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Members Only 4-24-22

Some rucked, some ran 5, some ran more. All got better.

Baseball game today

May 3rd Smarter Than a 5th Grader

See Tiger if interested in Grow Ruck


Pray for:



Def Leppard



Gavel’s Dad

Tiger’s M

Chad Magee


SA 2.0


YHC took us out.
I’m Broke

Coochie and Precious

3 or maybe 5 PAX posted at Members Only Sunday morning for some miles. Golddigger had some of his fast friends out again. I’m pretty sure he said their names were Coochie and Precious. What I am sure of is I’m uncomfortable running beside a 2:20 something marathon guy at an 8 minute pace. Luckily that didn’t last long and they ran off and left Bubba and I. Of course knowing Bubba could run off and leave me didn’t help to much but we had a good talk and run. Afterwards  Coochie and Precious didn’t seem interested in being on camera or sharing during the COT so the COT was just us three. Bubba and I had a great conversation on shorties at Q source. It always helps to know that others are going through struggles like you. You are not alone!

Members Only 2-27-22

4 PAX for a run/ruck and another showed for QSource. Great discussion on DRP!



Upcoming relays

Community Foundation run


Prayer Request

Tesla and family

Roundup and family

Big Pappy and family


Dr. Seuss took us out.

I’m Broke


Southern Breeze

Freight begged me to take the Q this morning as he was so cold he could not think.



hucks dad

injured pax


q school feb 5

retreat feb 18-20 talk to sargento

tuesdays rice n beans talk to tiger


16 PAX posted to Members Only on Sunday morning. That’s a new record! We had ruckers and runners with mileage anywhere between 3 and 12. Rocks were pushed and we all made it back in one piece. Pilgrim brought out a neighbor who moved here from California and he was wearing a San Fran hat. You should’ve seen how happy Gavel got! We let him say his piece but it was inevitable that he was going to get the name Kaepernick. To be clear he said he wasn’t a fan of him. Most everyone stayed for the launch of Q-source at the new AO. We will be covering these topics inside over coffee starting around 7:30 so get back for the COT at 7:15.

Disruption-As leaders we must disrupt the status quo in order to move towards a new advantageous point. Otherwise we stay the same. Find something that will better and disrupt!


Announcements-Q School the 22nd following Gashouse, great out of town opportunity provided to us by our nantan in February(read his preblast)

Prayer Request-Tesla and Family, Gumby


I’d like to apologize to Sargento and Buidan. I’m sorry. I got carried away with my trash talking, as I am accustomed to do. It was nothing serious but it was uncalled for. As a result my word for this year has changed and I am currently working on putting some bricks in place to avoid it down the road. Just know that I mean nothing by it and I love you both. So to all my brothers if you are reading this and you catch me getting carried away with my words, not lifting someone up, then let me know.



Where three or more are gathered

Sundays are known to be the long run day around here. This past Sunday happened to fall the day after Christmas.  For a lot of reasons that is not a great day for a long run. Some of us are deep into half marathon training and others just run 10 miles every weekend so it was proposed to move the long run to Monday. All agreed but then there was some discussion if a backblast should be written since it was an unsanctioned workout. An unnamed future office holder didn’t think it should, however later he would request it to help him in his quest to reach 200 workouts. Sounds like a politician!  I politely informed him I would do what ever I wanted too. Not because I’m an a-hole, nantan emeritus, or PAX of the year but because I’m freed to lead.(narrator: sounds like someone is building a resume, also he says things like this just to get under peoples skin) It was once discussed doing the long run in Dallas due to traffic on the east side on a Monday morning. One canoe requested we do it anyway because it would help with his commute to Pineville. Of course then he didn’t show up because he has been down with the sickness(not covid per the test he didn’t take). We had about a 1 mile section where things got a little dicey but all in all it was fine. Hal made me run race pace which is very contradictory to his training plan. Of course we were chasing faster men so you’ll have that. I must say I really don’t like running this far but I do enjoy running with the men I’ve had the pleasure to do it with. We always have some good conversations and usually a good laugh.

Members Only

9 showed up for the first, years in the making,  Sunday morning run/ruck AO in Belmont. If this crowd was any indication of what this group is going to look like then just know it’s going to be fast! We discussed the route and off we went. Now despite sending out a map to study we had a few that seemed to get off course and no it wasn’t Seuss. Or at least I don’t think he did. I couldn’t see him on this dark course from where I was. Sargento had enough time to stop off at his office and do a little work. Overall the maiden voyage went pretty well.


Now it got a little chatty during this time. It seems a lot of PAX think they know best of how and what we should do during the COT. While I appreciate the help I’ve been in a few of these so just chill the flip out. I may have let a nasty word slip in playful banter and I apologize for that. I was just discussing with someone yesterday of how I’ve seen my language slip in a negative way lately. I promise to get on top of correcting that.

Announcements-Extinction/Extension run 11/6, Ctown 5k, Christmas party 12/11 or 12/13 for Broke

Afterwards we had coffee and discussed naming the new AO. We talked about the history of Belmont and had some good names but most agreed it would be fun to throw some shade back at my brothers from NOGA. They seem to really be upset with my recent move. It really is heart warming to know they are that upset to lose a little time with me. As we discussed high brow(top runner for the name) names we came up with exclusive “Members Only”. Now while you may not be a member we are taking applications. There is a panel interview that comes with this along with a quarterly board meeting where we will vote on your membership. Unfortunately some may get blackballed.

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