Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Coconut Horse (Page 2 of 20)

Everything has been solved

Beautiful morning for running and rucking.

4 ruckers and 3 runners this morning at the Coconut Horse.

Roscoe and I solved half the world’s problems during our run and as we passed the ruckers up Robinwood Rd, we heard their discussion and they were solving the other half.  You’re welcome.

All 7 stayed for a discussion on Trooping the Line from The Wisdom of the Bullfrog.  We must know those we are leading and understand what they deal with on a daily basis.  Only then can we help provide solutions to issues and remove the obstacles to success.

Until the next one .  Aye.


It’s Still Humid

It’s still humid.  3 runners and 2 ruckers for the Coconut Horse.

The Q decided to get crazy today…….we reversed the Coconut Horse route.  There was much debate after about which direction is more difficult.  For today, I say it is the reverse route.

As usual, fun was had by all.

Announcements included upcoming ruck csaup on Oct 21 and 2nd F lunch coming up.

Prayers to Flintstone’s sister-in-law, Turtleman and others.

Q Source:  We continued studying The Wisdom of the Bullfrog by Admiral William McRaven.  Today was Chapter 11 – It Pays to be Winner.   In my words, I would say the importance of having high standards.  This seems to be getting more difficult in today’s world but having high standards and trying to maintain them in everything we do is important.  Hold the Line.

I appreciate the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Do you even park, Bro?

YHC arrived at Coconut a little early for a quick mosey around the AO.  Whoopee and Breaker Breaker were cycling but Whoopee’s truck was dangerously close to being over the parking space line, disregarding the others who may arrive at 0540 and want to park a far piece away from the Harris Teeter beside his truck.  Putting his truck in enormous jeopardy to receive a well deserved door ding, and with Stroganoff out of town, YHC instinctively knew that he would have to call out Whoopee for not backing into the space as well.   You hate to see it.  YHC called him out on text.  Even thought the topic of Q Source was “Run to the Sound of the Guns”, we could also throw in Q 2.6, Correction.  Correction is zealous advocacy for Shared Virtue, which are the standards of moral excellence that are Essential to the Group.  By calling out Whoopee for his precarious parking job, he was exhorted to uphold the parking standards of F3 Nation.  Only later, did YHC receive a text from Whoopee proclaiming his apologies and error or his ways and begging for another chance.  He proved it with a picture of his truck backed into a space with ample room on either side of his parking space.  Like a wolf who feeds on the sheep without mercy, we, as men of F3, should give no slack to other men when upholding our shared virtues.

In other news, Captain Steubing showed up for his first Coconut Horse lap.  Is he eyeing a shot at the Coconut Derby belt?  Winehouse is now a Coconut Horse regular.  JJ and YHC ran and Sledge, Scrat, and Hunchback rucked the Heatherloch route.  We then had 7 for Q Source.

As usual, it was a great Sunday morning!

September 4th Convergeance at the FUSE Stadium at 0700

Prayer Requests:  Turtleman, Norwood, Huckleberry, Radar’s family, Sledge’s M, Tiger’s Dad


Something about doctors

Flintstone arrived to ruck wearing the Iron Sharpens Iron belt and was joined by Maybelline, Woopee, Scrat, and YHC. Winhouse,  JJ,  Stroganoff, and Roscoe set off for their regular run. Afterwards, Roscoe said something about doctors to Woopee that cannot be repeated here. JJ left; Sledge and Shortsale joined us for QSource & Chapter 5 of The Wisdom of the Bullfrog, which expounded upon the following:

  1. You must bring energy and enthusiasm every single day.
  2. You are not entitled to anything but more hard work. The rank and file are working hard and getting paid less.
  3. Attack each day as though it was critical to the organization’s success


  • Convergence on Labor Day at 7am – stay tuned for details
  • PT Tests at the end of August
  • Coconut Derby August 27 – pre-blast to follow

Prayer request:

  • Norwood
  • Silent intentions

Humility @ Coconut Horse

Good showing this morning at The Coconut Horse.  Runners and ruckers represented.

It is warming up (we can only hope).

We did not see a Chupacabra on the greenway.

Announcements:  2nd F lunch this week at Logan’s

Several prayer requests

Leadership discussion this week on Humility.  Possibly the most important leadership trait.

Appreciate the opportunity to lead this morning.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Pick up Yourself

Four runners and three ruckers left the Gloom to go their separate ways running or rucking and all ended up where we started.  The Q hung tough until the end of the gut check and then picked himself up the last mile as he watched the others accelerate to the finish line.

Five miles for runners, 5k for ruckers (all distances are approximate)


Announcements:   F3 DAD’s at the Yank this Saturday the 17th at 0700!!!!!


Second F Lunch at Logan’s Roadhouse on June 21st

Prayer requests:

JJ’s 2.0 travelling to Europe

Stroganoff’s MIL’s health journey

YHC’s Uncle recovering from fall


The East Side Invasion

A group of five guys and Scrat the dog  kicked off their day with an energizing rucking adventure, while two others chose to go for a morning 5 mile run from the Coconut Horse. Two ruckers from the East Side – Pale Raider & Hunkajunk, joined us for their first experience at the site. Later, everyone gathered for an insightful Q Source session, where they explored “The Leader and the Follower.”  Important announcements and prayer requests were shared.

Announcements:  upcoming PT workouts at the  Ricky Bobby, Midoriyama, Prison Break, and Old School.  2nd F lunch at Logan’s Steakhouse is planned for June 21. June 24, an annihilation workout at Old School.

In the spirit of unity, the group shared prayer requests. Roscoe’s Uncle, Anchorman’s sister, and Norwood were among those in need of support and prayers during their respective challenges.

During the rucking session, the group enjoyed the company of each other and the great outdoors, while the runners embraced the refreshing challenge of a morning jog. Following their physical pursuits, the F3 members regrouped for the Q Source discussion. The main topic focused on Chapter Nine of “The Dichotomy of Leadership” by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin. The key takeaways highlighted the significance of trust, valuing opinions, and providing support to complete tasks effectively in a boss-employee relationship.

Where’s Maybelline?

0630 arrived and no sign of the Q for the day – Maybelline.  It’s F3 so we took off anyway.  3 runners and one rucker.  The weather was……..nice.  It would not stay that way.

Abbreviated COT due to the weather.

To his credit, Maybelline did arrive to lead Q Source as we continued with The Dichotomy of Leadership and Chapter 8 on Accountability without making every decision for them.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Cooler Coconuts

I thought the cooler weather was over.  Not so fast.  However, it was perfect running weather in my humble opinion.

4 runners and 1 rucker this morning at the Coconut Horse.  Two others showed for Q Source.

We continued with The Dichotomy of Leadership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin.  The last couple of weeks we have discussed the balance within leadership of too much involvement and too little involvement along with how and when to hold the line on what’s really important.  It’s a difficult dichotomy to say the least.

Good work men.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Nothing but a Coconut party

It was a nice morning with lots of EC going on before the official 0630 start of the Coconut Horse.  There was EC running.  There was EC rucking.  Scrat showed up.  It was awesome.  It was cool.  There was a breeze.  You could say there was a cool breeze. There was not a cool change, as we ran the same route and rucked the same ruck route to put Scrat up.  Maybe next time I will change it up and we can call it cool change…unless the weather is too warm.  Warm change doesn’t have the same flair and I don’t think the Little River Band or anybody else ever wrote a song called warm change…or hot change for that matter.  Maybe someone should?  That is a debate for another day.  I digress.

Just like synchronized clocks, everyone returned at the same time.  Whoopee, Scrat, Hunchback, and YHC rucked and the rest ran.  Flintstone showed up for Q-Source and tried to get in the name-o-rama as Short Sale, who was not there.  What the heck is this sorcery?

For Q-Source we covered Chapter Two of the Dichotomy of Leadership. “Own it all, but Empower Others”.  A leader must be in charge but cannot be a micromanager or the troops will not initiate action but rather wait to be told what to do.

If you are hands off as a leader, the troops will initiate action but will not be aligned to the greater strategic goals.  You must be looking out and around but not always down and in.  You have to balance the two extremes.  (hence, the dichotomy)

Prayer Requests:  Flinstone’s parents, Huckleberry,

Announcements:  Midoriyama Convergeance April 29th at 0700.   Time Laps training runs Sundays at 2 at Seven Oaks trail.

Second F Lunch at Papa’s and Beer’s in Dallas on April 26th

If you are reading this, know that I appreciate you.  All the PAX of F3 Gastonia have a culture of brotherhood and will be there when we are needed.  Please let us know if you are going through a struggle so we can pray and take action as needed.  ISI


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