F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Summertime is here!

We do not use a Calendar or temperature to tell us when it is Summertime in Dallas.

It is officially Summer Time when Stogie stays for the whole Q! Great times.

Glad to see Stogie back at it and pushing the rock.


Keep Turtle Man in your prayers, also Gavels family member.





late BB

Amarillo by morning, up from San Antone. Everything that I got is just what I got on. When that sun is high in that Texas sky I’ll be buckin at the county fair. Amarillo by morning, Amarillo I’ll be there. I wonder if anyone will read this? If you did read this, I will be listening to this song on June 1 when I see the king in concert in Charlotte.

thanks for the opportunity to lead. Sorry about the late BB.


‘You Go Your Way’ at Ground Assault

3 rucked and 10 ran the “Untitled Route” (Come to think of it, we need to name it). This is my new favorite route..but not the way  Radar does it;). HIMS pushed their pace today; good camaraderie.

We enter town with about a mile left, so pax chose their preferred routes. Ruckers seemed to have to change plans, also, due to train. Nice work, men!


Memorial Day Murph

Clean-up day after Yank-June 22

Blood Drive-June 26;17 slots to fill

F3 Dad’s resuming-see Slack

Prayer Requests:

Breaker’s Aunt and Mother

Gavel family/nephew



Teachers at end of year


2 Timothy 2:13 if we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself.

Hudson Taylor, ” It is not by trying to be faithful, but by looking to the Faithful One, that we win the victory.”

Anchorman took us out.

Thanks for coming out today, men! You may never know what your presence means to the man beside you!


No Blood Shed Today

A half dozen PAX on a Monday at Mount Hollywood where we beat the odds and with a crowd including Termite and Red Ribbon, no one fell.  Bricks were the focus of the workout, but it seemed like it was going to be light on running, so I guess I overcompensated.  Here’s what I remember:

A new face in the Gloom, just means YHC hasn’t met everyone yet, and it was a privilege to put in work with Love Shack this morning.  Another AM weinke-less Weinke where the ideas were vague and came into focus as we went.  Started with a standard warm-up.

The Thang:

  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • 10 x Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 10 x Gravel Pickers (IC)
  • Tesla Stretches
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)
  • Figure 4 Back Stretches
  • 10 x Dying Cockroaches (IC)

Time to go find the bricks that Choo Choo brought out at his VQ.  It’s been a while since YHC got to lead a brick workout, and didn’t even need to transport them by Footmobile.  On the way, stack some exercises:

  • Mosey to the corner
  • 10 x HR Merkins
  • Mosey to the library
  • 10 x HR Merkins / 20 x Freddie Mercuries
  • Mosey to Oakland
  • 10 x HR Merkins / 20 x Freddie Mercuries / 30 x Squats
  • Mosey to the brick pile at the Farmers Market
  • 10 x HR Merkins / 20 x Freddie Mercuries / 30 x Squats / 40 x Flutter Kicks

Destination reached, and there the bricks were, all neatly placed and ready for some action.

Simple Circuit,  but not the usual. Our grips would be tested today.

  • 15 x Curls (OYO, each arm)
  • 15 x Renegade Rows (OYO, each arm)
  • 15 x 6 inches / Skullcrushers (OYO)
  • Walking Iron Cross (holding bricks to the side) to the last booth at the Farmers Market
  • 5 x Brickees (OYO)
  • Walk holding bricks in front of you back (I’m sure it has a name, but I don’t know it)
  • Take off running across the parking lot, across the street with the hill, and around the loop at the church, then back
  • Repeato for 3 rounds total

YHC stays impressed at the pace of the Mt. Hollywood PAX.  These are your unsung batflippers, as Blueprint is as fast and fit as anyone in the region and Red Ribbon only has 1 setting on his dial and it’s 11. When Freon looks mortal, it’s a tough group.

Not sure if it was the runs or the stack that were longer than expected, but time was ticking, and we needed to take the long way back and unstack the stack. There was a whole routine on the weinke-less Weinke that will have to wait for another day.

So we headed back and unstacked properly, because somewhere, Watts Up was watching :

  • Mosey to the bank parking lot
  • 40 x Flutter Kicks / 30 x Squats / 20 x Freddie Mercuries / 10 x HR Merkins
  • Mosey to the train tracks and take a left on Catawba
  • 30 x Squats / 20 x Freddie Mercuries / 10 x HR Merkins
  • Mosey to the elementary school (the long run)
  • 20 x Freddie Mercuries / 10 x HR Merkins
  • Mosey back to the flag
  • 10 x HR Merkins

And that was all we had time for.

2 miles, which is a lot for YHC at a bootcamp. Must’ve overcompensated.

Strong work by the group. Termite held his own at a bootcamp. Love Shack kept up with a running workout, even though he said that was where he struggles.

A great day in The Gloom. Thankful for the opportunity to lead this group. If you haven’t been to Mt. Hollywood lately, you’re missing out.

Yabba Dabba Doo



Rare Q for me on a Wednesday morning. I owed Maybelline a Q as he has the GasHouse this weekend (come out and get some). I saw a drinking game where participants stacked cups competitively. I began to ponder how it would work within a workout. As I played out the concept, I thought a PAX of 8 would be ideal. As luck occurred, I saw 7 other men in the circle as I approached. How fortuitous.

Warm-up – the usual: Seal Jacks, Imperial Walkers, Toy Soldier, Side 2 Side lunge IC x 10. We said the Pledge.

Stay in the circle for the Thang:

  • SSH IC x 30, run 1 lap around the building
  • Iron Mike Tyson IC x 20, run 1 lap around the building
  • Split Jack Toe Touch IC x 20, run 2 laps around the building
  • Diamond Merkins IC x 15 (barely for the Q), run 2 laps around the building
  • Jump Squats IC x 20, run 2 laps around the building
  • Mtn Climbers (slow graze of knee 1″ over the ground), IC x 20

Mosey to the office building down the street in the back parking lot. I wanted an even middle of the parking lot so divided the PAX in teams of 4 (Team Amazon vs. Team GSM) and had them march toward the middle to create the line. There were 2 blue cones in the middle flanked by 3 green and 3 yellow cones. There were 8 exercises listed which would be performed as a team total. With teams of 4, I declared the total team reps to be 50 with the exception for LBCs to be 100 total. The teams gather at the edges or the parking lot and upon completion run to the center and move the blue cone one spot (green for Amazon and yellow for GSM). Goal was to get the blue cone to the 3rd cone of the team side. Sounds complicated? Oh good, then I’m not losing my touch. Competition breeds intensity and our PAX love competition. The teams were even through the first round. I had to figure out a difference maker. So, for round 2 I combined the exercises into groups of two. I now realize the reps need to be individualized or higher team reps. Stay tuned for the next opportunity. It worked out with Team Amazon earning the win.

With the time left, we hustled back to base for some core work to finish out our time.

COT: Prayers – Turtleman, Maybelline’s co-worker’s wife in stage 4 cancer, HS graduates, Choo-choo’s Mom; Announcements – Memorial Day Murph on 5/27 at 0700 at The Sandlot (Sword and Mt. Hollywood open at normal times).


It’s Baseball Season

We had 7 out on this Monday morning , Everyone was eager to start the week off right so that is just what we did!

Warm up was standard…

Then we moved over to the park but found that the baseball fields were locked, being the upright citizens that we are, we honored the locks and did not jump the fences. But we still needed a diamond so we moseyed over to the parking lot and mapped out our own. What did we need a diamond for, well, for a game of F3 Baseball of course!

Simple plan, timer is set for 20 minutes (was 25 but we adjusted to 20), pax split into 4 teams (one team at each base), each base had its own exercise of 10 reps. After each memeber of the team had done the 10 reps, the team would run to the next base and do the exercise set up for that base. Every time you passed the base you started at your team got a run! After 20 min the team with the most runs wins. The exercises were Burpees at home, merkins at 1st, big boys at 2nd, and Mike Tysons at 3rd. Most of us only made it to 6 runs but I’m pretty sure that Hei Hei and Defib finished with 7 to take the win.

After the round of baseball we had time to run a 4 of diamonds using the same “field”. This time we took a trip around the bases together stopping at each base for a 10 count of: Low slow squats, Seal Jacks, In and outs, and Toy Soldier Squats.

We headed back towards COT stopping along the way back to continue the 10 count work, but dropping the last exercise at each stop!

It was a great time, you should have been there!

Thanks JJ for the opportunity to lead!

Extinction Run IV – FSHD Society

Extinction Run IV – FSHD Society – The BEST one Yet!

Once again, we had rain in the forecast for the week and the day of the event.  YHC spent the week checking the forecast as Anchorman stayed calm and collected while saying “Stop it! We will be fine!”  Truth be told it could have rained all day and it wouldn’t have taken the wind out of our sails or the smiles off our faces.  The rain stopped in the early morning hours and the course was looking good Saturday morning.  Extra tents were brought in by Pinto and Pilgrim just in case but thankfully the weather cooperated.

Our volunteer team showed up strong and had tents and tables setup, and the cones and flags out before we knew it!  If you brought something, setup or moved something, offered something…Thank you!!

The reason we are here.   Sixty-Eight runners signed up to run Extinction Run IV and the veterans took our minor changes in stride.  Because we promoted this run out far and wide we didn’t know what type of numbers we were going to have.  What we ended up with was a healthy group of runners and spectators joining together to raise money for the FSHD Society and Team Anchorman.

Run format: One mile run against the clock; one mile at a time. Each loop begins and ends at Primal Brewery.  From the start the first mile must be completed within the 13-minute time limit. The second mile cannot be started until after the 13-minute mark. New this year we adjusted our timing down by 20 seconds.  The second mile pace and each mile following were reduced by 20 seconds. Mile two must be completed within 12:40 time limit, mile three within 12:20 and so on. Runners must meet the time limit to proceed to the next mile however if they were close and wanted to go again who are we to stop them.

We started with a quick welcome, a very brief disclaimer, some veteran heckling and we were ready to go.  Our mascot T-Rex was ready, our traffic safety team took their places and Sixty-Eight runners and one T-Rex toed the start line, and we were off.  The field looked massive as they moved up the gravel driveway.  Some runners sped through the first lap and others paced themselves planning for a long event.  Our new timer made the clock resets faster and after a few words from Anchorman we were off for lap number two.  A few runners were putting the hammer down on each lap and enjoying a bit of a rest between loops.  Others were pacing in the back like snipers waiting for the right time to pull the trigger.  A couple of miles in we started to lose runners just as others were getting warmed up.  While runners were on the course Ruck Raffle tickets and 50/50 tickets were selling like crazy.  Spectators cheered the runners on as the clock continued to count down.

The kids under 12 division pushed farther this year to the six-mile mark.  The women’s and men’s divisions went on for a while longer.  Since we adjusted the clock to drop 20 seconds each mile the pace of the race seemed much quicker than previous years.   Our last three men were pushing each other hard.  On lap 18 YHC heard our #3 runner Phidipedes called his 2.0 Dragonball over to help him run his last lap with him. What a neat site to see as they crossed the finish.  Dad with a 3rd place and 2.0 with a kids 1st place finish.  Now for the last lap; lap 19 at a 7:00 minute pace. The last two runners took off for 19 and one of the snipers (Tommy Lee) mentioned earlier took down the last standing speedster (Chuck Norris) for the win and the end to a successful Extinction Run!

This brought Extinction Run IV to a close. Hats off to all the runners, volunteers, donors and spectators.

Here are your winners!

1st Place = Tommy Lee (Isotope PAX)

2nd Place = Chuck Norris (Gashouse PAX & Gastone 2.0)

3rd Place = Phidipedes (MeCa Pax)

1st Place = Rachel Isom

2nd Place = Danielle Smallwood (M Tiger)

3rd Place = Stephanie Fox (M Norwood)

Kids 12 & Under
1st Place = Dragonball (Phidipedes 2.0)

2nd Place TIE = Pixie Dust (Gavel 2.0)

2nd Place TIE = Bolt (Ocho 2.0)

3rd Place = Phelps (Norwood 2.0)

Rucker 4.0 Ruck Raffle Winner = Watts Up

50/50 Winner = FSHD Society. Winning ticket was not claimed so winnings were added to the total for FSHD.

After all the finger and toe counting was complete, we gathered up a donation of $13,375.00 for The FSHD Society and Team Anchorman!

Thanks to Primal for opening early and letting us take over their brewery and parking lot.  Thank you to our volunteers and equipment suppliers!  Watts Up, Eh Yall, Pilgrim, Pinto, Whoopee, Tardi Gras and M Tardi, Montana, Musicbox (Aka T-Rex) Anchorman and M Anchorman and Jenny from FSHD.  With their help and the generous donations from our PAX, runners, friends and families we exceeded our expectations and goal by a long shot.

It’s been a blast putting this together!  Like we say in fitness and in life…”you get out of it what you put into it.”  And we got a lot more out of it than the big check.  #TeamAnchorman

Until we do it again!
BOS & Anchorman

Diablo – May 21

We rucked Martha Rivers. Stop by the picnic and pavilion for some R&R (squats, incline merkins, stepups, merkins, lbc, dying cockroaches, Moroccan nightclubs, grass pickers). Thanks to Woody for being our tour guide through the woods.

Prayers for Turtleman who continues fighting cancer. Unbelievable strength and spirit. Prayers for Christine and the family who are in the fight with him.

The Sword 5/20

Small group of HIMS today but we put in some good work.After I shared some scripture from Acts 4 and talked about some things we can learn and apply from Peter and John in this chapter. We pledged prayed and headed out.

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