F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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New Guy

It was great to See Gearwrench EH an FNG. Even Better when I found out he was from Ranlo.

disclaimer, warm up explained the three Fs.


5bigboys per light.

triangle, 20, shoulder taps, 20 squats, 20 LBC’s. repeated this a few times to make sure we got it right.

To the flag, Pledge and then 5 core principles of F3.

More work,

back to the tennis courts for some Dora 1, 2, 3,

Hillbillys, Mtn climbers, Calf raises which recieved a unique hand gesture later that evening on Group Me by a certain Pax.

Finished with some Mary and naming of the new Pax.

Welcome Boondock.

Announcements 2nd F lunch today at Bad Daddys.

The BedPan is Full!


Pickin up the Carts

12 PAX and 1 little Nugget posted at Midoriyama on Tuesday for what would be a barn burner. Nugget may have out worked a couple PAX as he never stopped. We’ve got to work on his form but he’s going to be a bat flipper. SA made a rare visit and made it feel like the good ol’ days. Did you know that if you put your ear up to a Sandy V you can hear Blart talking? Oompa went out and cleaned up all the shopping carts in the parking lot and Montross came in a little late and chose to just run. It was discussed giving me Seuss’s point for the day.


Some Don Q’s, SSH’s, and LBC’s.

The Thang:

In the side parking lot I had three cones spread out about every three parking spaces. We partnered up for several rounds of Dora.

1st rd-Do suicide runs on the cones with 100 Flying Squirrels,  200 Starburst, 300 Mtn Climbers count one side. This round was a freakin cardio burn! Absolutely terrible!

Switch partners

2nd rd-Wojo’s to the far cone and run back with 100 Merkins, 200 Freddy Mercury’s, 300 Seal Jacks.

Switch partners

3rd rd-Run stopping at each cone to do a burpee and run back with 100 WW2’s, 200 CDD’s, 300 Imperial Walkers.

I was glad that was over with.

We moseyed across the way to the steps at the ball field. At the bottom start doing 10 calf raises on each step. There are 13 steps Golddigger! SSH while you wait at the top and bottom.

That was about time so we headed back to the flag.



Announcements-2nd F lunch today at the Bad Daddys, Need runners for SFN community foundation run, Ruck CSAUP in May see preblast

Prayer Request-Huck, Hall family, Oompa can’t feel his fingers


If I had some hookers and blow this one would win a Q v Q ship.

The Sword 3/18/24

We started the week off right with some running, then a small word from Colossians 3: 1-12. It further emphasized the discussion on “Jester” the day before at Crossroads. Be prepared to battle your Jester(s) daily, putting away the sinful desires of the flesh and putting on the “New Man” in Christ.


  • 2nd F lunch at Bad Daddy’s in Gastonia 3/20
  • Convergence/ Community Foundation Run on 4/13
  • Extinction Run on 4/20
  • The “Goonie” CSAUP on 5/4

Prayer Requests:

  • The Hall Family
  • Broke has 2 co workers battling health issues
  • Huckleberry
  • Turtleman
  • Anchorman

YHC led us in prayer.



Down by the River with RoboCop @ Diablo Sammich (3/19/2024)

Disclaimer was given immediately: “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

An FNG is on the scene; better straighten up and act right.

After disclaimer, it was a cold and dark morning in Diablo Sammich-ville, yet 6 HIMs braved that brisk weather for a precise 2.50 mile ruck through the woods and down by (Martha’s) River.

We celebrated our FNG’s favorite restaurant, Bep-pa, with 10 Heel Raises to spice up the ruck just a tad.

We did an extra loop around Pelican Snoball’s at the end because we had 90 seconds remaining, and precision is key.

Welcome FNG, “RoboCop” (Scott O’Dell)!

Thanks for allowing me to lead, men. It was an honor.


No propaganda necessary

5 HIM posted for a classic Saturday morning gashouse beatdown.  The propaganda on Slack leading up to today had reached epic proportions with each AO boasting about their respective Saturday morning AOs.  For gashouse to be understated is the MO.  With YHC as the Q and the weather perfect you don’t need propaganda to entice HIM – you know you’re going to get better after this one. We attracted at least one NC State fan and another seemed to have partied a little too much to be there on time.

Warm-up: SSH, Gravel pickers and Hillbillies

Thang: Mosey to  Parkwood parking lot for suicides – with escalating burpees on the end x5

Then mosey to Sherwood Elementary track to train for the PT test.  Beginning in a month we will roll out several PT tests.  This one is the classic and today’s workout was not for time but rather to push pax to stay on target.  Start with 1 lap then do 100 each of Merkins, Squats, LBCs and SSH. Run a lap then do 75 of each, run a lap do 50 of each run a lap and do 25 of each then mosey back to flag for COT.  As we circled up who should appear but a Listeria contaminated Sargento.  Apparently he posted a little late and moseyed all around the gashouse region looking for us for 45mins but could not find us at the track!  Not sure if this will qualify for a point – will need to take it to committee for review.


April 13 Convergence at 7am at Caromont park prior to Community Foundation run – Dr Seuss and Wirenut to lead!  Can’t wait to see this Abbott and Costello routine

April 20th Extinction run at Primal.  Run starts at 10 beer flows at 11

May 4th The Goonie – A 10+ mile ruck with entertainment along the way.  Will leave from Gashouse at 3am and be back before 7am.  Bring a ruck and dry clothes


Huckleberry, Turtleman, Tube’s M, Karl McKinnon family,

My Whistle, My Rules! 3/16/24

As twelve hard charging HIMS returned from bonus point workout number one for the day; a CSAUP pillaging of the neighborhood Harris Teeter, we found quite a group of guys assembling for bootcamp.   What a great day to get two points for double posting!  A CSAUP and a Bootcamp.

The guys above and a handful of boot campers offloaded their groceries into YHC’s truck and it was time to get busy.

No FNGs this morning but we were blessed with five nomads from Metro on their way to Crowders Mountain for a shield lock hike.  Our usual late arrivals scurried to the flag while the disclaimer was underway and a dull roar of  mumblechatter…already.   After a quick count and another quick count and a fly by from Tiger and his 2.0 we were on our way to the bunker for warm up.

BOS’ usual warm up.  (yawn)  15 reps in cadence – Side Straddle Hop, Imperial Walker, Gravel Pickers (which according to the peanut gallery “is not an exercise”) plank jacks (met with approval).  Followed by Arm stretches, Leg stretches R/L, L/R and Feet Together.   Lots of groaning with these but nobody seems to like them.  Don’t worry you will thank YHC later.

Enough of that on to a Four Corner Stack.  Count off by Fours.  Handed cards to the first four guys and told them to take their like numbers to one of the four bunker corners.  The cards for this stack moved them five times bringing them back to where they started. Each corner starts with Burpees and adds the previous corners work.

First corner – 10 Burpees.  Second corner add 20 Merkins.  Third corner add 30 Monkey Humpers.  Fourth corner – add 40 American Hammers.  Back to corner you started in – add 50 LBC.

While this was happening we had plenty of mumble chatter and some good conversation with our new Metro brothers.  The plan was coming together.  YHC and Anchorman had the plan to slip out early so we could get set on the upper field.  YHC asked Gavel to round up the PAX when finished for a mosey up to meet us.

A little back story…during a ruck, or maybe coffee, probably both YHC talked with Anchorman about the food ruck and the beatdown following that was rattling around in YHC’s head.  Anchorman said sounds fun but not sure its for me.   Well, we need a fair and impartial referee; which actually sounds awful to most anyone who knows F3 Gastonia PAX.   With a laugh or two we came up with “MY WHISTLE, MY RULES!” and it was on.

As the PAX began to reach the top of the hill in Stowe Park our referee, donned in a green referee jersey blew his whistle and greeted the guys to a muddy Ultimate Frisbee field all coned off and ready for battle.  Teams 1 & 3 from earlier and teams 2 & 4 joined forces to make the teams and we were ready to go.  Not quite, our referee blew his whistle and announced he could not tell the teams apart so one team needs to be skins.  Without debate one team started stripping.  Thank the lord it was only their shirts!   Before the first throw the whistle is blown again.  5 Merkin penalty for the shirt team for not volunteering to take their shirts off quick enough.

Play began and the skins scored, and scored again, and scored again and they were the old guys!  Anchorman issued penalties to the team that got scored on.  Penalties for mouthing off, for telling the ref what penalty should be called, for not wearing green and for whatever he wanted because It’s “My Whistle, My Rules!”  There were slips and slides, impressive footwork and a lot of mud.  Best part there were no injuries reported!

Honorable Mentions – Goose (he may be named Goose but he was running some Stealthy plays.)  Whoope (play making on his feet, on his back it didn’t matter.)  Tardi Gras (Highlight reel – Catch of the day.)  Tooth Fairy (He played Rugby you know!?!)  The Skins – (Guess being shirtless on a muddy field in March gets you pumped.)  The Shirts (for fighting the good fight and knowing to mosey to the track when those bullies called LBCs for your penalty when they scored.) The Ref (cuz it’s his whistle!)

The final score needs to be confirmed by the ref but I remember it as “a lot to a little.”

After the final whistle the PAX moseyed to The Fighting Yank Statue for a short Mary.  Orangeman called his patented Six Shooters and when don we were at the final whistle.  Time!

Announcements: 3/20 2ndF Lunch at Bad Daddy’s.  4/13 – Community Foundation Run (Speed For Need – See Purple Haze)  4/20 – Extinction Run 0900 at Primal Brewery (See BOS or Anchorman)

Prayers: Gavel & Family, Anchorman & Family, Fannie Mae & Family, Jane Fonda & Family, Hall Family

“Unity” @ Life Line 3/18/2024

Started the morning with the Word 💪🏽. In Colossians 3:12-14 Paul gave us so many virtues that we take for granted these days. In a world that is desensitized through social media and self focused let’s remember to show one another Love which binds us all in perfect unity. Let’s be leaders in our community and change the world one interaction at a time. Today’s VQ was a win with 17 in attendance! We hit it hard right out the gate with EMOM’s (Blockee Style)! Incorporated some nice station work with Atlas Balls,Tire flips, and more! Finished up strong with some Sallies 🫣. Shout out to @wattsup, Happy Birthday big dawg! Thanks for not wearing your birthday suit! Big shout out to my boy @hotcorner for your help with the winky 😉… your leadership, mentorship, and most importantly friendship is greatly appreciated 🫡 Now let me get 2 claps and a Ric Flair! 👏 👏😮‍💨

Full Court Pressure

It was a nice and clear morning at The GOAT. We had a good crowd. It was a great morning for a workout on the Basketball Court. So that is what we did. I started off with a quick disclaimer and the Pledge. Some of the PAX decided they wanted no part of my workout and decided to Run/Ruck at this point. Those who were so inclined to stay then got to work with a good warmup before moseying off towards Riverside Park stopping at multiple locations along the way to perform 10 Merkins and 20 Squats each time. Once at the basketball court we ran through a sideline to sideline workout that went like this. With everyone lined up on one sideline we performed 50 reps of each: Merkins, Squats, and LBCs. We then ran to the opposite sideline and did 1 Burpee. We rinsed and repeated cutting the reps on the starting side to 40 and doing 2 Burpees on the opposite side then 30/3, 20/4, and finishing up with 10/5. We finished this pretty quickly so we had time for a round of Triple Nickel with Bonnie Blairs on one side Mike Tysons on the other. All done at the basketball court we then headed back stopping again for Merkins and Squats at various stopping points along the way. Once back at the flag we had just enough time to get in a few partner sets of sprints and core work. I’ll tell you that hill in the parking lot is sneaky but we made it through. Thanks as always for the hard work and push today men.



Coffeerama at Floyd and Blackies

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