Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Midoriyama (Page 4 of 51)

Runnin the track

10 at Midoriyama on Thursday. This is what we did.

Warmup: We did a few things. Let’s mosey.

The Thang:

In the parking lot next to the pump track. 5 merkins, 5 lunges, 5 WWI situps, then run a lap through the pump track. It’s not an easy run for sure. Rinse and repeat going up by 5 reps for 2 more rounds.

Mosey over to the lake hill. 5 dips at the gazebo and 5 in and outs at the top. Go up by 5 each round. Do 3 rounds.

At the bottom of the lake hill. 20 pretzel crunches on one side. Run the ramp up and around the Vball court. Do 20 on the other side and run back to the bottom. Do this 3 times.

Mosey back up to the road. Do 10 mtn climbers ic at each pole going back to the parking lot.

Back at the turd shack we had a few blocks sitting out to try something Mayor had shared with me. We will call it puff puff pass. Stand in a line shoulder to shoulder with a stack of blocks at one end. 1st guy passes a block to the 2nd guy then does a burpee. He then grabs another block to pass. Each person passes a block then does a burpee until all the blocks are at the other end. This went way better than expected.


Thunder AND Lightning

About 15 minutes before the start, a pop up storm descended upon Mt. Midoriyama and decided to hang around for a while. The Thunder or Lightning PT test would have been much more appropriate considering the weather, but the OG PT test was what we did. Due to relocating in order to be near cover in case of lightning, a comparison to the early run isn’t accurate. The weather sucked, but the PAX pushed through anyway because that’s what we do.



Bedpan took over Prison Break Site Q from Montross today. Thanks and congrats to both.

Coconut Derby 9/3

Convergence 9/4

Special Q at Downtown this Friday


Pray for Huck, Turtleman, Jackson, Norwood and others.


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

Midoriyama 8/22

It was yet another scorcher at Midoriyama. YHC had a plan to keep the boys in the shade most of the time, but we were still going to put some work in. One of the PAX whose name rhymes with “hate” suggested we should just fellowship mosey for 45 minutes and call it a day! You “hate” to see it! All of the PAX (except for Mammas Boy) seemed pretty unmotivated today. It was freaking hot, and they knew the pain train was about to leave the station!


  • Seal Jacks
  • Goof Balls
  • Grass Pickers
  • Left over Right, Right over Left Stretches
  • Arm Circles


Mosey to the soccer field at dog hill on the backside in the shade. We performed the “Laredo” WOD. It goes like this-

6 rounds of:

  • 24 Squats
  • 24 Merkins
  • 24 Walking Lunges
  • 400 Meter Run

All of us were riding the struggle bus by round 6. Even though we were in the shade, there was ZERO wind blowing.

After a minute to cool off and get our breath, we lined up on the sideline facing the large goalie box line (approx. 10 yards away). 4 rounds of:

  • 5 Mike Tysons
  • 10 CDD’s
  • 15 WW2 situps
  • Bear Crawl to goalie line and back to sideline

Slow mosey back to the flag for a couple minutes of Mary.

  • LBC’s X 25 IC
  • Flutter Kicks X 25 IC
  • Freddie Mercs X 20 IC

Time’s up.


  • Kings to Crowders ruck/ hike on Sunday, 8/27
  • Need some runners for the Tuna 200. See Pockets if interested
  • Annihilation workout at Gashouse on 8/26. Q’d by Defib
  • Coconut Derby on 9/3 to crown the next Champion
  • Convergence on Monday, 9/4 at Gastonia Honey Hunters’ field. 0700 start

Prayer Requests:

  • Huckleberry
  • Turtleman
  • Jackson Hall
  • Norwood
  • Mayor
  • Def Leppard
  • Hacksaw

YHC wants to thank the PAX that posted today. It was brutally hot, but you boys posted anyway. Thank you for the support and mumblechatter!





Def Leppard Scoring System

Midoriyama was blessed with a late afternoon thunderstorm yesterday that dropped the temperature dramatically. Unfortunately, it made the humidity worse and the slick grass was a little tough to navigate at times. Even so, a great game of frisbee football was completed and according to the Def Leppard Scoring System my team won 43-7.



2nd F lunch – it was today, hope you made it

F3 Dad’s – Folsom this Saturday at 7am

Hike – August 27th

Coconut Derby – Sept. 3rd

Convergence at FUSE ballpark Sept. 4th at 7am


Pray for – Turtleman, Hacksaw, Huck, Mayor, Def Leppard, Norwood and start of school.


Def Leppard took us out.

I’m Broke

Midoriyama 7/11/23

Had a great crowd post in the Midoriyama heat for another serving of weak sauce from YHC. YHC knew it would be a scorcher, so he planned a weinke that would keep the PAX in the shade as much as possible.


  • Merkins
  • Don Q’s
  • Stretches



Mosey towards the park entrance. Stopped at a few light poles for 5 CDD’s, 10 Reverse Crunches, 15 SSH (SC). Head across the road to the paved loop that is almost completely covered in shade. YHC will admit he stole this one from Pizza Man. It’s one of the workouts he posted on Strava. YHC modified it to suit his needs.

  • Run one lap around the loop
  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 LBC’s
  • Run another lap around the loop

Even though we were in the shade, it was still pretty hot. Time was running short, so YHC had to skip the Burpee Dans (dangit) and head back to base. We stopped at the light poles on the way back for 5 CDD’s, 10 Reverse Crunches, 15 SSH (SC).

Once we arrived at the flag, we had enough time for 22 Merkins for the veterans.


  • 2nd F lunch 7/19 at Pita Wheel in Dallas
  • Annihilation workout 7/15 at the Yank w/ Tiger Q
  • F3 dads workout 7/15 at Gashouse. Regular bootcamp closed but Painlab will be open
  • Need a few runners for the Tuna 200. See Pockets if interested

Prayer Requests:

  • Norwood and his upcoming surgery
  • Jackson Hall
  • Turtleman
  • Huckleberry
  • Montross’ Mother
  • Hacksaw recovering from surgery
  • Oompa’s co-worker’s wife’s aunt suddenly passed away from a heart attack
  • PAX traveling
  • Brillo headed to Navy boot camp on 7/24
  • Shatner’s 2.0 is headed to Parris Island for boot camp on 7/24

YHC took us out in prayer.



To Be The Man, You Gotta Beat The Man!

YHC has held the title and the belt of F3 Gastonia’s reigning champion for 3 months. It’s time to issue a challenge to the Gashouse PAX so a new champion may (or may not) be crowned. The challenge is very simple – during the month of July, the PAX who double posts the most on Tuesdays and Thursdays  will become the reigning champion. You can post at any AO you wish on Tuesday morning (Bulldog, Folsom, the Storm)  and Thursday morning (Diablo Sammich, The Pub, Folsom, the Goat), but you MUST post at Midoriyama on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. YHC is aware there is a double post opportunity on Fridays, but that will not count. Tuesdays and Thursdays only. Midoriyama is closed on 7/4, so the challenge begins on Thursday, 7/6/23. That gives all PAX  7 days (4 Thursdays and 3 Tuesdays) to double post. YHC won’t be laying down and letting the belt go! He will be defending the title (he is the site Q for Midoriyama, DUH!). That being said, in the words of Ric Flair “To be the man, you gotta beat the man!”. Bring your “A” game, boys. The July heat at Midoriyama humbles the greatest of men. Who will accept the challenge?

If there is a tie, the tie breaker will be the PAX that has the most posts in the month of July. Just double posting on Tuesdays and Thursdays won’t be enough to win the title. Push yourselves!

“There are no points for 2nd place” – Viper, Top Gun instructor, Miramar California, 1986

Midoriyama 6/13

This BB will be short and to the point because YHC can’t remember many of the details of the workout. YHC was glad it wasn’t raining for once when he had the Q.  We had a great group of men post for another weak sauce Q!

Warmup: The usual stuff (SSH, Grass Pickers, Merkins, etc.)



Mosey to the asphalt hill that leads down to the lake for triple nickel. 5 rounds of 5 turtle crunches at the top, 5 reverse crunches at the bottom. This took longer than YHC expected (probably because it sucked).

Next, we moseyed back to the beginning of the road that leads into the ball fields. Stop at every pole on the left for 5 Mike Tysons, 10 H/R Merkins, 15 Flutter kicks (count right leg). We completed 5 rounds, then moseyed to the small practice field.

YHC called the longest mile. It isn’t really a mile. The distance around the small field is less than 400 meters.

Starting halfway down the sideline, perform 10 Burpees. Run 1/4 the way around the outside of the field and perform 10 Squats. Run another 1/4 around the field, perform 10 Merkins. Run another 1/4 around, perform 10 Big Boys. Return back to start to complete one round. R&R for 3 more rounds for 4 total laps and 40 reps of each exercise.

Mosey back to flag as time expires.


2nd F lunch on 6/21 at Logan’s in Gastonia 12:00

Annihilation workout 6/24 at Old School. Sister Act at the helm.

Blood Drive on 6/28 from 13:30 to 18:00. On the Red Cross website, search for Fthree gaston to find the drive.


Prayer Requests:


Jackson Hall

Steve Alexander



YHC took us out in prayer



Crazy 8

13 total at Midoriyama on Thursday. We celebrated the 8th anniversary of my 1st F3 post by doing what I called Crazy 8’s.


SSH x 15

Don Q’s for the groans

Mosey to get a block and over to the parking lot.

The Thang:

8 exercises, 8 reps each, 8 rounds, run a lap after each round. Simple and effective.


Goblet Squats

Side jump overs-I recommended it be done with the block standing up tall but not many complied. Meow

Alternating block merkins

WWI’s with the block



I had a lot more on my weinke but we didn’t get to it.




Announcements-2nd F lunch this week at Logans in Gtown, F3 Dads at the Yank Saturday

Prayer Request-Gumby and EZ family members, Norwood, HT kids. St Bobby took us out.


I spoke a little about the realization that I stomped down Fat Ricky a little over 8 years ago and if it wasn’t for the support I have found in F3 I do not for a second think he wouldn’t have found his way back. Defib asked about accomplishments since starting F3. Looking back I ran my 1st ever race and 5K right before starting F3. Since then I’ve run 17 relay races. That doesn’t count the ones we’ve done as CSAUP’s. I ran a 5K everyday for 30 days. A Half marathon in which F3 brothers played a major role in me completing and exceeding my goal. Multiple Goruck and Growruck events. The list goes on and will continue too because I’m a gorge runner and y’all support my habit. I love you and thank you all for 8 years of support!

Midoriyama 6/6/23

1st F Q Flintstone has been keeping the Gashouse PAX motivated with an array of PT tests. The standard PT test, Thunder and Lightning. YHC decided to administer the Thunder PT test at Midoriyama. Of course it’s the hottest day of the year, air quality index is red and the wind ain’t blowing. Perfect conditions for a PT test on the asphalt (Q fail).

Warmup – Usual stuff

Around the turd shack and grab the blocks. Circle up and start the clock for the THUNDER PT test. AMRAP for 25 minutes of the following exercises:

  • 12 Thrusters
  • 12 Curls
  • 12 American Hammers w/ coupon (xtra suck factor)
  • 12 Block Swings
  • 12 Bent Over Rows
  • 12 Big Boys
  • 12 Heels to Heaven
  • 12 Burpees

96 Reps per round. Keep up with rounds completed and number of reps completed on the round that the PAX were completing.

About 7 minutes remained, so we performed 10 to 1 curls and overhead presses. Put the blocks up, muster at the flag for 22 Merkins for the vets and the Pledge.

The heat wore the guys down pretty quick. Halfway through the 2nd round, Leppard is laid out on the grass attempting to regain his breath. Freight threatened a mutiny and start a trail running AO immediately (you hate to see it). Defib pushed through and crushed the test (showing his future son-in-law Rip Cord how it’s done).Instead of keeping up with rounds completed, Happy Trees used his sidewalk chalk to draw happy Christmas trees on the asphalt. WikiLeaks needs to hear more good rock music. Hokie picked the worst day to get back out in the gloom, but he pushed through like a trooper. Haze was talking delirious and you could fry an egg on Pall Bearer’s head. This PT test will be even better when we perform it again in August!

Welcome to FNG Rip Cord. He was EH’d by his future father-in-law, Defib. Glad to have you at Midoriyama, brother!


  • 2nd F lunch 6/21 at Logan’s roadhouse in Gastonia
  • F3 dads on 6/17

Prayer Requests:

  • Jackson Hall
  • Steve Alexander
  • Norwood
  • PAX traveling

YHC took us out in prayer.



PT Test – Short Course

Doing the PT test the day after the Murph might not be a wise choice, but YHC isn’t really known for being wise. Due to the fact that we’ll be doing this again at the end of summer the run portion was shortened to laps around the small soccer field. Even with the short laps it was a tough test and everyone pushed through and got in a good workout. I’m sure we’ll see some of the PAX have even better times when we run it back in a few months.



Snooze workout in McAdenville starts this Friday at 0645

Bike ride, lunch and arcade in Forest City this Sat.

Annihilation workout this Sat at The Yank


Be praying for Huck, Turtleman, Broke’s co worker, Jackson Hall, Gumby’s mom and unspoken, Stacy Hall and Pallbearer family decisions


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

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