F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Aiming to Please

We all have our goals be it things around the house, the office, projects, etc. In this F3 world most of us have fitness goals as well. Maybe it’s winning the iron skillet, a number of posts in a month, or running event like a race or relay. The past two years, I’d set aside June as my 30 for 30 month. As much as I’d like that to be solely based on F3 posts, I’m not there yet. Hat’s off to Slaw, Suess, SA, Broke and many others that make that push. No for me, it’s 30 workouts of at least 30 minutes of work in whatever form it is for that day to burn some calories. Leading into the final week I needed at least an extra workout – checked that box Tuesday. Well then I wake up Thursday not feeling it pushing off exercise to the end of the day, maybe a run, Midoriyama, or a OYO bootcamp? Wouldn’t you guess work gets sideways and throws off that plan. Guess Friday is a double post day now.


  • Seal Jacks IC x 10
  • Imperial Walkers IC x 10
  • Side to Side Lunge IC x 10
  • Arrows IC x 10 – yes Sister Act – I called Arrows – these will warm-up your shoulders…SA is having none of this great warm-up exercise this hot, muggy morning. SA: “…look at Short Sale, we’re gonna do some archery today…” SA mockingly shoots arrows into the air. He would not make a good cupid. “Whatever”
  • I had some other warm-up exercises we may have completed but at this point I was on the verge of calling the Slaughter Starter – I didn’t out of respect for the others in the circle. But I was close.
  • Say the Pledge

We mosey to west side of the parking lot through the construction are, head south on Chester Street for one block. It was during this mosey that I took inventory of the PAX. A pretty solid group and SA is already barking at me a bit, so this is going to be good. But my only weapon to fight with was the level of intensity of the workout – let’s turn that up a notch.

We arrive on Main Street and I announce Route 198. What is that you inquire? It’s not a Short Sale workout if it doesn’t have a little bit of complicated mixed in, only this wasn’t that complicated. Instead of Route 66 involving 1 exercise escalating by one to 11. This routine is 3 exercises increasing by one at each lamppost on the left side (yes I said the left side of the street). So, we did LBCs, Hand Release Merkins and Parker Peters. Now that set may seem random to you but there is a purpose to the structure of crunching your core, followed by shoulder and plank work, then to hit your core again with the knee coming across to your opposite elbow. Using the lamps on the left took us a half block past South Street. We did a quick 10 count and back-tracked to South Street and found the benches for some full body work.

  • Face south: step down left x 15
  • Face north; step down right x 15
  • 15 Dips, 15 Derkins
  • Bulgarian Squats – 15 R / 15 L
  • 15 Dips, 15 Derkins

10 count – mosey south, cross Main St (Seuss stuck w/ us), get to Second St, 5 burpees; mosey to Third St, 5 burpees. Mosey east on Third St and left down the hill of a parking lot that basically sits in a hole – nice – we’ll use this spot. Find a partner – I drew Slaw (now I have to push to keep up with him!) Dora: 100 Crunchy Frogs, 200 Freddie Mercs, 300 Flutters. Nice work by the teams. Stubing had to depart early for work at this point. Now we’ll slide over to use the concrete wall for a Triple Nickel since SA was with us. 5 Australian Mtn Climbers on the wall, run up the steep driveway hill for 5 Imperial Walker Squat (count the squat). As you have been told, 5 rounds. Let’s head back – North up South Street, we stopped for 5 burpees at the intersections of Second and Main. Back over to the benches as we have time for more bench work:

  • Face south: step down left x 15
  • Face north; step down right x 15
  • 15 Dips, 15 Derkins
  • Squats x 15
  • 15 Dips, 15 Derkins

I think that may have been it – should have written this on Friday, oh well, I aim to please.

COT: Prayers for Ratchet and Jackson Hall, Norwood, Huck, and SA’s co-worker. Announcements – all events shared have now been completed. Check another backblast if you need info.

As I noted, we had a solid crew that I knew could be pushed. Whether they wanted it, only they can tell you that. I tried to keep the suggestions simple enough but difficult enough to be a challenge. We often say “good Q” after a beatdown, but when you receive that compliment in a text, call or verbal sharing following the workout, you know it was sincere. So even with a silly Arrow warm up (for the shoulder work ahead), I always aim to please. You’re welcome SA. I appreciate you too brother. As well as the other PAX that joined in without much complaining.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Short Sale


A dirty dozen showed up for the STORM on Independence Day.  Stroganoff made a triumphant return to a place he used to post regularly before he started Mortimer training year round on the halfpipe on Tuesday mornings.  Even JJ made his way east and posted at the second oldest AO in the Gashouse.  The Storm was founded on 5-26-15 and our country was founded in 1776.  Both are big deals.  Speaking of big deals, Boudin was at the Storm this morning too and he was in a great mood.  He was offering classic mumblechatter but when we were warming up he started stepping in the circle during the warmup.  It was borderline unprofessional and the Q had to put him back in his place among the PAX.

Elf was there and so was Hot Corner, an F3 PAX formerly of Ohio but within the last month his family moved to Belmont so we will be seeing more of him.  Originally from Bessemer City, both men are nice additions to our group and hopefully we will be seeing more of them.

After a disclaimer and warm up (that was prolonged waiting for our First F Q Flintstone to put on his shoes), we moseyed over to the ballfield.  Originally JOBU was going to get us a key to open the football stadium but alas, he was out of town.  “FU JOBU, I do it myself” (Watch Major League again if you didn’t get the reference)


Two cones placed about 30 feet apart.
We start with 25 burpees, then lunge walk from cone to cone

Then 50 merikins, then lunge walk from cone to cone

Then 75 Shoulder taps, then lunge walk from cone to cone

Then 100 CDD’s, then lunge walk from cone to cone

Then 75 Shoulder taps, run the thread trail to Rocky Branch and back up the hill

Then 50 merkins, then run the thread trail to Rocky Branch and back up the hill

Then 25 burpees, then run the thread trail to Rocky Branch and back up the hill

Recover and mosey to the parking lot with a bear crawl between light poles.

Mosey to the big parking lot for some four corners…


mosey to 2nd light pole, 10 Hammers, 20 LBC’s

mosey to 3rd light pole, 10 Hammers, 20 LBC’s, 30 Heels to Heaven

mosey to 4th ligh tpole: 10 Hammers, 20 LBC’s, 30 Heels to Heaven, 40 Flutters

Mosey back to start for announcements and COT.

Prayer requests:  Ratchet’s son and family, Norwood, Radar’s Sister, Anchorman’s SIL, all of our PAX, our great Country

Recent survey’s show that Americans are less proud of their country than in years past.  This is a ridiculous notion fueled by grievance mongers who want to keep everyone stirred up about our nation’s sins and not our freedoms.  Do you think we have a problem attracting immigrants because our country is so bad?  Maybe they understand that anything is possible when people are free to assemble and speak their minds and do great things.  I once interviewed someone who had fled from communist Poland and as a young boy he saw a US Marine guarding the American Embassy and that set forth his desire to come to America and serve in the Corps which he did with distinction.

We are a young nation and through freedoms and free markets we have fueled expansion and growth and wealth and fed our people better than any other country in history.  Live with gratitude everyday and don’t take the gift that we are Americans for granted. Defend our freedom’s at all costs.

“The only birthday I ever commemorate is that of our Independence, the Fourth of July.”  -Thomas Jefferson  1801

After the beatdown some went for coffee and then many PAX gathered  at the Fighting Yank Statue after a Tesla Q and read the Declaration of Independence, followed by Dr. Boyce (now known as Monsignor who gave a great prayer and message on broad spaces.  Thanks for Uncle Ted for organizing that tribute to our founding.

“We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor” 

Always  a pleasure to lead.  Enjoy our national holiday today and spend time with your families and be grateful for being American.

July 4, 1986  Ronald Reagan addressing the nation to commemorate the Statue of Liberty renovations…

My fellow Americans, it falls to us to keep faith with them and all the great Americans of our past. Believe me, if there’s one impression I carry with me after the privilege of holding for five-and-a-half years the office held by Adams and Jefferson and Lincoln, it is this: that the things that unite us—America’s past of which we’re so proud, our hopes and aspirations for the future of the world and this much-loved country—these things far outweigh what little divides us. And so tonight we reaffirm that Jew and gentile, we are one nation under God; that black and white, we are one nation indivisible; that Republican and Democrat, we are all Americans. Tonight, with heart and hand, through whatever trial and travail, we pledge ourselves to each other and to the cause of human freedom, the cause that has given light to this land and hope to the world.

RoscoeHow Many Stars and Stripes Are on the American Flag?

Crossroads 7/2/23

Beautiful morning to get better. Some biked, some ran, some rucked. YHC led discussion of an individual that displayed exemplary leadership qualities. YHC chose Lewis “Chesty” Puller. He was the most decorated Marine of all time and literally set the standard by which all Marines strive to achieve. He led his Marines into some of the bloodiest battles of WW2 and the Korean War. He led by example and fought on the battlefield along with the enlisted men. He did not have to demand respect from his men, he earned it. The Marine bulldog mascot was officially named “Chesty” in 1957, and the USS Lewis B. Puller was named after him.



Midoriyama 6-29-23

Warm up.
Don Quixote’s
Imperial Walkers
Gravel Pickers

Mosey to the small soccer field.
Carry empty buckets and get bricks from the woods. Put bricks in buckets. Take bricks and buckets to the field. Split in to teams.
One man farmers carry 2 buckets the length of the field while other pax run suicides across the field. Swap man on buckets at other end and come back. Continue till all men have carried the buckets once.

Next carry the buckets to the hill at the of park. Stopping along the way to trade off carriers. Other PAX run to next point and wait. perform SSH till bucket carrier arrives.
One man carries two buckets up the hill and back down. The rest of the team does WW1. Switch after 2nd man has gone and perform SSH while waiting. When all PAX have carried the buckets once, we will head back to the start.

Mosey back. Each team carry 2 buckets. While one man is carrying the buckets, the team runs to the next light pole and does SSH until the bucket carrier gets there. Switch bucket carriers and move to next light pole.

Marry at the start. All AB exercises.

Last we performed Moroccan Night Clubs while carrying the bricks to the hiding spot. Some PAX decided to perform Burpees with a minute to spare despite the Q’s attempt to not do Burpees this day.

Runway 5k in September.


Warm up 10 x IC
Don Q
Toy Soldiers
Low Slow Squat
Arm Circles. Forward and Reverse
5 Burpees

Let’s Mosey.
Mosey to the parking lot across the street. Here we perform 11’s across the parking lot.5 Burpees after each set. Exercises are,

Werkins and Seal Jacks
Mike Tyson’s and SSH
Squats and American Hammers
WW1 and Hillbillies

Mosey to the turd shack by the soccer fields for some wall work.
3 rounds 10 x IC.
Wall sits for 1 min.
Hip Slappers
Australian Mt Climbers
Wall Taps
10 Burpees

Mosey to the hill in the by the dog park.
Triple Nickel
LBC and Flutters
Merkins and CDD
Squats and Lunges

15 Burpees together to close out 50 Burpees for the day.

Prayer requests
Ratchets son, tumor is gone on scan more chemo to come.

Norwood July surgery

Hacksaw leg

Hushpuppy and family.

Crossroads 6/18/23










Folsom 6/29/2023

About sick and tired of seeing Open Q on Folsom so I told GearWrench to put me down!

Warm up: SSH, 1 burpee, Gravel Pickers, 2 burpees, something else 3 burpees and so on until we got 5 burpees.

Thang: Trojan showed up so i figured i would give him a tour of Folsom..well at least the lower end. First up mosey to the Pavilion. Lindsays– Balls to the Wall Astrualian MTN. Climbers then Dirty Hookups. With wall march in between sets. 30-10, 25-15, etc…
Next up let go the the Shelter and do more Lindsays–dips/derkins with step up between sets. It was at this point i saw Trojan not doing anything but staring out into the darkness..LOL he would later tell me he is not coming to any of my Qs again.🤷‍♂️ The last thing was to show him the Hill…Roundups Hill! Triple Nickle–5 Mike Tysons at the top and 5 big boys and the bottom 5 rounds! That ran us outta time..everyone pushed hard on the hill…it is brutal this time of year! Good Work MEN!

July 4: Storm, Folsom, or Yank @6 Go post somewhere!
Annalition workout July 15 with Tiger @ Yank
F3 Kids/Dads work out July 15 @ Gashouse
2nd F lunch @ Pita Wheel in Dallas
New Challange from Slaw see preblast for details

Jackson Hall
Wirenut Mom
Hacksaw leg
Paxs traveling for July 4th

Ball Joint

Storm 6/27/2023

Breaker Breaker reached out to see if i wanted to Q the Storm…never have so heck yeah! lets show these Belmont boys a Folsom Workout! Now there are some hammers on the Q schedule coming up..our favorite pax to hate ole Sister Act is one of them. I made this up in Honor of him back first of the year so I give you the D-Bag HWY!

Warmup: SSH, Gravel Pickers, right over left stretchy things

Thang: The Douchebag HWY: Basically just 4 different route 66s with different modes of transportation. Up First Burpees and Broad Jumps, when you finished we did SSH untill the six was in then we fellowship moseyed back to the start. Next Mike Tysons and Bear Crawls. Next Imperial Walker Squats and Lunge walk. Lastly Crunchy Frogs(4 count) and Crab walks.

With Just a few minutes left we did a Indian Run w/burpees to the Expedition where I had 2 5gallon fuel jugs waiting. we did Mary and Carry : starting with the oldest Pax they called a exercise and farmer carried the fuel jugs halfway across the parking lot and sprinted back.

Buckshot w/kids at camp
Pax kids Travel w/Westward Bound
Brokes Anniversery –Praise!
Jackson Hall
Radar Sister
Tesla Sister
Tiger Mom

Folsom 6/13/2023

We did Block work 13 down to 1. Exercises: Curls, Triceps extension, block swing, squat, merkin w/block, press on your back. then between set we did 13 lbc’s in cadence everytime.

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