F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Members Only with a new Ruck Route

Seven Ruckers & Seven Runners hit the streets of Belmont for a few miles and smiles before gathering for a Q Source discussion on Shield Lock.

Six ruckers were on time and headed out to explore the new neighborhood mess being built behind SouthPoint HS.  One rucker also known as YHC forgot to grab his Q Source book so had to reroute back home before returning to chase down the ruck crew.   New ground was covered and there is plenty more for next time.  A nice change from the same old Sunday ruck loop.  Seven runners made their way out and back for some miles even though one continues to return to the circle late.  This sparked a debate on whether F3 starts and ends on time, or does it just end in a circle of trust when the last guy gets there…  Most of the Pax know the answer but expect more debate on that later.

Two more, Flintstone and Tesla joined us for our Q Source conversation on Shield Lock.

Announcements –

Convergence, Speed for Need & Community Foundation Run – 4/13

2ndF Lunch – 4/17

Extinction Run – 5/18

Prayers –

Pax on IR and those traveling for spring break

Anchorman, Turtleman, Huck

Fighting Yank Blocks, Rocks, Runs and Webbs

Fourteen HIM joined YHC for some Blocks, Rocks, Runs and everyone’s favorite Jack Webbs.

With no FNG present the mosey was on to the bunker where the PAX was met with blocks and chalk in each corner.

Warm up – SSH x 15 / Imp. Walker x 15 / Gravel Picker x 15 / Plank Jack x 15 / Moroccan Night Club x 15 / Stretch R foot over L / L over R / Front Stretch followed by arm stretches.

The Thang –

Four Corner Blocks – Divide the group in fours. Send groups to one of four corners.  Odd number of blocks were placed in each corner with exercises marked in chalk.  Three rounds of one exercise at each corner, non-stacking. If there is a block sitting in your corner when finished carry block to next corner.  All reps x 15.

Corner #1  Merkin / Amer Hammer / Monkey Hump  – Overhead Carry Block to #2

Corner #2  LBC / Jump Squat / Wide Arm Merk – Front Carry Block to #3

Corner #3  Squat / Burpee / Plank Jack – Overhead Carry Block to #4

Corner #4  CDD / Die Cockroach / Calf Raise – Front Carry Block to #1

Indian Run around the block, stop at new rock assortment in church parking lot and grab a rock.  Rocks were chosen in various sizes as it is You vs You.  First exercise is the Curl X 20.  Rocks down and move left 5 rocks.  Next exercise Overhead Press x 20.  The moves continued between each exercise.  Goblet Squat, Tricep Extension, LBC and American Hammer.  Some rocks were chosen better than others.   The PAX will be ready for this trickery next time.   With the rocks placed back in their place we reversed the direction of our route for Indian Run around the block #2.

With time slowly ticking the PAX jumped back in the bunker for another round of four corners before stashing the blocks in the woods and heading to the Yank statue for a round of Jack Webb.  One merkin and four air presses, stacking each round to ten merkins and forty air presses.   With that shoulder burner behind us we had time for a quick round of mary and time was called.


4/13 Convergence and Speed For Need at Community Foundation Run

4/17 2ndF Lunch at Simonetti’s

5/18 Extinction Run 0900 at Primal


Anchorman, Turtleman, Huck, Pax on IR and those traveling for Spring Break


Hey Y’all @ Tequila Sunrise


Warmup stretching and exercises


Do 1 of 10 exercises with 5 reps each exercise. run to the other end of the lot and back between each exercise. once all 10 are completo, repeato! Increasing by 5 reps for each exercise.


Big Boys

Calf Raises

Climbing Coupon Merkins



Heals to Heaven

Imperial Squat Walkers

Overhead Press

Star Jacks

Upright Row

Finished up with a little Mary. Thanks Watts Up for initiating that while I finished at my truck.


Announcements: Convergence tomorrow @ 7am at Caromont Health ballfield. Community run to follow @9am. Metro has a Beer Ruck that starts @ 11am tomorrow. 2nd F Lunch is at Simonetti’s on Wednesday @ noon. Happy Hour tonight @ 5:30 at Primal and Rabbit. Clown Car to Mecca on the 27th, BOS has the details.

Prayers: Jackson Curdi, Turtle Man, Anchor Man, Huck, Kool-aid, Gearwrench

Praises: We woke up and made it out of bed one more day!

Few but MIGHTY 💪🏻


10 SSH, 3 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 3 Burpees, 10 Low Slow Squats, 3 Burpees. Stretching

Mosey to the blocks

Dirty 11s: 10 Curls- Blockie – 1 Thruster

Then we did Dora 123.
100- American Hammers w/ Block, 200 Curls, 300 Squats ( modified towards in for time w/out blocks on the squats)

Mosey back to flag. 22 for the Vets!!!


🇺🇸 Pledge

Convergence- Saturday

Lunch at Samenettis 4/17


Prayer Requests

Hall Family


Anchor Man


Wirenut’s family

I prayed us out !!

Salty Salt

5 of us, all runners for once, at The Sword, as we were all fighting something, whether battling the mentals or just trying to keep up with a 17 year-old and a Slawbag.

Verse for the day is Matthew 5:13: “You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt loses it’s saltiness, how can it be made salty again?  It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

A few things:

  1. Pointing out the obvious, but salt has to be salty.  Otherwise it’s not salt.
  2. Salt can lose its saltiness only by being covered up by things that aren’t salt.
  3. Work to keep from being covered up, especially by things that don’t matter.
  4. Be Salty Salt.

Happy to have Westside there after the Spartan.  That HIM always has good stuff to add to the conversation and is as sharp mentally as he is swole physically.

Another great way to start a Monday

Yabba Dabba Doo

Dirty Diablo

A solid crowd of 6 knuckleheads  and a Scrat did “the Teeter route backwards”.  Or was it forwards?  We never knew.

A classic 2.5 mile EC Route at Martha’s, manifested in the mind of the legendary Dirt himself, repurposed for ruckers seeking something fresh.

We also did:

  • 10 x Thrusters (OYO)
  • 10 x Double Crunches (OYO)
  • 10 x American Hammers (OYO)

before we left and again halfway.

Solid work and solid company.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Gotta Grab a Grinder

3 members of Team 10 and 1 from Team 11 put in work at the Bulldog on a fine Thursday during Spring Break.

There were kettlebells and dumbbells and side planks and 6 inches and planks and running around islands and core work and a modified Wolfpack Grinder to get ready for the game.

4 years in and I finally lost a Weinke and had a bout of amnesia that kept me from remembering the details of the workout.  I just remember the name I was going to give the backblast.  In asking those who were there, here’s what they remember:

“Lost the weinke?  Kettlebell swings and things.  Dora around the islands.  Mosey to the track and back.”

“3 workouts by the benches and the 4th workout was walking with dumbbells to the end of the street and back, then rotate.  Heels to Heaven, Big Boys, and Dips maybe?”

“We carried dumbbells, did some stuff, then did other stuff.”

“Can’t talk now, my kid’s playing his instrument with his meat stick.”

Hate to see it.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Gird up your loins

9 Pax posted to Midoriyama on Tuesday. I announced we would be moving a lot and taking short stops for some exercises. As Slaw put it, Gird up your loins for the ol’run n gun.

The Thang:

At most parking lot openings we did 15 Merkins and 15 LBC’s. At the speed humps we did 10 jump squats. We stopped at the shelters for some dips and step ups. We ran down by the lake where a goose had well shit like a goose or maybe an elephant. I don’t know but there is a sick goose out there. Back on the main road we hit some light poles for some burpees and I mixed it up for maximum confusion. Gotta keep people on their toes. Best I can tell it was about 165 merkins and lbc’s and 2.5+ miles in total along with the other stuff. There was good conversations, lots of laughs, and life advise. Wiki mentioned he learned more yesterday than all of high school. Strong work men.


Pledge, wait for everyone to remove their covers, ok now let’s try again.

Announcements- Convergence and SFN this Saturday, CSAUP May 4th, Ext run May 18

Prayer request-Praise report from Defib on how your attitude can get turned around out here with these men after a bad day or when you’re in a bad mood. Happens to me all the time.


When’s the last time you girded up your loins? If your not girding up your loins often enough come join us at Midoriyama where we will continue girding our loins and the loins of sadclowns.

Folsom 4/9

Proper warm up

lower shelter:40 big boys ,5pullups,run a lap

30 bb 5 pull-ups run

20 bb 5 pull-ups run

10 bb 5 pull-ups run

next: 15 box jumps 30 squats 30 dips x3

then : chest dips:ssh

chest dips:lbc

next: 30 picnic table presses/30 calf raises x3

22 for the vets

forgot the pledge Q fail. Did announcements prayer requests Wirenut prayed us out .
Good times

Monday Madness at Mt. Hollywood

Warm up:

Started with a mosey around the parking lot. Stopped for the typical warm up…side straddle hops, Imperial Walkers, Mt. Climbers, and some stretching.

The Thang: 

Dora 1-2-3

100 Mericans

200 Squats

300 LBC’s

Mosey to the Elementary school

21, 14,7, 7, 14, 21

21 Kaitlyn Clarks (AKA Bobby Hurleys) (Just today), 21 Big Boys, 21 CDD’s

Run a lap

Rinse and Repeat at 14, and 7 – run a lap after each set

Then 7 Mericans, 7 Dips, 7 Plank Jacks

Rinse and repeat at 14 and 7 – runa lap after each set

Run back to the Middle school

Finished with Jack Webbs

COT and Namarama

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