Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Martha’s House (Page 19 of 21)

Formerly The Black Knight, this AO meets Monday mornings at 0530 at Pelicans on Union Road, near the entrance to Martha River’s Park

BackBlast #GasHouse – Brick House at the GasHouse

25 PAX post (including 3 FNGs) at the #GasHouse on Independence Day.   America’s forefathers laid a foundation for freedom for generations to come.  Spiderman and Wolverine bring us bricks to build our own foundations.  Aye!

Mosey to the flag (with bricks) for the Pledge.  Mosey (with bricks) to the field at GMS.

Warm Up (warm up?  really?)

  • 20 – LBC – IC
  • 20 – Merkins – IC
  • 20 – Side Straddle Hops – IC
  • Lap (with bricks)
  • 20 – Side to Front Shoulder Raises (with bricks)
  • 10 – BodyBuilders / with shoulder press at top (with bricks)
  • 3 – Daft Punks – (full circle lunges with bricks)
  • Lap (with bricks)
  • 20 – Peter Parkers
  • 20 – Side to Front Shoulder Raises (with bricks)
  • 2 sets – Power Merkins
  • Lap (with bricks)

The Thang

Partner up for Bear Crawl (Pax 1)  / Lunge Walk (Pax 2) for length of football field – partners stay together and switch exercise every 30 seconds.  Plank in end zone for the 6.  Recover and take a lap around goal posts, the back COP.

From COP, spread out in large circle (at least 5 yards between each Pax).  Pax get in alternating hi or low plank position.  Pax 1 jumps over the low plank and dives/crawls under high plank all the way around circle…. followed by Pax 2, then Pax 3, etc… continues until everyone completes the circuit and is back in starting position.  Similar to tunnel of love, but less loving.

Mosey from field to nearest courtyard (yeah… the one with the flight of stairs).

Partner up for Wolverine 1-2-3 (similar to Dora 1-2-3). Pax 1 does exercise while Pax 2 climbs stairs (with bricks) and return to partner. Swap out and continue the exercise until each amount of reps are complete.

  • 100 LBCs
  • 200 Freddy Mercuries
  • 300 Flutter Kicks

Partner up for last time… Pax 1 does Imperial Walkers while Pax 2 does sprints (with bricks) back and forth across courtyard.  Continue until times up.

BackBlast #GoatIsland – The Descent

The PAX woke up early today still wondering what this workout would be after yesterday’s preblast. Some probably had nightmares of talking goats in shopping malls riding escalators down to never-ending COP in the gloom… (or maybe that was just me).


  • SSH 20ic
  • IPW 10ic
  • Cotton Pickers 10ic
  • Mericans 10ic
  • Freddy Mercury 15ic
  • .5 mile run

The Thang – The Descent

  • 25 LBC’s
  • 25 Mericans
  • 25 WWII Sit ups
  • 25 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 25 Mountain Climbers
  • Goat mile run
  • 24 LBC’s
  • 24 Mericans
  • 24 WWII Sit ups
  • 24 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 24 Mountain Climbers
  • Goat mile run
  • 23 LBC’s
  • 23 Mericans
  • 23 WWII Sit ups
  • 23 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 23 Mountain Climbers
  • Goat mile run


  • Mason twist
  • V-ups
  • Plank jacks
  • Flutter kicks
  • French Fries
  • 30/30 planks
  • Homer/Marge
  • LBC
  • Dying Cockroach

The End!

BackBlast #GasHouse: Three Course Bojangles Breakfast

10 hungry men (including 3 FNGs) post at #MarthasHouse for three course Bojangles breakfast.  After disclaimer & pledge, the workout begins…


  • SSH x 25 IC
  • IW x 20 IC
  • Don Quixote x 20 IC
  • Prisoner Squat x 20 IC (three count down – nice and slow – feel the burn)
  • Merkins x10 IC

Mosey to Picnic Shelter

  • Derkins x 10 IC
  • Dips x 10 IC

Mosey to Lower Field

  • Field was closed
  • Audible – Lunge walk across short end of field and up hill (not quite the same as Godfathers zombie walk) to next field.

The Thang for today was a three course Bojangles breakfast.  Bojangles is a sprint down the long side of field (or track) and mosey the short side (corners on track).  It’s basically a circle, just like a Bojangles Biscuit!

Bojangles Biscuit #1

  • Sprint, Mosey, Sprint, Mosey.
  • Plank for 6
  • Tunnel of Love (since we had 10 guys, everyone gets to go twice)

Bojangles Biscuit #2

  • Sprint, Mosey, Sprint, Mosey.
  • Plank for 6
  • Ring of Fire (5 Merkins each – all the way around)


Bojangles Biscuit #3

  • Sprint, Mosey, Sprint, Mosey.
  • Plank for 6
  • Seal Situps x 15 IC


Mosey Back to Brewsters

  • Wait… there is a hill in front of us with two clear cuts of grass right through the middle.
  • Crab Walk backwards up the hill.  Bear Crawl forwards down the hill.  Rinse and Repeat
  • Ok, that was run… now Mosey back to Brewsters

COT, Name-O-Rama, BOM

– Bandit

BackBlast #TheStorm: The Murph

Nine mighty PAX post at #TheStorm for the Murph.

The Murph is…

Run to track (quick breather for the Pledge), take 3 laps, run to weight room.

10 pull ups
20 merkins
30 squats
Repeat x10

Run to the track, take 3 laps, run to parking lot.


TClaps to BA for getting us setup and gonig while Dolph was coming in HOT!


Backblast #GasHouse: Sherwood Log Jam

Thanks for the 14 PAX that came out Saturday and threw those logs around like a bunch of savages. The only thing that would have made the day better is if Dr. Feelgood had gotten his phone to work, and some rain, of course.

Start with the Pledge, of course.


Formation run up Garrison through church parking lot to Sherwood Middle School.  WU done to 4 count cadence.

  • Bend and Reach x10
  • Rear Lunge x10
  • Hi Jumper x10
  • Windmill x8
  • Forward Lunge x8
  • Rower x10
  • Dive Bombers x10
  • Overhead Arm Clap x2

Thang #1
Partner up then 3 rounds of 1 lap, max Merkins and max body weight rows or pull ups. PAX run together then while one’s pushing the other’s pulling, then switch exercises = 1 round.

Thang #2 (Log PT +/- 200lb each)

  • Squat x10 4 count
  • Overhead press x10 4 count
  • Thrusters x10
  • Back extensions x15
  • Bench press x20

Extra Credit (Ring of fire version 2.0)
1st man sounds off and every body does 1 rep (Merkins), 2nd man, 2 reps, third man, you guessed 3 reps and so on.

Mosey back for COT and Name-O-Rama.


Is anybody interested in training for a go ruck event ( ) or doing our own? We could add Monday or Friday to the rotation and start rucking once a week. Any questions or interest email Woody at and we can work something up.


Backblast #TheStorm: Crazy Eight and Stadium Stairs

Warm Up
20 – Imperial Walkers
20 – Side Straddle Hops
15 – Merkins
15 – Prayer Squats

Take a lap.

Crazy Eight

  • 20 Merkins then run along the goal line.
  • 20 Freddy Mercury (total of 40) then run to the 50.
  • 20 Carolina Dry Docks then run to other side of 50
  • 20 Flutter Kicks (total of 40) then run to goal line opposite goal line.
  • 20 Prison Cell Merkins

Plank till everyone is finished.

Once everyone is done, repeat to other side of field.

Take a lap

Stadium Stairs

  • Lunge Up then 20 Mountain Climbers (total of 40)
  • Run Down then 10 Decline Merkins
  • Lunge Up then 20 Side Straddle Hops
  • Run Down then 10 Dips

Repeat the above to get back to starting point.

Those that could still mosey mosied.  The rest crawled like slugs to the COT.  I quit at this point and took it to the car!!

BackBlast #GoatIsland: Gone In 60 Seconds

11 Men battled the GLOOM this morning for the workout at Goat Island.

The morning started out with a bit of a shock to the PAX when we found out the gates were locked to Goat Island Park, but that did not deter anyone.  The PAX set up shop in the parking lot, grass, and gazebo and got to work.  Music, Cinder Blocks, Benches, and a Gazebo made for a great morning.

Start with Pledge of Allegiance


Circle Up (In Cadence)

  • Side Straddle Hop x 10
  • Don Quixotes x 10 Forward/Backward
  • Mericans x 10
  • LBC’s x 10



This comes from the movie Gone In 60 Seconds (Our Arms were gone in 60 seconds after this nice exercise).  Mericans set to cadence of the song Flower by Moby.  Bring Sally Up- Go Up, Bring Sally Down- Go Down.  x 3 minutes


Partner 1 does exercise 1 while partner 2 runs to designated area does exercise 2 and runs back and the partners switch exercise.  Continued until all repetitions are completed.  Plank Until all PAX are finished.

  • Blockees 75/ Carolina Dry Docks 5
  • Upright Rows 100/Mericans 5
  • Tricep French Curl 100/Dips 5
  • Bicep Curls 150/Derkins 5



  • Round 1- 20 Standing Cinder Block Chest Presses/PLANK
  • Round 2- 5 Mericans/PLANK



  • 50 Standing Chest Press/5 LBC’s

FRENCH FRIES x 10 Both Arms



  • Prayers
  • Upcoming Workouts and Q’s



  • Gate locked at Goat Island can become a problem.  JoeBoo and BA will get in contact with Cramerton Parks and Rec to try and come up with a solution.
  • Some of the PAX had the new shirts on and they looked sharp.  Other PAX will have to put their name on a wait list and when enough show interest orders will be reopen.
  • The song Flower by Moby seemed much longer than anticipated during the Bring Sally Up exercise.

PreBlast-Goat Island: Gone In 60 Seconds

Gone in 60 seconds at #GoatIsland

We won’t be boosting any cars tomorrow or driving a 1967 Ford Mustang named Eleanor, but you can channel your inner Memphis Raines (Nicholas Cage) while grinding through the upper body beatdown that BA will provide you.

Extra Credit to anyone who knows why this workout will be called Gone In 60 Seconds.



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