Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Rooster

Running The Rooster

Third Annual Rooster Relay. YHC has been to all three events, and have enjoyed each one of them. It is always goods times, getting to get in some fast laps and fellowship with Gashouse brothers and meet other F3 brothers from other regions. Not mention, The Rooster is always a good cause, raising money for local charities…This year proceeds went to the Rock Hill Men’s Shelter, $2300 was raised. Nice!

This years relay started a little earlier than in the past from what I remember. Teams had to be in Rock Hill around 5:30am and start was @ 6am. It was also cold with some wind..

Gashouse was well represented, 3 running teams and 3 rucking teams…. Well Done Gashouse!

The Rooster is a 26 mile relay or some call “The Fastest Marathon”. Teams are made up of 5 runners or an ultra team, 2 runners. Each team runs 26 miles. Full teams (5 man) , each runner has 5 x 1 mile laps with the final lap ran as a team to make 26 miles. The ultra teams run 12 x 1 mile laps and finish the last together.

Gashouse had 2 four man teams and 1 full five man team. I really don’t know where each team placed, but I know we all did well. We all were running laps like we were at Dover International Speedway, going Nascar fast, round and round, all left turns!

Somewhere around YHC’s 3rd leg, Dirt and I took off at the same time. We stayed close to each other most of the loop, but YHC was pulling away just a little. With about 50 yards left before the exchange zone, Dirt calls out that he was catching me, before I knew, we were side by side with a photo finish, I believe Dirt had me with an arm reach. Way to go Dirt!

All in all, we had a great time…Looking forward to next years Rooster!


Breaker Breaker

Rucking the Rooster

3 Teams of 5 took on the Rooster with weight packs.

GasHouse was well represented and are a competitive bunch.

To try to win this race, there were times for the 1 mile that would make some runners jealous.

All did a great job and pushed themselves.

This was a great time and would recommend to any and all.

If you want to know who won or the details thereof, you should been there (or talk to Roadie and Hacksaw)

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