Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Martha’s House (Page 3 of 21)

Formerly The Black Knight, this AO meets Monday mornings at 0530 at Pelicans on Union Road, near the entrance to Martha River’s Park

40 Days of Discipline Part Deux

The first forty days of discipline was a great success with many PAX becoming more intentional in putting in the work and eating better.  The results speak for themselves.  Several PAX have lost the equivalent of a ruck sack.  I am not a mathematician but I would approximate that our attendance at AO’s in our region have increased by at least 9000 percent.  Hopefully most of those habits have stuck with you.  If so, the fitness and diet part of this challenge should be the easy part.

This 40 day  initiative begins on April 29th and ends on June 7th.  (Start it out at the Coconut Horse for that first post of the challenge)


1. Workout a minimum of 5 xs per week from April 29th through June 7th.

Don’t eat sweets, soft drinks, or junk food.  Four cheat meals.  You can earn more.  Don’t drink alcohol or limit it to one or two drinks.  Hold yourself accountable by journaling your efforts.

  1. Cherish your M: Take your wife out on at least two dates in the forty days.  
  2. Bring at least one FNG to a workout in these 40 days. For every three FNG’s, you get a cheat meal.  #AlwaysbeEH’ing.  If you EH a guy who posts and you aren’t there, that is a 50 burpee penalty #nojoke
  3. Acts of Service: Do something for someone else daily with no expectation of anything in return.  Be grateful you get to do it.  Encourage others.  Lead or participate in a service project.  Make a point to introduce yourself to someone you don’t know.  Journal your efforts (honor system) Extra credit if your 2.0’s watch your example and/or participate. 
  4.  Read a book.


Your fitness is important and you are pushing the rock.  You workout with your brothers in the shieldlock.  You are blessed to continually strive to experience all 3 F’s and you know that when you are striving to be your best, you need to share it.  Be the example.  Be the man you know you were made to be. 

Now for the fine print….


You must workout a minimum of 5 times per week (at least 27 workouts in 40 days) using the #F3 250 model.  Any workout that is a minimum of 30 minutes counts.  This could include running, cycling, rucking, any F3 workout or workout you put together at home.  Two a day workouts count.  Example, you complete an F3 bootcamp in the morning and a minimum 30 minute run in the afternoon=2 workouts.

Diet:      You still cannot have Mountain Dew T-Square.  No other soft drinks, desserts, sweets, potato chips, junk food, fast food, etc.  You know what your food vices are so stay away from them.  Fast food is allowed if it is salad or chili and unsweetened tea or water…you get the idea.  If you defile a chicken foot in a blender and claim that is nutritious, you are automatically DQ’d (I’m talking to you Gastone!)

Protein shakes within 30 minutes of ending the workout.  Get some protein powder and a shaker bottle and make it a habit.   Drink more water.  You will be working out more and this will help you recover.

You are allowed four cheat meals.  Your choice but they must be named and claimed. If you work out more than 5 times per week, you can claim an extra cheat meal.  An example is a couple of slices of pizza but don’t blow it on a whole pizza.  Even though you will be getting the workouts in you can’t out train a bad diet.  Remember you can earn more by bringing in 3 FNG’s or going on a date with your M.

Alcohol:  I am no nutritionist but have seen enough articles about red wine being good for the heart and beer being a good recovery drink.  However, I am not recommending anything here.  Moderation and limit yourself to one day a week if you have to have it.

You must keep a daily journal of both your workouts and cheat meals. The journal is for your eyes only.  I use the “notes” on my IPhone since I always have it with me.  I journaled all my workouts on my phone in 2017.  It is helpful to look back and see types of workouts, two a days, and extra credit workouts that make journaling worth it.  You can also see where you failed to work out and why.  It is a good habit.  I also saw where I was injured and what I did to modify workouts until I was healed up.

Journal what you are grateful for and start with your M.  Try not to take her for granted.  Chances are she is the best thing that ever happened to you.  As Will Munny (Clint Eastwood) said in Unforgiven, “I ain’t like that no more. I ain’t the same, Ned. Claudia, she straightened me up, cleared me of all that drinking and killing and such” (I know that isn’t totally accurate but that is how I like to remember it).  If she likes to stay home, stay home and spend time without distactions.  Write her notes…send her flowers…cards…Text emoji’s are nice but they don’t count.  If you are on a date with your wife, you can eat a free cheat meal.  If you don’t have an M, be nice to your dog.  (If this isn’t in your comfort zone and your M is taken aback in your sudden change in behavior, it will probably be amusing so share it with your bros)


If you missed an opportunity to bless someone by an act or gesture of kindness, try not to miss the opportunity the next time.

Read a book that would do you good.  Make it about something that interests you or inspires you.  You have the time.

Give it away.  Think about that friend that you have mentioned F3 to many times.  You know he needs it so get him out.  And then do it to someone else.  Pick them up.  Post with them.  If they post and you aren’t there, you will do 50 burpees the next time you post.  I am sure the Folsom crew won’t mention that you failed to post with your FNG on their Slack channel or group text.

Be grateful for your family.  Be the example for your kids.  Push the rock and hold yourself accountable.  Give it away.  Realize it isn’t about you.  Serve others.  Be the best you can be.  Maybe we will all be a little better in June because we will be intentional about it.    Make positive change in yourself and make it contagious.

It all begins Sunday so prepare yourself and plan!





Play Ball!

Spring has always been one of my favorite times of the year. The reasons are numerous, but they include plenty of great things in the world of sports. There is the NCAA tournament, the Masters, and of course the start of baseball season. Say what you will, it’s still America’s pastime. So to celebrate the start of another baseball season, YHC decided to put together a baseball-themed weinke. And remember, Chris Weinke was a professional baseball player before he was a Heisman-winning QB at FSU.

As I parked and walked through the parking lot, there was a group of men that had put in some early EC. Kudos to those HIMs for the dedication.

No FNGs so a quick disclaimer.

SSH x 11
LBCs x 11
Merkins x 10

The 11’s were for the 11 runs the Yankees had put on the Rays the night before. For some reason, I stopped at 10 on the merkins. This would not be the last case of absent-mindedness for YHC during this workout.

The Pledge

Mosey to the building in the middle of the baseball fields at the park.

Instructions were given to the PAX on how this homage to baseball would work. As a group, run down the first base side to the end of the outfield.
Perform exercise at 1st base. 56 squats (Joe DiMaggio’s 56-game hit streak record)
Run back to home plate
Now, run to second base but stop at 1st base again for 56 more squats
At second base, 56 merkins (Jose Ramirez led MLB in 2017 w/ 56 doubles; the merkins were also a tribute to Willie Mays Hayes)
Back to home plate
During this whole time, there were various discussions about second and third base, but we tried to keep things focused on baseball.
Next was third base with stops again at 1st for 56 squats and 2nd for 56 merkins
At third base, 36 flutter kicks (Single season triples record set by Chief Wilson in 1912)
Back to home plate
And finally, the home run trot with stops again at 1st for 56 squats, 2nd for 56 merkins, and 3rd for 36 flutters.
Once the PAX reached home plate, 59 american hammers (2017 home run total for MLB leader and current Yankee slugger Giancarlo Stanton)

Everyone loves offense, but nothing beats a great pitchers dual so we also had to do a little bullpen work. The pitcher/catcher partnership is crucial in baseball so the PAX partnered up for a Dora-style bullpen session.

Partner 1 ran to the end of the outfield while partner 2 performed the exercises. Once partner 1 returned, partner 2 ran. You know the drill.

65 Burpees (Carlos Carrasco’s win total 18 + Alex Colome’s save total 47 – both MLB leaders)
225 Mtn Climbers (Corey Kluber’s MLB leading 2.25 ERA)
308 LBCs (Chris Sale’s MLB leading 308 strikeouts)

A call was made to the bullpen to cut the burpees off once each partner had run one lap so the total of 65 was probably not met by all groups. Other counts were completed as planned.

Mosey back to Snoballs

Gashouse has Q spots available for the next couple of Saturdays
Pain lab shirts available for pre-order

Prayer Requests
Hushpuppy’s friends going through adoption process; having a virtual run to raise money; contact him if interested
JK2’s dad
EZ Rider – special request
Drone – need for encouragement and EH
Thanks for the prayers for my mom. Her hip replacement went well, and she’s recovering and doing well.


You may notice that I did not include Name-o-rama. That’s because on the way home, I realized we did not do a name-o-rama. YHC humbly apologizes. If you were there, you know who you are.

Special thanks to Billy Madison and his effort to ensure that at least one of us looked like an actual baseball player.  Well done sir.

Until next time.

Arm day

The biceps are often neglected in a Gashouse so I wanted to get them worked in.

Disclaimer, I suggest you go home and go back to bed.


Warm up: Moroccan night clubs, IC x 30

Appalachian Americans, IC X 10

low slow Merkins, IC x 5

Mountain Climbers

Whoopie, Boudin, Woody went off to ruck somewhere, and the rest of us mosey’d on.

Mosey down Neal Hawkins, into park, around clubhouse, down to play ground.  It was taped off, but we were daring and jumped the tape.

Partner up, do 20 pull ups of some sort, while partner does 10 crunches from the plank position with feet in the swings.

alternate, and repeat for 4 sets total.

Repeato but exchange merkins for pull ups.

Mosey to back corner of park, wait for 6 (might have been me), 10 count, and 5 burpees on your own.

Mosey out to well lit street and Easy Rider called whisper cadence for some Rocky balboas, x15 ic.  We were all quite so we didn’t wake the neighbors.

mosey to top of hill, 10 count for 6, then mosey some more to lit turn off where there just happened to be some Q-pons (blocks).

partner one did curls while partner 2 did planks and Merkins.

15 count of up/down, curl the block, Merkin.

Hold at top for 10 count, hold at middle for 10 count, hold at down for 10 count, hold back at top for 10 count.

switch and repeato. Thanks to Stroganoff for the cadence

switch and repeato

switch and repeato.  Thanks to Hippa for the cadence

Mosey back while carrying the blocks.

Chest press IC x 10

Flutters x 20 ic

lbcs x 20 ic

twistie, ankle slappy things x 15 ic

Freddy Mercuries x 20 IC.


Announcements, sign up for Csaup, 2nd F at Growlers Thursday eve for drinks and basketball, Some other stuff

Prayers, not a lot of prayers this morning.

COT, Thanks for letting me lead.



UNO with Green Cards

As I searched for weinke inspiration, I watched the Olympics and thought of all the athletes who had trained their entire life for these two weeks. Some of their events would last mere minutes, and they had one chance to live in sports glory. I thought about trying to come up with exercises that would relish in the spectacle of events like the Alpine Skiing, Snowboarding, or the Skeleton. This seemed really complicated so I went with a much simpler game that seemed more our pace… UNO.

YHC arrived at the AO to find some HIMs already in full mosey as they finished up some EC. Good work Gastone, Boudin, and Whoopee. It was a very mild morning for late February but perfect none the less.

No FNGs so let’s go…

SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
LBCs x 15

The Pledge

Mosey to the building between the baseball fields in the park. YHC pulled out his cards and explained how this game of UNO would work.

Each color represented a workout:
Red = Merkins
Green = Seal Jacks
Blue = LBCs
Yellow = Squats
Number of reps based on number on card = 1-4 x 10, 5-9 x 5, 0 = 30 reps
Skips of any color = Flutter Kicks
Reverses of any color = American Hammers
Draw 2’s = 5 Burpees
Draw 4’s = 10 Burpees

The cards were shuffled. No deck stacking or funny business going on. As with any hand of UNO, seven cards were dealt face down. May the cards be in our favor…

First hand:
Green 9 = 45 Seal Jacks
Draw 4 = 10 Burpees
Red 2 = 20 Merkins
Yellow Skip = 30 Flutter Kicks
Green 8 = 40 Seal Jacks
Red 9 = 45 Merkins
Green 9 (Seriously?!) = 45 Seal Jacks

Mosey around one of the baseball fields and back for the second hand.

Second hand:
Green 2 = 20 Seal Jacks
Blue 8 = 40 LBCs
Green 7 = 35 Seal Jacks
Red 9 = 45 Merkins
Yellow 4 = 40 Squats
Yellow Reverse = 30 American Hammers
Yellow 0 = 30 Squats

Mosey to the shelter for a modified third hand:

Red = Derkins x 15
Green = Big Boy Sit Ups x 20
Blue = Dips x 15
Yellow = Step Ups x 20

Third Hand:
Green 5 = Big Boy Sit Ups x 20
Yellow 1 = Step Ups x 20
Blue Skip = Dips x 15
Green 9 = Big Boy Sit Ups x 20
Red 0 = Derkins x 15
Blue 8 = Dips x 15
Green 5 = Big Boy Sit Ups x 20

Mosey by the playground and through the parking lot and back to the shelter.

Abbreviated Fourth Hand (3 cards):

Blue 2 = Dips x 15
Draw 4 = 10 Burpees
Draw 4 = 10 Burpees

YHC then asked Woody for a 10 count to catch our breath after 20 burpees. He omaha’d the 10 count to a recommendation of 10 Pull-ups. Sure, let’s do it. Mosey to the top of the hill to the pull-up bar.

Each of the PAX did 5 pull-ups, some with assistance, while the others did Squats while they waited.

Mosey back to Snoballs.

Since we didn’t draw enough green cards and we have a minute left, let’s do some Seal Jacks (x10).

Monk recommended a lecture at Belmont Abbey on 8/26 at 8pm. I believe the title was “Business as a Vocation”
The upcoming convergence, nomads, and site launch with Telsa were all mentioned. Just check twitter or the email for details.

Prayer Requests
Brownstreak. We miss having you out there with us brother.


Until the next time…

Post Christmas post

With the trail of magic flying raindeer dust from Santa’s sleigh still lingering over the Gas House, 8 HIMS plus YHC arose from being nestled in there beds while visions of  burpees dancing in there heads.  It was a brisk 29 degree morning at Snowballs and awesome weather to work off some of that roast beast we all ate way too much of.  5:30…let’s do it!

No FNG’s



SSH (IC)(single count) x 30

Goofballs  (4 count) x 15

Burpees (oyo) x 5


The Thang:

mosey to old HT parking lot,

Ski jump back and forth up parking space line

burpees x 5

Starting at one end of the parking lot and working across, stopping at each long parking space line (x6), we performed a 10 count of each called excercise totaling 60.  We then moseyed around back of old HT to start and did 50 LBC’s switching to 25 crunchy frogs for CDD’s and plank jax.  The excercises were;




plank jax

seal jax (Defib was awesome)

more squats

Core Work was as follows;

Heels to heaven x 30

LBC’s x 50

Flutter kicks led by Gastone x 50 (the chatter was at a peak on this one.  It was fun.)

On the way back to Snowballs we stopped at the wall for some quick step ups (4 count) x 10.

Times up.



Easy Rider needs prayers.

January 6 Joe Davis Run. 5k and 10k. See Pizza Man.

Monday, New Years Day.  Snowballs at 7 for Gastone and guest Q with a unannounced special something.  Show to know.



It is such a honor to be part of such an incredible group of men (an I mean men) that strive to better themselves, their families, and the community surrounding them.  I am humbled.  You will never fully realize the positive effect that you have on such that will probably last for generations.


I asked God for something positive and HE gave me F3.


God bless you all…..Aye!


Time Frame


Merkin Factory

There were nine HIM’s for the warm-up

SSH 10 (IC)
Merkins 10(IC)
Then a slow mosey to the back where we picked up Spiderman for an even 10 and headed to the park.

Once in the parking lot, we started at one light posts and ran to the next for a merkin ladder. We perform20 merkins and ran back for 19, 18 and so on. After a few rounds I threw in an Omaha and we stopped the ladder 10.  Onto the shelter for 100 dips then moseyed to the pullup bar.  One at a time the men did 10 pullups while the PAX did an exercise of their choice.  I can’t remember them all but there were some monkey humpers, LBC’s and lunges to name a few.

At the trail intersection 5 burpees before making our way back to the shelter for 50 LBC’s, 50 dips and 50 LBC’s. Back to the parking lot for 20 yards of arms raised lunges followed by 5 burpees.  Time for an Indian Run, last man knocks out a burpee then runs to the front.

Paired up and P1 ran to the gate while P2 did merkins. Then we did LBC’s and headed back.

Prayer requests for Donovan and his family, and our F3 brothers.

I want to thank everyone for their hard work. It was an honor to lead.

A Brickwall and Coupon Laps

While in Tennessee over Thanksgiving, YHC posted at Stonewall which is an AO of F3 Nashville. After that hour, YHC was about as spent as he’d been after a post. It could have been several days of constant eating and watching football, or it could have been the beat down that was placed upon us. No matter the reason, YHC thought it was a workout that needed to be shared with the PAX of the Gashouse. YHC couldn’t bring back the massive duct-taped bricks that we used as coupons or the Stonewall surrounding the park in which my sorry carcass was dragged, but YHC had some ideas on how this could work.

Under the light of a super moon, a good crowd started to gather at the Black Knight.

Disclaimer for the FNG. This weinke was being brought across state lines so any injuries could result in federal charges if things got out of hand.

SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
Moroccan Nightclubs x 15

The Pledge

Mosey (watch out for the hole) to the KFC rock quarry to pick out a coupon.

Mosey with coupon to the parking lot of the old Harris Teeter. As the PAX started to line up in the parking lot, I quickly realized I would have to Omaha on some things from the TN workout.

In groups of 2 to 3 (at first I had the bright idea that we might do this one at a time, uh no), the PAX ran a coupon lap around a section of the parking lot while holding the coupon above their head. While one group ran, the others stayed in line and did Squat Lifts with the coupons. When a group returned, the next group ran the coupon lap. After all groups ran, we cycled back through the groups with each one running another lap. During the second coupon lap, the other groups did flutter kicks while holding the coupon above their chest.

Mosey with coupon to the wall of the old HT (not a Stonewall, but a Brickwall will have to do). Line up against the wall for Dragonflys. What are those you ask? Lie on your back with your head against the wall with your legs extended. Pull your feet over your head and touch the wall. Good for the core. YHC called for 50, but that was met with groans and bellyaching so YHC being the merciful Q, we Omaha’d to 25. In hindsight, 25 were probably enough.

More Coupon laps. The PAX got in groups of 4 (or at least 4 was called; there was a group of 3 and a resulting group of 5 to make things add up and maybe some actual groups of 4; YHC lost track) and ran to the other end of the parking lot with their coupon and did 5 Merkins. To prove we could actually get into groups of 4, we tried the routine one more time except this time we only ran to the first curb. Once the group got to the curb, this time they did 25 Merkins.

Mosey around the back side of the building to the front of Bellacino’s. The PAX got back into groups of 4 (successfully to our credit this time) for one more round of coupon laps. This time each group would choose an exercise for the other 3 groups to perform. While the other 3 groups performed that exercise, the group ran to the dock, jumped the wall, and bear crawled back down the walk way and returned to the group. Once they were back, the next group ran, jumped, and bear crawled while the PAX did their called exercise; rinse and repeat until all 4 groups had ran, jumped, and bear crawled.

Group 1 chose Sumo Squats; Group 2 chose Leg Lifts; Group 3 chose Burpees (funny, hunh?); Group 4 chose Merkins.

To return the favor for Group 3, YHC called for a reverse. This time, the group would perform the exercise they chose for the other 3 groups, while the other 3 groups ran, jumped, and bear crawled. We cycled back through all 4 groups.

Mosey to the wall in front of the bank (watch out for the hole).

Coupon Step Ups x 20

Mosey to return the coupons to KFC

Back to the wall for Dips x 20

Mosey back to Snoball’s

Finish off with 22 Merkins for the vets.

Advisory meeting on 12/17

Prayer Requests
I don’t think any were mentioned, but if they were, I apologize. I failed to type them on my phone.

Naming of FNG Bookman. In hindsight, this was appropriate at a Q by JJ (different JJ, but still). Dynomite!



After a weekend of fellowship at the Bi-Annual Christmas party and Convergence, it was great to see so many out on a Monday morning. F3 is truly a special group made so by the men who make it up. I was reminded of this in Nashville in my two attempts to work out. On Thanksgiving, I went to the gym with my nephew. I’m sure the gym serves its purpose, but it just felt empty. No mumble chatter; no jokes about a man walking into a doctor’s office covered in… Anyway, I didn’t look for the plant mentioned in Freed to Lead, but I did see a guy who looked just like a slim version of Kelvin Benjamin. I never actually saw him lift a weight in the hour I was there, but he seemed to know how to strut around. Contrast that to the F3 post at Stonewall. I immediately bonded with four other guys that I’d never met because we were there to push each other and make each other better.

Thanks for the chance to lead this morning. Aye!

Block party for the Black Knight. What’s in a name?

No, this was not in honor of Batman.  At least, I don’t think it was.  As brave King Arthur searched for the Holy Grail, he came to an important river crossing being guarded by the Black Knight.  Unsuccessful to convince the Black Knight to join his crusade, King Arthur attempts to cross the bridge, only to be blocked by the Knight.  “None shall pass!” challenged the Knight. Soon an epic battle ensued, and King Arthur was victorious as he doomed the Black Knight to a life as a quadruple amputee.  If you’ve never seen footage of this epic battle, click here:

Meanwhile, The Gashouse pax celebrated the great victory of King Arthur by renaming the lands of Martha to the name of his arch nemesis, The Black Knight.  Yet as historical accuracy is often called into question, so are the memories of the pax after a workout.  Thus, the mistaken name of “Dark Knight” was born.

Enough with the Chivalry, now time for tha thang:

As Brave sir Whoopee and valiant Stroganoff galloped in from the land of EC, coconuts rattling, YHC began with the pledge:

Warm-up: Imperial walkers, take a lap around Snoballs, Grass pickers, take a lap, Flutter kicks, take a lap, get some blocks out of the car, take a lap. Moroccan night clubs, take a lap, plank merkins, recover.

Partner up, grab a block, carry it to the realm of the Black Knight.  Mike Tyson’s on the curb, IC x 20, mosey some more to the shelter of feasting for some sort of medieval Dora.  100 step ups on the picnic table, 200 chest presses with the blocks, 300 dips, and for good measure, 300 bicep curls with the blocks.  Partners swap running up the parking lot, around the shrubbery on the 4th island, and back to the shelter.

Then for 20 Mike Tyson’s in cadence, then 20 little baby box jumps onto the curb.  grab the block and carry it half way through the parking lot, rest the arms with the blocks and do 20 more Mike Tyson’s, then with time running out, mosey back to the parking lot.  Brave sir Whoopee led us in 15 merkins ic and then YHC with 40 low-medium squats in cadence to finish out the workout.

Strong work by all.  Reminder of the Convergence at the Schiele for the toy drive this Saturday, Forgot to mention the Christmas party Friday night, and prayers for Stroganoff’s Aunt who recently lost her Husband.

Honored to lead you in this valiant crusade to be 3rd.

Anybody got a dime? Kings to Crowders Backblast

I apologize for the delay but since this was a pseudo CSAUP event the 24 hour backblast rule is a little gray.

Unfortunately my plans to eat at a decent breakfast eatery  near Crowder’s Mountain went awry when everywhere decent I checked was closed on Sunday except for McDonald’s.  I arrived about ten minutes early and sorted my car out and wondered to myself if anyone would bother to show but I had a good feeling that my hiking partner Stroganoff would and at 0600 hours there he was.  The pre-blast had a 0600-0640 breakfast timelime and no one else showed so I wondered how many would actually come for the hike.  About 0645 JK2 showed up and ordered some food to go so I knew we would have at least 3.

I pulled out right on time and wondered why Stroganoff wasn’t behind me.  I waited and figured he was being a good wingman for JK2.  Only later did I learn that someone left their phone in the head and had to go retrieve it.

We pulled into the Linwood access at 0658 and the gates were open and there was the Nantan and his crew waiting to go.  Kotter Richard Simmons let me know he was coming since he signed up for a HTL Ruck in 2018.  Once he appeared nine PAX got in two clown cars and off we went to the Boulder’s access at Kings Mountain.  Defib and I registered our vehicles while everyone hit the head and got organized.  Before I could set the tone for “church on the mountain”, Stroganoff ripped JK2 with a quip about his Ron Jeremy mustache.  JK2 didn’t know who that was and some others pretended they didn’t either.  This was the first of many Ron jokes the rest of the day.  I decided we needed to read the “Mile One” verse before we started.  GENESIS 2:15  “Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.”  God intends for us to work and through our efforts we can honor God by fulfilling our purpose to work.

We then headed out on the trail.  It was clear and brisk to start.  We went up a hill and down a hill and I walked past some signage and kept going.  Fortunately the wiser group in the back called to us and said we were heading towards South Carolina so we returned to the sign and made the appropriate adjustment.  It could have been a very long day.

We had a good pace and there was lots of fellowship along the way.  The group of nine all stayed close together.  I learned all about Richard Simmon’s training for the GoRuck in Charlotte next year.  He had a 40 lb plate in his ruck which made the rest of feel pretty weak in comparison.  He also had a feisty female voice on his phone telling all of us constantly to pick up the pace.

Everyone had on a pack of some sort from Camel-backs to  first aid kits and food.  Monk, the stoic that he is, only had his thoughts with him and a few snacks in his coat pocket.  He had a water bottle that probably held about 3 ounces.  Fortunately I had at least half a case so I gladly gave him some of mine later in the day.  At every mile we stopped to read another verse of scripture and share a lesson.  For the first 3-4 miles we only saw one person…an odd man sitting on a bench who seemingly came  out of nowhere.   Both Monk and JK2 had foot problems during the hike.  Monk later declared that his boots were too small.  However between some quality first aid and fresh socks there were no complaints.

On the Ridgeline trail there is an option to climb to King’s Pinnacle.  There was a discussion about whether or not to do this but Stroganoff didn’t hesitate and led the way and the others followed.  We arrived at the top with the mountain to ourselves.  We had a snack break and Stronagoff ate a delicious looking smashed PBJ sandwich.  Then Freight tried in vain to get his phone to take our picture by balancing it on a near vertical steep rock face.  Suddenly two strangers appeared and Monk asked them to take our photo.  When they asked if we would take theirs, I believe Monk said “NO”!  It was a pretty well timed joke but of course we took their photo.

From this point of the trail and we were about halfway and we past many hikers coming from Crowders or the Sparrow Springs parking lot.  At one point near Sparrow Springs the trail was closed as indicated with about a fifteen foot section of Crime Scene Tape.  Someone said, “anybody got a dime?  Somebody’s going to have to go back and get a sh%tload of dimes!”

We crossed another road and had a Mayor of Charlotte sighting.  She was walking her dog and actually passed us twice on the trail.   From this point the elevation increases towards Crowder’s Mountain.  Eventually we made it to the Crowder’s Pinnacle where there were what seemed like  hundreds of people.  After a mosey down the stairs we ended at the Linwood parking lot where we finished with a COT.  JK2 drove Defib and me back to the Boulder’s Access and we called it a day.

During the times we stopped for bible verses, Def Leppard could almost always repeat the verse with just a few hints.  He is a wise sage and I appreciate his impact on me.

All in all it was a great day with all three F’s on the Mountain.  Next time we will start from South Carolina for the whole trail.  I don’t think it would add much distance but at least it would resolve the feeling of unfinished business.

Psalm 1 18:6   “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear.  What can man do to me?”

Live without fear and you can be free knowing that your ultimate destination is in heaven.

I appreciate all the F3 brothers that I have crossed paths with  over the last several years.  The hike was right around the 11 mile mark.  I know that Def Leppard thought this was a CSAUP.  I can’t argue with that especially since the soreness I experienced this week was ridiculous!

It was a pleasure to lead as always.

Kings to Crowders pre-blast

So we are going to have church on the mountain this week so get your hiking boots on and come clear your mind on the mountain.  We will hike from Kings Mountain to Crowder’s Mountain.  Everyone has their own pace so you should plan on getting a partner or group of partners who will walk your pace. You will need a partner to carpool back and forth from the parking areas.  It should also be someone who will walk your pace.  This is cafeteria style so you can choose what you want.

Menu:  Optional start for breakfast- meet at Trackside Grill located at 109 E Hudson Blvd, Gastonia, NC at 0600 for a hearty breakfast.  From Trackside we will leave at 0645 to get to the parking lots.  If you don’t want breakfast, be at your State Park parking area at 0700 when the park opens.

Parking:  .  Head to Linwood Parking area.  Be there at 0700 when park opens and leave cars and then proceed to the Boulder access area.

***If you want to cut your hike short, you should drop your car Sparrow Springs access at 522 Park Office Ln, Kings Mountain, NC area with your wingman.  This will cut the hike basically in half (approximately 6 miles or 3 hours)

No matter where you park, you should clown car over to the Boulder’s Access Area at 108 Van Dyke Road.  When you get there, fill out the required forms for the Ridgeline Trail hike and grab a park map.  I have found decent cell coverage at Crowder’s to include MapMyRun.  You may consider a mobile charger since cooler weather may drain your cell batteries.

0730:  Operations/Safety Briefing by Roscoe and quick 3rd F.  Prep your gear and get ready.

Begin the hike before or no later than 0800.

Click to access crowders-mountain-park-map_0.pdf

Begin on Ridgeline Trail

Merge with Pinnacle Trail

Merge with Crowder’s Trail (This is near the Sparrow Springs access so for those that choose the shorter route you can head to your cars here)

Decision Point…  Choose either Rocktop Trail or Crowder’s Trail.

Rocktop is shorter but more strenuous and Crowder’s Trail is longer and less strenuous.

The Rocktop trail takes you to the Overlook at Crowder’s near the Radio Towers.  The Crowder’s Trail connects you to the Backside trail which ends at the Linwood Parking area.

End at Linwood Parking area and clown car back to Boulders Access at 108 Van Dyke Road.

What to bring:  Comfortable shoes or boots with good traction in wet weather.  It appears that we will get rain Saturday night.  The rocks are slippery.  Bring water and quality snacks or lunch.  Charging device for phone if you wish.  If you want to add difficulty to the hike, put a sandbag or weight in your pack.  Bring a first aid kit.  Bring a shovel flag.  Bring a change of socks.  Dress in layers with a waterproof outer layer.  Sleeves are optional.  HAVE YOUR CAR KEYS AT ALL TIMES.  We don’t want PAX stranded because they can’t find their keys.  Wear F3 gear.  You never know how many people we can EH on the trail.

They say you can average 2 mph and we are looking to cover about 12-13 miles.  We should be done by 2 or 3pm but it depends on your pace.  Plan accordingly.

I am sure I left something out so DM me or comment with your suggestions.


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