F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Radar’s Insatiable Thirst for Burpees

10 PAX today for a birthday beatdown where the Burpees just slowly added up, thanks to the input of one helpful PAX.  Here’s what I remember:

Slow crowd to get out of their cars this morning.  With one minute to go, guys started to get out of their cars and showed up to the flag looking like they were about to serve lunch detention.  It was only slightly worse.

The Thang:

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)

We prepaid repeatedly for trains that never came.  Looking for a run & gun style today, so we started weaving through the parking lot.

  • Mosey to end of parking spaces
  • 41 x Goofballs (IC)

If YHC gets much older, the Q is going to pass out calling cadence.

  • Mosey to islands
  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)
  • Mosey to end of parking spaces
  • 10 x Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • Mosey to islands
  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)
  • Mosey to end of parking spaces
  • 10 x Toy Soldiers (IC)
  • Mosey to islands
  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)
  • Mosey to end of parking spaces
  • 10 x Jane Fondas L (IC)
  • 10 x Jane Fondas R (IC)
  • Mosey to islands
  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)
  • Mosey to end of parking spaces
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)
  • Mosey to islands
  • 5 x Burpees
  • Mosey to traffic circle

Radar got the picture and was ordering up Burpees as we went.  He couldn’t get enough of those things.

So at the traffic circle, we did

  • 20 x HR Merkins (OYO)

Then took a quick lap around the Storm’s carpool dropoff, where YHC just took off expecting some pace out of the PAX.  They lagged and got dusted, enough so that they about got lost.  Is it a Q fail if the PAX take their sweet time and get lost in the process?  Probably.  Luckily, they saw YHC back in the middle of the traffic circle doing…

  • 20 x HR Merkins (OYO)

again.  That set was tougher.  Anyways, moving on.  To the Dora side of the school where the walls and concrete barriers are

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)
  • 30 x Dips (OYO)
  • 30 x Step Ups (OYO – count each step)

To the wall

  • Wall Sits
  • w/20 x Air Presses (IC)
  • w/20 x Marches (IC)

and then just because Radar wanted them

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)

and then another request from Radar

  • 20 x Hip Slappers (IC)

(Why am I even writing this backblast when Radar was the Q?)

Next was some “Core-a” with 3 Core exercises and some running with partners.  The catch today is that the runners will mosey to the islands, then Jailbreak to the end of the parking lot, reverse directions, mosey to the islands and Jailbreak back to their partner.  Exercises were…

  • 100 x Freddie Mercuries
  • 200 x Flutter Kicks (Count Left Side)
  • 300 x LBCs

Back to the barriers for

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)
  • 30 x Dips (OYO)
  • 30 x Step Ups (OYO – count each step)

Back on the wall

  • Wall Sits
  • w/10 x Air Presses (IC)
  • w/10 x Marches (IC)
  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)
  • 10 x Hip Slappers (IC)

That was a lot of work, so it’s logical that time was running out at this point.  The stacked suicides that were planned will have to wait for another day, but we’d still get to run suicides.  Just not as many reps.

Jump Squat Suicides

  • Mosey to the next set of parking spaces
  • 10 x Jump Squats (OYO)
  • Mosey back
  • Repeato for 5 total sets of parking spaces

And I think that was all we had time for.  Probably another set or two of burpees in there, but nothing too stupid.  We got what we paid for.  Seuss and Tiger bailed on COT.  We pledged before we left.  We were there and left a mark this morning.


A great start to a great day.  Pushed work down a rung or two today to join Watts Up and Anchorman for coffee at Floyd & Blackies.  That’s a couple HIM that keep me headed in the right direction.  Grateful for that 2nd F.

It was everything a 41st birthday should be.  Worked.  Spent time with my parents.  Went out to eat with my M & 2.0s.  Then called it a day.  Grateful for the simple things.

Kudos to Radar for a fine Q this morning.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Cold Windy Kettleballs

We started with a nice little warm up in the treacherous cold and wind swirls of the Bulldog.

Arm circles, Moroccan Night Clubs, Speed Bag boxing, Merkins, Squats, LBCs, Flutterkicks

1 minute – Curls
1 minute –  Lawnmowers
1 minute –  Shoulder Press
1 minute –  Goblet Squats

Dips, Incline Merkins, Derkins

1 minute -LBCs
30 seconds – Triceps
1 minute – Curls
1 minute –  Lawnmowers
1 minute –  Shoulder Press
1 minute –  Goblet Squats

Dips, Incline Merkins, Derkins

1 minute – Curls
1 minute –  Lawnmowers
1 minute –  Shoulder Press
1 minute –  Goblet Squats

COT: Turtleman, Tube’s brother and his family, Sam

Ground Assault 12/20/23

Larger crowd than expected on a brisk morning.  Started with pledge, mission of F3 To plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men, for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Announcements: Beer mile 12/30 at 10:30 – Mtn Candy named as official beer, convergence 1/1/24 at Martha Rivers 0700, Q source opportunities at each AO on Sundays

Prayer requests – praise that Jackson Curti able to spend Christmas at home but has to go back right after, Turtleman, Huckleberry, Jackson Hall, Virus father-in-law, Tesla family, Pax and family traveling, a friend of a friend named Kaitlyn – young mother diagnosed with rare form of strep outlook is not very good at this point, Jane Fonda

Tiger took us out

Always an honor


Weinke Down My Pants, Weinke Down My Pants

Warmup, Pledge, lap around the track, you know, all the regular stuff.

At the flag, between the lamp posts Pax lunge walked, burpee broad jumped, and bear crawled. Since YHC does not own hip hugging, phone carrying, yoga pants, the phone, aka weinke, got shoved down the backside, next to the tramp stamp, for the bear crawl. Well, the weinke did not stay put and upon reaching vertical, the weinke was all the way down to the ankles, creating a funny sideshow. While YHC dug around for the weinke, Tesla kept the Pax busy with some SSHs.

Mosey to the back lot for some good ol’ fashioned 12 Days of Xmas. 12 exercises, 12 reps each in a stack ‘em style.

Day 1, 12 merkins, NUR up the parking lot, perform a perfect burpee, mosey back to the gifts, err, start.

Day 2, 12 squats, 12 merkins, NUR, burpee, mosey.

Day 3, 12 big boys, 12 squats, 12 merkins, NUR, burpee, mosey… get it?

Day 4 werkins
Day 5 Bobby Hurley’s
Day 6 american hammers
Day 7 diamond merkins
Day 8 Apolo Ohno’s
Day 9 V-Ups
Day 10 CDDs
Day 11 side lunge
Day 12 fox holes

Pax got through 10 days, but time was running out, so we pushed through the side lunges and fox holes  before time to mosey back to start.

Announcements: beer mile on the 30th, 2nd F lunch noon today at Hickory Tavern, convergence 1/1/2024 7am at Martha Rivers Park

Prayers for J2C, Montana, Jane Fonda, those suffering with illness

Kool-Aid took us out.

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

Oh! I’m the Q today!

Of no fault of anybody but myself, I didn’t realize I was on Q until turning into the parking lot and noticing the date on the scrolling marquee. Somehow I had Thursday as the 19th and not Tuesday, Oh well, We still made it happen!

Started off with a F3 typical warm up :

SSH, windmills, gravel pickers, Moroccan night clubs, overhead claps, and imperial walkers


We grabbed some COLD blocks and took them to the tennis courts for a “modified” 4 corners that turned into “escalators” we started with Tricep extensions then added curls at the next stop, then added chainsaws at the last stop. Then we “deescalated the set.

One more round consisting of windshield wipers, chest to block merkins, and block swings


We put the blocks up then made our way to the lower parking lot and traveled Lieutenant Dan style to the middle of the parking lot, and there we ran a triple nickel with 5 burpees and 5 big boys, before Lieutenant Daning back to the top of the parking lot.

We ran back to COT for a little ab lab and that was time.

Thanks Pony Boy for the oppertunity to lead.


Prison Break 12/20

Weather : 25 degrees

Men : 4

I was proud to see Pall Bearer this morning at 5:11 am getting some E.C. as cold as it is today.

The beards kept the cold weather at bay.

Prayer Request

Huck, Turtleman, and those traveling for the Holiday.

Praise: Big Pappy and his wife are about to finalize the adoption of the little girl they have fostered for some time.

Pallbearer’s wife starts her knew job/role with her company in January

2nd F lunch today at Hickory Tavern.

The Bed Pan is Full..



Another Amazing Morning at Mt Hollywood

My Q pushed everyone to the limit and it was very difficult put we all made it through with many wonderful exercises including merkins, squats, lunges, lbcs, cdds, dips. Plus nurring, bear crawls, crab walks, and more. Plus we never left the parking lot.


Prayers for Jane Fonda and Tesla’s Sister


YHC put together a weinke with a pre-Christmas theme to mirror all the hustle and bustle activities common this time of year. Little did the Q know but some of the PAX hit some EC prior to the workout. They not only warmed up their legs but apparantly the mumble chatter was warm and ready to go when the clock struck 0700.

SSH IC x 15
Merkins IC… this is where the Tez Walker hate began. Something was mentioned about quitting at some point so YHC let the PAX continue doing Merkins until the Q was the only one still going.
LBCs IC x 12
Imperial Walkers IC x 12

Turned Pain Lab over to Hunk a Junk and bootcamp went on a mosey.

Just like so many college and high school kids in the past week, in the Grier parking lot, we took EXAMS.
Partner 1 ran while Partner 2 performed an exercise. Then, switch until both partners performed all 5 exercises.
E – E2K (show to know or look it up in the lexicon)
X – X-Factor
A – American Hammers
M – Monkey Humpers
S – Squats

Left out of the parking lot towards New Hope. Stop at the office park. Got some Christmas shopping to do, but first we have to stop by the ATM for some cash. Same concept, one Partner runs while the other does an exercise. A – Alternating Shoulder Taps
T – Tempo Merkins
M – Merkins

The mumble chatter continued… and continued… and continued…

With cash in hand, it was time to visit Ollie’s. Shopping list included a set of Four Core-ners.
Corner 1 – 10 Crunchy Frogs,
Corner 2 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Peter Parkers
Corner 3 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Peter Parkers, 30 LBCs
Corner 4 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Peter Parkers, 30 LBCs 40 Flutter Kicks

With time left, the PAX got to choose things on their list.
Mosey half-way down the lane where Sargento picked something
Mosey to the end of the lane where Whoopee picked SSH
Mosey half-way back where somebody picked something else
Mosey to the end of the lane where Short Sale picked Jingle Balls or some variation.

Time was running out so time to mosey back. Stop for a burpee at each of the drive entrances.

Stop at the Grier parking lot where the PAX lunged from the road hump to the crosswalk.

Mosey back to start where Stroganoff had us flutter kick til the bell.

This recap does not due justice to the amount of mumble chatter during this workout. Fun was had by all.

2nd F lunch @ Hickory Tavern 12/20
Special Q at Gashouse next Sat (12/23)
Beer mile (12/30) HC to Sargento

Prayer Requests
Sledge’s mom

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Man Holes and Man Poles

We ran all over Dallas, We visited Lindsey over by the wall. We did more Burpees than I’d like. We stopped by Big Pappy’s house to put on a show. We found a big ass hill to run Triple Nickel on. We ran through 2 rounds of Route 66 with the first being marked by Man Hole Lids on North St. and the second being performed at utility poles or man poles as Leppard called them. It was about time at this point so we head back to the Flag for the COT.

If you showed up to my workout thinking you wouldn’t be running well the joke was on you today. We got in about 3 miles and a lot of work today. If you want to know what we did and where we did it well I guess you gotta show to know.



Another attempt at an AR7 style workout. This isn’t the one we attempted a few weeks ago. This time it was a grinder. No fluff. No no useless running or active recovery rounds. It was just plain old stubborn ass Clydesdale Horse Power and Grit. It went like this. Quick warmup a little stretch then mosey to the block pile riffle back to the tennis courts and get to work.

Round 1 – 7 sets 7 reps each

  • Right Leg Only Lunges
  • Left Leg Only Lunges
  • Thrusters
  • Right Hand Block Rows
  • Left Hand Block Rows
  • Right Hand on Block Merkins
  • Left Hand on Block Merkins
  • Front Squats

Round 2 – 6 sets 6 reps each

  • Block Swings
  • Thrusters
  • Right Hand Block Rows
  • Left Hand Block Rows
  • Right Hand on Block Merkins
  • Left Hand on Block Merkins
  • Front Squats

Round 3 – 5 sets 5 reps each

  • Block Swings
  • Thrusters
  • Block Rows
  • Merkins on Block
  • Front Squats

We were getting pressed for time so I opted out of the single limb movements on the last round to keep the pace moving. Counting the warmup we got in a little over 1000 total reps and that partnered with very little to no rest equals as many calories burned as any steady 45min. state cardio session.

We finished back up at the Flag with the Pledge and COT.

Lots of Prayers and Praises.

Thanks for the hard work men.




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