Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Speed For Need (Page 1 of 2)

Who Pushes Who?

It was a clear chilly morning for the long awaited return of the Community Foundation Run and YHC’s debut Speed for Need event.  I arrived early to lock down a few parking spots to give us plenty of room to set up.  I unlocked the trailer and lowered the tailgate like on one of those NASCAR promo videos in slow motion with the sunrise and a little ACDC in the background!!!  Out came the tent and chairs, and a few connections later, BOOM we were ready to roll.  By this time a few HIMs showed to help out, some went to the field, some stayed around the tent, and some I never got to see, but I heard they were there!

As we neared “go time” we were short two track commanders… a few phone calls later and it was discovered that one family was having trouble getting past Gastonia’s finest and into the parking lot and the other was going to be a no-show.  No problem, one crew headed to the S/F line with one commander and the other grabbed a chair and raced to the top of the parking lot.  A few quick clicks and track commander number two was ready to go.  Uh oh, in comes TC 3 that was totally unexpected an not one of the original.  I’ve never been more proud of the HIMs that jumped into action to secure a third chair (we’d already closed it up in the trailer by now).  Here click, there click, everywhere click click.  A few pic clicks and we scurried to the line.  Although the runners were off, it didn’t take us long to start racking up the kill shots as we worked our way through the crowd of walkers and finally to the back of the running pack.  We were having a blast but nowhere near as much fun as our TC.  The crowds were awesome and cheered him on at every turn.  We swapped around to share in the load and the fun!  Before we knew it we were back at the ballpark, crossing the finish line, and joining with the other crews!  Some final shots… all smiles of course and we were done.  What a day!  Count your blessings gents cause we’ve sure got’em.  I think all would agree on who pushed who!!!

Move over Rover… and let Jimi take over!  PH

Speed for Need Info (The Community Foundation Run 2022)


Not sure who all has agreed to help w/ the SFN event Saturday but the last word was we have two Track Commanders.  I am picking up the SFN trailer later today & am planning to arrive at the FUSE parking lot around 7am.  I plan to set up in the lower corner of the main parking lot (see photo) and have the caretakers park beside me for ease of access.  We will make our way to the S/F line before 9am in hopes that they will let us start a few minutes early.  Please reply to this post if you still plan to help push so I’ll have a headcount.  Give me a shout if you have any questions (980-448-8140).  Thanks & we’ll see you Saturday!

SFN Assembly Area (Community Foundation Run 2022)

Pre-Blast – SFN – CFN

Pre-Blast for Speed For Need / Community Foundation Run


When: Saturday, April 13th, at 9:00 am

Where: Rotary Pavilion, Downtown Gastonia

What: Speed For Need 5K

Who: You!

Why: Because we are F3 and this is what we do

Sign-Up: Registration Link

Group Info for Registration: Select “Speed For Need – F3 Gastonia

Cost: $20 if you register by Midnight April 1st, $25 after


This year I have the honor and privilege to Q my very 1st Speed For Need event. Ever since I attended my 1st SFN race last year (CFN 2018 to be exact), I was hooked. SFN is such a great organization and it inspires so many. This year we will have 4 Track Commanders, 3 of which are from our new partnership with Camp Sertoma.

Let’s Meet our Track Commanders:

Evan and Colton



Gabby’s Story:

She was born with Spina Bifida-Myelomeningocele( a whole in her back from L5-S5) hydrocephalus, neurogenic bowel and bladder, and syringomyelia ( a large cyst in her spinal cord that causes a loss of sensation in her trunk and legs). She uses a wheelchair as her primary form of mobility, but can walk with bracing and a walker. She also has EOE, an autoimmune response to lots of foods. She cheers, takes piano lessons, loves playing with dolls, and wants to work in the NICU when she grows up. She’s full of spunk and has never met a stranger. Oh, and she LOVES to talk


These kids are awesome and have wonderful stories to share. We will have full Bio’s released for all of the Track Commander soon so you can get to know them.


At this time I am looking for at least 3 more volunteers to be drivers. If you want to team up with a few other PAX and switch out pushing during the race, you are more than welcome to do so. If you have never pushed before you are missing out on the greatest feeling and experience in your life. it WILL change you.

HC Drivers:

  1. Clavin – Gabby
  2. Gastone
  3. Broke
  4. Termite

Driver Information:

Safety Training



Please step up and be the HIM that you are. Sign up today to Run, Walk, Nur, Push/Drive or whatever. Just do it. See me or Pizza Man if you have any questions, concerns or comments.




Pre-Blast: 5/28 F3 Memorial Day Convergence + Patriot 5K w/ SPEED FOR NEED

F3 Metro, F3 Area 51, and surrounding F3 Nation Regions !!! Coordinate your clowncars, bring your shovel flags, and lace up your shoes to remember our military veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

Save the (modified) murph for another day!  This year F3 Nation has the special honor of escorting 8 WW2, Korean War, and other military veterans in the Patriot Family Festival 5K through SPEED FOR NEED, and they could not be more excited!  Don’t believe me? Well watch some of them in the Charlotte Marathon Relay and see what fun they had being honored.  Veterans Complete CLT26.2 Event Video

Here’s the deal… 0630-0715 Convergence followed by 0730 Patriot 5K followed by an additional “Extra Mile” for our military heroes.  Choose your own adventure for the race: Bring your family and run with them, run with one of the 8 racing chairs (many pace groups: fast, faster, fastest), or run your own race.  But whatever you do make sure to cheer these guys on, and all the other service veterans present, and thank them for their service, as they remember their fallen brothers and sisters with us.  The goal is to have all surrounding Charlotte regions represented, and just a great morning of Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.  Here is the Event Video from last year… which was a great event: 2017 Convergenge and Patriot 5K


RACE EVENT: F3 Nation Convergence & Patriot Festival Go the Extra Mile 5K

WHO:       F3 Metro, F3 Area51 & surrounding F3 Nation Regions (driving distance from Southpark)

WHAT:     F3 Nation Convergence, followed by Patriot Festival 5K, followed by Extra Mile for heroes

WHEN:   Monday, May 28th 2018 / 0630-0715 Convergence / 0730 Patriot 5K

WHERE: next to South Park Mall / 2101 Rexford Road, Charlotte NC 28211 (parking lot at The Esplanade Building)

WHY:      Memorial Day is a day where we remember our armed service veterans who died for our freedom.  And celebrate those who have served our great country.


TEAM:     F3 / SPEED FOR NEED (Disc Code: F32018) . Price is $30 before code and goes up on 4/30



Questions? Message me @ JRRTOLKIENF3

See You all out there Memorial Day!

JRR Tolkien

F3 Gastonia SpeedForNeed Community Foundation 5k


Hell, where do I begin?  Let me take it back to when this SpeedForNeed thing first kicked off.  I was hooked from the start!!  Being at the first event on July 4th until now when I watch everyone’s videos, I still get the same feeling.   This year ToolTime informed me that I had a new role, SFN regional Q for F3 Gastonia.  I can’t explain how excited this made me!!!  Many of you know me and know that when I take on a role or anything that I do, I give 110% in every aspect.  The first 2018 SFN event in Gastonia was on the schedule for April 14th.  It really seemed like the event was so far away and would never get here, then the closer it got the more excitement there was.  Now it’s race day, the stage is set.  ToolTime, my M, and I arrive at the Rotary Pavilion in Ole’ Blue pulling a pine needle trailer(as Tolkien described it) with two badass racing chairs.  Thanks to all my F3 brothers and the supporters that helped set up the tent and get everything in check.  The Track Commanders James and Luka arrived, now it’s show time.   Coming into this I wanted to do one thing throughout the event, get a lot of footage of everyone on the course.  I felt like Tolkien Jr. during the event with all the interval running I was doing.  Hopefully with all the footage we got throughout the event it will create memories for a lifetime.  That is was what this is about!!!  I want to personally thank Jim Dunn and the Cardona family for giving F3 Gastonia the opportunity.  I also want to thank everyone that helped this event be a success!!  Sorry for the long BB but it’s really hard to put into words what this means to me!!  Please take time to read ToolTime and Stroganoff’s take away from the weekend.


As many of you know SpeedForNeed has  been a passion of mine since last year when I first saw a tweet about it. I remember sending J.R.R Tolkien a private message that said ” I have to be a part of this. I have to push”. Shortly after I found myself as the Regional Q for Gastonia! However I still hadn’t pushed a Track Commander. As a matter of fact I pushed a Korean War Vet for a very short distance in the Charlotte marathon relay last year. So this year when the opportunity was given to me by Vuvuzela to push Luka his 2.0 I was extremely excited. Running that race with Luka ahead of me the whole time was something that you can only truly understand once you’re able to do it. Luka pushed me men ….it was all about him….nothing else mattered just Luka getting across that finish line . I had a conversation just before we lined up to start with Vuvuzela and how Luka would communicate. he said to me ” If Luka his kicking his legs he is happy and having fun.” I took the information in and went  over to the starting line…the countdown happened and we were off…..however it was on a hill on 6th street that Luka  did it….I saw the hill and said to him  ” Luka were going to crush this”….going down was easy….however as we started to go back up it quickly became apparent that this was going to hurt….then it happened…..Luka kicked both of his legs up in the air and moved them around ….it was all I needed ,Luka had given me the strength to crush that hill. To be honest after that I was on cloud nine! This  young boy had strengthened me, made me stronger, because it was about him. I will cherish that moment until the day I die. Thank you Vuvuzela for allowing me the honor of racing with your son. He truly is a special boy.



After running and carrying a flag at the Christmastown 5k in late November with Speed for Need & F3, I was psyched and a little nervous about being a driver for Speed for Need at the Community Foundation Run. My small amount of anxiety was relieved when I met James and his grandfather Jim on Saturday morning and looked around at all of my F3 brothers getting ready to run.  I confirmed a few of the PAX to run with me in case I needed some relief and to carry the Gashouse flag.  James was unbelievable with his infectious smile and generally calm demeanor.  After some good tutoring from Tooltime and Pizza Man, I was ready to get after it.

After arriving at the start line with James, Luka and the group, I took a few steps forward to get a picture back toward the group. It was an impressive sight to see so many of our PAX there to help carry us through.

The excitement for me personally grew as the countdown started thanks to Hunchback and we were off. As we started moving, James threw both of his arms out as if he was flying, it was terrific.  A Gazette photographer caught this moment and if you have not seen this picture, please look out for it.  I think it captures the entire day for me.

We were off. I went out too fast….really Stroganoff, I’ve done this before.  The excitement of the moment with James and all our F3 PAX, I just took off, not as fast as Tooltime however.  We kept a good pace up as runners passed us but I had F3 guys all around me.  Whoopee was there to help push along the way, Slaw carrying the Flag, Roscoe to my right, it was terrific.  Pizza Man, Hipaa and Spider Monkey with the video.  I’m pretty sure Pizza Man got in some serious interval training while going back and forth between the chariots.  After we crested the first big hill (after about 1.7 miles) I was personally spent and handed off to Whoopee and somewhere toward the finish line Roscoe took over the flag.  We continued at a good pace as we made the last turn to head up South St.  I could hear the crowd cheering James on.  I’m pretty sure he lifted us up to the finish.  There is a great shot of us running through the finish line, Whoopee on the chariot’s main handles, myself pushing on the left side handle, Roscoe carrying the flag and Tyson to my left (Tyson had come back to help push us up that last hill).  This moment was also captured by a Gazette videographer, look for it on their website.

That was quite a moment for me personally and it took quite a while to get the smile off of my face. Smiles all around, pats on the back, James smiling, his Grandfather thanking us and telling stories, friends from the community patting us on the back, well earned sweat, gratitude…..I could go on and on.  This was just another terrific moment for me since getting involved with F3.  However, this was different.  It was about James and Luka.  After we awarded the medals to James and Luka, I had the great pleasure of picking him up out of his chariot and getting him back into his own chair.  He relaxed just enough to make it easy for me to get him comfortably situated.  He looked up at me and smiled.  This is what Speed for Need is about.  I did not really know until that moment.  It was an extremely impactful 2 – 3 hours for me, I hope it was also for James and his Grandfather.  I will not soon forget this day and am grateful for F3, F3 Gastonia, Pizza Man for the opportunity, Speed for Need and all the Gastonia PAX.  When can we do this again?  Until the next one.  Aye!!



Once again, I want to thank everyone that helped this event be a success!!  This would not have been possible without each and every one of you!!!

Until next time Pizza Man is OOOUUUUTTTTT!!!!!

PREBLAST: F3 Gastonia SPEEDFORNEED Community Foundation Run


Time has come!!  F3 Gastonia, many of you have seen my Tweets, Retweets, and more Tweets about SPEEDFORNEED!!  Now it’s your opportunity to be a part of this great organization.  Join your brothers from F3 Gastonia and F3 Nation for our 1st SPEEDFORNEED event of 2018 in our region.  Please come out and support Track Commanders James and Luka!!

  • RACE EVENT: Community Foundation Run
  • DATE: April 14, 2018 @ 9am
  • WHO’S INVITED: F3 Nation PAX, their M’s and 2.0s (spectate & support or register to run)
  • REGISTRATION WEBSITE: Community Foundation Run
  • OTHER DETAILS: When registering please select organization *SpeedForNeed F3 Gastonia*
  • MEETING POINT: 8:15am @ F3 Nation SPEEDFORNEED tent in the Rotary Pavilion (look for the racing chairs!)
  • HOST F3 REGION: F3 Gastonia
  • DRIVERS: Stroganoff and ToolTime
  • TRACK COMMANDER (TC): James Dunn (11yrs old) and Luka Cardona (7yrs old)

SpeedForNeed Christmastown 5k

It seemed like only yesterday YHC was sending JRR Tolkien a txt saying “This SpeedForNeed Thing, I have to be a part of it. I have to push a Chair do you Understand, I have to!” Fast forward 5 months and here we are at Gashouse’s inaugural SpeedForNeed Race! Something changed in YHC when I saw this thing that is SpeedForNeed; there was a deep down in your gut Heart response for YHC….this mattered.

Wow is it November 25th already? The day seemed to take FOREVER to get here….and then when it was upon YHC it seemed like there wasn’t enough time! YHC was a nervous wreck the day of! Would all the Track Commanders make it? Would their Families have parking? Would anyone get hurt and so many more things flooded YHC mind. Then what should’ve happened first Pray! God was in this YHC knew he was in this! And let me tell you for those of you reading this that were unable to make it HE showed up in a BIG MAGICAL way!

The Families arrived one by one and YHC talked with them as they arrived. YHC had the pleasure of meeting James’s, Amy’s and Austin’s families before the race. And I have the Pleasure of knowing T-Square as my F3 brother for about 2 1/2 years now! YHC didn’t know at the start of all this that meeting the families BEFORE the race would be such a blessing. Men that’s where the connection happens! You get to KNOW there stories and their stories matter! Edison, Dolph, and Pizza Man all went with YHC to meet there riders, and having met them there’s more of a bond on the track the day/night of a race! If YHC could recommend anything to a Q / Driver for future events it would be to meet the families before a race it makes all the difference.

Thank you everyone involved in this at Gashouse! All of you made a difference that night with these kids. They were smiling and you could see the joy in their eyes! Thank you JRR Tolkien for sharing your vision and making it come alive for the f3 Nation to serve some of the most overlooked members of society through SpeedForNeed! Men I just don’t know how to emphasize YHC heartfelt gratitude for you all jumping in head first with YHC in this adventure!

The Thang:

Here’s what YHC remembered …what a whirl wind…. We are gathered at the tent…17:30 time to get the Track commanders in the chariots….the Primary drivers of each Chariot load the commanders in! Gather in front of the YMCA in the street! BOM now while we have everyone! Pray!! Pray that we would be HIS light! That we would Be the difference….that the riders would experience JOY!!! And that we all would be protected from injury! Wow….prayers answered. Let’s go! We head to the starting line and lineup at the start 4 in a row with all the PAX right behind the chariots. At this point as YHC looks at all of YOU …YHC fighting back tears! You had to see it men! From YHC’s perspective  looking at ALL of you. What a group of men….doing this on a Saturday night holiday weekend….and you’re all there support these kids….humbled…almost brought YHC to his knees . The image of all of you at the start will FOREVER be etched in YHC mind!

Were off! 2mins prior to the race the course is ours!…YHC runs with Pizza Man and Amy ( she was SO excited ) to start so YHC could see her because YHC knew Pizza Man was going to tear it up and well…YHC just isn’t that fast! Drop back hang with Dolph and Austin! Man Austin was loving it smiling and laughing! Drop back run with Edison and James….the smile on James priceless! Drop back run with T-Square and Mason! Mason looking around….taking it all in chilled and relaxed as he’s on this ride! ….hey YHC  can still see Pizza Man….sprint (I know Defib doctors orders no sprinting) YHC only did it once! Only because I couldn’t catch him again! Rinse and repeat the drop back sequence….YHC continued to cut through drop back as much as possible to be able to spend as much time as possible with each Track Commander. As we were heading back YHC could no longer catch Dolph or Pizza Man so I ran through to the end with James and Edison! As YHC got back in line with them YHC notice a PAX about 30 yards or so ahead carrying a flag and yelling to the crowed…” this is James! Cheer for James” well done Norwood! Well done indeed! Run though the finish line!….YHC knew Mason was out there still….run back through the finish an d backwards on the course YHC heard his 2.1 yelling “ Dad your going the wrong way!”  As I see Mason coming with the “Girazelle” known as Sargento driving …grab a side ToolTime and we jail break it in through the finish! Gather again with the Pax avaible …and BOM …JRR Tolkien at YHC request prays for the group again.

Then back to the finish line!  And watch Mayor, Hushpuppy, Pockets, Roadie, Huckleberry and others finish their 5k’s (PROUD OF YOU MEN! AYE!)….then Bam just as quick as it started its over….some fellowship and stories shared of experiences on the course ….stories of the joy of the riders….wow…the joy of the riders…that’s what it’s all about men …that right their….sharing Joy by doing something for some one that can’t do it for themselves! That’s WHY we are here on this Earth! YHC asked each of the Primary drivers to write a little something….here are their recaps!



The Christmastown 5k was finally here and you could feel the excitement meeting all the Track Commanders at the SFN tent.  I had the honor to drive Amy along with some HIMS from F3 Gastonia.  There was nothing like the anticipation of having 4 chariots at the start line and wanting to give the Track Commanders the time of their lives through the lights.  As we hit the streets of McAdenville, the crowds were priceless.  Every supporter we passed cheered louder and louder!!  With every cheer and all the lights, we could hear Amy’s excitement in her voice.  Every time we heard her excitement we pushed harder.  Heading back to the finish line the supporters were chatting Amy, Amy, Amy.  With all the Christmas lights and the supporters along the course, my words can’t describe the excitement we saw in Amy as we crossed the finish line!!!  I would like to thank Quiche, Defib, and WeeWee for helping me give Amy the time of her life.  This was truly one of the most memorable days of my life.  Special thanks to Tolkien and ToolTime for giving me this opportunity.  I would like to give a shout out to the men of F3, their M’s, and 2.0’s for all the support.

Pizza Man



TClaps ToolTime for pushing this event. Great job brother, honored to be part of it.  Tool Time and I went to meet Austin and his parents last week, and yeah it was a little awkward but we had a good conversation and we were set and ready for the 25th. Austin is 6 and has cerebral palsy and can’t talk or walk but he has this little laugh that we heard a couple of times tonight that lets you know he is having fun. We were Team Green and we had a blast. Following a good distance behind Pizza Man we were rolling. The lights were bright and shining and the crowd cheering and shaking their cow bells as we ran by seemed to get Austin excited and he would kick his legs and let out that little laugh. Slaw kept pace with us and offered to push for a while, which I took him up on. As we ran through the neighborhood Austin got excited and somehow managed to throw out one of the side pads from his chair, I told Slaw to keep going as I went back to get it. Seeing Austin kick and laugh was awesome. Honored to be a part of it. It was a great time had by all for sure and look forward to the next one. Thanks to all the Pax for coming out as well. #ISI




ToolTime and I met James and his grandfather “Pop Pop” at Holy Angels about 2 weeks before race night. Pop Pop took us on a tour of the facilities and we had an opportunity to hang out with James for a little while. What an awesome little guy. Although he doesn’t communicate verbally, you can tell by his smile and his actions, he is following along. From the moment I met him, I knew race night was going to be special.
On race night, we got James strapped in to his chariot and met in the middle of the street for BOM.  Team blue met and made its way to the start line. Team blue consisted of Wheezy, Freight, Ash Pond, Madoff and 2.0s,  Norwood, WoJo, Blart, McEnroe,  ToolTime, JRR Tolkien and Graham who is my son’s and James’ best friend.
When the race started, team blue set out at a modest pace. As we watched Pizza Man’s and Dolph’s groups pull away, we heard James laughing out loud as the lights passed by. Team blue was amazing, at the beginning of every uphill climb, 2 guys would grab handles on the side of the chariot and help get up the hill. A short way into the race, Norwood, carrying the American flag, pulled about 30 yards in front of our group. Every group of spectators that he passed, he would yell, “This is James, cheer for James!” The whole course was filled with people cheering “GO JAMES!” as we passed. Team blue finished mostly together and met for prayer with the group at the finish line.
This was such an awesome experience.  Thank you JRR Tolkien for SpeedForNeed and everything you do. Thank you ToolTime for helping bring Speed For Need to Gaston County. Thank you Pop Pop for sharing James with us. Thank you team blue for sharing this experience with me. I look forward to more SpeedForNeed events in the future.




I feel honored to be a part of F3 and appreciate the opportunity to push Mason in this special event. We enjoyed meeting the other Speed For Need riders and their families, as well. This was definitely a memorable experience for my family!

F3 GasHouse has been there for me & my family through the good & bad. Thank you guys SO much!




1 Corinthians 16:13 (NLT)

13 Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous.[a] Be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13 (HCSB)

13 Be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, be strong.

Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


Great work today by all PAX. It was an honor to lead you men!

Tool Time


SPEEDFORNEED!!!! Gashouse men many of you have seen my Tweets and Retweets for SPEEDFORNEED!!!  TCLAPS to JRR Tolkien for bringing this opportunity to us! If you’ve Never heard of SPEEDFORNEED? Watch this cool YouTube Video “The Making of SPEEDFORNEED” which shows in ~4min what and why F3 Nation is doing this charitable initiative.


  • RACE EVENT: Christmastown 5K in McAdenville
  • DATE: November 25th(Saturday after Thanksgiving) ~ 6:00 PM Start time please arrive at least 1hr earlier ( we will be running through the Christmas Lights so streets will be closed at 5pm and traffic will be heavy allow extra drive time)
  • WHO’S INVITED: F3 Nation PAX, their M’s and 2.0s (spectate & support or register to run)
  • OTHER DETAILS:$30.00 Cost thru November 21st / / No race-day registration (RACE LIMITED TO FIRST 1,200 RUNNERS)
  • MEETING POINT: F3 Nation SPEEDFORNEED tent in front of the Pharr YMCA  (look for the racing chairs!)
  • HOST F3 REGION:F3 Gashouse
  • DRIVERS:T-Square, Dolph, Pizza Man , Edison
  • TRACK COMMANDER (TC):Amy, James, Mason , 4th TBD 



If your region wants to host a SPEEDFORNEED race, please let us know ASAP! We already have  races on the annual schedule and would do our best to enable you to provide the ride of a lifetime for kids with disabilities, while showcasing what F3 Nation is all about to your local community.

Contact: Twitter @F3SPEEDFORNEED or @JRRTolkienF3 or email

SFN… HELP Kids; GROW F3 Nation ~ JRR Tolkien & Tool Time

Top Hat Didn’t See the Warning!

YHC sent out 3 separate warnings this week on the Twitter….That YHC needed to train for the Charlotte Marathon Relay next week with  …Top Hat didn’t see them….




The Thang:

We moseyed from the Yank toward the downtown Belmont Turned Left on Woodrow and then left on N Central …we continued to the New Harris Teeter on South point Rd.  this was 2.0 Miles.

When we arrived at the Teeter

Corewood by ToolTime was initiated (Show To Know about the Name)

In and Outs with arms up -25

Freddie Mercury’s forward with arms up in seated V position – 25 /Then Backwards for 25

Crunchy Frog – 25

Wide leg sit-ups – 25

Fifer Scissors- 25

Hip Rock and Raise – 25

Heels to Heaven- 25

V-Up/Roll-ups -25

Oblique V-ups Right Side -25 /Then Left side -25

American Hammers -50

When Corewood was completed we did a short count off and then headed back to the F’ing Yank another 2.0 Miles!!!

Once we arrived at the Yank…

On your 6

50 Flutter Kicks IC

25 Pretzel Crunches each side

Before YHC could say recover….Top Hat decided to stand up…..sooo

25 more Flutter Kicks IC.


Announcements: Advisory Board Meeting Nov 12th at Cavendish in Gastonia, Christmas Party Dec 1st See Freight and Preblast for Details, Christmastown 5k SpeedForNeed!!! November 25



Prayer Requests

Brownstreak’s Father fighting for his life, Quiche is in Pakistan prayer for his ministry to be IMPACTFUL for the Kingdom and for his safe return home.

YHC asked Top Hat to take us out in Prayer as he is a Mighty Prayer Warrior and YHC hasn’t had the pleasure of hearing a Top Hat prayer in far too long!

Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

SPEED for NEED themed delivery…

After a nice family vacation and taking part in the inaugural SPEED for NEED event on July 4th, I reached out to Midoriyama site Q, Def Leppard, for an opportunity to Q.  Lucky for me and the PAX Tuesday was open.  After being a part of the SPEED for NEED event, my heart and mind has been thinking about this great cause.  I can’t explain the joy and emotion that I felt seeing Owen smiling and having such a good time in the 4miler.  I’m sure you are like myself and often take for granted being able to lace up my shoes and go for a run or even post at an F3 AO.  I thank the man above every day for giving me the ability and opportunity to do the things I love.  With that being said, F3 Gastonia is hosting the SPEED for NEED event at The third annual Christmas Town 5K will be held on Saturday November 25 @ 6pm.  Since I had Q, I felt like it would be a great time to let the PAX see what it is like to push a chariot. (Well, I don’t really have a SPEED for NEED quality chariot but my 2.0’s running stroller will work.)   Something in my head (well really the man above) told me to come up with 19 exercises plus the one HIM pushing the chariot.  Never at Midoriyama have we had 20 HIMS show for a workout but for some reason I felt and was told it was going to happen on this day.   I loaded my Ruck Bag with about 60 lbs. for the chariot and was super excited about this Q. I knew it was going to be a special day!!  I arrived a little early at Midoriyama to write the exercises in the parking spots.  WeeWee came to give me a hand and we could see the PAX coming in.  One after another they kept rolling in; I looked at WeeWee and said this might be the day!!  5:30pm rolls around so it was time to begin…a short disclaimer… Pizza Man’s an idiot!! Wait…3 more PAX rolling in hot so first exercise is Moroccan Nightclubs as we wait for them to get out of their cars.  As I looked around I wanted to do a quick count off to make sure I counted in my head correctly.  YES, I was amazed 20 HIMS posted for this SPEED for NEED themed workout!!!  As I mention all the time and in some of my past Back Blast, things happen for a reason and GOD IS GOOD!!!  Nobody knew what the Q had in store for them but something told them to post today!!  With that being said it went like this….


Seal jacks X 10 IC

Don Q’s (ToolTime’s) X 10 IC

Enough with the warm-up let’s roll……the PAX had a short mosey to the parking lot but not before 5 humpees. After a short explanation of SPEED for NEED and the Christmas town 5k each PAX picked a parking spot with an exercise wrote in it.  The exercises were….

  1. Merkins
  2. LBCs
  3. Squats
  4. Incline Merkins
  5. Flutters
  6. Calf raises
  7. Decline Merkins
  8. American Hammers
  9. Mountain climbers
  10. CDDs
  11. WW1s
  12. Lunges
  13. Mike Tysons
  14. Freddy Mercury’s
  15. Rocky Balboas
  16. Dips
  17. Plank shoulder taps
  18. Side Straddle Hop
  19. Burpees
  20. Stroller push around median

PAX are to complete AMRAP of exercise until the stroller run is done, then rotate to the next parking spot

Never underestimate the warriors at Midoriyama!! I thought that this work plus the cool 95 degrees temperature, that it might take up the whole 45 minutes but I was wrong. So another count off just to hear that great record number of 20 and now let’s mosey. We took the long route to the soccer field for a plank burpee bridge. (Our former Gastonia Natan, Whoopee, made this up.) This was definitely a crowd pleaser. With 45 minutes nearing, time to mosey back to the flag. One more set of 5 humpees and 22 for the Vets and this workout was complete.



The third annual Christmas Town 5K will be held on Saturday November 25, 2017 @ 6pm


Coach K and his family

Soldier’s that lost their lives in the plane crash and their families.

Other prayers not mentioned!!

T-Square’s wife

Philippians 4:4- Rejoice in the Lord always, again I will say, REJOICE.

Once again it is always a pleasure to get the opportunity to lead a great group of HIMS. I hope after this workout and reading this that you sign up for the The third annual Christmas Town 5K will be held on Saturday November 25, 2017 @6pm and other SPEED for NEED events. This is a great thing we have going!! Special thanks to JRR Tolkien!!!

Until the next delivery Pizza Man is OOOOUUUUUTTTT!!!




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