Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Labyrinth (Page 1 of 10)


Tried something new that’s probably not that new. It was new for me so there were some kinks to work out for next time. It was the eve of the Round of 64 so the PAX were going to work on their bracket.

0530 let’s go


SSH IC x 16
Merkins Single Count x 16 (Q fail on trying to count these, just stick to calling cadence…)
LBCs IC x 16
Imperial Walkers IC x 16

YHC was worried the weinke was going to be short (that’s what she said) so we took the long was into the park stopping at each light pole for 5 Squats.

We wound our way into the unlit trail entrance at the back of the park and moseyed to one of the soccer fields.

Here’s the deal, think of the field like a bracket. You have 2 competitors, one at each corner on the same side. They meet. One will advance.

Round of 64: 64 SSH at one corner, mosey the short length of the field to the other corner for 64 LBCs
Mosey to the middle of the field where a coin was tossed to determine the winner. LBCs moved on
Mosey to the opposite side of the field to one corner
Round of 32: 32 Squats at one corner, to the other corner for 32 Flutter Kicks (count one side). To the middle, where Flutter Kicks advanced
This was another Q fail. After each victory, the PAX were to repeat thee exercises that had advanced to that point.
We missed the LBCs after the round of 64, so 64 LBCs for Round of 64
Then, 64 LBCs and 32 Flutter Kicks for Round of 32
Mosey back to a corner
Round of 16: 16 Big Boy Situps vs 16 Plank Jacks. Mosey to the middle, Big Boys advanced (the Core Conference was dominant at this point)
64 LBCs, 32 Flutter Kicks, 16 Big Boys for Round of 16
Round of 8: 8 Peter Parker Merkins vs 8 8ct Body Builders. Mosey to the middle, where fortunately, PP Merkins advanced
64 LBCs, 32 Flutter Kicks, 16 Big Boys, 8 Peter Parker Merkins for Round of 8
Final Four: 4-corner run (loop around the field on the track) vs 40 Morrocon Night Clubs (the Cinderalla of the bracket)
4-corner run advanced but given that time was short, the run was back towards the flag.
Stopped for the Championship which was Lunges vs Bear Crawls. These were done through the parking lot. Lunges advanced so another round of lunges were done.

Mosey back to the flag.

4/13 Convergence @ The Ballpark + Community Foundation Run
Extinction Run may get moved
5/4 The Goonie – 3am at Schiele; be on lookout for more details
Dream Center opportunities coming up on Thursdays

Prayer Requests
Maybelline’s family w/ loss of his grandfather
Mental Health
Stubing – praise for marriage conference
Maybelline – prayer for a Bible study he’s a part of

Prayer to take us out.

Thanks to the guys for their patience as the Q stumbled his way through the workout. Survive and advance, learn from your mistakes, and get better next time…

From The Outhouse

It was late on Tuesday, and YHC was still a little sore from the Austin race the prior weekend. In trying to come up with something a little different, YHC thought about Outhouse Q’s where we would typically mosey over to the KFC and select a coupon. YHC jotted down a few notes on a weinke and was ready to go.

Like YHC, the PAX seemed to be a little slow moving. 0530 hit and we got to work.

SSH IC x 12
Merkins IC x 12
LBCs IC x 12
Imperial Walkers IC x 12

The Pledge

Mosey over to the KFC where YHC informed the PAX that their next decision would be the most important decision they made all day. Choose a coupon too large and the next 40 minutes would be torture. Choose a coupon too small and then you would be filled with regret and the feeling that others are looking at the size of your small coupon. Or be Goldilocks and choose one that is just right.

After choosing the coupon, mosey over to the bank parking lot beside the Malibu Monument.

Pretty simple. 5 exercises. 10 reps each. Then, take a lap around the building. Rinse and repeat 5 times.

American Hammers
Squat Thrusts
WW3 Sit-ups

Mosey across the street and down in front of the funeral home. Repeat 5 exercises with 5 reps (think we did 10 AH). Leave the coupon where they were and mosey back to the top of the drive.

One at a time, each man would mosey down the hill to retrieve their coupon. They would also leave behind an exercise for the other 4 PAX to AMRAP while they moseyed. YHC just reminded the PAX to choose wisely because any grace and mercy shown to the other PAX could likely be returned.

After each man retrieved their coupon, we moseyed back across the street to the Malibu Monument. This time the other PAX would mosey around the building while the single PAX AMRAP’ed the exercise they’d chosen in the previous rotation. What comes around, goes around.

Getting close on time so we moseyed back to KFC to return our coupons. Then, moseyed to the flag.

At this point, YHC noticed that he didn’t have his phone. Q fail. So we did annoucements and prayer requests.

From what I remember, Q School on 3/2 at Gashouse.

Prayer request… Maybelline’s grandfather who had fallen and got banged up.

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

(I’d left my phone in front of the bank for those wondering.)

Strava must be a female

You’ll have to wait until the end for the explanation. The lead-up to that realization went something like this…

Showed up to Pelican’s to find several vehicles in the parking lot and a scene that could be truly called “the gloom”.

0530 so let’s go. Quick disclaimer.

The Pledge

SSH IC x 17
Needed some help getting moving so a lap around Pelican’s.
Merkins x 17
Another lap around the building
LBCs IC x 17 (these were popular given the cold wet pavement)
Another lap around the building
Imperial Walkers IC x 17
Another lap around the building with a mosey continuing down the street towards Gastone’s Hill.

Stop at the Family Medicine building parking lot for a round of Elevens
10 Mike Tysons and 1 Jump Squat
You know the deal… Repeat until 1 Mike Tyson and 10 Jump Squats

Mosey to Gastone’s Hill. And then up Gastone’s Hill. And then down Gastone’s Hill.

Next round up the hill was Route 66 with Merkins stopping at each mailbox.

At the top, Flutter Kicks IC x 17. Crunchy Frogs IC x 7. LBCs IC x 10. (or something like this…)

Mosey back down the hill. Back towards the flag, but more Route 66 with stops at the light posts and Squats.

With time remaining and no desire to do Mary on the wet pavement to close, we moseyed to the mini-wall for Mary on the Wall.

Step-Ups – 10 each leg
Dips IC x 10
Derkins x 7 (once again, counts are estimated based on memory)

Mosey to the flag.

Night to Shine 2/9 (See Maybelline for details)
Folsom Winter Nationals – Convergence 2/10

Prayer Requests
Mason and Cherry families
EZ Rider’s Mother-in-law’s sister passed away
Member of EZ Rider’s Father-in-law’s church

Prayer to take us out…

So you may be wondering how it was determined that Strava is a female. About half-way through the workout, I noticed my watch was not tracking my distance. This happens about 4-5 times a year when it doesn’t pick up the GPS signal before starting the workout even though it says it has picked it up (That’s not how we know Strava’s a female). When the workout was over, I ended the workout on my watch but got the message, “Strava needs a longer activity to upload. Do you want to discard this one?” I read that message out loud to which one of the PAX responded, “That’s what she said.” My activity was inadequate for Strava. Public embarrassment. Hate to see it. Guess we’ll try again next time…

Sinus Drainage at The Labryinth

Damp.  A few HIMs showed for the last Labryinth workout of 2023.  This weather is wreaking havoc on my sinuses.  Drainage is occurring.

Udders from Greensboro showed for the beatdown.

No FNG’s so we skipped the disclaimer, recited the pledge and got on with it.

Quick warm up with 12 – SSH’s and 12 – Imperial Walkers

Mosey to the Park to get to work.

First up was a simple “reps at the islands”:  Start at the upper end of the parking lot and mosey toward the lower end stopping at each island for 5 Merkins.

Next up was a “Lazy Man’s 10’s” (just made this name up on the fly):  10 Squats on one side of the parking lot – Mosey to the opposite side – 10 LBC’s – Repeat 9 more times.

“Reps at the light poles” – reverse of the first exercise with 5 CDD’s at every light pole heading back to the upper end of the parking lot.

Another round of “Lazy Man’s 10’s”:  Lunge to the light pole in the center of the parking lot – mosey to the other side – 15 Flutter Kicks – Mosey back and repeat 9 more times.

Quick set of each exercise we just completed:  5 Merkins – 10 Squats – 10 LBC’s – 5 CDD’s – Lunge to the light pole – 15 Flutter Kicks

Mosey to entrance of Martha Rivers – 10 Merkins

Mosey back to start for two sets of Mary – Oblique Crunches & Dying Cockroaches

Announcements:  New Year’s Day Convergence at Martha Rivers; EC Running & Rucking Options at 0600 (meet at Pelicans) followed by convergence.  Bring a block if you have one.  Beer Mile this Saturday at Sargento’s.

Prayer Requests:  Southminster family – The Mason’s – just suffered a death; others at the  Church.

Happy Holidays and as always, it’s an honor to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


The Chanukah Song

At some point late in Maybelline’s Q last week, one of the works of America’s finest creative geniuses was brought up. Yes, The Chanukah Song by Adam Sandler. Why is not important, but the fact it was stirred a thought in YHC’s mind. Could a weinke be created for this timeless treasure. The attempt went something like this…

Nothing to do with injury or suggestions, but rather a hint of the craziness to come.

The Pledge

Everyone sing along…

Put on your yarmulke
Here comes Chanukah
So much funukkah
To celebrate Chanukah
Chanukah is the festival of lights
Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy nights

SSH IC x 8
Moroccan Night Clubs IC x 8
Squats IC x 8
Merkins IC x 8
Mtn Climbers IC x 8
LBCs IC x 8
Imperial Walkers IC x 8
Burpees x 8

Mosey to the parking lot at the park

When you feel like the only kid in town without a Christmas tree Here’s a list of people who are Jewish just like you and me David Lee Roth lights the menorah
So do James Caan, Kirk Douglas, and the late Dinah Shore-ah Guess who eats together at the Carnegie Deli?
Bowzer from Sha Na Na and Arthur Fonzarelli

Eight’s (think of Eleven’s but Chanukah style)
Run to the other side of the parking lot for 1 Jump Squat
Run back for 7 (Son of a) Nutcrackers (Stand with hands in the air, lunge and arms down towards the crotch)
Repeat until the count was flipped

Mosey to the bottom of the parking lot

Paul Newman’s half Jewish, Goldie Hawn’s half, too
Put them together, what a fine lookin’ Jew
You don’t need “Deck The Halls” or “Jingle Bell Rock”
‘Cause you can spin a dreidel with Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock, both Jewish

In honor Paul and Ms Hawn, partner up. Start in the middle of the parking lot.
Partners run to the opposite sides and do 1 burpee
Run back to the middle for a Boo-yah Merkin
Rinse and repeat and increase Boo-yah count each time until you get to 8
8, the number of Best Actor Oscars that Paul Newman won

Put on your yarmulke
It’s time for Chanukah
The owner of the Seattle Supersonic-ahs
Celebrates Chanukah
O.J. Simpson, not a Jew
But guess who is? Hall of famer Rod Carew, he converted
We got Ann Landers and her sister, Dear Abby
Harrison Ford’s a quarter Jewish, not too shabby

Next, the only thing in the F3 Exicon with the word quarter in it… Quarter Pounder
Starting at a light pole, run to the next light pole then 25 Mike Tysons
Run back to first light pole, then run to the second light pole then 50 Flutters
Back to first light pole, then run to the third light pole then 75 LBCs
Back to first light pole, then run to the fourth light pole then 100 SSH

Mosey to the front of the turd shack.

Some people think that Ebenezer Scrooge is
Well, he’s not, but guess who is?
All three Stooges

Triple Triangle for the Stooges
Run to first corner Monkey Humpers x 30
Run to second corner for LBCs x 30
Run to third corner for CDDs x 30

The counts got a little fuzzy (Q fail) but round 2 cleared it up
Run to first corner Monkey Humpers x 20
Run to second corner for LBCs x 20
Run to third corner for CDDs x 20

Repeat a third time with a count of 10. Shemp was mentioned at some point so we did one more round with 30 Squats at the three corners for the forgotten Stooge

So many Jews are in showbiz
Tom Cruise isn’t, but I heard his agent is
Tell your friend, Veronica
It’s time you celebrate Chanukah
I hope I get a harmonica
On this lovely, lovely Chanukah
So drink your gin and tonic-ah
And smoke your marijuani-khah
If you really, really wanna-kah
Have a happy, happy, happy, happy Chanukah

To get smoked on the way back, we sprinted to the next light pole and then 5 merkins. Rinse and repeat to the front gate.

Mosey to the flag.

Site Q called Oblique Crunches x 8 on each side as a final Chanukah gift to the PAX.

2nd F lunch, 12/20 Hickory Tavern @ The Pub site in SOGA
Beer Mile 12/30 (I believe)

Prayer Requests
Simpson family
Greg Deals (F3 Wimpy), his mother passed
Buss family, Dan lost his wife Michelle to pancreatic cancer
EZ Rider’s son

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

The Lumber Yard

Thanksgiving is a week away, but you didn’t come here for any gobbledygook. Here’s what happened…

YHC arrived to find the Snoball’s light flashing “OPEN” which lit up the gloom. 0530. Let’s get after it…

SSH IC x 15
Merkins IC x 12
LBCs IC x 15
Imperial Walkers IC x 12

The Pledge

Mosey to the ballfield building by way of the park maintenance shed.

YHC called 4 x 4’s
4 AMRAP exercises, one minute each (that makes 4 minutes) with a 15 second break in-between
Exercise 1 – Seal Jacks
Exercise 2 – Perfect-form Merkins
Exercise 3 – Imperial Walker Squats
Exercise 4 – Flutter Kicks

Four rounds total. After each round, mosey around one of the ball fields with the first run being around the two fields in the back.

Mosey to the picnic shelter near the playground.

Time was short so this set of lumber would be 2 x 4’s
2 AMRAP exercises done twice, one minute each (that makes 4 minutes) with a 15 second break in-between
Exercise 1 – Step-ups
Exercise 2 – Dips
Exercise 1 – Step-ups
Exercise 2 – Dips

Mosey back to the flag.

F4 Trail Run this weekend
Frisbee tournament on Thanksgiving; appears all AOs are open at normal 0530 time
Convergence @ Yank and Christmas Party on 12/2

Prayer Requests
Simpson family
Turtleman and family
Jackson Hall
Everyone with sickness going around
Maybelline’s cousin

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

Reverse 66, 22’s, 11-10’s, 5-10-15

It was a great morning at The Labryinth.

8 plus your YHC showed for a beatdown in the gloom this morning.

Disclaimer plus a quick warm up of 15 IC Side-Straddle Hops and 15 IC Imperial Walkers.  Knocked out the pledge before The Thang.

Mosey over to Martha Rivers Park.

First work we copied part of JJ’s work from Monday.  Reverse Route 66.  Start with 11 reps and countdown by 1 at each parking lot island doing Merkins.

Time for 22’s across the parking lot(modified a little).

Started with 20 CDD’s – lunge walk to middle of parking lot – mosey to opposite side for 2 flutter kicks.  Rinse-Repeat counting up/down by two until we had completed 10 rounds with the last set being 2 CDD’s – Lunge Walk – 20 flutter kicks.

Short mosey around the parking lot and back to the same location for some modified 11’s or what I called today – 11-10’s.

Squats on one side (starting with 10) with 10 LBC’s on the other side with a mosey across in between.  We counted down the successive reps on the squat side but performed 10 LBC’s each round on the other.

Time to work our way back with multiple stops along the way with the following exercises at each stop: 5 Merkins – 10 Squats – 15 Flutter Kicks

Mosey back to the start.  Time’s up.

Announcements:  JJ 5k this Saturday in Stanley; Half-Marathon ruck coming up on October 21.

Prayer Requests:  Southminster Church; Jackson Hall; Huck; Turtleman & several others.

Until the next one.  Aye.


Get on the Bus

Back to school time which means the 2nd annual Back to School Q. Not really that big of a deal actually, but here’s what we did…

Warm-up the bus
SSH IC x 15
LBCs IC x 15
Imperial Walkers IC x 15

Mosey down Riverwood

Stop by the neighborhood pool for Morrocan Night Clubs x 50 to symbolically wave bye to summer vacation.

Mosey to the base of Gastone’s Hill. Need to pick up the kids on the bus so stop at every mailbox on the way up and the way down for 3 squats.

Moesey to Dollar General parking lot. Stop for last minute school supplies as each PAX picked an exercise.

Maybelline – Peter Parker Merkins (don’t think he read Flintstone’s backblast)
Fountainhead – Merkins (maybe? or maybe something else?)
Winehouse – Superman Pull-ups
JJ – Calf Raises on the curb
Stubing – Hand-release Merkins

Now that we have all our supplies, mosey to the school parking lot.

First up, math and geometry. Escalating Four Core-ners.
Corner 1 – 10 Crunchy Frogs
Corner 2 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercury,
Corner 3 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercury, 30 LBCs
Corner 4 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercury, 30 LBCs, 40 Flutter Kicks

De-escalate with a slight twist
Corner 3 – 10 Freddy Mercury, 20 LBCs, 30 Flutter Kicks
Corner 2 – 10 LBCs, 20 Flutter Kicks
Corner 1 – 10 Flutter Kicks

Mosey to the front of the cafeteria for lunch. Cherry Pickers x 50 (the only food related exercise I could think of quickly). Then, Drop the Cherries in the Basket x 50

Mosey along the wall to wait for the bus back
Dips x 15
Step Ups x 15
Derkins x 15
Dips x 10

Mosey back with a stop at the base of the hill to drop off the kids. Squats x 23 (think that’s the number of mailboxes up Gastone’s Hill)

Mosey back to the flag

The Pledge

3F lunch (yesterday)
F3 Dads Folsom Sat (8/19)
Crowder Hike (8/27)
Coconut Derby (9/3)
Conv Labor Day (9/4)

Prayer Requests
Maybelline’s grandfather
Stubing’s M, care for grandmother
Kids and teachers

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Five on the Fifth

Five PAX shook off the patriotic hangover from the Independence Day celebrations from the day prior, and here’s what happened.

SSH IC x 10
LBCs IC x 12
Imperial Walkers IC x 15
Morrocon Nightclubs IC x 20

Mosey down the street to the CaroMont Health parking lot (which was nice and freshly repaved)

10 Hand Release Merkins on the other side of the parking lot and mosey back for 1 jump squat
Rince and repeat until the counts were swapped

Mosey to Gastone’s Hill
Up the hill with a stop at every mailbox for 5 Mountain Climbers.
Mosey back down the hill

Mosey through the back entrance to Martha’s and over to the pull-up bar.
Seems like we used this more in the past so YHC wanted to bring this back.
Triple Nickle. There were 5 PAX (that’s one 5) who would each complete 5 pull-ups (that’s a second 5) for 5 rounds (and that’s three 5’s). While waiting, the other PAX would plank.

After this was complete, mosey to the open field for a round of 4 core-ners.
1st corner – 10 Big Boys
2nd corner – 20 Crunchy Frogs
3rd corner – 30 American Hammers (count 1 side)
4th corner – 40 Fluter Kicks (count 1 leg)

Mosey back towards the flag through the shortcut.
With inspiration from EZ Rider’s Q earlier in the week, the PAX had to stop and drop off the cargo we’d picked up during the 4 core-ners

10 Big Boys
20 Crunchy Frogs
30 American Hammers (count 1 side)
40 Fluter Kicks (count 1 leg)

Hustle back to the flag to finish just in time.

2nd F Lunch – 7/19 Pita Wheel in Dallas

Prayer Requests
Maybelline’s Cousin
Jackson Hall
Teens Westward Bound

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

3 Corners at The Labryinth

Most of you know that my Q’s are typically old school simple with basic exercises and circuits such as Dora and 4-Corners.  We modified 4-Corners a little today at The Labryinth.

Small but quality crowd at The Labryinth this morning.

Quick disclaimer and short warm-up:

15 SSH’s & 10 Imperial Walkers IC.  Pledge.

Let’s get on with it.  Mosey to the center of the baseball fields at Martha Rivers.

Didn’t have 4 corners close by so let’s do some 3-Corners around one of the baseball fields:

1st Corner – 10 Merkins; 2nd Corner – 10 Merkins & 20 Squats; 3rd Corner – 10 Merkins & 20 Squats & 30 LBC’s.

Round 2 included running the reverse direction with descending reps:

1st Corner – 30 LBC’s & 20 Squats & 10 Merkins; 2nd Corner – 20 Squats & 10 Merkins; 3rd Corner – 10 Merkins

Round 3 was back to the original running direction with ascending reps:

1st Corner – 10 CDD’s:  2nd Corner – 10 CDD’s & 20 Lunges (10 per leg); 3rd Corner – 10 CDD’s & 20 Lunges & 30 Flutter Kicks

Round 4 included running the reverse direction again with descending reps:

1st Corner – 30 Flutter Kicks & 20 Lunges & 10 CDD’s; 2nd Corner – 20 Lunges & 10 CDD’s; 3rd Corner – 10 CDD’s

Mosey over to the Picnic Shelter for another modified “no-corners”:

All reps at the Picnic Shelter with a short run in between reps out to one of the parking lot islands and back:

1st Set – 10 Derkins; 2nd set – 10 Derkins & 20 Step-Ups (20 per leg); 3rd set – 10 Derkins & 20 step-ups (modified here to 10 per leg) & 30 Freddy Mercurys

Finished a partial descending set of the same exercises plus a set of IC dips before heading back toward the start.

Two stops for some Merkins and CDD’s along the way.  Finished with some Mary of Flutter Kicks & Dying Cockroaches.

The morning humidity is upon us as we did some serious sweating this morning.


July 4th events in Belmont at The Yank – 0700 beatdown with Declaration of Independence reading after (0830?)

Several ongoing prayer requests.

Always an honor the lead a workout.  Until the next one.  Aye!


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