F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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New AO Soft Launch @ Life Church 11/6/23

As a Q I keep BB simple.  I’m SUPER THANKFUL for all the PAX that showed up for this gear BD to kick off a new potential AO.


SSH X 20

IW X 10

MC X 20

LSQ X 10

MC X 20

The Thang:

Partner up.

Catch me if you can.

Partner 1 – Rifle carry block.

Partner 2 -Drop for 5 Hand Release Merkins then all you got to your partner.  R&R until you get back to the flag.

Rifle carry block to bball hoop at the back of church.

Circle up for exercises. Q calls out exercise. Clockwise in rotation and the timer is the PAX that chooses 50  or 75 sandbag to carry up and down the hill

Exercises included:  Swings, Thrusters, Sumo Squat, LSQ, Curls, Chest Press, WW3, Overhead Press, Rows, Deadlifts

MARY to close out



Courage at the Coconut

A few ran early. A few rucked early. One ran on time. Three others and a dog rucked on time.  A few left early. One arrived just for Q Source. However, the theme of Courage from Admiral William McRaven’s first chapter of the Hero Code bound the PAX together.

Better than explain the two stories from McRaven, here’s two short videos about Courage he described, one from women serving in the U.S. Army Special Operations Command and another from the Alamo.

Ashley’s War: The Courageous Story of Women on the Battlefield

Drawing a Line in the Sand

Announcements: Ultimate Frisbee11.23, Christmas Party 12.2, Beer Ruck12.9

Prayer Requests: Hauschka (F3 Lake Wylie)’s family, Turtleman, Oompa

Praise: Whoopee’s 15 anniversary being cancer-free.


Glossy Lips @ Gashouse

It wasn’t really that gloomy.  The weather was just about perfect.

Good crowd for Painlab and Gashouse Bootcamp, especially considering the F4 event occurring at the same time.

Short disclaimer and warm up of Side-Straddle Hops and Imperial Walkers before the groups split up.

The bootcampers moseyed to the entrance to the museum parking lot for 4 burpees.  We headed toward the track behind Sherwood Elementary that included 3 stops along the way for 3, 2, and 1 burpee respectively.

Time for a super simple, modified Wolfpack Grinder Workout that included some moseying and 3 sets of 3 exercises X 4 times:

Round 1:  Merkins – LBC’s – Squats (Run half of track between sets of all 3 exercises – this would be the repeated rhythm for the workout with other runs across the field and back)

Round 2:  Derkins – Flutter Kicks – Lunges (3 sets with running in between each set)

Round 3:  CDD’s – Freddy Mercury’s – Step Ups

Round 4:  Dips – Dying Cockroaches – Calf Raises

To finish it out we performed 10 reps of the first 10 exercises (no Dying Cockroaches or Calf Raises due to time)

We started working our way back to the Schiele with stops along the way for burpees.

Pledge – Announcements – Prayers – Name-O-Rama

During the COT, Whoopee shared some info about TM (The Man) and The Campos, the original Saturday workout that eventually birthed F3.  One of the originals recently passed away.

Also, Whoopee spurred us during the workout to pick up trash around the AO at Sherwood Elementary.  Well done Whoopee as we did clean it up significantly.

Until the next one.  Aye.


Another serving of Core’n More @PainLab, this time with a side eye.

We had a good turn out today with (5) Hims ready for a PL beatdown. I always feel that the core does not receive enough focus, therefore a core day is always necessary. Some of you may not be a passionate as I am. We split from the Gashouse  group and make our way to the corner of the parking lot. I let them know to bring their kettles because we will us them. 

For this round we work for 50 seconds and use 10 seconds to transition to the next exercise. We get started on our 6ix with ABC’s. For those of you that don’t know, that’s using both your legs to spell out the alphabet while your legs are few feet in the air. I have never been able to complete the alphabet in 50 seconds. Some have asked if it’s lower, upper or cursive. It’s you against you is what I say. I use all caps. Then we move to Freddy Mercury, LBC’s, rev-LBC’s, and CDD’s. Through out this whole set, I keep getting the side eye from Clavin and an accessional question as to when we are going to use our kettle 🙄. I must have touched a soft spot with him 😂. Rinse & Repeat 

Lets rifle carry around the parking lot.

Next round: flutters, heels to Heaven, American hammers, starfish and plank jacks. And more side eye from Clavin😂.  Rinse & Repeat.

Lets rifle carry around the parking lot.

Now lets mosey down the trail with our kettle, stop at the 1st set of benches and let’s do step ups for 1 minute. Continue on to march across the bridge to the up hill. Bear crawl up the hill. Stop at the benches and do 20 incline Merkins. We did 20 squats then lunged slowly down the hill to retrieve our kettles. Curl our kettles back up the hill. Once we are back at our spot, we go in calf raises inner and outer.  

Last set was 11’s with squats and merkins.

Good work men!

Prayers for Turtleman 🙏, those spending Thanksgiving by themselves, the Israel conflict, Ukraine, and those prayers I missed. 


A Tale of 2 Q’s

This beautiful Sunday morning 5 PAX pushed the rock at Members Only. 3 Ruckers and 2 runners. Tesla fartsacked and showed for the Q source.

Our fearless Site Q (Tiger) assigned 2 Q’s for Members Only and the subsequent QSource and both of us showed.

The group was sufficiently schooled on the topic of “Schooling” and learned that Virtuous Leaders Pass Praise and Take Blame. Since Tiger is our leader, he can take the blame for any shortcomings.


Ultimate frisbee on thanksgiving (teams are set)

Dec 2 convergence and Xmas party

Beer ruck Dec 9th


prayer requests:

David Douglas Pilgrim’s neighbor s coming up on 1 year anniversary of losing his wife and his dog has advanced cancer and will not live long (currently beyond vet expectations). Been a tough year for him and his adult children. 

Prayers for people traveling (work/holidays)



Erika  (Orangeman’s 2.0) has a new job

Cheese whiz (Jane Fonda’s 2.0) is doing better (was sick for a while)


CSAUP Trail Run

We had 10 come out and give trail running a go. A few others had to drop out for various reasons. It was a beautiful morning for it. Perfect weather. Clear and precise instructions were given. The trails were marked impeccably and yes you guest it, people still got lost. To be honest it was expected and I kinda hoped for it 🙂 .There’s really only so much you can do. I mean some people will get lost in there own yard. We ran in teams of 2 and Flinstone and Pockets came out on top with the fastest times. Flintstone had the fastest and even knocked Pizzaman out of his spot on a segment so you know he was gettin after it. Seuss probably had the most mileage. Unless you count Wiki’s mileage when he drove to Lowell to pick Seuss up in some neighborhood he found himself in, bless. Wiki did have the fastest laps but got slightly off on one of his laps costing him some time. Anyway we did something different and had a good time. Maybe we will do it again sometime. Thanks to all that participated.

Did you ask leppard to Q

10 men posted to downtown on Friday. It was nice and warm for a November morning. Sweat was spilled. It was mostly mine as it was just my second BC in the last 2 months. It would have been my third had Slaw not shat all over me the previous day when I accepted the Q at Midoriyama upon his request. Once he found out the 1st F Q was available it was like I wasn’t even alive! Anyway.

Warmup: Doesn’t really matter

The Thang:

On the steps at the pavilion-hop up the steps. 5 Cdd’s at the top, hop down and do 5 at the bottom. 5 rounds

Next we did some deep sea divers for a few steps until I ran out of vertical/horizontal distance

Let’s mosey down to Main st.

1st corner 10 merkins, Around the block we went stacking them. 10 merkins, 20 lunges, 30 lbc’s, 40 mtn climbers.

Over to the Methodist church parking lot and partner up.

11’s. Run in opposite directions and do 1 little gumby in the woods. Run back and meet your partner for 10 booyah merkins. If you undertstand 11’s you know what happened next.

Mosey to the parking deck and partner up again

P1 does BTTW while P2 runs up a flight of stairs and back. Do 5 rounds. This sucked!

After this we did a few rounds of wall sits and dirty hookups before heading back.



Announcements-Get signed up for the Christmas party and vote even if you aren’t coming(Freight 2023 most supportive/pickup the 6), help Broke out by showing up and helping SFN at the Christmastown 5k.

Prayer Request-SA took us out

Basketball and Bathrooms

With basketball season upon us, I figured a little basketball-themed Q would be a great fit today. I warned they guys that I may need to take an unscheduled emergency break this morning as I’d already ridden the throne twice before arriving this morning.

I took a little extra time to warm us up and get everyone nice and stretched out. Lets mosey!

We run across the soccer field to the parking lot by the lake. Keeping with the basketball theme, we did Route 66 Bobby Hurleys. Next up in the same parking lot, Route 66 Coach K Merkins. What is a Coach K Merkin? Most Duke haters love to make fun of K’s big pointy nose. The K Merkin pays homage to the goat by requiring you to touch the ground with your nose on each rep.

We mosey to the grassy area beside the horse track for Elevens. The exercises were Big Boys and, to keep with the bball theme, Mahktyr Ndiayes. As I wrapped up, I asked Pony Boy to grab the 6 and head to the courts as I dropped off some brown trout in the pond.

We regrouped at the courts to work on footwork and burpees. We circle up for some Mary as pax rotated calling exercises. I ducked out for yet another deuce trip as the group finished up Mary. I rejoined as Pony Boy called some Elevens with pull ups and dips.

Thanks to Pony Boy for stepping in and keeping things going as nature called. Also, thanks to Volt and Chubbs for posting and just being good dudes.

Prayers: our families, Wyatt family, business opportunities, Jackson Hall

Appreciate the opportunity to lead you men this morning.


This is Still Just Part of the Warm Up…

I said at the beginning of the workout that this was my first Q at The Yank… but now I am not so sure. It may have been my second one. Regardless, the disclaimer was to blame Flintstone for me being there and for the workout that was about to go down.  We had some runners that took off from the beginning, not sure… but I will say that I scared them off with my flashing Bluetooth speaker and mumblechatter about blocks and shoulder work.

I had a few different ideas. Watts Up (aka Rhino) tried hijacking my Q (okay, maybe that’s a bit dramatic… he was really just trying to be informative and helpful). Most of his suggestions I listened to. I’m not a tyrant. The workout MVP goes to Jane Fonda for modifying some of the movements to make them harder.

Warm Up:
10 Gravel Pickers – in cadence
10 mnt man poopers – in cadence
20 ‘Roccan Night Clubs
20 Arm Circles Front
20 Arm Circles Back

Reverse Bear Crawl down the steps of the park

20-25 Side Straddle Hops – in cadence

Bear Crawl to the end of the side walk: 10 burpees (or flying squirrels)

Mosey to my truck across the street and grab some yard blocks.

Overhead clap with the blocks to the covered pavilion area.

Circle Up:
Iron Hulk (1:4 ratio of merkin to air presses) adding one with each person in the circle

Tha Thang (though, the joke was it was still all part of the warm up): 

20 – SSH – in cadence
20 – Plank Jacks – in cadence
20 – Seal Jacks – in cadence

20 – CDDs on the blocks
20 – Flutters
20 – Hand release merkins with a brick row

20 – Arnold Presses with blocks
20 – American Hammers with blocks
20 – Skull crushers with blocks together

10 – Bent Raise Rotation (Lat Raise – Forward Raise – Reverse)
20 – Freddy Mercurys
20 – Nolan Ryans with the blocks (10 each side)

20 – Toy Soldiers with a brick/block
20 – Windshield Wipers while holding blocks
40 – Brick Flies
40 – Block curls

20 – Clean and Press with the blocks
40 – Chest Press LBCs with the blocks
20 – Tricep Extensions with the blocks

Tortoise and Hare… pair up! – Lt. Dans (or Zombie Walk) with blocks around the track while partner does 10 clean and press (with blocks)

Run to catch partner… REPEAT until I say so.

Mosey the rest of the way around the track doing a rifle carry with the blocks

Put the blocks down for some core work to reign us all in…

Little Baby Oblique crunches… and Stogie-fied Gas Pumps

Fellowship Mosey to return the blocks to my truck


  • Convergence at The Yank on December 2nd
  • Christmas Party on December 2nd

Prayer Requests and Praise Reports:

  • Montana’s continued recovery from surgery
  • Turtle Man and his family
  • Jackson Hall and his family
  • Brutus has a mission trip coming up in January
  • Anchorman’s person (and others who benefit) with the donations
  • Praise for Brutus getting another grandchild coming up in the next week of so
  • Praise that we’re all breathing and God is good and taking care of us and everything around us.


Thanks for letting me lead, Gavel. Don’t smoke ’em if you got them unless the cigars taste and smell good.

I’m Stogie, and I’m out!

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