Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Midoriyama (Page 51 of 51)

Trail Run, Burpees, and stuff.

Today’s weather was warm and beautiful. Loving the time change which allowed us to enjoy a trail run around the Poston pond. The locals have rumored this trail has the best scenic views and wonderful landscape in the entire county. Unfortunately, I was unable to enjoy them with the pain in my side and gasping for air.

After this warm-up run, we did a little burpee practice and went from there. Here is the list:

  • Warm-up 1 Mile Trail Run
  • Teams of two, One partner runs and does 5 burpees, while partner does LBC. Total of 60 burpees
  • Very long lunge walk
  • 20 squats
  • 5 IC worst merkin ever
  • 10 pull ups
  • 2 Minute plan with random plank jacks to peter parker to parker peter
  • 20 IC crunch with flutter kick
  • one more that I can’t remember

Men’s Health

Wednesday night I was reading an issue of Men’s Health and found an article about how HIIT training came about. The article had some suggestions for some exercises to do and well…I couldn’t resist trying it. I scratched my plan and created a new one. Thanks Men’s Health and your welcome PAX!



Don Quixte X 10IC

High Knee’s

Flutter Kick’s X 15IC

Seal Jacks X 10IC


The Thang:

Start with a round of weight training exercises. Then 2 minutes of cardio. Then finish with a body weight exercise

Do one of three: Burpee Rows with bricks x 10, Squats with 30lbs slam ball x 20, Snatch and squat with 40lbs kettlebell x 10

2 minute cardio-Run for for 2 minutes at high pace and mixed it up a few times with 2 minutes of Burpee’s! (Crowd favorite) We needed burpeethon training anyway!

Finshed with pullups 10,8,6 or merkins x 15 IC

We did two rounds which equals 6 sets



Great work by all today. The PAX fitbit numbers say this was a good one! It must have been because as I type this the morning after I have hit a new low weight # my body fat and BMI went down and muscle % went up! It doesn’t and shouldn’t get easier but we will get better!

Pizza Man’s A-Z Delivery

Mt. Midoriyama- 3 PAX showed up on this beautiful spring day for Pizza Man’s special delivery.  Nothing better then an A-Z delivery!!



Side straddle Hop X 20

Don Quoties X 10

Run a Lap around parking lot





A- Air Squat x 20

B- Burpee x 10

C- Carolina Dry Docks x 20

D- Dips x 20

E- Elevens (1 lunge 10 merkins, 2 lunges 9 merkins, etc.)

F- Flutter Kicks x 30

G- Gorilla Humpers x 20

H- Hillbillies x 20

I- Iron squat x 15

J- Jump ups x 15 (Bleachers)

K- Knerkin (Knuckle merkins) x 20

L- LBC x 30

M- Merkins x 20

N- Nolan Ryan x 10 each arm

O- One-legged lunge x 10 each leg

P- Parker peter x 20

Q- Quadraphilia x 7

R- Reverse crunch x 20

S- Smurf Jack  x 20

T- Travolta’s “Staying alive plank” x 10 each arm

U- Up downs x 5 with High knees between

V- V-up roll up x 10

W- Werkin (wide merkin) x 20

X- Xs and Os x 10

Y- Yul Brynner-Magnificent Seven Merkins. (Progress through 7 different types of merkins x 5 reps: Carolina Dry Dock to Wide Merkin to Merkin to Ranger Merkin to Diamond Merkin to Crucible Merkin to Chuck Norris Merkin)

Z- Zombie walks

*With a little time left, mosey over to the playground for 2 sets of 10 pull-ups then ran the long lap back to the flag to end with a “Mary” of planks.*


Thanks to all the men that showed up for Pizza Man’s delivery, we demolished it. 



Three Minute Intervals of Fun

MOUNT MIDORIYAMA GASTONIA — Two pax showed up ready to have a little end of day fun. With a mountain in the backdrop and the sun setting, it was time for the Thursday workout.

What is 2 + 2 yelled Floppy Disk, today’s Q. In unison, the men grunted four. Floppy retorted, NO! It’s three and I’ll prove it!

With a round of laughter, no one believed and they knew he was crazy.

Floppy took the pax to the ministry of love to prove to them that it indeed equaled three. Firing up a timer with intervals set at three minutes the first thang was yelled out. “Blockies”!

When that three minutes of horror ended, plank was shouted. Then squats, air jump ropes,  plank jack to sit-ups, star jacks, lunges, LBC’s, merkins and more. The onslaught of three-minute exercises didn’t stop until time ran out.

By the end, all were in agreement. “2+2=3” and love is hate.1

The Thang


  • Mosey a lap around the parking lot
  • Short break to fix the flag
  • Side straddle hop (20 IC)
  • Moroccan Night Club (20 IC)

The Thang

  • 3 minutes of blockies (30 second rest)
  • 3 minutes of low/high plank (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of squats (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of air jump rope  (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of plank jack to sit-up (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of star jacks (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of LBC (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of merkins (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of lunges (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of mountain climbers (should be renamed to Madoriyama  climbers)
  • 3 minutes of side plank alternating sides every 30 seconds.


Pledge, prayer, and while leaving we talked about some of the places in the bible that mentions the number three. Jonah in the belly of the fish for three days, Jesus’s ministry lasted three years, Peter denied him three times, the rooster crowed three times.

1. These events may have not happened exactly as described. 🙂

Throwback Thursday – A trip down Route 66

MOUNT MADORIYAMA GASTONIA — Two men meet at the base of the towering mountain ready for an epic throwback Thursday adventure down the infamous Route 66.

As Freight planted the flag, there was humorous banter about a mythical F3 unicorn named Greg Louganis Merkin and how they wanted to see a video of Jolly Roger performing this stunt.

The journey back in time started with a short warm-up to get the oils flowing for an adventure down Main Street of America. Twenty arm circles forward, twenty backwards, followed by twenty side straddle hops. IC of course.

With their heart rates up the first leg of Route 66 got underway with a legend from the 1990’s, Bobby Hurley. With spirits high the men mixed 40-yard sprints in between sixty-six jump shots.

Bobby had other arrangements and for the next leg, and we picked up a hitchhiker named Mr. Merkin to take his place. The Q decided to swap out sprints for 40-yard side steps.

With the second leg complete the crew got a little hungry and took a detour to 1948 for the grand opening of in and out burger. To work up the appetite, they ran backwards down Route 66 for 40 yards and did sixty-six in and outs on their six.

Candy is what they wanted for dessert, and luckily the Starburst plant wasn’t far away. This leg consisted of 40-yard sprints and StarJacks.

For the final leg of Route 66, they went to a galaxy far away. A place where the Imperial Walker’s roam free.

After finishing this epic journey they still had time left and threw in some country music with “Yeah”, 40-yards of lung walks, 20 merkins to Peter Parker to Parker Peter. Finally, 5 Star Burpees to finish it off.


Warmup (all IC):

  • Arm circles – 20 front, 20 back
  • Side straddle hop – 20

Main Event:

  • Route 66 Bobby Hurley
  • Route 66 Merkin with Sideways run
  • Route 66 in outs with backwards running
  • Route 66 Star jacks with running
  • Route 66 Imperial Walker
  • 20 wall taps
  • Yeah
  • Lung walks
  • 20 merkins to Peter Parker to Parker Peter
  • 5 Star Burpees


Only two of us, so it was short and to the point. One advantage is with a small group we got to cover all the F’s. “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” – Proverbs 27:17

Wide World of Sports

4 Showed up for the  first official F3 workout at Poston Park. Named “Madoriyama” for the severe ninja training and the massive mtn looming over the park. I say official because over the last 8 months 2 men have joined and pushed YHC every Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30 pm awaiting F3 Gastonia to be ready for expantion into the evening.(during the winter we are in the gloom too!) To celebrate we went back through the first workout we ever did there and my first Q.


Cross Country- Moseyed down the road and through part of the trails. Circled up for:

SSH x 10 IC

Arm Circles x 10 IC

Imperial Walkers x 10 IC

Air Push up x 10 IC

Merkin x 10 IC

Crunches x 15 IC

The Thang

Moseyed to the baseball filed for baseball inspired exercises

Catcher- Sumo squat jumps x 20 OYO

Shortstop- Side hops touch the ground- 5left 5 right x 2

Outfielder- Sprint 5 burpee’s x 2

Batter-Flutterkick’s x 10 IC

Mosey to the soccer field for soccer theme

Squat front kick x 20 OYO, sprint across field, LBFC’s x 20 OYO, sprint across field, Squat jump x 10 OYO

Mosey to other field for football theme

Merkin and roll x 20 OYO

Mosey to hill for bear crawl up and crabwalk down x 2

Mosey to parking lot for bear crawl across 5 merkins and back for 5 more( heard some onlookers yell “look bear crawls”, we must look good doing them!)

Mosey to horseshoe pits for bowling/horseshoe theme

Lunge the full length while throwing you back leg around like you are a pro!

Moseyed to the playground for gymnastics theme

pullups x 10 squat x 10, Rinse and Repeat

Moseyed back the long way(your welcome Flppy Disk) for some alternating shoulder taps and peter parker.

Finished up with the Pledge. Thanks for the reminder JK2!


The usual announcements. JK2 is interested in doing the mud run so we need three more to step up and join him. We have one team so far. Contact him or me if interested.

As always it was a pleasure! I have to give a shoutout to Pizza Man and Floppy Disk who have had a huge impact on my life the last year. Locking shields with me weekly and giving me reason to push on!

F3 Gastonia is proof of the starfish and how it happens. I have found lately that sadclowns make me mad and I am surrounded by them everywhere! So help me get better by making these clowns better. EH someone and get them out to a workout. We have 6 days of workouts in the mornings and the evenings now. We are eliminating excuses.

I look forward to seeing others join us at Midoriyama. It is a great location. We accept early workers, fartsackers, smartsackers and those that just plainly won’t get up! No more excuses! Aye!

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