• Post Type:
  • When: 08/31/2017
  • AO:
  • QIC: Sargento
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Monk, Kilowatt

Three manly men posted to the Pub today to  give their guns a break and work on their legs. This is what I remember…

Left turn. Cross street. Right turn, left turn at stop sign, up hill, left turn at stop sign, cross street, right at stop sign, left at stop sign, up hill, right at stop sign, up hill, left out of Su-San Farms. Cross street, right turn, throw rocks at Short Sale’s house, wind around hood then stop at sign. Cross street into Stroganoff’s neighborhood, right turn, left turn, run up his cul-de-sac and back, left at stop sign, right at stop sign, right at round-about. Left turn, left turn, up hill, right turn, down hill, up hill, right into Pub parking lot. End. 5 miles.

Great job men.

Prayer requests: anniversaries for Monk and Kilowatt, keep up the good work.