F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Toe Risers and Window Shopping

Beautiful 50 degree morning.  Feeling more springish by the day.  Nice and clear and dry.  Perfect.

Great crew of regulars and the Nantan assembled for the first of the Tuesday edition of the Diablo Sammich.

Since we all showed and the weather was perfect, lets get movin!



Ruck to Robinson Elementary School.

10 Step Ups each leg on wall in front of school.

Ruck around back to steps.

3 “toe risers” each step.  The chatter was inquisitive and slightly demeaning.  Good times!

Head back across Union Rd.  Q fail, there is no sidewalk here so we take a different route.  Ok, back on track.

Look into the window of the new Ace Hardware.  Head over to the new storage place and look in the window there too.

10 step ups on wall in front of Auto Zone.

There were some heartfelt prayer requests.

It was a true honor to lead.




Mountain climbers without mountain climbers

8 HIM posted at the Sandlot on 3/4/24 for a good ole fashion running heavy bootcamp.  I announced on slack that there may be Mortimer training going on.

Warm-up – yes we did, then off to Ace hardware for some wall work including air presses and dirty hook-ups.  Continue mosey to Valvoline for some ab work including flutters and LBCs.  This was all done to to trick pax into following me to Gastone’s Hill where the real work began. – 4 trips up the hill with exercises at mailboxes the first three times.  Exercises were 5 hand release merkins, 10 squats, then 15 calf raises. Last trip up hill was a straight NUR.  Back to flag just in time for COT.


Thanks for indulging the Q today.  Sorry (not sorry) for the beatdown.


Ruck for food 3/16 from the Yank at 5:45.  Ruck to Harris Teeter , fill your sack with food and ruck back before the Yank.

4/13 Community Foundation Run – See Purple Haze to volunteer to push a chariot.  Also we will start the day with a convergence at Caromont Park at 7am.  All other AO’s closed.

4/20 Extinction run at Primal 10am

Prayer Requests:

Easy Rider’s Family, JJ’s M’s aunt, Stroganoff’s MIL, my cousin in Texas with breast cancer, Jackson Hall family


Sleepy Coconut horse

6 HIM ran and 3 rucked coconut horse on 3/3/24.  Afterwards several stuck around for “Q-source like ” education regarding the importance of sleep.  From Dr. Peter Atia’s newest book Outlive,  we reviewed why getting 8 hours of sleep will improve not only your day to day functioning, but can prevent or delay serious diseases like heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.


As always it was my pleasure to serve.  Until next time Defib out

The Old School OG

There was 2 of us at Old School this morning. It was myself and The Old School OG himself Freight. We got in some good hard work and fellowship this morning. There was a lot of Merkins and Squats along the way to Carr Elementary were we got in several rounds of Pull-ups paired with a lot more Merkins and Squats. We followed up with a quick round of 4 corners that consisted mostly of core work before we headed back towards the Old School parking lot for some fun with Sandbags. We got in several rounds of various carries, presses, deadlifts, etc… We finished things off with a Burpee to Deadlift complex that was totally uncalled for, unnecessary, but very effective.


Announcements – 4/13 Convergence at Community Foundation Race – Speed For Need Pushers needed for Community Foundation Race see Purple Haze

Prayers – Hall Family, Turtleman, Huckleberry, Anchorman and many more I am failing to remember.

The Sword 3/4/24 – God is Working in You!

Team 6 showed up in force this morning, 3 out of 4. There were 2 other HIM’s that showed. Some ran/some rucked.

YHC discussed God is working in you.

God gives us the ‘want to’ and the ‘ability to’, even when our flesh wants what we want. Go check out Philippians Chapters 1 &2. One of my favorite verses is 1:6 that says, “that he (God) who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.”

Life Line 04-Mar-24

Disclaimer:  Not a professional, but we will not move to fast or too far that you will not be able to keep up.  Work in between will be done with my count or a count of others who are called on.  Work hard for them. Stay with the group in cadence.  We will not go so fast where anyone gets left behind.
Principles of F3:
1) Free of charge (zero cost, never charge for a workout)
2) Open to all men (no matter the man, you are welcome)
3) Held outdoors (rain or shine, heat or cold we are out there)
4) Peer led (led in a rotating fashion by the men who attend)
5) End with a Circle of Trust (always ends with a COT)

Mission of F3:  Plant, Grow and Serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Motto:  We welcome men of all fitness levels and all physical abilities to our workouts. We have no requirement for membership other than you show up on time to the location and follow what the workout leader has planned. We will not leave any man behind!


Warm Up: Mosey around lot to loosen up, SSHx10 IC, Grass Pickers x10 IC, MNC x10IC
Thang:  Blockbuster…10 each Blockees, Good mornings, Press, squats, curls, row, then run two laps and repeat.  We did three rounds.  Third round we did rifle carry for a lap.

Hand Release Merkins:  5×30 seconds with 30 second rest in between

WW3 Situps with block press for two rounds of 30/30.


Announcements:  Rice & Beans March 12 at Salvation Army (see mumblechatter and Anchroman, Clothes donations contact Hei Hei, Bulldog is moving to Thursday at WA Bess, Food Drive ruck at 05:45 starting at the Yank, Speed for Need (SFN) April 13 see Purple Haze), April 20 Extinction Run at 10:00 at Primal Brewing

TAP:  Jason Hall (Ratchet) and Family for his son Jackson, Turtleman, Anchroman, Huckleberry, My 2.1, Breaker and his multiple family members with health issues, Hot Corner with healing


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