Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Ricky Bobby (Page 9 of 9)

Intimate Mountain Music

Ricky Bobby.  Nough said.

we did 101 burpees, 6 sprints, LBC, Dying Cockroaches, single leg dead lifts, planks, squats, lunges and a few others that are escaping my mind at the moment.

When I first pulled up there was not another F3 HIM to be seen.  There was the reliable centurion that walks non-stop around the track.  As time approaches I am thinking about just leaving when good ole Tesla shows up (on time by the way).  Looks like we are doing this.  Out of the corner of my eye I spy the Cheese-man himself, Sargento. That makes 3.  As we walk over to the gathering spot Virus rolls up to signify it is 5:30.   Sargento enjoyed the jams.  Virus and Tesla spoke about really old music.  Tesla told a story about canoeing (not SA) down a river meeting some new friends with more guns than teeth in West Virginia.



March 21 Convergence at Martha Rivers

Wichita with his VQ coming up this weekend at Folsom.

Tesla is arranging a showing of the movie Deliverance (he is also planning to act out several scenes from the movie volunteers needed)

May 3rd Pittsburgh race – Contact Sargento if you might want to run it

Spartan Race coming up April 4th – still time to sign up.  Team name is F3 Gastonia 9:00 am start time.  Talk to Gump.

Ville to Ville April 18th

Quiche has the Q February 19th at The Ricky Bobby  – WWQD?  Show To KNOW!!


Prayer Requests:

Trevor Smith and Wife (Teslas Minister) tree fell on the house and thankfully did not hurt anyone.

Chris Howser – Stroke

Lynn Hamm



Virus Prayed us out

The Greatest of All Time -The Ricky Bobby

Some have said this AO could grow to become, if not already be, the greatest of all time. How could this be? Show to know baby!!! If anything, the Gashouse region continues to grow and there are opportunities to share the F3 experience with plenty of sad clowns, so why not create a new AO?

To kick things off preworkout we watched the opening scene of the legendary film “Talledega Nights” and witnessed how Ricky Bobby’s daddy got drug out of the front doors of this very school. The next shot shows him explaining that “if you ain’t first, you’re last!” Truer words have never been said. Then he peels out through the grass straight toward YHC’s neighborhood which is in the background!

At this inaugural workout 22 HIMs decided to beat the fartsack and bring their A game. This is what happened…

Disclaimer although there were no FNGs.

Warm Up:
Goof Balls x15 IC

Don Quixote x15 IC

Monkey Humpers x15 IC

Count off then mosey at a quick pace toward the back of the school. Once there the PAX would do the 4 Corner Escalator. With this we did

Corner 1 – 10 Monkey Humpers

Corner 2 – corner 1 plus 20 Dying Cockroaches

Corner 3 – corners 1 & 2 plus 30 flutterkicks, each side

Corner 4 – corners 1, 2 & 3 plus 40 merkins

After a quick count off, reverse the order back down until your get to corner 1.

Mosey to the side of the school that has a nice frozen hill. Pair up for a little partner work with one of the most fundamental partner routines, the Dora 1-2-3. Partner 1 would bear crawl up the hill, touch the building and either bear crawl or crab walk back down. Partner 2 would do 100 CDDs, 200 Squats and 300 Air Presses.

Fellowship mosey back around to the front of the school for some Gaston County school facility trivia. Along with the nice newly paved parking lot, the school got three bright yellow gates at each of it’s entrances. The only problem is that they’ve never been closed. What’s the point? Neither Radar or Dr. Seuss knew the answer so everyone got punished.

Elevens: At one end we’d do Dirty Hookups, run the length of the covered walk and do burpees at the other end. This sucked! I think we may have done exercise to finish up the last minute of time but I can’t recall.

Thanks for showing up to this thing men! Your attendance is appreciated. This is going to be a great thing.


Announcements: Freight is training ruckers, everyone has to send sensitive info to Watts Up

Prayer Requests: Lynn Hamm, Gumby’s surgery, SA’s family



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