure to lead. We worked into it and went hard, harder, hardest. And nobody folded. Not even close. Bad ass bunch!

don’t know if any of you caught it but I stream the USNA graduation ceremony every year which is the Friday of Memorial Day weekend and I had a buddy (F3 Checkpoint, metro) Whose son Shep graduated with honors from the academy yesterday. Pat Shanahan, the acting Sec. of Defense gave one of the most inspiring speeches I have ever heard. He talked about how failure makes you better because you learn to feel the pain, lose the fear of failure and then get better. And about the thing that really matter – grit! Somebody made a comment during last week’s Bear Crawl why YHC always puts this at the end. The answer is it is the most productive place for it to be. It is the place where it builds the most grit physically, mentally, and spiritually. And if we do that we are getting better. If not, we’re just going through the motions. And acceleration is not about going through the motions. It’s about putting it out there and being the man in the Arena.

It’s out there to be done men! And we are the guys to do it.

Pretty good affable ass kickin’? I thought so! We all got better.

Tesla Out.

BTW, we renamed Durst to Milburn because he found a $20 bill, No claimant so we made the motion that he keep it. Those guys in Raleigh that named him did not meet our standards. Only his third post. Looking or more from you brother!