Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: F3 Gastonia (Page 12 of 22)

Abs and Shoulders

It was a beautiful morning at the Rotary Pavilion.  Everyone was ready to go, so we got it it right away.

Warm Up

  • 20 x Grass Pickers – *YHC did not realize that this was frowned upon, but we did them anyways
  • 20 x Imperial Walkers
  • 20 x Merkins
  • 20 x Mountain Climbers

The Thang

Several stations honoring the many children that YHC has had in his home over the past 10 years.

  • Station 1
    • 20 x LBC’s
    • 20 x Big Boys *Whoopie happens to find the only rock in the lot and lays on it.
    • 20 x Flutter Kicks
  • Station 2
    • 20 x Hillbillies
    • 20 x Hillbilly Squats *Shown to YHC by the great Bedpan
    • 20 x Merkins
  • Station 3
    • 20 x Austrian Mountain Climbers
    • 20 x Hip Slappers
    • 20 x Squats
  • Station 4
    • 20 x Freddie Mercuries
    • 20 x Imperial Walkers
    • 20 x Merkins
  • Station 5
    • 2 min plank
    • 20 x Plank Jacks
    • 20 x Big Boys
  • Station 6
    • 20 x Rocky Balboas
    • 20 x Dips
    • 20 x Derkins

We rinsed and repeated and swapped out a few exercises here and there and a few burpees thrown in as well. We then pledged to our great nation and ended in the COT.


We are called to a mission and to serve. There is no mission or service greater than another as long as the focus is from and to God.  Whatever your calling may be, do it.  Life will be rewarding and fulfilling  because of it.  It was an honor this morning and thanks to all of you for pushing me everyday to live right.

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”  1 Peter 4:10

Big Pappy


Preblast for F3 Impact Challenge


Modeled after the overwhelming success of the IronPAX challenge, F3 Coastal Empire has put together a challenge that will test your Region’s ability to give back to the community. We’ve proven that we can challenge each other physically. Here is a challenge that tests your ability to serve.

This challenge will be focused on 3rdF activities. There will be two challenges lasting 2 weeks each. The first challenge will be revealed on Sunday, 10/20. Pro tip: Get Creative once the challenge is released.

Let’s try this 3rd F challenge for the next 4 weeks. List your donations on their website using F3 Gastonia region. If you prefer, we will also collect non-perishable food items for Mt. Holly CRO. Site Q’s collect and I will pick up and deliver. You can also follow on F3 Impact Challenge on Twitter.

Examples for first challenge:
Buying popcorn from the boyscouts. Donating jackets to goodwill. Collecting money as a group for a local charity. Canned food drive for your local food bank. Rounding up at the grocery store for charity. Unacceptable examples: not participating.
Here we go! Basic instructions on the challenge. Currently 18 Regions signed up. Where are you?

More race training

another great fall morning at PrisonBreak this AM. Today was like most other running AO days here lately. Most all PAX who posted were training for either the Tuna 200 or the Ocean Isle Half. There were different ranges in distance, but everyone did work.

Announcements; Christmas Town 5k


YHC took us out in prayer

Miles of Bricks

Q’d gashouse 10/11/19, had a blast with Roscoe and Padre.

Disclaimer, warmup,


Mosey to lineberger park Bball courts.  Oh look, someone left some blocks and a ball.  Lined up for free throws.

3 chest presses, shoot a free throw.  If you hit it, you rotate and do 3 chest presses.  If you miss, 3 blockes, then rotate.  Rinse and repeate.  Each Pax takes a turn.  3 times of this, then mixed it up with unbalanced merkins with 1 hand on the block and blockies if you miss.  Then 5 curls and 3 blockies if you miss.  3 rounds of each. Back it out to 3 pointer, Merkins and squats, no blocks.

Finally, moved it in for some Pig (no pun intended Roscoe).  Left hand bank shot, 3 merkins if you miss.  right handed, 3 merkins if you miss.

Mosey back.

5 minutes of mary with pain lab.

collected $100 for the toilet benefit.  As promised, did burpees for each dollar earned.  I did $13 at the gashouse for good measure (to cover the $ingles).  Hipaa said something about tucking them in my shorts but I declined that offer.  Did the full 100 on Tuesday morning at Bulldog. someone owes me $13.00.


good times.


Those Cones are to Far Apart

It was a great afternoon to get the some work.

The Thang:

4 stations: (Lunge walk and mosey between each station) cones are place 25 yards in width and 100 yards in length.

Station 1

  • Overhead Press qty 30
  • Curls qty 30
  • Triceps qty 30

Station 2

  • Merkins qty 30
  • Mountain Climbers qty 30
  • Peter Parker’s qty 30

Station 3

  • Big Boys qty 30
  • LBC qty 30
  • Flutter kicks qty 30

Station 4

  • Squats qty 30
  • Imperial Walkers qty 30
  • Hillbillies qty 30

Loop around each station until time is up, then COT and prayers.




Make it up as we go

10 him’s made it this nice cool Monday morning workout (unscripted)

No FNG’s -quick disclaimer (kinda)


Warm up in cadence:

Merkin x 10

Flutter kicks x 10

SSH x 10

Mosey down street as we where heading to Gastone’s hill (coming in this morning i counted 14 street lights between Union Rd and Pelicans )

I will make use of those 14 street lights as we run – stop at each light and do some exercises:

the first few we did 1 burpee, 5 squats, and 10 LBC

the next few we did 2 burpees , 10 squats, and 15 LBC

the  next few we did 3 burpees, 20 squats, and 30 LBC

OK we finally arrive at Gastone’s Hill but wouldn’t stay long – quick Nur up to the cross road and mosey back down to continue our trip

the last few we did 4 burpees, 30 squats, and 40 LBC

Mosey over to the dry cleaners beside Food lion and sit on the wall while doing some marching and hand presses – only did 10 in cadence

Mosey across the Foodlion parking lot the long way – we ran each row of spaces to almost the end  (we omitted the last two rows)

I thought about going into the construction zone of the new Planet Fitness but the yellow tape stopped me – did want anyone to fall in a hole

Took a quick left to go behind the building , lunged walked a short distance before stopping for some 11’s

11’s – mekins and plank jacks – from wall to buidling

Mosey back toward the start to finish up with a little Merry:

1 minute of flutter kicks

1 minute of LBC

1 minute (reduced to 30 secs) of Michael Phelps

1 minute (some ended with less) baby makers.


End with COT:

Announcements:   Convergence at the Yank – Oct 10,  Christmas Town 5 K sign up,

Prayers request: Watt up’s son, Time Frame’s son, and EZ Rider”s son.

Out with Prayer

2 Chronicles 7:14

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then i will hear from heaven, and i will forgive their sin and will heal their land. ”


Thanks for the honor of leading today!

Until next time EZ Rider out


The Cooper

on this fine cooler than lately morning, YHC expected a larger crowd for a Folsom beatdown. Many are still on run training only until the races are over this month, so I knew it may end up a lighter than usual crowd. Either way, I knew PAX that posted would get some good work in.



SSH, Gravel pickers, Toy Soldiers all x10 IC

No shovel Flag, mosey to park entrance flag pole for pledge, then mosey back to the tennis courts


The Cooper, or otherwise known as 10-1, a variation of Sparky’s block workout 20-1. Using the first corner of the tennis courts, start with 10 each of burpees, Big Boys, Merkins. Mosey a lap around the entire court area, back to start for 9 each. Continue on until you’ve finished your final 1 rep each and final lap. Men are getting better everyday out there, so some routines are being finished faster each time they’re called. With about 7 minutes left, YHC calls for some core Mary. After 2 rounds, time is up.

ChristmasTown sign ups


QIC took us out in prayer

PrisonBreak 10/2

4 men logged some miles and got better this edition of PrisonBreak. Nothing spectacular really happened, so the BB is what it is. Good job men.


Christmas Town 5k SFN sign ups


Gumby took us out in prayer

The Folsom Spy at the Yank

A total of 10 Pax and 1 FNG (Welcome Captain Crunch!!) came out to the Fighting Yank.   It was a beautiful but humid morning to get in some work.  It was my first time at the Fighting Yank posting or Q’ing and to have a good turn out was an honor I am thankful for.

The Thang – The set length was decided by the time it took Nothin to solve the Rubik’s cube.

  • Mosey around to the picnic tables
    • AMRAP – Dips
    • AMRAP – Step Ups
  • Mosey to the Yank stairs
    • AMRAP – Calf Raisers
    • AMRAP – Rocky Balboas
  • Mosey to fountain
    • AMRAP – Burpies
    • AMRAP – Lunges
  • Mosey to “The Merkin Station”
    • AMRAP – Merkins
    • AMRAP – LBC’s
  • Mosey to track
    • AMRAP – Imperial Walkers
    • AMRAP – Squats
  • Mosey around track – Al Gore for the Six
    • AMRAP – Hillbillies
    • AMRAP – Moroccan Nightclubs
  • Mosey around track – Al Gore for the Six
    • AMRAP – Big Boys
    • AMRAP – Flutter Kicks
  • Mosey around track – Al Gore for the Six
    • AMRAP – Imperial Walkers
    • AMRAP – Squats
  • Mosey to “The Merkin Station”
    • AMRAP – Merkins
    • AMRAP – LBC’s
  • Mosey to fountain
    • AMRAP – Burpies
    • AMRAP – Lunges
  • Mosey to the Yank stairs
    • AMRAP – Calf Raisers
    • AMRAP – Rocky Balboas
  • Mosey around to the picnic tables
    • AMRAP – Dips
    • AMRAP – Step Ups
  • Lunge walk to the road
  • Mosey back to the Flag
  • Pledge, 22 for the Troops, and COT


  • JJ 5k
  • Christmas Town 5k – Sign up

Prayer Request

  • Tool Time,  Milburn, 5 Degrees, Tube, Stogie, Nothin, Dirt, and Wanderer
  • Termite’s Son
  • Norwood’s Friend
  • All Prayers spoken and unspoken.


The cube represented our lives as Christians. Once we accept Christ we are clean and in order. We then immediately sin and screw up. We get all jumbled up and messy. Once we repent, we get back to an orderly state. It may not be on our time or the way we want but we are always set right. We then, of course, sin again repeat the cycle.

Thank you for the opportunity to Q.  It was honor to be able to be servant leader to a solid group of HIM’s

Big Pappy

Judges 2 18:19 ESV

“Whenever the Lord raised up judges for them, the Lord was with the judge, and he saved them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge. For the Lord was  moved to pity by their groaning because of those who afflicted and oppressed them. But whenever the judge died, they turned back and were more corrupt than their fathers, going after other gods, serving them and bowing down to them. They did not drop any of their practices or their stubborn ways.”

The Oompa Diaries

We rucked a few miles and had great fellowship. Oompa Loompa is an awesome HIM.

The Thang:

  • We Rucked
  • We Pledged
  • We Prayed


  • JJ 5k
  • Christmas Town 5k

Prayer Requests

  • Rockabilly’s Mother
  • Oompa’s Daughter
  • The Kotter’s

Big Pappy

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