Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Prison Break (Page 6 of 9)

Hot Mosey

September is the time of year when all runners and runnerets, kick the dust off the ole running shoes. But not F3 we been training and getting stronger since, well all the time. As men I feel like we live for this, not running not bootcamp but the strong bond and friendships ” my M just said rectal prolapse while charting notes” Gotta love Covid life all working under one roof. I find myself missing being around the pax if I’m fartsacking or other obligations. But fortunately I was able to make it out and get a run in with two men I have not run with before. Wichita and Sarlacc, two great Men both have been excelling tremendously, as a matter of fact Sarlacc could be a secret ultimate Frisbee champion. I am still amazed how we get older and thanks to F3 rekindle friendships from the past. Wichita and me go back from being kids in various churches to riding around with the windows down late at night cause I farted and stunk up the car back in the day! Thanks to F3 I have grown to know Wichita as an adult follower of Christ and true HIM!

Thank you for the opportunity to serve.

Shooting and BBQ 9/12
CSAUP 9/19
JJ 5k 9/26
Mount Mitchell Hike 9/27
Iron Pax challenge every Saturday this Month at the Gas House AO.
Prayer Request:
SA’s Daughter, Broke’s Mom, Wire Nuts Mom, Stogies Dad, Pray for Huck that he will have a great interview and make a lot of Money!

The Bed Pan is Full!

Prison Break’s Alternate ID

11 escaped the mileage of Prison Break to give Week 0 of the Iron Pack Challenge a go.

This week’s challenge…

For time:

4 Rounds of:

50 Squats
40 Big Boys
30 Merkins
20 Bonnie Blairs
10 Burpees
400 Meter Mosey

All pushed and were pushed.

Prison Break

8 of us made it out to Prison Break this morning to get some miles in. It was great to see everyone! Lets keep pushing the rock.



Gump with Gashouse annihilation 29th

JJ 5k 26th

Csaup at Folsom 19th get up with broke

Mt Mitchell hike



Prayer Request

Phillips family in Dallas

Sister act and his family

Parham family in Gastonia

Each other


Thanks men



Back in town for Prison Break

I made it back from the beach and back out to prison break to see some brothers this morning! It was great seeing everybody and just being back in fellowship! While I was on vacation I thought to myself a few times as I was running about how thankful I am to have a brotherhood so solid to fellowship with and workout with. I’m glad I don’t have to run or live life alone all the time! I’m thankful for you guys and the way the lord has used each one of you in my life! Just a thought I wanted to share to let you guys know how Important it is to me to have this solid group and what it should mean to each one of you. Ponder on it and let it marinate on what this circle means to you.

God is so good!


JJ 5 k September 26

Shoot em up event

annihilation workout Gump Q @ Gashouse 29th

Csaup September 19 th @ Folsom


Prayer Request

All PAX that are injured

SA Family

Our Community


Thank you men





7 men resisted the fartsack this morning, and did some running! Wichita ran his fastest mile to date! Sarlack continues to the rock, not missing a chance to better himself! Kingpin ran thinking about how he is gonna hurt us at Folsom this Saturday. Broke talked about how he was gonna take it easy, he and Barrel Racer took off like there butts were on 🔥! Purple haze lagged back with me for a mile or so, then caught passing gear! Good job men!

Announcements! JJ5K will be September 26th be sure and sign up! They need our support! And it’s the only race I know of coming up!
Mt Mitchell hike the next day!

Prayer requests! Sister Acts daughter and family, my nephew, school workers, our community!

Dust Off Those Runnin’ Shoes

I arrived right on time according to Sparky’s watch to see 4 other men stretching out and getting ready for a lil’ mosey around Dallas. It was really good to see Sarlacc out running with us today. He’s still relatively new to F3 but I have seen him running after Folsom on Saturdays and assume he’s running at other times as well. I also noticed him right on my heels Tuesday morning at Folsom. He’s getting after it!

Volt was not there.

Thang: We ran. Most guys did between 3 and 4 miles each and pushed on through the incredible humidity.

Prayer Requests: Sister Act and his family, Sparky’s nephew, Oompa’s back, our leaders including local, state, and federal government) – YHC took us out in prayer.

Moleskin: I have run more this year than ever before in my life. It’s been great to see progress but those nagging injuries started to pile up as well. In late June, I consciously cut back on the running a bit to let my sore ankle recover. 2 weeks or so later, I was feeling much better. However, with church commitments on Sunday, a desire to sleep on Mondays & Wednesdays, and too much heat for me to run at lunch, I found it hard to get back in the groove. I noticed I was finding all the excuses I needed to justify not getting back at it. Grabbing the Q this morning was good so it pushed me to get back out to run. If you don’t see me running (not bootcamp, running) at least once a week on Strava, call me out! I need it!!!

  • Montross aka T-Ron

Prison Break 7-22-20

8 Men ran some miles at Prison. Good to see Sarlack getting after it pushing those rocks!


Prayer Request

SA Daughter

Each other

Our community


annihilation at the Yank this Saturday Pizza Man Q

Prison Break

10 guys out at the prison break to log some miles. Everyone done a great job pushing the rock. Let’s continue to do so, hold each other accountable and get the work done! Wether it be spiritual or physical we can all do something productive in our lives and in the community so let’s get after it!


PT at the Gashouse 18th

Annihilation at the yank on 25th

Prayer Request

Sister Act family

Our community

Each other


Round Up

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