F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Page 58 of 917

Slaw got Roasted Then Got in His Truck and Cried

Well after joining in on the Misogi CSAUP challenge that Freight put together this morning I was beat. I figured this would be the case so I said what the heck we’ve got a perfectly good field here at Old School so let’s put it to use. So I laid out a field of battle with some cones and after a few readjustments and some equipment exchanges we were running through the worst game of Ultimate Frisbee in the history of F3. Between the Gail Force Winds and a few Prison Rules Fouls both of which I happened to be involved. I’m sorry Wiki. As for Westside I’ll not apologize. I’m not quite sure who’s fault that was but my neck and back still feel like I was hit by a Buick Riviera. All that being said these weren’t the worst injuries of the day. You see with all the bad luck most were having there was one of us who was on FIRE. It was The Man, The Myth, The Ledgend, Def Leppard. He was sporting The Downhill at Dawn race shirt and days of Leppard past were upon us on this glorious of days. And who you ask did he roast but none other than the peoples champ Slaw. When I say burned I mean I thought we were going to need to reserve a room at the Chapel Hill Burn Center for the poor guy. When heckled we shamed him and all he could do was say, “ Hey if you think you can do better then you get him.” We all said, “Nah there’s no point in anyone else needing to go to the ER with 4th. degree burns today. The Old Man caught like 5 TDs and tossed like another 3. In all reality his abuse of the Slawbag was downright disgusting. So much so that after The COT Slaw sat in his truck and cried before finally heading to Time Out to join us for breakfast. I’m telling you now if this was an episode of Chappelle’s Show Leppard would have been like “Game Blouses”. If you didn’t know now you do. If the Old Man’s not on your side then you better double team him. Well that’s all I got I’ve gotta head to Walgreens to get some Aloe Vera and nonstick bandages so Mrs. Slaw can clean and change his bandages.

Who you gonna Follow With Mr. Garvey

Get Right!

Freight had to put in some work this morning at the office so he made a substitute request and I gladly accepted.

He handed over the notes so the werk I had to put in was very little.

I held a pick of two men One gun in hand and ready to roll. The other Super tight shirt holding in about 350lbs and he was holding, well nothing but he was leaning up on something.

The question? who would you follow into battle. Jokes came up behind the big guy LOL he can block bullets. But really you will most likely follow who you know and feel you can trust that seems to be the most ready.

We then discussed the different types of fitness, Spiritual, physical, and mental.

Glad to Sub when needed.

Bed Pan.

Continue reading

Just 10 Lights

Warm Up

Mosey to main street lets do 5 burpees per light on the right side to the bus station.

Immediately after the pax started the mumble chatter about how many light post were on that side.

I said 10, I sort of counted them as I drove in this morning.

All said and done we seen 10- 34 lights and did burpees at each one.

To the Methodist church calf raises then 11’s Mike Tysons and big boys.

wall sits then onto the next wall for some Australian Mtn climbers.

10-1 booyah merkins mosey the circle then 10 squats on the other side.

We had to Omaha a few of the merkins.

The Bed Pan is full!

Drag racing, Newports, and other bad habits

14 pax came out to welcome 2 FNG’s at The Yank.  As the clock struck 0700, the peanut gallery had already started jeering and heckling, even before I had a chance to give the full disclaimer.  From the very beginning, I knew this crowd was going to be lots of fun but tough to keep in line, and they didn’t disappoint.  We moseyed to The Bunker for warmup:  SSH, Imperial Walkers, Low-slow squats, merkins, Nolan Ryans, LBC’s (all 10xIC). 

The Thang:  We split up into 4 groups – in a crude manner that prompted criticism from a few armchair quarterbacks, but the method to the madness was to keep FNG’s with the guys who brought them out.   There were 3 exercise stations: Perfect form merkins, Jungle boy squats, and flutter kicks.  The 4th group bear-crawled from one station to the next.   The group at that station then bear-crawled to the next station, and so on.  I started music to begin the routine, but mumblechatter amongst the groups suppressed it into the background.  In my group with Gavel, Jane Fonda, and FNG Tom (aka Jelly Roll), we heard about Gavel’s upcoming Polar Bear Plunge into the pool at Lineberger Park, and Jane Fonda and Jelly Roll shared stories about modern college life. 

After one full circuit, groans and complaints from the pax told me I had done something right.  After 2 full circuits, I stopped the music, and we circled up to call out the 5 Core Principles:
1. Free of charge
2. Open to all men
3. Outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
4. Peer-led in a rotating fashion
5. Ends in a Circle of Trust

Without FNG’s, I would have done this Mayor style, testing the newbies and inflicting burpee penalties for punctuation errors or grammar mistakes.  And, in fact, when one of the pax shouted “Open to all men,” a few hecklers called out the fact that “Open to all men” is not the first core principle.  But, today it was more important to convey the meaning behind the principles since it’s part of what separates us from just another workout group or fitness center.

Next, we moseyed to Hawthorne St. for a Triple Nickel with big boy situps and Mike Tysons.  As a benevolent Q (only because we want our FNG’s to come back), I refrained from utilizing the entire gloriously steep hill, and instead defined the boundaries as a couple of telephone poles in the middle section of the street.  Bat flippers were to plank for the six.  Once the six was in, we talked about the F3 Credo: “Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.”  This is the basic premise behind our practice of “picking up the six.”

We moseyed back to the bunker for another group of exercises in the same 4 groups as before:  Apollo Ono’s, Star crunches, and mountain climbers.  Transition between stations was lunge-walk.  After 2 full rounds, we circled up to review the 5 core principles, the credo, and bring it all together with the Mission of F3:  “to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.”

With 11 minutes left, we had enough time for another quick Triple Nickel – Bobby Hurleys and CDD’s.  Then we moseyed to the flag for a few flutter kicks, star crunches, and the pledge to close it out.  Great push by all!

Announcements:  2nd F lunch 2/21 at Pita Wheel in Belmont; March 2 Q school at Gashouse; Rice n Beans one Tuesday mid-March; April 20 extinction run (preblast coming soon)

Prayers:  Praise for Montana and Jane Fonda getting back out.  Prayers for Brutus in Africa and racers participating in various events today.

I was thrilled to see such a  high quality crowd of HIM’s come out to The Yank today!  We captured everything that F3 is about.   I’m grateful for the opportunity to lead and look forward to seeing Pinto and Jelly Roll back out again soon!

– Nutria

Painlabbers Painlabbing

Beautiful but cool Saturday morning at the Schiele.  With the Dam to Dam relay in progress painlab and bootcamp were combined for the day.

We had a nice turn out, a beautiful morning, and a flag.  Let’s go.



SSH’s x 15 dc


SSH’s x 15 dc



The Thang:

All counts are 15 unless otherwise stated.

Complete 3 rounds of each set and take a lap around the parking lot.  You can choose any way you want to do your lap.


Set 1;

Upright Rows




Set 2:

Pullovers with Crunch

Heels to Heaven

Calf Raises x 30


Set 3:


Freddie Merks

Step Ups


Set 4:

Kettle Bell Swings




Set 5:

Overhead Press

Oblique Crunches

Side Lunges


Set 6:


Windshield Wipers

Monkey Humpers


Cool down was exactly the same as the warmup.


It was a very nice morning with some great guys.

We wish all of the Dam to Dam runners the best of everything and know they are doing us the PAX proud.

It was an honor!




The Goat loves Taylor Swift

The Goat, Taylor Swift Edition

20 pax showed up to answer Super Bowl trivia and marvel at the genius of Taylor Swift. The beat down was the following:

warmup: SSH (20), Gravel Pickers(10), Arm Circles (20), Merkins (8)…58 total, get it?

beat down: mosey from start to church lot, line up, answer the question, do the corresponding exercise then run to the opposite side and repeat.
squats, big boys, lunges,Bobby Hurleys, jump squats, hr merkins, calf raises, v-ups,

mosey back-same format but run a lap after each question around the buildings: burpees, alternating lunges, merkins, squats, run to bridge and 60 second walk sit. End with the COT and lift each other up in prayer.


2024 3rd Annuall Folsom Winter Nationals

Its that time of year again! Welcome back to Folsom Raceway home of the 3rd Annual Folsom Winter Nationals! We had a great turn out with almost all the rock pushing teams and their members accounted for (except for Suess’s team left him high and dry🤷‍♂️).

We all gathered at the lower parking lot. I took role call and had a quick Draft for the teams there were missing people. There were some pretty good draft picks, as the winning team picked up a Kotter that was the difference at the end IMO. After a Quick Disclaimer, 3Fs and Core Principles (for our FNG–good Job Tricycle!) we moseyed across the field to the staging lanes.

Our 2 rangers were waiting on us as I gave instruction on how this was going to go. Double elimination bracket, loose twice you are out. 1 driver 3 pushers, flashlight start, chase is a race, no bumping and no WHINNING!! Special thanks to Montross and Pappy for basically running the program. I was just the announcer 📢.

If your team is not racing, we had busy work to do. Super Dora, with favorites such as burpees, squats, merkins, etc.. AND Block Work as well, curls, thrusters, WW3, etc… Lap around the parking lot between rounds!
Good Job Leppard!!

Each team got seated on a ladder based on the rankings for the Rock Pushing Challange. First pair up LETS GO!!!

New Addition to this years activates was Kisha, if you lost you got to play with Kisha, all 450 lbs of her, until the next losing team tagged you out.

When the dust settled we had crowned a champion! Roscoe, Maybelline, Tube and Ratrod won the final round in commanding fashion.

Congratulations Guys!

We Gathered around, counted off 53 HIM! We named Maytag and as always we end in a COT.

2nd F lunch 21st at Pita Wheel Belmont NOON
Q School March 2nd at Gashouse

Turtle Man
Hall Family
Purple Haze Family
all Pax on IR
all Pax traveling

Thank you to Montross and Pappy for running the race. Thank you to Stogie who made an awesome trophy! Thank you to my Folsom men that helped set up. Ponyboy, GearWrench, Westside. And thank everyone that came out to push some trucks! AYE!!


Ball Joint

OH! I almost forgot.
A PSA from our very own BEAVER AGITATOR!!

Paired Up at FRC

2 ran and 2 rucked at our official FRC today. We are still awaiting one of our founding members..Buckeye..to join us. All are welcome.

4:30 is early but, as Sargento said, there is less traffic.. as well as scenic views from the cemetery.

Thankful for you guys,



Midoriyama – 2/15/24



Today is block day, go locate the blocks and then carry back to the parking lot.

The Thang:

PAX divides into four groups, with each group bringing their coupon to their designated corner. They perform the below specified exercises 10 times at each corner before proceeding to the next one. However, before moving on to the next corner, they must bring their coupon to the center for 2 burpees, and then they can proceed to the next corner. Rinse and repeat five times!

Corner 1

  • O/H press
  • Bend over rows

Corner 2

  • Curls
  • Squats

Corner 3

  • Chest Presses
  • Flutter Kicks

Corner 4

  • Swings
  • Tricep ext

Center x2 blockees

Put blocks away and then back to the shovel flag for the Pledge.



Prayer Requests

YHC closed us in prayer.

Breaker Breaker

Mardi Gras love for Valentines Day

Lot’s of HIM are showing up these days, especially for those extra double post points. On this day at Midoriyama, it was a confluence of significant days (to some), Fat Tuesday and Valentines Day eve and we would celebrate them all! This is what happened…

Disclaimer even though the PAX were well seasoned. Warmup of Goofballs and the Patented Right Over Left. In preparation for the spectacle, YHC did some research about Mardi Gras.

  • When was the first Mardi Gras parade? 1837
  • When were beads first used? 1872
  • How many pounds of beads are used each year? 1000 tons!

First exercise is the Slaughter Starter. That’s right, 2nd workout in a row that YHC calls for significant burpees.

Because a bunch of us are heading down to Austin, TX for a race (this backblast is being written from CLT waiting for our plane) we did the brief Bat Wings routine because Austin is known for it’s bats that fly out from under the bridges at dusk.

From there, we lined up single file and the trusty JBL was kicked on with some Mardi Gras music for effect. In recognition of Mardi Gras, we would do a parade, which some there called an Indian Run. Either way, the person in the back ran to the front and would take the “baton”, the JBL. We ended up at the small soccer field and circled up in the middle for a new routine.

The Fleur de Lis is the state symbol of Louisiana so that’s what this is called. In a circle, from plank position, we took turns doing 5 Pickle Pounders (practice for the lucky ones on Valentines Day). Needless to say, the enthusiasm and creativity was plentiful. Then we did another parade around the area for celebrations sake.

After that we did the Fleur de Lis with Monkey Humpers (get it?).

After that we did another parade, this time a bear crawl slalom. Whining happened but we finished strong with two rounds for each PAX.

Next up, the long-lost Tunnel of Love! There was moaning from some and questions of what the Tunnel was. I guess it’s been so long that many PAX have never done it before. Initiations were handed out!

We took another parade lap and finished up with a Fleur de Lis with Baby Makers. If this stuff didn’t get the men ready for their significant other, nothing will.

Line up again for one last parade back to the start where we did about 10 minutes of Mary. It was great for the abs. Then we did the Pledge of Allegiance to wrap up. Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!

Announcements – 2nd F lunch this Wednesday, Q school March 2nd, Tobacco Road relay April 27th

Prayers – Slaw’s M’s back, Stuart Cramer teacher with cancer, Wirenut’s granddaughter and mom


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