F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Page 26 of 917

Addicted to Love

It’s late in the month so need to get these BB’s in for accounting purposes. So let’s hit the highlights.

  • Alma Mater is a brand new man that arrives early for workouts
  • The PAX ran the Wells Fargo route.
  • To the question of forward or reverse, it was forward. I call the reverse route the Wachovia route (after I referred to Wells Fargo as Wachovia one day, which it hadn’t been for many years)
  • You don’t have to jump in the road and can stay on the sidewalk in front of the new storage facility being built
  • Roscoe is a beast, already running strong-paced 5 mile routes after returning from injury
  • Waterboy remains the most interesting person in F3 Gastonia
  • During prayer requests, Roscoe started playing “Tobacco Road” by David Lee Roth
  • Somehow in talking through addiction, YHC brought up Robert Palmer’s “Addicted to Love”; pretty sure that was planted in their heads all day like it was mine

YHC took us out in prayer

Until next week…

John Wick vs James Bond

Here are the highlights from the penultimate running of The Halfpipe for the season.

  • Good to see Stroganoff back on the hills of The Halfpipe
  • At one point, a mini Q vs Q broke out when YHC deffered to Sargento and let him lead the PAX (of 2) through the neighborhood
  • Many discussion points including investment advice, prayer requests, and other stuff that I don’t remember at this point but were important at the time
  • The one discussion that has stuck with me was who would win in a battle if they were Mortal Kombat characters, John Wick or James Bond

YHC prayer us out.

NOTE: There is one more week of legitimacy for The Halfpipe. At that point, it drops into obscurity as a rouge off-the-books AO set to return next year to train the mind and body for race season.

Until next week…

“Prayer” at Members Only

7 ran, 5 rucked, then 10 stayed for Q Source on “Prayer” at Members Only.


Goonie Ruck-this Saturday

Lunch-May 15 Ray’s Smokehouse

Memorial Day Murph

Prayer Requests:


Jackson Curdy


Kool-aid Injury

YNC took us out.

Q Source:

‭Ephesians 6:18 ESV‬

[18] praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, 

From “A Praying Life” by Paul Miller: “Jesus’ example teaches us that prayer is about relationship. When He prays, He is not performing a duty; He is getting close to his Father. Any relationship, if it is going to grow, needs private space, time together without an agenda, where you can get to know each other. When it comes to spending time with God, take baby steps. Don’t set impossible goals and then collapse. Consistency is more important than length. Regardless of how or when you pray, if you give God the space, He can touch your soul. God knows you are exhausted, but at the same time He longs to be part of your life.”

Thanks for the opportunity to lead..good group!


Country Singers and Honeymoon Photos


SSH, Gravel Pickers, Hillbilly’s


20 down to 15 / run to end of lot and do LBC’s

Overhead press


Triceps extension



Bent over rows


WWII’s and jump squats  between the church and fire department

4 Corner Escalator

10 Hand Release merkins

20 Lunges 10 each leg

30 LBC’s

40 Squats

De escalate

Mosey back to blocks for one more round and rifle carry to the truck.


2nd F  lunch May 15 Rays Smokehouse

Goonie next Saturday  03:00 start time at Gashouse

Extinction Run.  See Bos

Rice and beans, need people to  sign up! See Anchorman

Crisis Assistance Ministry  Helping load trucks, come do what you can. May 11,  11:00 to 3:00 & 3:00 to 7:00. See Flintstone

Prayer request :

My family



Westside FIL

Pallbearer’s  friends mother with multiple health issues

Wirenut friend with cancer

Bedpan with interview

Pledge and YHC took us out

Strong showing today and strong work from each of the men that showed. Lots of mumble chatter and laughs today, it was awesome! Appreciate each one of the men that came out. Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

An amazing route

1st time with Q at Ground Assault. Created an amazing route. Some Enjoyed and some got a little off course but every runner got their 5 miles in.

May 18 Extinction run primal

Goonie Ruck May 4 3am


Travel for ville to  ville runners 


Tequila Sunrise – Fri, Apr 26th

Hadn’t Q’d for a long time, due to IR.   It was really good to get back into the mix.

Here’s what the 18 PAX and YHC did.



The Thang—————————————————–

Mosey, stopped a few times for some core work.

Did some Monkey Humpers, too, for the early-morning drivers on Eagle Road.

Arrive at Cemetery for some hill work.    Did Jacob’s Ladder (7 hill runs, stacking burpees at the top)

Did a three-man relay, AMRAP-style.    First PAX on Merkins, 2nd PAX on SSHs, while the 3rd PAX runs in-between.  Rotate.

Mosey’d back to Start for Mary, and the obligatory “5 Burpees-For-The-Train”.



Tooth Fairy Q next Friday at Tequila Sunrise

Jane Fonda’s house for happy hour

Goonie Ruck

Young life golf tournament

Rice and beans, May 14

Extinction run May 18

Need help unloading a charity truck May 11 (Flintstone)

Murph challenge – Memorial Day


TAPs & Gratitude———————————————–

Jackson Kurti, Nutria’s kids, Turtle Man, huckleberry, anchorman, Kool-Aid, Flintstone’s friend, Blueprint

A PAX was grateful to be out here.   YHC was grateful to Q again.

DR Princeton, NJ

Be on the lookout, next time I Q, I’ll be calling “weed pickers” and “arm pretzels” courtesy of Noodle at The Big House in Princeton, NJ.  (If you’re thinking those aren’t actually exercises, I won’t argue otherwise, you can air your grievances while we do them anyway.) See actual bb below.

Laps Around the Square

F3 PoopDeck – April 18 2024

PAX: Deer Tick, Warrior, Gilligan, Ice Bear, Rockette, Ice Bear, Floss, Dunkaroo

YHC had the Q in Lake Wylie at Poopdeck, plus 7 PAX ready for a good ol fashion beatdown.

We took a couple of laps around the parking lot and circled up for the warm up.

10 Windmill IC
10 Sun Gods IC
15 SSH
10 Merkins (IC)

We took a run around the back of the parking lot near Rey Azteca where I had set up for stations. We split into groups  of two and performed the exercises written on the pieces of paper. After one station was completed the PAX took a lap around the parking lot.

10 Burpees
15 Jump Squats
20 Merkins
25 Kettle Bell Swings
30 Flutter Kicks (count one side)
35 SSH

10 Hand ReleaseMerkins
15 Bomb Jacks
20 Carolina Dry Dock
25 Curls with Cinderblock)
30 Smurf Jacks
35 LBC

10 Mike Tyson
15 Bonnie Blairs
20 Imperial Waker Squats
25 Overhead Press (with Cinderblock)
30 Seal Jacks
35 Parker Peter (count one side)

10 Diamond Merkins
15 Bobby Hurley
20 Incline Merkins
25 Chest Press with Cinderblock)
30 High Knees
35 Mountain  Climbers (count one side)

The PAX rinsed and repeated at least one time and then we headed back toward COT.


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