9 Pax showed to work and 2 poked their faces in towards the end. Something about a golf tournament excusing the need to work out…


Started with Pledge and a quick disclaimer and a light mosey around the church to the rear parking lot. Some SSH to get muscles moving, then on to the real thing:


Tabata with weights. 5 sets of 10 exercises followed by a short mosey. 25 seconds of lifting and a 10 second rest.

-Bicep Curls

-Front arm raise (with one unnamed PAX deciding he should straight arm it for a 1-rep max)

-Single arm rows (25 seconds and flapjack with no rest)

-Kettlebell swings

-Tricep Extension

-Rocky Balboa

-Shoulder shrugs


-Heels to Heaven



As the time ran short, YHC introduced an exciting change up from the Bear Crawl Slalom–Bear Crawl Racing.

Pax lined up in 2 lines and raced up the hill, with a plank at the top for the 6.

3 renditions of this, and we friendship moseyed to the front for Mary:

-Homer to Marge

-6 Shooters

-Mericans IC


Ended in a COT and prayer, followed by devotion/coffeeteria



  • @Cakeboss (F3 The Fort) runs in the Boston Marathon today
  • @Turtleman, @Anchorman, @Huckleberry
  • FCA Golf Tournament today
  • Jackson Curti is on Day 5 of 9 chemo treatment today. Prayers for him, the bone marrow transplant upcoming
  • @Toothfairy is looking for work in RE Development
  • Praise @Mayor’s daughter does not need further (invasive) GI testing



John 15: 1-9

  • Discussion on Western vine dressing vs Basket vine dressing in the Middle East
  • Discussion on pruning, joy vs. happiness, trials, Family leadership, and distractions of work and the world that blind us to leading our families
  • Chocolate pretzels by YHC’s shortie, Kaylin.