F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Back From The River

This was YHC’s first post since returning from vacation. Posted twice in Shalotte at The River and brought back some of the fun I had there to share with the PAX

SSH IC x 12
LBCs IC x 12
Imperial Walkers IC x 11

Mosey to the center of the baseball fields where I believe we did some squats

Mosey to the lower end of the parking lot for 11s
Hand Release Merkins x 10 on one side
Big Boys x 1 on the other side
You know the deal, repeat until the counts were switched

Mosey to the playground
3 rounds of Pull-ups x 5

Mosey to the shelter and partner up
One partner does Step-ups to 250 while the other partner moseys to the turd shack and does 10 balls to the wall shoulder taps (count both sides)

Mosey to the curb at the end of the parking lot
Repeat, sort of. One partner does Step-ups to 250 while the other partner moseys to the turd shack for more shoulder taps

Mosey to the turd shack and wall sit with the PAX shoulder to shoulder. Start on one side with each PAX doing 10 air presses until it makes it to the other end.

Mosey back to the flag with a stop at each light pole for 5 squats.

F3 Lunch that already happened
George Strait in ATL in October
FIA Official Launch which was 7/22

Prayer Requests

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

7/29 Gashouse

Warm Up:
ssh/lbc/squats/merkins ic
Painlab will be well handled with Sledge.
The Thang:
First Pres parking lot, great spot for up and down opposing booyah merkins, up to 10.

Traditional Dora 1-2-3
Merkins/Squats/Flutters, partner 2 runs up steps and back

Lunge, Bear Crawl, Inchworm while 2nd half of small group moseys to the bottom of the hill and back

Big Boys and Running

Planks/Squats hold while 2nd half runs

I had about 3 + miles on my mini fitbit.

2nd F lunch Pita Wheel Belmont, 3rd Wed. August
Tube called out forPainlab Q’s, grabbed at CoT:  Voodoo (8/5) and Nutria (8/12) – Awesome!!!
Kings to Crowders ruck, details to follow
Convergence, Labor Day?  Location and deet’s to follow
F3 Dad’s at Folsom
A lot of 1st F things heading our way for September
Annhilation – Slaw

Mayor has knee scope 8/11
Sledge’s M
Clavin’s M

Honored to lead as the six


Members Only lite

I picked up the Q at about 9:30 last night coming in from vacation. A Sunday morning Q isn’t that bad y’all should try it. I showed up at 6:15 to see the ruckers off but Orangeman was by himself. He stayed to run with me and we were almost by ourselves until Jane Fonda ran in from his house. The three of us took off and picked up Norwood on our way back. It is good to be home.


Lunch 8-16? Belmont pita wheel
F3 Dads Folsom 8-19 0700
Pt tests redo in August
Belt run 8-27 Coconut Horse 0630

Norwood surgery 8-4
Orangeman family home
Back to school for teachers and students
Traveling PAX
Encourage new pax

See y’all in the gloom this week.

YHC prayed

Something about doctors

Flintstone arrived to ruck wearing the Iron Sharpens Iron belt and was joined by Maybelline, Woopee, Scrat, and YHC. Winhouse,  JJ,  Stroganoff, and Roscoe set off for their regular run. Afterwards, Roscoe said something about doctors to Woopee that cannot be repeated here. JJ left; Sledge and Shortsale joined us for QSource & Chapter 5 of The Wisdom of the Bullfrog, which expounded upon the following:

  1. You must bring energy and enthusiasm every single day.
  2. You are not entitled to anything but more hard work. The rank and file are working hard and getting paid less.
  3. Attack each day as though it was critical to the organization’s success


  • Convergence on Labor Day at 7am – stay tuned for details
  • PT Tests at the end of August
  • Coconut Derby August 27 – pre-blast to follow

Prayer request:

  • Norwood
  • Silent intentions

Folsom Cindy and Football

Proper warm up

modified Cindy: 3 rounds of 5 pull ups 10 merkins 15 squats run a lap 2 rounds run one round run

then 11’s dips and V ups

then we played football for 30 minutes some shined (Wikileaks, Def Lep surprisingly) others not so much. Gear wrench plays dirty watch out. Fun was had by all and we burned some calories doing it. It was a pleasure as always. We prayed pledged and did announcements of course that is all.

Stacking Blocks

Good crowd at Folsom as usual. No FNGs. So we kicked it off with the Pledge and a Wirenut style disclaimer. Something like We’re not professionals but if you don’t do it right I’m gonna let you know. Quick warmup and we’re off. Mosey towards the Block Pile stopping at each light to do a little bit of work. 5 Mike Tysons and 10 JB Squats. Grab a block and Rifle Cary to the Tennis Courts where we did several Blocks of Circuit Style work.

Block 1: 5 Blockies, 10 HR Merkins,     20 Alpos, run a lap

Block 2: Repeat above circuit, Rifle Cary to next station, 10 each arm Chainsaw Rows, 20 Tricep Ext., 30 Curls, Rifle Cary back to start, run a lap

Block 3: Repeat above circuits, Rifle Cary to next station, 10 Thrusters, 20 Shoulder Taps, 30 Mountain Climbers, Rifle Cary to the start, run a lap

Block 4: Repeat above circuits, Rifle Cary to next station, 10 Goblet Squats, 15 Split Squats per leg , 40 Box Squats, Rifle Cary to the start, run a lap.

We’re all done here so we carried the blocks back to the pallet. On the way back we finished up the way we began with the Mike Tysons and JB Squats at each light.

That is Time


Announcements, Praise, Prayers

Starting the week with gratitude

Simple and tough is the way I try to set up a beatdown.  The tricky part is keeping all PAX challenged regardless of fitness level.  My latest attempt was at The Sandlot.  We started with the pledge and warmup of SSH, imperial walkers, runners stretch, Nolan Ryans, perfect form merkins, maybe something else thrown in the mix, then moseyed towards the park.   Oh, and we brought along a couple kettlebells (32 lb and 18 lb).  Dropped the kettlebells at the entrance road where the paved path leads to the first picnic shelter, proceeded to the picnic shelter, and explained the rules:

Each PAX takes a turn running to the road to do 10 reps with a kettlebell.   All other PAX alternate between one of two exercises (do as many reps as you want of either exercise, then switch, just keep going).  Once all PAX have done the kettlebell reps, move the next round.

Round 1 = Perfect form merkins / Nolan Ryans  (Squats with KB)
Round 2 = Bulgarian split squats (left side) / Star crunches (Upright rows with KB)
Round 3 = Derkins / Superman pull-ups (Swings with KB)
Round 4 = Bulgarian split squats (right side) / American hammers (OH presses with KB)

Amidst the sound of crickets and grunting (and an unfortunate lack of mumblechatter), I learned that this general format succeeds at “simple and tough.”  I also learned that Superman pull-ups are a lot harder than I thought, especially when paired with another shoulder exercise.   Though I had planned on getting through all 4 rounds multiple times, we only had time to get through one circuit (no doubt to the relief of the PAX!).

During a fellowship-mosey towards the park gate, we talked about things for which we are grateful.  For me, it’s the health and well-being of my family.  At the park gate, we did 5 burpees and a jail-break to back to Pelicans, then 2 minutes of Mary to finish strong.

Announcements:  F3 Dads 8/19 at Folsom.  Labor Day (Monday 9/04) convergence.

Prayers:  Turtleman and Norwood.  EZ Rider’s family.  JJ and a pack of kids going on a church youth group trip.

I am privileged – and grateful – for the opportunity to lead a fine group of HIM’s this morning!
– Nutria

Another Gashouse – Old School Switcharoo

I thought I had already posted this but I guess not. So this thing is now coming in hot and extremely late. Just like my ass rolling into any of the early AM workouts I attempted to attend ever. As such I can’t remember a whole lot about the workout except running that awful hill behind the church and doing a sandbag circuit as a finisher.


7/28/23 – Snooze

The Thang:

Parking lot near Thread trail.

Partner Booyah Merkins:  Still a good work out as lot was slightly undersized for the event.
Dora 1-2-3:  Big Boys/LBC/Heels to Heaven
Triple Nickel:  CDD’s and Squats (mosey in between)
Fill in details before mosey back


Kings to Crowders Ruck coming in August, details to follow, aiming for 2nd or 4th week.
2nd F Lunch, Pita Wheel in Belmont, August, details to follow.
F3 Dad’s, August 19th at Folsom.
PT Test Round 2 soon
Annihilation work out, Slaw should have one soon

Radar’s Sister
Tesla’s Sister
Roscoe’s Uncle

Honored to lead as the six this round.  Linus

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