Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: F3 Gastonia (Page 9 of 22)

PrisonBreak 1/22

Not much really to write up about on this fine cold morning. The Premier Running AO in the region always draws out a great crowd to log miles. That being said, all participants did their thang and ended back at start.


COT: Gumby, Wichita’s dad, MW’s mom

YHC took us out in prayer

A Horny Day

It was a crisp, rather chilly, morning at Folsom this morning. I was confident there’d be a good showing, even though in past years, cold weather kept a lot of PAX in the fartsack. Yes, I’m guilty myself. Moving on, I had heard from Watts Up that he was coming up to visit. There had been chatter on our Folsom GroupMe group last night where Allen Tate confirmed with HIPAA that he’d be there. Well, that didn’t happen, but it was good to see HIPAA come out. As I step out of the Jeep, I hear this annoying car alarm/horn going off over at the animal shelter. So, from then on it was Beep..Beep………Beep..Beep. It’s time, so let’s get at it.


SSH, gravel pickers X15 IC.

Mosey to the tennis courts for…
The Thang;
Variation of Sparky’s 20-1 was called. 3 exercises;merkins, Squats, LBCs. Using the entire court area, corner 1, get 20 of each exercise. Mosey to the next corner for 19 each. Mosey to the next get 18 each. Continue until you finish up back at corner 1 with 1 of each. Quick recover then line up on the first court for some Wojo inspired run training. Start with a nur half the distance then turn and sprint the remaining distance. Turn around and nur then sprint. Round 2, buttkicks all the way down paying attention to form and turn around for the same back. Round 3, high knees all the way down and YHC was asked “we going back, right?” Well, yes. Ok, back at start Q called for some clipboard/screw your buddy/whatever you call it. In a line, PAX 1 calls an exercise and the remaining PAX perform that exercise AMRAP while PAX runs the courts and back. PAX 2 is next. Continue until all has an opportunity to screw the others. Then mosey a full lap around the courts and end back at the flag. 22 merkins for the Vets. And yes, that damn horn is still beeping.


COT Wichita’s dads recovery, Gumby’s recovery, my mothers knee surgery coming up

Announcements there’s a bunch of runs coming up, I should’ve recorded it. Hit up Slack for those details.

YHC took us out in Prayer

Interpret this…..

Rucker’s, Painlab, Bootcamp, even a few independents thrown into a scribble vector circle pretty much makes chaos.  Hey guys, no warm up each to their respective groups.  Wait, let’s knock out the pledge.  Seem’s like I’m new at this each time I do.

Bootcamp off, five total with me.  First stretch always knocks the wind out of me but I held together pretty well.  I vaguely remember the attempt to cross the road while seeing spots and trying to keep everybody safe.  When I woke up on the other side somehow I managed to get everyone across safely.  Down to the Pad (stairs at the church).  I promised the guys a ‘no weinke’ challenge and I held to that notion, but promised we would add some fun and chicanery (and additional scenery) to the event.  However, for now let’s just run a route of Dora’s.

The Thang:

Dora 1-2-3:  Push Up’s (wait, what?), Merkins, Squats and Flutters.  Partner up and knock them out.  Single count flutters please, somehow Short Sale and Clavin thought this meant 673 total.

Next a warped version of Lyndsies (forties).  If Short Sale had not interpreted this for me we would still be doing calf raises on Monday.

On the steps, 10 calf raises and then 10 derkins.  Follow that with 20 and 10, 30 and 10 and then 40 and 10.

Moving on, corner of church, 25 merkins.  Top of hill at stop sign, 50 squats (lost count after 5), mumblechatter setting in good by now but I still needed Short Sale to interpret the call.  Down to Sherwood.

Partner up.  Partner one to top of drive, partner two holds plank.  Rinse and repeat with crab walk hold and 6 inches.  I thought there was another, maybe I’m dreaming I had good calls on my weinkeless Q.

Next lot over, quick round of Mary.  Clavin has to bolt and somehow he disappeared into thin air with no fog to cover him over and there was a bolted gate that was so designed to keep such Clavin’s out.  Legend still remains if he ever returned?  I’ll give him credit for the event anyway.

Sherwood to Library, caught up with the Ruck group.  Short Sale probably exhausted from interpreting all my Q calls to Pythagorus and EZ Rider, he really let up on the smack talk to the group.  We continued our Mosey to the library where again (after Short Sale cleaning up my description) ran a dirty version of Defib’s circle of death.  Partner up, run loop opposite, on meeting do one Booyah and count up until a certain amount of time passes (enough to just get us home).  I loved the run back from the library to the Schiele, that was the easiest part I had all morning.  EZ helped me bring it home in full ‘push’ mode.

8:00 and time.


Go Ruck Training – Next week (1/25) at The Yank, one hour before start of regular Bootcamp.  Event ready training, full pack, yes Freight you should probably have your license and $20 bucks.


DaVinci and family’s loss

Lynn Hamm, friends of Breaker Breaker, hospice in now

EZ Rider and son

Stroganoff battling flu/cold/crud

All Pax on Tiger’s prayer list



Let’s Do Some Leg Work

The morning started awful. YHC let the weather win in the AM and YHC’s mind just was not focused on getting better.

The day progressively turned for the better starting with a great word by Sparky at our non official morning Bible study.   Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”  

As the sun fell, it was time for Starkville and time to get right and get better,

The Thang:

Quick mosey to the shelter.

Sets of the following:

  • 60 Imperial Walkers or Hillbillies
  • 50 Squats
  • 40 Step ups
  • 30 Lunges
  • 25 Merkins

We increased the the quantity by 5 then till the Step Ups got to 60 then reduced the quantity by five as we watched comedic videos to disrupt out counting.

We then moseyed back to the flag for prayers and COT.

This was a simple yet effective weinke. Thank you for the opportunity to lead.

Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”  

Big Pappy


What a crowd?!!

This morning started out like usual, but as time drew closer to start, it was noticeably different. Well, different as of lately. 16 men tore up the PrisonBreak route on this occasion. I’m used to seeing 6-8 on a regular basis. Of course, it is time to get your P200 training in. Many of the guys who have signed up were getting their work in. There was no sign of Allen Tate, who claimed to be ready to “Werk” to be ready for the relay. We will see his effort in time. Anyway, good to see all you guys this morning.


Announcements: P200 sign ups(see Montross), Sparky has started a little bible study Monday mornings(get a run in and be in Ingles by 0600 for discussion)

COT Wichita’s father, Montross, Gumby recovery

YHC took us out in prayer

Substitute Slaw

Blart was scheduled for the Q at Midoriyama. He gave me a little notice saying he might not make it due to work. By lunchtime, it was confirmed that he couldn’t make it and he asked YHC to pick up the Q. I had a few hours to whip up my Weinke, so I headed to the F3 Exicon and the crossfit bodyweight WOD website. I rolled in, changed my clothes, and walked into the typical gauntlet of Midoriyama mumblechatter.  When Gold Digger realized I was subbing for Blart, he compared me to Josh McCown being subbed in for Carson Wentz in the Philadelphia/Seattle game this past weekend! One thing I love about the Midoriyama boys is they tell you how they feel!


20 Seal Jacks IC

15 Don Quixotes

20 Moroccan N/C’s

Stretch Right leg over Left 10 seconds

Stretch Left leg over Right 10 seconds


Mosey to long parking lot on the other side of the playground for The Longest Mile:

4 rounds of:

10 Burpees

100 Meter Run

10 Hand Release Merkins

100 Meter Run

10 Squats

100 Meter Run

10 Big Boy situps

100 Meter Run

Next, we headed to a small hill for some 11’s with Squats at the top of the hill, run down the hill, Mike Tysons at the bottom, then Joe Hendricks (reverse bear crawl up the hill). All PAX were doing great until the Q realized everyone had Omaha’d to Nurring up the hill instead of Joe Hendricks. Even Gold Digger modified after round 4!

Mosey back to the parking lot closest to the flag and do some Ascending Curb Crawls. Feet up on the curb, perform 1 Derkin. Bear Crawl across the parking lot, 2 Derkins, and so on to 5. The Exicon calls for 13 rounds of this, but time was getting short and the Grantan was giving me Eat $h!t looks.

Back to the flag for a Slawter stopper (20 Burpees) for the finish.



New AO at New Hope Elementary (a.k.a. The Ricky Bobby). Sargento is the site Q.

Freight is starting GoRuck training. This Saturday he will be at Folsom. They will start 2 hours before the end of the workout (which is 1 hour before the beginning of the workout if my math is correct). They will be starting at 5:30 at Folsom and finish up to join the bootcampers at the COT. He will be at Gashouse the next Saturday, then The Yank the Saturday after that. If you’re confused by now, just ask Freight.

Prayer Requests:

Swimmer’s Father-in-Law, Timeframe’s M, Tiger’s Dad, Gumby’s upcoming surgery this Friday, Lil’ Sweet (possible surgery), the situation in the Middle East with Iran.

YHC took us out in prayer.

Love ya, mean it!




With the launch of a soon to be named AO on the other end of town, PrisonBreak was a little lighter than usual. That’s ok, cause we were able to welcome an FNG, Evinrude, to the scene. He works with Wichita as a lineman, but his hobby is building outboard race motors for boats, along with many other hobbies. Anyway, there were six total; 2 ruckers and 4 runners. When all made it back to start, we got the pledge in.

COT; Wichita’s dad, Gumby, Volts 2.0

YHC took us out in prayer

Identity Theft is not a Joke, Jim!

13 HIM’s strong for Pain Lab on this wet and rainy morning.

The set up is simple. 15 stations with 2 minute intervals rotating around in a circle listening to scenes from the TV show “The Office”.

The Stations

  • Michael Scott – Rocky Balboas
  • Ryan – Weighted Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Creed – Weighted Squats
  • Kelly –  Weighted Randys
  • Darryl – Weighted Big Boys
  • Jim – Bobby Hurleys
  • Oscar – Shoulder Taps
  • Andy – Mountain Climbers
  • Pam – LBCs
  • Angela – Dying Cockroaches
  • Stanley – Merkins
  • Toby – Flying Squirrels
  • Phyllis – Lunges
  • Kevin – Weighted Curls
  • Dwight – Weighted GoofBalls

Da Vinci’s knowledge of The Office was impressive.  He knew every line in every scene. It was a little scary.  Les Nessman was debating that Seinfeld was better and deserved a Q. Maybe next time my friend.

Thanks to Wichita and Stogie for making the trip down from my home AO of Folsom. It is always good to see PAX posting outside there normal AO.

Great work by all and thank you for the opportunity to lead.

Proverbs 15:15 – All the days of the afflicted are evil, but the cheerful of heart has a continual feast.

Big Pappy


  • 7 HIMs came out to Folsom on a brisk morning to put in some work.

Warm up

  • 15 SSH
  • 15 Gravel Pickers
  • Mosey to second light post
  • 25 Squats
  • Mosey to back to tennis courts

The Thang

  • A continuation  from King Pin’s Q, 4 corners
  • Lap one – 6 Burpees at each corner
  • Lap two – 6 LBC in cadence
  • Lap three – 20 Hillbilly Squats
  • Lap four – 25 Imperial Walkers
  • Lap six – 20 Merkins
  • Lap seven – 50 Moroccan Night Clubs in cadence
  • Lap eight – 20 Dying Cockroaches
  • 25 wide arm merkins


We celebrated the holiday giving for the Dallas Christian Ministries and Operation Sweettooth with personal YHC examples of those who benefited from those gifts. We are all here purpose and calling.  No purpose is greater than and another. If you called to give money or time, do it.  If you are called to lead a sunday school class or bible study, embrace it. If you called into ministry, missionary, or service, go.

Joshua 1:9 – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Prayer Request

  • EZ Rider
  • Stogey
  • All PAX


  • Convergence on the 28th at the Gashouse
  • Don’t forget to RSVP for the Christmas party

Big Pappy


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