F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Keeping it professional

Short sale needed a Q this weekend while he pulled for the wolf pack, so what the heck.

Warm Up Disclaimer, Pledge

Mosey to the Garrison Professional Park quick stop at some benches near the museum for some step ups.

11’s up the hill Merkins and lunges

triple nickel on a short steep hill big boys and burpees.

library book drop circle, varius exercises 10,20,30,40,50, each time taking a lap.

route 66 up another hill near the pharmacy. Bobby Hurleys and bear crawls.

Finish with some burpees and running.

Back to the Flag but first one of the dumbest exercises Ive ever thought of. Instead of cherry pickers we did some made up on the fly Wolfees.

The Bed Pan is full.



Warm up – SSH x 20

Mosey to PF for partner work -Round 1 300  LBC’s,  400 flutters   Round 2 – 50 Merkins,100 Squats –  run the 4 lights in PF parking lot

Mosey to Foodlion to run the lanes with different exercises – partner back up for more LBC’s and flutters

Mosey back toward the start down Riverwood Parkway with just a brief stop at Gastone’s hill-just to view

Continue mosey with route 66 at each light pole on the left – squats

Back to start with time to say the Pledge – that’s time


Prayer request

I prayed us out

Until next time

EZ out


Balljoint’s Friends

I decided to pick up a Q at Folsom to go see some of the guy’s that usually post there. It seems we get set in our ways and only like to go to one place sometimes. I went early and ran some EC with Balljoint and his friends. Those same friends stayed for the workout. Balljoint was the only Folsom regular to show up. I mean you have a visitor and you don’t even come? How rude! The site Q wasn’t there. My BFFPW(best friend forever prayer warrior) Sarlacc wasn’t there. Pallbearer avoids me like I’m the plague. Gearwrench went as far as trying to break his foot to avoid my Q. Westside was tapering for 5K…..really? Volt? Well, Volt just hurt me. Luckily a few others showed up to do some work. I mean we had a man come all the way from Charlotte but people down the street didn’t even post. I guess not everyone is cut out for the 2nd best Q in the region. Balljoint you should start posting to Old School. You’ll find better friends there.


A little of this a little of that

Let’s mosey to the Ag Center

The Thang:

Dirty 11’s on the road behind the building. Heels to heaven and CDD’s stopping for a burpee at the dumpster. This was a long running set of 11’s.

After that we hit the road and veered left at the fork. At the parking lot we did some Doracides with some lights poles. 100 Flying Squirrels, 200 Starburst, 300 Mtn Climbers.

Let’s mosey up to the Tennis Courts.

Bear crawl one court then Wojo the next. Do this until the end. Going back we did Crab walks and hops. Then we did Karoke and Duck walks.

With a few minutes left we did some sprint relays. 1 pax every 2 courts.



Announcements-Nothing new

Prayer Request-Hall family, Gearwrench’s foot, those suffering from gynomeowitis


It was good to see and meet Mannequin. Keep after it!


Tube shaved his back

This morning at the Coconut Horse, we had 3 runners and 4 ruckers.  The ruckers traded Scrat for a 35 lb kettlebell and carried it back to the starting line.

It was a good morning with fellowship and laughs.

Q Source was still “Freestyle”.  We lost Stagecoach (early church) and gained Whoopee who smartsacked.   YHC chose “delayed gratification” as a topic.  It pertains to leadership, fitness, finance, and if you want to get better at it, make sure you imagine your future self and what that looks like.  You might make better choices today.

2nd F lunch at Simonetti’s in Belmont next Wednesday

April 13 Run for the Money/Speed for Need downtown Gastonia.  Park at the YMCA

The Eclipse if tomorrow

Prayer requests:

Tubes Back

Maybelline’s family

Turtleman and family

Flintstone’s Knee


Always a privilege to lead.


Mayor’s Favorite at PainLab

Pretty Good turn out this chilly morning at Gashouse.  Bedpan started everyone off with a warmup before we split up into our respective groups.  Bedpan took the Gashouse crew off on a mosey and 8  PainLab brave joined me in the parking lot near the picnic tables.  While we were walking over, Mayor asked if we were doing that stupid boxing round workout again.   I assured him we were, after all I replied on slack in the mumblechtter that we were visiting an old friend…   We grouped up and I explained the routine.

  • 10 X (L) Kettlebell Clean
  • 10 X Kettlebell Swing
  • 10 X (R) Kettlebell Clean
  • 10 X Kettlebell Swing
  • 10 X Around the world
  • 10 X Overhead Press
  • 10 X Around the world
  • 10 X Overhead Press
  • 10 X Renegade Lunge OR 10 X Goblet Squat
  • 10 X Kettlebell Swing

These were done in three-minute rounds, 12 of them to be exact, with a one-minute break between.  The mumblechatter was flowing and the Pax put in some excellent work.  Yes, not all of us completed all 10 exercises in the three minutes some picked up where they left off some started over, but the work was indeed put in this morning.   Afterwards we met the Gashouse crew at the shovel flag for the pledge and announcements.  At this point I realized I didn’t make note of the pax in attendance so i began making a list for myself so I have to admit I missed the announcements.   See Bedpan’s BB for those.   Bedpan took us out in prayer.

After the COT, Mayor informed me that if the next time I have the Q we do this one again, hes just leaving.    I told him we were and would compare the two for improvement… jokingly…. or maybe not who knows.  I may call his bluff.

Thank you for the opportunity

Humbly, ~ HAJ

Mayor’s List

YHC and Maybelline ran hill to hill on The Halfpipe. We discussed a myriad of topics that would have made Mayor’s Friday 2F topic list proud.

Maybelline did EC beforehand to prep for the upcoming Ville to Ville. The Halfpipe offers great training for the upcoming races since we are still in race season.

Finished with announcements and prayer requests.

YHC prayed us out.

Until next week…

Random Acts of Foolishness

Nothing fancy and nothing too crazy for April Fools’ Day.

The Goof Ball IC x 10
Don Quixote IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Imperial Walkers IC x 10
Nur around Pelican’s

Mosey down the road towards Gastone’s Hill, stopping at the road where counting goes to die.

Route 66 at the light posts for Mike Tysons
Route 66 back at the light posts for Squats

Mosey up Gastone’s Hill. It would be foolish to run up the hill and just run back down.
So Route 78 stopping at each mailbox on the left for some exercise which at this point doesn’t matter (there were 12 mailboxes).

Mosey to the Food Lion parking lot for a round of Four Core-ners. These would be stackes
Corner 1 – 10 Crunchy Frogs
Corner 2 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercury (maybe)
Corner 3 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercury (we’ll go with that), 30 LBCs
Corner 3 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercury (sticking to it), 30 LBCs, 40 Flutter Kicks.

Mosey to the wall in front of Terminix for Dips and Step Ups.

Mosey to the flag for 20 seconds of Mary.

April 13 – Convergence, Speed for Need
May 4 – The Goonie
May 18 – Extinction Run

Prayer Requests
Family members
Bullwinkle’s new job going well

Until next time…

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