Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: F3 Gastonia (Page 18 of 22)

What a douchebag!

As usual, PAX gather at the premier run/ruck AO in Dallas in this rather cool brisk morning. On this particular day, we had a variety of preferred methods of logging some miles in. There were walkers, runners, ruckers, and even a mall walker(Oompa). Anyway, we normally park in the same area of the Ingles parking lot leaving a couple spaces open to gather where we place the shovel flag. This has never happened before that I know of, but a random Douchebag in a Jeep just wanted to squeeze his doucheness between my truck door, the curb where the flag was, and within arms reach of the PAX. This maneuver was not only rude, but rather bold to have been performed in such close proximity to us Real HIM. Why he felt the need to do so, who knows, but for his sake he’s glad he didn’t stop. Several years ago, YHC wouldn’t have just watched such ignorance take place without a confrontation. That being said, thank the Lord I’m not how I used to be.

Announcements: SFN Belmont 5k, Mt. Mitchell Hike Sunday, Memorial Day Murph at Martha Rivers(no other AOs open)

prayer requests: Gastone, Pizza Man, each other

YHC took us out in prayer

Down Goes Pappy

The Folsom HIM’s made their presence felt this beautiful morning. It was looking like we may be low on numbers but Allen Tate,  Montross, and Sparky came in hot giving us the exact number we needed.

Warm up:

  • 10 Hillbillies
  • 10 Cherry Pickers
  • 10 Toy Soldiers

The Thang:

We mosey’d to the lower lot were we had 3 stations set up. We worked all 3 stations for 2 sets at 7 minutes in length.

  • Station 1
    • Pearl Jam had a ladder drills set up on the “Platform of HIM’s”.  YHC found that his footwork was not as fast has his brain and around corner 2  tripped and went flying into the grass net. I appreciate Ratchet making sure the YHC was ok and for AT screaming “DOWN GOES PAPPY” like the announcer from the Ali/Frazier fight.
  • Station 2
    • Blue had some live music for as we did LBCs, merkins, SSH, flutter kicks and others the YHC can not remember. He played mostly classic rock, but had a special ukulele tune (Yesterday by the Beatles)  for Sparky.  It was cool to see Montross take over for a set and play a little AC/DC.
  • Station 3
    • In this station, we had a parachute sprints and squats on the other end.  We started out strong but this one beat us down on the second set and we were too slow to get the parachute to deploy.

We mosey’d back to the tennis court lot and there was Pizza Man working like the true HIM his is.


We spoke of raising our children in the way of the Bible.  Proverbs 22:6 “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”  Pizza Man joined us and his words were truly felt. 


  • Speed for Need in Belmont on the 25th

Prayer Requests

  • Pizza Man and family
  • Gastone and family
  • Roadie and family
  • Medicine Woman
  • Mayor
  • All of F3 Gastonia PAX

There is a lots of us in need of prayer. Please pray for all PAX.  It was an honor to lead all of you today.

-Big Pappy


Big Enos, thats Watts Up: a pre-blast……

Help!!! Big Enos, I mean Watts Up wants 4 cases of Coors finest to celebrate in style with his Painlab AO Site Q inauguration.  Best I can tell there’s a truncated supply of any cases from here to Texarcana, (Lineberger Park).  The offer from Watts Up is nothing except an $18.00 advance on a pre-owned wheelbarrow with a semi-deflated pneumatic (depending on the temperature) and the demand that we get it done.  We have 54 minutes to complete the challenge.  I suppose you may have a ‘nice ass’ when complete.

Vagabondage begins right at 0700, well after disclaimer and warm up.  Join us as we saunter through Smokey and the Bandit’s historical ride.  We’ll catch up with Sheriff Branford, pick up Frog at church, munch on a Diablo Sammich and maybe get lucky in the park (that alone should get you out of bed).

Watts Up has given us until 07:54 to be back with his brew.  If we’re lucky we’ll get double or nothing for Clam Chowder next time.

Know what the kicker is?  He does not think we can do it!!!

Saturday, 5/18.  Gashouse Bootcamp; Smokey and the Bandit style, Painlab, Monk with special Whetstone updates, recognition of Hippa’s leadership, inauguration of Watts Up as Painlab Site Q.

Post here, Folsom or The Yank.  Post somewhere.


Coors and Smokey and the Bandit are registered copyrights and trademarks of some corporation, these copyrights and trademarks will be violated.

Above terms are subject to change without notice.

Statements above informs readers that the views, thoughts, facts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author.  Linus does not necessarily support and or endorse these views, thoughts, facts, and opinions?

This event is not yet rated.  Contains adult humor and content that is not suitable for any audience.

Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may or may not apply to you.


Aye……. Linus

The Piano Derby………?

So, YHC has never been very creative at a “themed” type Q. That being said, and the fact that I’m a bit ADD, this Q came out around more than a single theme.  The Q was under fire much of the WO, but mumblechatter is always a boost of moral. Enough with the introduction, this is how it went down.

On this day, Billy Joel/The piano Man just happens to turn 70 years old. I’m not a big fan, but after hearing his birthday announced on the radio, I thought I could honor it. Again, ADD.


Seven Exercises, 10 reps each IC for a total of 70, hence Billy Joel. I know pretty dumb, but hey, it was a good warmup. Exercises were, Merkins, plank jacks, Goof Balls(not used much at Folsom), Imperial Walkers, Flutter kicks, mike Tyson’s, Freddie Mercury’s.


mosey to tennis courts.


This past weekend was the running of the 145th Kentucky Derby. Again, not a big fan or anything, but the number 145 stood out to me. So, line up on the first court. This routine will be called “9-1.” Three exercises will be performed. Start with 9 reps each then run the total distance of the courts and back. Then perform 8  reps each, run and back for 7, etc. etc. Down to 1 rep each and finish with another run down and back. Exercises were Burpees, LBCs, Squats. 9-1 with 3 exercises happen to equal 145 reps. Next up, another routine Oompa had called “screw your brothers” or something, but I heard it called “Clipboard” out at Blackbeard’s AO.  Line up and each PAX will call an exercise of his choice then run to the end of the courts and back while his brothers perform said exercise AMRAP. Once he returns the next calls and runs, etc. we had time for 2 complete rounds of this before time was called. There were 16 different exercises, but I honestly couldn’t tell you what all they were. Time:

Announcements: SFN Belmont(sign up, PAX needed), F3 Dads Camp

COT; Roadies Family, Gastone’s family, Wheezy, The Champion Family,  each other

YHC took us out in prayer

Always an honor to lead you men! It’s exciting to witness new PAX staying committed, getting stronger, and becoming HIM! The accountability, support, and encouragement in our region has been the definition of what F3 stands for. Let’s continue to stay strong and build each other to be the Men that God called us to be for our families and communities.

Mobile Pain Lab

I don’t like staying on one spot.  The view gets old.  So, we moved.

After the warm up we zombie walked out of the Schiele parking lot.  We stopped at the wall for some people’s chair and arm raises.  We zombie walked and crossed the street to the Library.  Oh look, some coupons! As always, I cranked the music and we did some suck.  Partner up for Dora 1-2-3.

100 Merkins, 200 squats, 300 flutters.  Partner lunge walks to the coupons.

3 coupon stations: tire flips, 5 out and 5 back, walk back to the partner.  Station 2, bricks for 20 overhead claps.  Station 3 for 20 curls.  Walk back and switch with partner.  Do a different station at each change of the Dora exercise.

Once that was done, it was barely 7:30.  Go back to the pain stations and split up evenly to 4 stations

Tire  flips across the driveway, chest presses with blocks, curls with blocks, moroccans with bricks.  every time the tire flipper would cross the driveway, the stations would rotate, or 20 of each.

last exercise as Clavin put on his delivery uniform (he conveniently parked at the library),  we put the bricks back in the Pup-wagon.

I liked the song on the radio so we did some burpees while it played, then zombie walk to the road, cross safely, and stop on the other side for monkey humpers. About that time, boot camp came running up the road and joined us in the hump fest.

zombie walk to wall, then I asked Whoopee the moron to do some hip slappers.  20 IC.

then lunge walk some, then bear crawl to startex for some Mary.

finished off with lots of prayer requests.

Strong work.   Time for Cheese head to get a smaller shirt.  He’s lost the weight of a teenage human.


Stop asking “How’s tha back?”

So, worked out with bulldog a few weeks ago.  it was fun.  I asked for the Q on 5/7 and it was mine.

Short and simple, I brought some blocks and some bricks.  I played some music.  We curled and heaved the blocks, we morrocced and shoulder tapped the bricks.  We did some burpees and lunges in between. At the end we did some Mary. It sucked. I hope it hurt.

The back’s fine.  How’s yours?



Dreams come true at Neverland

A strong crowd to start the week at Neverland.   16 pax for what was a simple but effective weinke.  The inspiration was the upcoming, annual Murph on Memorial Day (7am at Martha Rivers).

Warm up

SSH x 30 IC

LBC x 20 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

Mosey towards the park (YHC hears some mumble chatter about being happy didn’t head the other way towards Gastone’s hill.  What you don’t know, can’t hurt you)  Stop at the entrance of the park.

25 big boy sit ups on the hill with feet on the high side

Mosey down the road towards the play ground stopping about every other light pole for 25 monkey humpers OYO.

At the playground, share the reminder about the upcoming Murph and that would use today as practice.

10 pull ups, 20 merkins, 30 squats, then run the small lap around the playground.   Complete 5 times.  Some made it 6x’s, some 5 and others 4.  None the less, the rock was being moved.  Recent FNG’s Rainbow Ranger and Won Ton were pushing hard.  Was getting close to time so meandered to the parking lot.

Bernie Sanders (that’s the NUR but up a hill) to the upper side of the parking lot.   Easy Rider was hard to catch. Defib got him in the last 100 meters.

Plank it up waiting on the six.

In salute to Gastone – 50 flutter kicks IC.  This was a crowd pleaser.

About home, stop again at the entrance of the park for 25 more big boys with feet on the high side.

Mosey to the finish time.


A beautiful morning with a number of #hims getting it done.  Always a honor to Q.

Good work



This is a “Flash CSAUP?” What is that you ask?  It is like a regular CSAUP except without prior planning and preparedness.  That includes preparedness for you!   #SHOWTOKNOW

Saturday morning May 11, 2019:  Arrive by 0315 at Gastonia’s original and greatest AO of all time, the Schiele Museum of Natural History.  1500 E. Garrison Boulevard, Gastonia, NC

Bring the following things:

Ruck Sack with weight (30 lb suggested minimum)  **If you have more than one, bring it just in case another PAX needs it.

Running shoes/headlamps/reflective gear

Shovel flags



Start times will based on fitness level.

It might be possible to make it back in time for the start of the Painlab and/or Gashouse bootcamp but that depends on you and your team.  However, we will be back before COT.  (Team Assignments will be made by the Q and/or his designee)

Closing thoughts:

*Don’t expect much except to be better for the experience.

*You will probably be sore by breakfast (Union Road Diner at 0815)

*Prepare to be underwhelmed.

*They are called CSAUP’s for a reason.

*You will cover multiple miles with your best friends so what could possibly be wrong with that?

*It is called “the Moron” for a reason.





Coconut Horse – It Rained & Was Gloomy

It was gloomy and raining at the start.

When I arrived, Diva was the only one in sight.  Two were already on the course and one would roll in late.

Diva did YHC a real solid by not leaving me behind.  No doubt it helped my pace on this gloomy morning.

We ran.  It was fun.

Two more showed up for Q Source.

Until the next one.  Aye!

See you in the gloom.


Star Wars Day at Gashouse

Another not so gloomy morning at Gashouse for a Star Wars Day beatdown.  The crowd may have been a little thin compared to some other Saturdays but Jedi’s don’t care about quantity, only quality.

No FNG’s so we went with a quick disclaimer before a very short warm-up:

SSH’s X 15 IC

Imperial Walkers X 15 IC

Time to split up the Bootcamp and Painlab and off we went.

The Thang

First, we had to gather our coupons that we were to carry throughout the workout:  a genuine (maybe not) Stormtrooper Helmet, a double-ended light saber and a standard light saber…..all legit.

We moseyed to the Sherwood Elementary track for part I of this Star Wars adventure:

Let’s do a Jedi lap that included running the long straight aways and lunge walking the short sides.  After that, we prepared for some modified Jack Webbs or Jar Jar’s that went like this:

10 Merkins – 5 Air Presses – Run across to other side of field

10 Merkins – 10 Air Presses – Run across to other side of field

10 Merkins – 15 Air Presses – Run across to other side of field

This continued until the last set of 30 Air Presses (How can air presses be so hard?)

Our Female Sith that we sometimes see at Sherwood showed up so we decided to mosey for Part II of the workout:

Mosey the long way up Dixon Rd and back down to First Pres to my favorite set of steps for some singles Dora 1-2-3:

100 Merkins in sets of 25 with running the steps in between; after the Jack Webbs/Jar-Jars, some us had to modify (YHC) and my sets were actually 25-25-20-15-15 but we got it down.

Second was 150 Flutter Kicks in sets of 50 with running the steps in between.

Last was 100 squats in 2 sets of 50 with running in between.

For the record, we still had our Jedi gear with us.

Time to Mosey to the Grier track for Part III which included a little Wolfpack/Jedi Grinder:

Monkey Humpers X 10 IC – Run half lap – 30 Mountain Climbers – Plank

Monkey Humpers X 10 IC – Run half lap – 30 Mountain Climbers – Plank

Mosey over to the picnic tables for 2 sets of the following:

Dips X 15 IC – Step ups X 20 IC – Derkins X 10 IC (I’m tired)

Time is winding down so it is time to make the Kessel Run back to the Schiele to catch up with the Painlab group.

We finished off together with 21 burpees in honor of Riley Howell, the young man who sacrificed himself for others during the shooting at UNCC this week.  F3 Waynesville (where Riley is from) asked the Nation to honor him with 21 burpees just before the COT at Saturday workouts as Riley was 21 years old.  We were honored to suffer through them for the cause.  Aye!


Announcements; Several prayer requests; Name-o-Rama

The moleskin:

I had not Q’d at Gashouse in a while so I was looking forward to it and attempted to mix it up with the Star Wars theme.  Thanks to Whoopee and Watts Up for the pre-workout Ruck, really enjoyed the fellowship and work.  As we have more than one of our PAX dealing with family issues, please remember them in our thoughts and prayers.  This past week marked 8 months since the passing of my father.  The Q Source has helped me reflect on these 8 months and how much F3 Gastonia has helped me to keep moving forward.  I have found more support and comfort from F3 than from any other source.  I am grateful and for this reason, I want us all to remember we have opportunities to impact and support each other.

Until the next one.  Aye!

See you in the gloom.


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