F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Missed you Slaw

Approximately 2 hours prior to the workout I received a text from the Site Q Slaw stating he had to work and would not be able to attend – So I thought we could channel our inner Slaw and I added some burpees to the recipe.  Here is how it turned out.  With winds whipping up and mercury rapidly dropping there was a lot of pre-game mumberchatter about the weather and how some pax would rather we move the workout into the turdshack!  obviously said pax have not been in there in a while for no one with a functioning proboscis could stand that environment very long.  With the clock at 5:30 YHC took off running – it seemed the best way to counter jack Frost.  After a quick lap around the parking lot we circled up for the formal warm-up – usual stuff SSH, IW, gravel pickers MNC – but with escalation burpees between sets.


The Thang:

Grab two blocks and divide into two teams at 6 successive light poles each team completes 250 reps (in aggregate) and rifle carries to next light pole.  Exercises were BLIMPS – Burpees, Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Merkins Planck Jacks and Squats.  With 5 on each team that meant on average 50 reps per man.

Next mosey to parking lot to do modified 11’s – HR Merkins and Mike Tysons with escalating burpees in the middle.  That brought us to time.



Lunch at Whiskey Mill 1/17

Sign up for Pushing Rocks

Prayer requests:

happy Trees cousin going through Chemo

Flintstone’s sister in law – surgery for detached retina

Virus’s father in law

Montross – friend with pneumonia

Oompa Loompa



Jackson Hall


From The Ashes

Weather: 16 degrees

Pax : 3

When I arrived this morning, no one was around no EC nothing. It was cold luckily for me I looked up and here comes the one and only Sister Act followed by a HIM who has been posting more regular at Prison Break Stogie.

SA lets me know this is his first day back to work and running. Most people wouldnt think about running that soon after knee surgery. So the recent recipient of a new knee (clean shaven as well) throws on the light and rolls out.

Days when its cold and you have the Q its always good to have a few friends show up and post.

The Bed Pan is full

Exercise Dice

Well my M got me some Exercise Dice for Christmas so what better way to use these than with my fellow F3 brothers. We all arrived for a nice January morning. There was some warming up and a couple laps around the parking lot. Then it was time for the fun to begin. The great part is yours truly nor the pax knew exactly what the workout was going to entail. It lucked out that each pax got a die as their responsibility for the morning. We did our first round at the the middle school then moseyed to the elementary school for another round. Then down the road for another round. It was quite a solid workout for all. Then moseyed back toward the school for some calf work on the steps and burpees. Then some core work back at the school. Nice work and thanks for rolling with the randomness. We all learned some new exercises and will need to come up with F3 names for them.

Announcements – Pushing Rocks Challenge starting in February

Prayers – Blue Print’s daughter’s 2nd semester of college, Pillager’s Minlaw Kidney Issues, Love Shack expecting 3rd child soon


12 pax posted at Crossroads on Sunday. The usual stuff happened. Some running, rucking, and jogging. Afterwards we dove into another round of Q Source. This time the idea is to focus not some much on what Dredd says about the subject but what other information the world has to offer us on the matter. Starting with Disruption I focused on what s disrupter is and how you can be one. This included the  actions and characteristics of a disrupter. The final thought was it’s not about doing a good job, it’s changing how it’s done all together for the better.


Announcements-Site Q change at Crossroads…congratulations Gumby for taking over and thank you to Blart for your service! 2nd F lunch at Whiskey Mill in Gastonia this Wednesday at 12, Need P200 runners(meow’s), Sign up for the push the rock challenge

Prayer Request-Several mothers, unspoken, homeless and those without heat this week as it gets very cold.

Raining Kettlebells

Raining, cold, awesome. Tube brings the energy!

SSH 100, squats 15, imperial walkers 10, merkins 20, Moroccan night clubs, speed bags, monkey humpers, lbcs,  dying cockroaches, gravel pickers.


20 squat curls press

10 burpies

10 lbcs

10 american hammers

10 burpies


15 squat curls press

10 burpies

10 lawnmower each side

20 flutterkicks

10 burpies


10 squat curls press

10 burpies

10 lawnmower each side

20 flutterkicks

10 burpies


15 squat curls press

10 burpies

10 lawnmower each side

20 flutterkicks

10 burpies


Dips, monkey humpers, shoulder press, curls, kb swings, halo, around the world

Mt. Hollywood – 1/15/24



mosey lap around the school parking lot

Core work

  • heels 2 heaven
  • Crunchy frogs
  • reverse LBCs
  • american hammers
  • elbow planks – 60 sec hold
  • side elbow planks – 30 sec hold per side

mosey lap around school parking lot

The Thang

For time







The Pledge


Prayer Request


YHC closed in prayer

Death by Blocks

Solid beatdown started with a standard disclaimer, warm-up, and mosey the long way to the back of the church.  We continued with 10x each of Nolan Ryans, American Hammers, and plank jacks, then it was time to get the blocks.  8 pax was a perfect number to partner up and rotate through 3 exercise stations:  Thrusters, Derkins (feet on the block), and uneven merkins (one hand on the block).  The 4th pair lunge-walked with farmer carry to the next station.  I set up the music and we got to work.  Pandora’s Heavy Metal station included Nirvana (which brought back some nostalgia for Cherie Berry), Korn, and a few ads because I don’t use Pandora enough to justify paying for it.  The ads were unwelcome, but I heard more grumbling about the assigned exercises, which very quickly burned out the shoulders.  After one full round, we paused for 10x each of Nolan Ryans, American Hammers, and plank jacks.  Then rinse and repeat for another full round.  At the start of round 3, it was time to change things up:  Same 3 stations with World War 3’s, Swings, and – selected by Orangeman – blockies!  We still lunge-walked between stations but pax choice of how to carry the block.  After 2 more full rounds, with Nolan Ryans, American Hammers, and plank jacks in between, it was time to move on. 

Preparing for this Q, I wanted to find something to work the legs like the Cheddar Shredder that Hot Corner has so generously introduced to our region.  Searching the Exicon, I took some inspiration from the Bataan Death March and modified it to use blocks.  Pax lined up shoulder to shoulder holding blocks and started to lunge-walk in a line.  I started on one end (without block) and did 5 burpees, then returned to the line to take Cherie Berry’s block.  He did 5 burpees and took the next pax’s block, etc.  This was as gloriously miserable as it sounds.  After each pax took a turn, we returned the blocks and moseyed back to the flag.  With one minute to go, we finished with flutter kicks, scissor kicks, and the pledge. 

– 2nd F lunch this Wednesday 1/17 at Whiskey Mill
– Sign up for pushing rocks challenge
– CSAUP in Mint Hill on Feb 17 to honor Rick Pinto.  4 hours of carrying heavy objects and other fun stuff; Hot Corner has details.

– Hot Corner’s family dealing with loss of grandmother
– Tooth Fairy’s family with new baby
– Pax on IR
– Praise and gratitude for “warm” 40 degree January morning and opportunity to get outside with other HIM’s

It was an honor to lead this morning.  Thanks to the pax who came out on a holiday Monday to join!

– Nutria

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