F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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We Have a New Douche Canoe(s)! (Crossroads 4/28/24)

All HIM were dragging a little this fine Sunday morning before the launch.  Had I closed my eyes I would have sworn there were two Def Leppards amongst us creaking and groaning but this new voice was actually our one and only Hal walking up with zero ruck sack, walking clothes, and untied shoes!  Totally spent from the prior day’s Tobacco Road Relay he had no plans to run today.  But wait, the voice of Slaw quickly reminded us that both Broke & Wik lit the TRR on FIRE, layin down some mighty impressive numbers and securing the proper title of DC!  Something to the effect of being a “lying hooknosed sand bagging sack of …. was mentioned about Hal and we think Wiki was just finally able to run without the old guy holding him back!!!  Dang if he didn’t pull up about that time ready to run again.  We launched, ran, rucked, & walked, then returned for a lesson on Prayer.  As usual it was an honor to lead.  Thanks.

Announcements:  The Goonie / Extinction Run / Additional SFN event (Gastonia Runway 5k in the fall)

Prayers / Praises:  Wirenut family, Gumby family, Slaw’s daughter

Return of Super Dave!

YHC arrived a little early to set out some cones for the day’s weinke.  I rolled up to the turd shack where a good crowd of HIM were starting to gather.  5:30, time to go to work… when who should appear but the elusive Super Dave!  Hadn’t seen him in awhile so after a few high fives from the gang we started back.  Ran a little long getting back to the flag (my bad guys) but it was different at least & hopefully fun!

Warmup (IC): 20 SSH / 1 Burpee / 15 Gravel Pickers / 1 Burpee / 10 Imperial Walkers / 1 Burpee / 5 Low Slow Squats / 1 Burpee / To the Fence for some leg swings & step ups

Run / Rinse / Repeat to river side of park 

Dora 321:  3X High or Low Plank / Dying Cockroaches (200) / Flutter Kicks (100)

Circle the track clockwise / Derkins @ fence posts

Triple Nickel (Bermuda Triangle along the River) Start at center & run to each cone & perform listed exercise on cone (Perfect Form Merkins / Mountain Climbers / Jump Squats)  Omaha

Back to the flag… Done!

Announcements:  Tobacco Road Relay / The Goonie (HC ASAP for t-shirt) / Extinction Run (Ruck Raffle) / 2nd F Lunch @ Ray’s Smokehouse Gastonia

Prayers / Praises:  Relayers traveling, Super Dave will come back more often, the usuals

I Hate Mike Tyson(s)

A straggling group of HIM showed up at various times to partake of the weekly beatdown at the Storm. This is what happened…

Disclaimer of sorts

Count off. 15 at this time.

Pledge of Allegiance


Mosey to the knobs at the side entrance of the school to hear about the Thang.

Big 4 Corners – going counterclockwise around the school, 1st stop at the band trailer, 2nd at the back entrance, 3rd down near the buses and 4th at the small roundabout

1st Round – stack 10 Lunges (count right side only) 20 Jump Squats, 30 Monkey Humpers and 40 Squats – mosey back to the knobs, planking for the 6

2nd Round – stack 10 Big Boys, 20 Oblique Crunches each side, 30 Heels to Heaven and 40 Flutterkicks counting the right side only – Mosey back to the knobs and plank for the 6.

At this time YHC requested someone to recite the Mission of F3. See below

  • The mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men, for the invigoration of male community leadership.

3rd Round – stack 10 Mike Tysons, 20 CDDs, 30 Dips and 40 Merkins – mosey back to the knobs and discuss the 5 Core Principles of F3. The mission was recited again, acurately this time.

We headed back to the start for COT. Tiger and Dr Seuss left early even though he said he wasn’t in a hurry. #HTSI Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!

Announcements – CSAUP Saturday 3am at Gashouse, Rice n Beans on 14th (see Pinto or Virus), 2nd F lunch, Extinction run, Young Life golf tourney on 13th, Memorial Day murph

Prayer Requests – Turtleman, Huck, Anchorman, Jackson Curti, CMPD & US Marshall families, Virus’ knee, Hot Corner’s M, Breaker’s friend


A gorgeous Midoriyama Spring day was defecated on by a ragtag bunch with promises of blocks that didn’t come, a never-ending set of Al Gores, and a few Mike Tysons to keep it interesting.  Here’s what I remember:

Alternate disclaimer today:  I’m not a professional.  Doesn’t matter.  Do what I say.

The Thang:

  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
  • 7 x Cherry Pickers (on request from Blart – his Cadence)
  • 10 x Peter Parkers (IC)
  • 10 x Parker Peters (IC)
  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches (IC)

Ran around the parking lots a little to loosen up, then began our first set of:

  • 10 x Mike Tysons (OYO)
  • 10 x Heels to Heaven (OYO)

Next, we split into 2 groups for an Indian Run.  The man in the back does 3 x Jungle Boy Squats, then runs to pass the group.  The destination was Dog Park Hill.  YHC got ambitious and switched groups about halfway through, and the whole thing fell apart.  Q Fail.  Arriving at Dog Park Hill was a present:

  • 15 x Mike Tysons (OYO)
  • 15 x Heels to Heaven (OYO)

Dog Park Hill brough a little Lazy Dora, where there was a combination of reps & holds, and after all the reps were complete of each exercise, partners ran together up Dog Park Hill and back before starting the next exercise.  We left today’s Lazy Dora open-ended, so groups could decide how many reps to do before switching.  Wiki, Trees, and YHC just went to failure.  Here’s what we did:

  • 100 x Merkins / 6 Inches
  • 200 x Squats / Al Gore (Brutal)
  • 300 x LBCs / Plank

Surviving the 200 round was the challenge, and then the hill run afterwards was rough, but we made it.  The whole thing took a lot longer than expected, and it became clear that the weinke wouldn’t be finished, so Leppard toted around his gloves for nothing.

Close enough to time to head back already, so we started around the soccer fields, but stopped shortly after for the next set of:

  • 20 x Mike Tysons (OYO)
  • 20 x Heels to Heaven (OYO)

and this is where Slaw and Wiki started playing pattycake with their Heels to Heaven reps.  Just when you think you’ve seen it all.

We moseyed back to the long stretch of light poles leading back to the flag, and decided it’d be a good time to lunge walk.

  • Lunge Walk 1 light pole
  • Run 2 light poles

all the way back to the flag.  Plenty of traffic to keep things interesting.

Wouldn’t want to miss an opportunity to get in another round of:

  • 25 x Mike Tysons (OYO)
  • 25 x Heels to Heaven (OYO)

We got back with a few minutes to spare and did a round of Mary.  Everyone got involved except for YHC & Blart who blew his on Cherry Pickers in the Warm Up.

And that was all we had time for today.  Good group with a good push and good weather.  And another half a weinke for next time.

Looking forward to another season of Midoriyama heat.

Yabba Dabba Doo

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