Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Midoriyama (Page 43 of 51)

The Safe Word Is “Tassels”

Thirteen men showed up at Midoriyama on an awesome afternoon with perfect weather. We jumped right in and here is the breakdown:

Warm Up (IC)

  • Seal Jacks – 21
  • Don Quixote’s – 21
  • LBC’s – 20

Short an sweat and ready to start the main event.

Main Event

  • Mosey to the light pole.
  • Sprint to the next light, mosey to the next, repeat down and back.
  • Back to flag for the fun part!

I pulled out the phone and set a round timer. 3 minutes on and 30 seconds of break. It’s just three minutes! It can’t be that hard, right?

  • 3 minutes of Squats with lots of mumble chatter about other things that you can do in three minutes. NSFW.
  • Decided on a safe word and because of Slaw’s hip thruster squats the PAX decided on tassels.
  • 3 minutes of fast feet and anytime a PAX said tassels we did a burpee.
    Apparently, Huckleberry is a sadistic and loves that word.
  • 3 minutes of low/high plank, switch on the safe word.
  • 3 minutes of lunges
  • 3 minutes of LBC’s and anytime the safe word was used it switched to the big boy sit-ups.
  • 3 minutes of high knees
  • 3 minutes of wall taps.
  • 3 minutes of toe touches.
  • 3 minutes of merkins. Omaha with a minute left into burpees
  • Q called out Bobby Hurley’s, and the mumble chatter made him feel bad. Switched to 3 minutes of arms over head butt kickers.
  • 22 Merkins for the vets.
  • TIME!

Announcements, Pledge, and COT. Keep Huck’s family in your prayers.

Great job everyone!

“The glory of young men is their strength, but the splendor of old men is their gray hair.”- Proverbs 20:29


11 PAX made baseball a little more exciting at Midoriyama today by actually moving. It’s no secret that I am not a fan of the sport. I’ve tried but just cannot get in to it. I would much rather watch underwater basket weaving. Midoriyama has a lot of ball fields so I figured I might as well put them to good use.


Morrocan Nightclubs while we waited for all the PAX to get to the circle

SSH x 20 ic

Alternate high knees and butt kickers for a few minutes

Mosey to the baseball diamond

The Thang:

I made a bunch of cards with different hits and exercises and put them in a bag. Each PAX took a turn at bat by pulling one out. If it was indeed a hit we ran the bases and performed the exercise at that base. Multiples of the below were in the bag.

Foul ball- 40 Tri Dips at the bleacher or run the entire fence

Pop Fly(out)-10 burpees where you stand

Bunt(out)- 20 squats where you stand

Single-30 LBC’s or 20 merkins or lunge to 1st or zombie walk to 1st

Double-20 diamond merkins or 40 Freddy Mercury’s or 50 Flutter Kicks

Triple-Bear crawl from 2nd to 3rd or 20 wide arm merkins or 40 CDD’s

HR-15 sumo squat jumps or 20 LBFC’s or 15 Bobby Hurley’s

Some were pulled multiple times and a few never got pulled. All in all it worked out pretty good. We stayed moving the whole time. The only downtime was the brief time it took someone to draw another hit.

Mosey back to the flag for the pledge and 22 for the Vets.


Announcements- P200 meeting, Mudrun coming up, Frigid 5k see Pizza Man

Prayer Request


As always the PAX of Midoriyama didn’t disappoint. Great job by all pushing the rock today.Some complained! Some complained a lot but they pushed on anyway!

Occam’s Razor

12 “Midoriyama Men” came out for a STRONG posting today!

Inspired by a recent backblast from Stroganoff about simplifying life in 2017, I put together a weinke that would make Sir William Ockham proud.

Occam’s Razor is the philosophy that “the simplest answer is most often times the correct one.” We make things too complicated in life and our workouts at F3 sometimes fall into that trap as well. (Just look at our lexicon or workouts list as proof.)

With that message to start us off – no need to get creative or fancy: Let’s elevate our heart rates, strengthen our core and make each other better. Aye!


SSH X 20, Toe Touches X 20 counts for each leg, Mosey time!

The Thang:

(Elevate heart rates = run) Mosey around the parking lot (scenic route) to Playground

Set 1: Say hi to Floppy Disc and Freight’s M’s and 2.0s

Set 2: 6 pull-ups & 30 Big boy situps

Set 3: 6 pull-up & 30 Merkins (kids wouldn’t sit on Dad’s backs despite offers of candy from Q)

Set 4: 6 pull-ups & 30 LBCs (mumble chatter coming from Ms)

Scenic route mosey to soccer fields aka: “Fighter’s Field”

(strenghten the core) Bruce Lee’s, Mike Tyson’s, Floyd Mayweather’s:

Set 1: Bruce Lee’s (6 Ab Exercises all I.C. – 1. Hammers x 25, 2. Leg Raises x 20, 3. LBCs x 30, 4. Heel Touches x 20, 5. Crunchy Frog x 10, omaha’ed 6th rep) & Mike Tyson’s x 10 I.C. & Floyd Mayweather’s x 20 I.C.

Rinse and repeat for Set 2…..ish (May have cut short when noticed sun setting and some members of senior circuit already have fading eye sight – needed for our “Main Event”)

Main Event:

Tennis Ball Madness:

2 Teams lineup opposite ends of the soccer field. 8 balls on each goal line. Team does SSH or squats while 1 member of team sprints to opposite field to retrieve ball 1 and bring back to their goal. Then quote and exercise is read to the group. Team does exercise together then send sprinter 2 for the 2nd ball, repeat until all 8 balls are in your goal! 1st team to get all balls wins a prize! Exercises and quotes are listed here: (strengthen core, elevate heart rate and encourage and lift each other up) Aye!

BALL 1 = 25 x Diamond Merkins

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to YOUR FORMER SELF!” – Hemingway

BALL 2 = 50 x Dying Cockroaches

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9

BALL 3 = 50 x Freddy Mercurys

“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.” – Henry David Thoreau

 BALL 4 = 25 x Merkins

I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” – Philipians 4:13

 BALL 5 = 50 x LBFCs

“The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion. Be the change that you want to see in the world.” – unknown

BALL 6 = 25 x WWI Sit Ups

“but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” – Isaiah 40:31

 BALL 7 = 50 x Squats & 100 calf raises

“No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody who is sitting on the couch.”

BALL 8 = 25 x American Thors (4 count)

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” – Ephesians 6:10

Catch Me If You Cans x back to the flag (serious mumble chatter and possible SV incident due to a full “nur sprint” by Freight)

 Pledge, Announcements, COT

Prayers for Huckleberry’s M, Def Leopard’s M, – successful surgeries and for Slaw’s brother, may the Lord work on his heart. Pray for the men of F3 and for our families, our community and our nation.

Moleskin: (not sure I’m using that right – like Ron Burgendy using “when in Rome” though – I’ll find it…) Shared the message that men, like a stool, have 3 legs they must stand on to stay balanced. A healthy body, healthy mind and healthy soul – F3 takes care of all 3 for me and hope we can continue to encourage each other to get better together. It was my honor to lead these great men and great friends today.


13 of the Gashouse’s finest posted to midoriyama to break sweat with their brothers.  serious mumble chatter before the launching point about yhc with the q and the probability of us finding a wall at some point.  we shall see… 1730 hits – time to clock in, men.

warmups: people’s choice.  short sale with seal jacks, gomer with big boy sit-ups, blart with merkins, pockets with freddy mercury aaaaaaaaaaaaand i can’t remember the last one. sorry to whomever it was.  let’s mosey.

mosey to the soccer field for bombs.  p1 exercises, p2 makes a lap around the soccer field.  50 burpees, 100 overhead claps, 150 merkins, 200 big boy sit-ups and 250 squats. always a real crowd pleaser.

line up for a bataan death march.  it’s an indian run but much more fun.  the line starts, man at the back does 5 burpees.  upon completion, he runs to the front. continue until everyone has done burpees.

at this point time is getting low so we head back to the launching point. circle up for 101 lbc IC and 15 flutter kicks IC. finished with 22 merkins for the vets.  time is up.

COT: announcements – defib, tool time, pizza man and def leopard running a marathon this weekend. go get it, man.  prayer requests- pizza man and his family. chum during this time in his life.  each other. BOM: yhc took us out.

as always, it was an honor to be amongst you men. very thankful for not only the workouts, but the bonds being formed.  the accountability and all the other goods things.  thankful for all of you guys.

Philippians 4:13


26.2 or a little more in 45 minutes

12 PAX showed for another Pizza Man Midoriyama delivery.  With this being taper week before the Charleston Marathon, I wanted to concentrate more on strength training and being around my F3 brothers with this delivery.  17:30 hit and it was time to begin.  Short disclaimer letting the FNG know that I’m definitely not a professional and that it’s YOU vs. YOU.



Don Quixote’s X 26 IC


With the warm-up complete, I heard some mubblechatter from the PAX after they figured out where this workout was heading.  This delivery was a little different cause there wasn’t going to be much moseying.  The PAX were to complete each exercise and do 2 burpees after completed.  The exercises were:

Merkins X 26

Incline Merkin X 26

Decline Merkin X 26

Dips X 26

CDD’s X 26

LBC’s X 26

Flutter Kicks X 26

WWI X 26

Freddy Mercury X 26

Dying cockroaches X 26

Squat X 26

Lunges X 26

Mosey to playground for pull-ups X 26

(2 Burpees after each exercise)


After the last set of pull-ups/burpees the PAX circled back up and did 5 burpees, counted off, 5 burpees, counted off, and 5 more burpees.

Mosey back to the flag for pledge and 22’s for the Vets.

After all said and done here are the numbers:

Exercises completed in workout: 26

Reps per exercises: 26 and 2 burpees

Total number of reps: 698 (26reps X 26exercises + 22 merkins for the Vets)

Total number of burpees completed: 67

Number of reps 698 X Number of burpees 67= 46,766 yards in 26.5 miles (Sorry went a little over)

*There are 46,145 yards in a marathon*



Charleston Marathon this weekend

P200 coming up

Mud Run on May 20th

Snow Bird Retreat


Once again,  I will start off saying THANK YOU to all my F3 brothers!! You don’t understand how much you all mean to me.  Thanks for holding me accountable and pushing me every week.  Great work by the PAX today and pushing through another Pizza Man’s delivery.  It’s an honor to lead a great group of men!!  Welcome FNG Madden!!

Until the next delivery Pizza Man is OOOUUUUUTTTTTT!!!

Touch the Line

13 PAX posted at Midoriyama and pushed hard on the rock.


Morrocan Nightclubs while we waited for a few PAX to get out of their cars and Billy Madison to get his mittens on.

SSH x 15ic

Hillbillies x 10ic

Dancing Chillcuts x 20ic

Mosey to the playground

The Thang:

Robbed from Brownstreak and Tooltime’s workout at the Yank the other Saturday we did a form of Cindy. I think it was her dirty sister Sarah. 5 pullups/ 10 Merkins/ 15 squats then run about 100 yds and back. We did 5 rounds and changed the style of pullups and merkins each round.

Mosey across to the parking lot and partner up for Doracides. Just like Dora but the running part is suicides. 3 cones setup. Run to cone 1 and back to partner then to cone 2 and back then to 3 and back. Someone noted Blart’s great form of touching the line during the suicides. YHC pointed out that during all suicides you should be touching the line and a 20 burpee penalty would be accessed to all that were not. Exercises were 100 merkins/200 Monkey crunches/300 plank jacks.

Mosey to the hill behind the playground

NUR (RUN backwards-for anyone from Muzera) up the hill 10 burpees- bearcrawl down the hill 10 burpees(crowd pleaser).

NUR up 10 WW1- Crabwalk down 10 WW1

Mosey back to the flag

Dancing Chillcuts x 15ic

Pointers x 15ic

22 for the Vets lead by Pizza Man



Announcements- Due to pending weather the party at Whoppee’s has been postponed, Ultimate Challenge Mudrun coming up May 20th start forming your 4 man teams and let’s represent gashouse, P200 needs a few more good men for the 2nd team. Get in touch with Outhouse.

Prayer Request-Pizza Man’s Grandparents, those battling addiction, Billy Madison’s family and In-Laws

Praise Report-Chum feels God giving him the guidance he needs!


Floppy Disk has challenged me to a race at the Warrior Dash this year. 2 years ago we ran it together and it was my first ever race of any kind and just after I had lost most of my weight and started exercising. We are both pretty competitive and he brought along a little #1 bag as our trophy. Well I still have it and I think it really bothers him. For daily motivation he has a picture of me in that victorious moment in his office. This may or may not have been a gift from me. Today would have been a great day for him to train but instead he went to the Apple store. I want some competition so Floppy I hope you can get back out to Midoriyama soon!

I found my thrill on Route 66

On a hazy evening at the base of Midoriyama thirteen PAX showed up for Floppy’s return to Q’ing. Having sat on the sidelines for the last few months he wanted to bring something different and try to punish those who talked trash during the F3Fantasy season. In honor of drafting a kicker first, today’s workout was designed to turn those legs to mush, much like Ray Finkle’s.

Warmup IC:

  • Side-straddle Hops – 20
  • Tool Times (aka Don Quixote’s) – 20
  • Moroccan Nightclub – 20
  • Arm Circles while doing high knees – 20
  • Arms overhead while doing butt-kickers – 20

Main Event Thang:

  • Pledge
  • Mosey to playground and 10 Pull Ups
  • Mosey 100 feet to the parking lot.
  • Route 66 – Jumping Knee Slappers (No idea the F3 name)
  • Route 66 – Burpees
  • Route 66 – Squats maybe???
  • Mosey to the baseball field.
  • Introduction to the Pure BURN
  • Introduced FNG to the Monkey Humpers 10 IC
  • Mosey to the soccer field, 50 dips.
  • Mosey to another parking lot.
  • 1 lap of Catch Me If You Can. Some did two laps for extra credit. Aye
  • Mosey to the parking lot.
  • Route 66 – Bobby Hurley’s
  • Route 66 – Calf raises
  • 50 toe touches x 3 – squats added in between.
  • Zombie walk
  • Run back to flag.
  • 22 for the vets.


Very very long list of announcements. So long, we could have all read War and Peace and still had time to watch the movie after. Unfortunately, I left my notebook at home and couldn’t remember them all to post here, but here is what I remember… RSVP for a party, Snowbird Men’s retreat, something about 16 miles and 4 man groups. Best to come out to the next one on Thursday to get filled in.

Prayer requests for Slaw and that crazy bug he caught, great to have you back!

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NLT


9 PAX showed up to find we have a new toy to play with at Midoriyama. Thanks to Pizza Man for getting us a Dolph size tire.


Seal Jacks x 20ic

High Knees, Butt Kickers, Let’s Mosey

The Thang:

Partner up and go to one of the 4 stations setup on the soccer field. 3 minute rounds. After 3 minutes you have 1:30 to take a lap around mid field and to your next station. This usually left about 30 seconds to rest before starting the next round. After each round the partners ran in opposite directions and went to the next station. What this did was give you a new partner at the next station. This way you get a chance to work with and talk to someone different. Of course this wasn’t followed initially so there was a little confusion. A few were seen running in circles after the first round trying to figure out where to go! To be honest I expected this to happen.

Station 1- take turns flipping the tire

Station 2- chest pass/hand-off cement block

Station 3- throw car size tire back and forth over the fence

Station 4- Step-ups while holding cement block

Mosey to the hill and partner up for Burp Back Mtn with 50 burpees(look this one up! Everyone loved it)

We put away our blocks and tires and played a short game of ultimate frisbee.

Mosey back to the flag.



Announcements- RSVP for the party, Nomads heading to ELHS The Mustang in Isotope this Saturday. Leave the mall at 6. Snowbird Men’s retreat in March. When you sign up put F3 with your name so they can group us together.

Prayer Request-Chum, T Square and M, Pizza Man’s Niece and Grandparents

Moleskin: We all battle the fartsack at some point. It’s the getting up and going that’s the hard part. However when we do it we are always glad we did. Remember that feeling you have when you’re done with the workout the next time you are struggling to go.

Sidewalk chalk menu

11 strong men showed for a Pizza Man sidewalk chalk menu.  It definitely didn’t feel like the end of December at Midoriyama.  There was a lot of mumble chatter until the PAX saw the menu.  It went like this:


SSH x 20 IC

Don Quixoutes x 20 IC

Hillbillies x 20 IC

Sidewalk Chalk Menu:

Merkins x 50

Squats x 50

LBC’s x 50

Derkins x 50

Mt. Climbers x 50

Flutters x 50

Incline Merkins x 50

Calf raises x 50

Freddy mercury’s x 50

Dips x 50

5 Burpees then run to playground and do 20 pull-ups

*After each exercise the PAX completed we ran a lap around the parking lot and did 5 burpees*

With 5 minutes left we moseyed back to the flag for pledge and a little Mary

Mary of abs:

Freight- Peter Parker Peter’s x 10 IC

Def Leppard- American Hammers x 15 IC

Floppy Disk- World War 1’s x ? IC (Midoriyama counting)

Pockets- LBC’s x 20 IC


Nomads traveling to Isotope Mustang- wheels up @6am

After Christmas and New Year’s Party- Jan. 7

Snowbird- March 2017

Prayer Request 

*Thanks Freight for handling the COT*

Always a pleasure getting to lead a great group of men!! Thank you all for holding me accountable and pushing me every week!! I hope that each everyone of my F3 brothers has a great New Year’s. Until next delivery Pizza Man is ooouuuuuttttt!!

Slaw’s Christmas gift to Midoriyama

As we come into the Christmas season, YHC was contemplating his gift to the Midoriyama PAX.  It then occurred to him- a good ol’ beatdown would be great! 11 hard chargers posted for the pain! YHC came rolling in HOT at 17:30, happy to find the new site Q (Def Leppard) getting the guys warm with some Moroccan Nightclubs! Thank you, sir! No FNGs, abbreviated disclaimer, and away we go!


  • SSH Burpees (look them up- great mumble chatter starter) 15 IC
  • Freddie Mercurys 15 IC
  • Don Quixotes 15 IC
  • Imperial Walker Squats (A challenge for the coordination impaired!)


The Thang:

Mosey to parking lot next to field #1 for some:

Route 66- Plank Jacks (IC)

Partner up for some Dora 1-2-3. Partner 1 runs approx. 35 yards then back while partner 2 begins 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBC’s (in aggregate).

Mosey to Turd Shack for some wall work. Even numbers (10,8,6,4,2) were Hip Slappers (IC). Odd numbers (9,7,5,3,1) were Mike Tysons IC (mucho mumble chatter by now).

Circle up for some Deconstructed Burpees. This really fired up the mumble chatter! YHC used these in a previous workout and remembered the chatter that ensued! Didn’t have enough time to countdown from 10, so YHC Omaha’d and started at 6 and counted down to 1.

Slow mosey back to the parking lot for some Rugby Sprints. YHC called Merkins, Homer/Marge and Dive Bombers for the exercises.

Short mosey back to the flag for some mary.

  • Dying Cockroaches 10 IC
  • Freddie Mercury 10 IC
  • Penguins 10 IC
  • Flutter Kicks 20 IC
  • Baby Makers 10 IC (YHC won’t even begin to describe the mumble chatter  these started! Def Leppard needs more stamina!)

Finish up with 22 Merkins for the veterans.


Post Christmas party at Whoopee’s house. $10 a person. PAX and M’s only (leave the 2.0’s at home). Def Leppard is the new site Q at Midoriyama! #HIM.


Prayers for all our F3 brothers, Pockets and his family during the loss of his loved one, Chum while he waits on the Lord to lead him further and YHC while he is going through some really tough physical and spiritual issues.

Thanks to every man who posted today to push each other and help make each other a better man! I wish all of F3 Nation a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

Until next time,


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