F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Backblast! Tour de’ Folsom

Gravel Pickers in Cadence 10c
SSH in Cadence 10c
Moroccan Night club in cadence 10  Mosey to Blocks,
Block work circuit
10 curls oyo
10 alpo
10 tri raises
Run to cone for 5 Burpees and back for 3 trips

Mosey to each speed bump to the flag pole at entrance
15 LBC
10 side strdl hops
10 squatsPledge
Dora left parking lot
100 SSH
200 LBC
300 SquatsMosey back each speed bump
15 LBC
10 Side straddle hops
10 squats

At the fork we further toured to the “White house” for a 3 for dale of 30 LBC/30 Squat/30 SSH

Mosey back to start for an assisted

Mary of Iron hulk, crunchy frogs, dying cockroach and Freddy mercury.

I learned from a disgruntled Pax that there are other workouts we can do.

This was noted so my next q we can repeat new ones, or will we?

Named FNG (Welcome Woogie)

Bugs, Sweat, and Tears

6 men Snoozed their way through a miserable sweatfest, accompanied by an entire rain forest of insects, and a little whining, though it could’ve been worse.  Here’s what I remember:

Disclaimer given was meant to lower expectations.  The Weinke wasn’t fully formed, but rather than keep it simple, YHC tried to wedge it all in.  It was going to be dumb – either way too much or dry and slow.  Regardless, it would be what it was.

The Thang:

  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • Tesla Stretches
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)
  • 10 x Peter Parkers (IC)

Went ahead with the first set of, I guess 2, sets of what was supposed to be a circuit we came back to a few times:

  • 15 x Perfect Form Merkins (OYO)
  • 15 x Bulgarian Split Squats L (OYO)
  • 15 x Bulgarian Split Squats R (OYO)
  • 15 x Oblique Crunches L (OYO)
  • 15 x Oblique Crunches R (OYO)

and just one more bit of stupid before running off:

  • 10 x Goofballs (IC)

Mosey to the picnic shelter beside the greenway.  It was a long run, and we thinned out, so YHC planned to stop for Monkey Humpers on the side of the street, but then we just… didn’t.  Snooze at it’s finest.  Once at the picnic shelter, it was time for the first of, I guess 1, sets of what was supposed to be a circuit we came back to a few times:

  • 20 x Freddie Mercuries (OYO)
  • 20 x Toe Touches (OYO)
  • 20 x Double Crunches (OYO)
  • 20 x Star Boys (OYO)

Short Sale’s Double Crunches are really something from another planet.  Pretty sure he has a YouTube channel on core work.

The next mosey was a long one, as we went around the large body of water in front of the fire station that the Q might’ve referred to as “the lake”.

We stopped at the River Room for some work on those steps for a few more dumb ideas.

  • Climb steps
    • 3 x Calf Raises each step (OYO)
  • Descend steps
    • 3 x Merkins w/hands on steps (aka Deep Sea Divers?) (OYO)
  • Crab Walk to the parking spaces
  • 10 x Jungle Boy Squats
  • Lunge Walk back to the steps
  • Climb steps
    • 3 x Merkins w/feet on steps (backwards, some had to modify to incline with hands on steps) (OYO)
  • Descend steps
    • 3 x Sissy Squats (heels up) (OYO)
  • Crab Walk to the parking spaces
  • 10 x Jungle Boy Squats
  • Lunge Walk back to the steps

JJ said something about it being 0711 already, and the Q wasn’t sure how we’d burned so much time without really getting as far as hoped for.  More often than not, it takes 2 Qs to get in all the stuff planned for 1.

So we’d do what we could.  Back to the picnic shelter for what was supposed to be another full round, but we only really got done with the first half before we needed to move on or miss out on a venture to the “Torture Chamber”:

  • 15 x Perfect Form Merkins (OYO)
  • 15 x Bulgarian Split Squats L (OYO)
  • 15 x Bulgarian Split Squats R (OYO)
  • 15 x Oblique Crunches L (OYO)
  • 15 x Oblique Crunches R (OYO)

Rather than more core work or more running, we just moseyed back to the Pharr building for some Lazy Dora.  The Pharr building has this open space with a breaker box and old paint and bugs which was perfect for some idiots following an idiot to get in a few reps.

Lazy Dora

  • 100 x Australian Mountain Climbers (count both left and right legs, we were running out of time) / Plank
  • 150 x Dips / Empty Hammer (cut short after a couple rounds due to time)
  • 1 round each partner of Flutters / Wall Sits

Mosey back to the flag, and with 1 minute left

  • Burpees til the bell

Not sure where time went, but with Snooze, that seems to be how it goes.  One minute you hear your alarm, next thing you know, you’ve overslept.

Good fellowship and a box checked to start the day.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

F3 The Ricky Bobby – June 5, 2024

YHC had the Q at the Ricky Bobby this morning. We had 3 PAX for the workout and five ruckers. It was great seeing Kool-Aid back out in the gloom. He is rehabbing his injury from Iron Pax.

Two laps around the track.
Goofballs x 20 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Sun Gods x 10 IC (each direction)
SSH x 20 IC
Merkin x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC

I was tired of doing some of my older Q’s so decided to give the Exicon a look and tried out something called Dirty MacDeuce.

4 sets of 12 merkins IC, 12 monkey humpers IC, 12 mountain climbers IC, and then a lap.

Next, we did 11’s (Dips and Squats)

For the last few minutes, we ran the loop in the parking lot to kill time.

Turtleman’s family.

We have a lot of events coming up. Check out the website for more information.


D Day

I accidentally double booked myself today. Thankfully Balljoint secured the Folsom Booking for me.

It being the 80th anniversary of D Day I used Stats from the day for reps and sets I used for the work that was put in most in attendance. We had a good turnout and a FNG Parkay. You owe penalty burpees Tiger you can show up to Oldschool and do them for EC the next time you Q there.


Prayers: Turtleman’s Family, Anchorman, Guffey Family

Announcements: 2nd F Bubba’s 33, Turtleman Convergence Monday all AOs closed


We Ran

6/5 Crossroads

We Ran. Some ran more some ran less. Still we ran none the less.


Prayers: Guffey Family, TurtleMan’s Family, many more I’m sure

Announcements: 2nd F – Bubba’s 33


Tequila Sunrise living up to its name

Eighteen PAX got to soak in an amazing sunrise while violently agitating their bodies for improvement. Here’s what we did. Pledge. Mosey around perimeter of parking lot followed by high knees, butt kickers, arm circles, side straddle hops, and runner’s stretch. On our six for some more static stretching followed by 25 big boys, 50 Freddie Mercury’s, 75 flutter kicks, and 100 LBC’s. At some point 2 PAX broke off to complete some aggressive ruck training.  Partnered up and demonstrated Bubba Gumps (partner sit squats). Round One: partner ran perimeter of parking lot while other partner did as many reps as possible of merkins (lap one), squats (lap two), burpees (lap three), switching roles each lap. Bubba Gump for 30. Round two: mountain climbers, pickle crushers, plank jacks. Bubba Gump for 30. Round three: Moroccan night clubs, shoulder press, stomach vacuum (exhale then suck in umbilicus as if pulling umbilicus into spine OR see Sargento when around other men). Bubba Gump for 30.  Finished with two rounds of bear crawl slalom.

Announcements: Second F Lunch 06/19 @ Bubba 33, Snooze 6:45 Friday @  McAdenville , Monday 06/10/24 convergence @ Martha Rivers/Pelicans

Prayers: Sargento’s daughter (permit test) and hamstring, Barnes family, Anchorman, Gavel travel

Impromptu Q at the Painlab

As I was settling in with Friday evening’s toddy, a recognizable ding came from my phone telling me that something may need my attention.  As I checked it was a message from our Weasel Shaker and Site Q of the Painlab, Hunchback requesting that I change dates with the scheduled Q for the next day.  In celebration of this turn of events I did finish my toddy but had to adjust my plans for a second for a future date in hopes to feel the part on Saturday morning.

Mulling over what is to become of this Q in a few hours my slightly impaired brain came up with the KISS method.  For all who may not know, Keep It Simple Stupid.   We are going with an upper, lower, and core ladder.  Here ya go!

all counts X 15

1st set.  Take a lap around parking lot.  2nd then 1st set again.  Take a lap.  3, 2, 1…you get the point.




Take a Lap

OH Press

Calf Raises

Big Boys


Kettle Bell Swings

Wide Leg Squats

American Hammers



Step Ups

Windshield Wipers


Upright Rows

Side Lunges

Heels to Heaven


Bent Rows

Calf Raises

Freddie Mercurys


Ended with 100 LBC’s.


It was an honor and privilege.




Not much of a choice

This morning, on the pearly shores of Lake Whoopeegonnagetcha, many men gathered maybe hoping for a Dday inspired beat down but instead getting one from the previous site Q Clavin. On Monday, at Watts ups beat down I asked Maybelline if today was still free as I needed inspiration to make my first time returning to a week with 2 workouts in more than 2 years!!
Short disclaimer and we would stretch for about 3-4 minutes where I imparted my small amount of wisdom since I’ve battled several issues ( as others have) that we all should take time to properly stretch before any workouts …. Way too many of us now are in the respect column and NEED to be careful .
End with plank and 10 IC plank jacks followed by SSH 10x
Mosey to gates
10 merkins and 10 big boys
At first light 1 burpee mosey asked what we should do at next light and so on ….. this group was super excited to call out increasing Burpees that I had to intervene at opening for parking to decrease numbers till we reach 1 at turd shack!
Mosey to pull up bar and ask for exercise several call for pull ups which was previously decided but needed another finally a call for squats …. Tell all in line to continue squats until their turn at bar and do however many pull ups/ chin-ups or even dead hangs ( a week or 2 before recent Murph overheard someone talking about needing more of these in workouts. Even this morn there was some chatter for upcoming Annihilation workout ).
4×4 through woods into Riverwood plantation for 10 big boys and merkins each…look a light as we mosey …. Nope … 1 burpee at each street moving to right …. huh? Gastones Hill ? Wonder what’s next ? 5 Lbcs at each box up About half would turn into hill others roughed out battling gravity !!
Mosey to bottom and give choice of right or left ( similar to watts up on Monday ….. but …. My mind had already been made up before workout …. So it was my right their left as I was facing the group ( not much of a choice, huh?)
Mosey to old dr office and climb wall behind FOod Puppy and groove
Over to the ( half destroyed) loading dock beside Bellacinos ( plenty of fine eating all over the ground which some jumped in and enjoyed !!) 2 times of jumping up onto dock bear crawl down and 10 merkins
Lastly the wall for step ups and derkins differing counts
Finish all work at pelicans with a hamstring stretch each side to cool down and 45 second hold feet 4-6 inches off ground.
At end told all of recent visit with Christine and Turtleman ( when he was still with us) where she told my M and I of being at home alone and she sat in his recliner and thought about his life over the last 1-2 years being only in that same recliner reliant upon others for help …. I related to the men that has been something I’ve thought of for weeks now and wanted the men to take home and just sit in a recliner and consider “ living” only in that position for months on end
Annihilation Saturday schiele
All Monday AOs closed except Sandlot ( dare I say Neverland??) thus Monday for Turtleman inspired beat down
Prayers for Barnes family and Maybellines mother
Praise for my son, Time Frames 2.0 and their buds all returning safe from senioritis travels to FL

Thanks men …. I needed this

Moleskin is this…. Earlier this year when I researched for my Turtleman inspired workout I read many a many workout and reminisced about a good friend indeed constant companion of The T man …. Gastone ….. so I cobbled together some of my fav moments though the years I. Hopes that we can all inspire the G man to come on back …. Miss you big guy

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