F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Coconut Derby

This special edition of the coconut horse was brought to you by none other than our 1st F Q and current belt holder – Flintstone.  After capturing the belt from Slaw in June by posting more times than Slaw he challenged us to a 5 mile race around the horse.  This would be no easy task to dethrone him since he has been really pushing the rock and then some with his marathon training.  12 HIM however posted in an effort to steal the belt.   After a quick disclaimer and explanation of the rules the runners were off.  Our finish line judge was Hunchback who also doubled as our photo finish photographer.  The pax were pretty bunched together for the first half mile but then Flintstone and Maybelline started to pull away.  Unfortunately some of the pax caught a 6 minute light (or so I was told) at Hudson which negatively impacted their ability to win.- -I will get in touch with the race director and plan to refund their entry fee.  Maybe next year we can get some of Gastonia’s finest to control traffic.   By the time we hit the greenway it was pretty clear there would be only two competitors.  Both Flintstone and Maybelline enjoyed a commanding lead with JJ and me giving all we could in hopes that one of them would run out of gas.  However the two of them pushed all the way to the finish with Maybelline stealing the belt with an average time of 7:26/mile.  Kudos to the rest of the pax who all turned in performances better than their usual averages.  Congrats to Maybelline who proved that you can be last (to show up for a workout) and still come in first.  Next opportunity to steal the belt will be the pax with best rank in Ironpax so sign up if you haven’t already.  After COT 10 men stayed Q Source with a discussion of “No Plan Survives First Contact with the Enemy” from Wisdom of the Bullfrog by Admiral William McRaven.


Lunch 9/20 Pita Wheel downtown

Fall Ruck event

Austin Half Marathon Feb 18th

JJ 5K Sept 30th



Turtleman, Tooth Fairy’s wife and daughter, Huckleberry, Jackson Hall

Return of the Book of Nursery Rhymes

I broke out an old weinke for this beautiful Saturday morning – Montross’s Nursery Rhymes for HIMs (Mayor always loves that extra ‘s’). The book has been in laminated form for a few years now after the rainy debacle at Midoriyama cira 2019. There were some notes taped into the book that suggest it hasn’t been used since an online workout in 2020. That means many of the PAX at Folsom now days have never seen this book. There were some suggests to upgrade the binding from staples but we’ll work with what we’ve got!

Quick warmup and disclaimer. We revisited such classics as Jack and Jill, Red Rover, Jack be Nimble, and Eeny Meany Miny Moe. There were plenty of good cardio opportunities to be had. The partner wheel barrels up the amphitheater hill took a lot of determination to complete! If you want more details, show to know next time.

Prayer Requests: Huck, Hall family, Wirenut (supposedly he was walking at Old School this weekend), Pastor Wells, Haze’s friend, Brillo, Stogie’s friend.


Runnin the track

10 at Midoriyama on Thursday. This is what we did.

Warmup: We did a few things. Let’s mosey.

The Thang:

In the parking lot next to the pump track. 5 merkins, 5 lunges, 5 WWI situps, then run a lap through the pump track. It’s not an easy run for sure. Rinse and repeat going up by 5 reps for 2 more rounds.

Mosey over to the lake hill. 5 dips at the gazebo and 5 in and outs at the top. Go up by 5 each round. Do 3 rounds.

At the bottom of the lake hill. 20 pretzel crunches on one side. Run the ramp up and around the Vball court. Do 20 on the other side and run back to the bottom. Do this 3 times.

Mosey back up to the road. Do 10 mtn climbers ic at each pole going back to the parking lot.

Back at the turd shack we had a few blocks sitting out to try something Mayor had shared with me. We will call it puff puff pass. Stand in a line shoulder to shoulder with a stack of blocks at one end. 1st guy passes a block to the 2nd guy then does a burpee. He then grabs another block to pass. Each person passes a block then does a burpee until all the blocks are at the other end. This went way better than expected.


F3 Gastonia Labor Day Convergence @ the FUSE Ballpark

It was a great day to be at the ballpark, and 48 of the best benchwarmers we had to offer descended on the swanky FUSE Ballpark in downtown Gastonia to rub our stink all over it.  Here’s what I remember:

Roscoe warmed us up with a nod to this week’s IPC workout:

  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • 10 x Burpees (OYO)
  • 10 x Jillian Michaels (OYO – a donkey kick/high knees jump hybrid)
  • Mosey to a foul pole
  • 10 x No Cheat Merkins (OYO – or as they’re known in our region – Perfect Form Merkins)
  • Mosey to the other foul pole

Count off 1-4 and separate into teams.  YHC took the handoff and barked instructions for what seemed like the rest of the 50 minutes.  By the end, my voice was shot.  Don’t worry it wasn’t TOO complicated.

The game was Kickball.  The rules were simple.  No bunting.  No stealing bases.  5 run Mercy Rule.  No umpire.  1 inning games.  Ties broken by Dizzy Bat (10 x around the bat, run to 1st/3rd and back to home, first one back wins).

Teams that weren’t playing did one of 3 workouts in the outfield:

LF – Elevens

  • Perfect Form Merkins & Bonnie Blairs

CF – Kettlebell Circuit

  • 10 x Thrusters
  • 15 x Curls
  • 50 x Jump Ropes
  • 15 x Big Boys
  • 15 x American Hammers
  • 20 x Tricep Extensions
  • 20 x Kettlebell Swings

RF – Rack & Stack Suicides

  • Run to cone to exercise, run back, stack exercises
    • 10 x Burpees
    • 10 x Nolan Ryans (L & R)
    • 30 x Flutter Kicks (Count Left Side Only)
    • 40 x Monkey Humpers

Second rounds were planned for some of these, but here’s guessing no one got to them.  I could also list all the teams here, but I’m sure the details would be too much for most, so I’ll spare them.

The first game ended in a thrilling scoreless tie, so it came down to Dizzy Bat.  Up for Team 1 was the FNG, a good way to break in a new guy.  Nobody from Team 2 wanted a piece of the new guy, so Buckshot took one for the team.  Buckshot got out to an early lead, but the new guy was young and was making up ground on every stride – until he decided to slide headfirst into home.  Premature sliding happens to the best of us, no matter how much we try to prevent it.  From now on, he will be referred to in The Gloom as “Faceplant”.  The Nantan’s team survived.

Between innings during the changeover, we had our own intermission contests, with “Beat the Belt” being our spin on the Braves famous Freeze race.  Up first, we had Tesla with a 10 second head start against the newly crowned champ – Maybelline.  Tesla put a wrinkle in the game when he decided the fastest way to the foul pole was directly across the field, with no regard to the warning track path.  It took most of the trip, but Maybelline caught him, and The Belt showed his speed.

Game 2 resulted in a scoreless top half of the first inning, with the People’s Elbow delivering a stellar pitching performance.  In the bottom half, we had our first runs and a 3-0 victory for YHCs team.  So the Qs would square off head to head in the championship.

The second Freeze run featured Watts Up against JJ.  Watts Up took full advantage of his head start and delivered a convincing victory.  The results have been disputed however, as JJ was practically Tonya Harding’d before given the opportunity to run.

For the championship game, rules were changed to allow both teams to allow all their players a chance to kick.  One full time through the order, with the inning over with an out or when the last batter stopped running.  Roscoe’s team put together 4 late runs to give them a shot, but by that time, YHC’s team had gotten wise to the game.  With a dream team of semi-pro athletes, we won by walkoff when JJ booted one to the outfield and trotted it out like Kirk Gibson, driving in Hunchback for the winning run.

Whoopee and Quixkie were up in the Freeze race, and the head start, while shortened, was still too long.  The race was over by center field, with Whoopee showboating every step of the second half in a way that would make Coach Prime proud.

In all honesty, the most tense game was the last one, with the losers of the first two games squaring off.  Team 1 loaded the bases for Whoopee who squared one up and drove it right at Nutria, who is as sure handed as any PAX and Team 2 escaped the jam.  The bottom half of the inning featured the highlight of the day as a weak ground ball to the third base side by Mr. Meek, the one and only Dr. Seuss, turned into the most vicious hit delivered on the day.  A great play in the infield and a throw to first resulted in Montross getting absolutely flattened by Dr. Seuss.  As Montross picked his teeth up, Seuss stepped on first, and in spite of being hit with the ball no fewer than 3 times, ended up being ruled safe.  No one wanted to mess with Seuss after that hit.  With 2 outs, Watts Up fouled twice, and Team 1 seemed content to let the game end a tie, but where YHC comes from, 3 strikes is an out, so with his extra chance, Watts Up grounded it to Maybelline, who apparently thinks he can hose a guy from third base with a bulky dodgeball, and this throw led to Seuss running on to third where a good throw almost got him, but Maybelline missed again, and Seuss rounded the base and headed home.  Ballgame.  Seuss got out 7 times and scored the winning run on the same play.  Show to Know.

With the time we had left, we ran bases, running out a single, double and home run.  And that was that.


  • Tuna team needs 1
  • Mama’s Boy VQ tomorrow
  • Ruck CSAUP in October – Preblast coming soon
  • 2nd F Lunch 9/20 @ Pita Wheel Gastonia

Prayer Requests:

  • Huckleberry
  • Turtleman
  • Norwood
  • Wirenut
  • Jackson Hall
  • Montross’s cousin
  • Sargento’s family
  • Tesla’s son
  • Watt’s Up’s family (Charlie)
  • Quattro’s sister


I miss baseball.  Not even the games, just practice.  I miss throwing BP, hitting BP, taking ground balls, throwing pop flys as high as I can throw them.  Just having a chance to get out on the field and play catch today was great.

Yet what strikes me is that when I think about the good times, they’re not all from my youth.  As part of F3 Gastonia, I’ve pushed trucks and chased racquetballs, run stupid trails and stupid hills, won (and lost) a title belt, and ran a marathon.  I’ve also done so many other things with so many of y’all and am so grateful for all of it.  The coolest thing is that we’re not dead yet, so there’s still a lot of memories to make and a lot of chapters to write.  And while this isn’t the only place that we should be making those memories, to learn to live in The Gloom is also to learn to live outside of it.

A huge shout out to Sledge and Hunchback for making the day possible.  I really should have given them a nod in COT for their efforts, because without them, none of this happens.  Also a shout out to Roscoe and JJ for helping with the plan and the events.  My mind was somewhere completely different and a lot more painful until JJ and Roscoe started talking about kickball.  It always seems like the best plans come together as a result of many hands.  Finally, huge thanks to Balljoint for setting up the Coffeeteria at Firestone Grill (not to be confused with Flintstone Grill) and bringing water to the field.

Oh, and to Team 3.  These legends of the diamond and hall-of-famers in their own minds and the minds of those who witnessed their kickball excellence on one fine day in September took it to the other teams and left no doubt who was the greatest team ever assembled on that field:

  • Sargento
  • Quiche
  • Hunchback
  • Freon
  • Gumby
  • Blueprint
  • JJ
  • Eh Yall
  • Balljoint
  • Tooth Fairy
  • J2C
  • Flintstone

Grateful for the opportunity to lead today, and for all of you who continue to make each other better.

Yabba Dabba Doo

The Pub 8/31/23

If you missed this one at the Pub, you really missed it.  This time at the Pub, we did something totally different – not sure it’s ever been done before at the Pub.  We picked a route, and then ran it.  It was unbelievable…you just had to be there to understand.  There were 5 brave men that showed up, and we ran the Wells Fargo route.  But this time, on the way back, we ran on West Perry and West Lee.  Usually, we do East Perry and East Lee, but because we ran the route backward – which may have actually been forward – the street names change to the direction in which you run.  I’m pretty confident that’s how it works.

Announcements – Convergence on Monday at the Honey Hunters Field, Coconut Belt Sunday morning – big weekend for F3.

Prayers for Turtleman, Jackson Hall, Norwood.


6 pack abs by next summer! @ PainLab

Spring is here baby! I feel sorry for all those that fartsacked. You missed out on a great morning to get it in. 

We take a hike down to the trail while riffle carrying our coupons. We circled up to do a few squats along the way to the back picnic tables to get some core work in. The crickets, birds and just nature itself was an incredible backdrop to our morning. I didn’t play music for just that reason. Since I was using a clock, we did manage to have some mumblechatter in between the work. 

Set 1: 50 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Rinse & Repeat

LBC’s. R-LBC’s, star crunches, flutters, baby makers, v-ups, Superman pull ups

Set 2: 50 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Rinse & Repeat

squat shadow boxing, steps ups, CDD’s, mountain climbers, merkins, forward lunges, side lunges

Let’s mossy around the trail while, riffle carry your coupon, and perform triceps extensions on your own. Stop at the benches and perform 20 sumo squats with coupon. Riffle carry back to the parking lot where we did Marry for the last 5 minutes.

Good work men! I hope you got your monies worth 👊

Announcements: Convergence tomorrow/Labor Day at the CaroMont ballpark / FUSE. 

Prayers: Turtleman, Norwood, Huckleberry, Brian Chub, Jackson Hall, Charlie heart transplant and all of those that I have forgotten and the ones not mentioned 🙏

Tequila Sunrise 9/1/23


The Pledge

Warm up

The Thang:

Mosey to Four Squares

Tequila Sunrise 9/1/23

Our mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.


Burpees x 10

Merkins x 25

Squats x 20

SSH x 50 IC

Rinse and repeat 5X

Mosey to Tennis Courts

4 corners

Shoulder Taps x 25 IC

Flutter Kicks x 25 IC

Mountain Climbers x 25 IC

Lunge Jumps x 20 total

back to shovel flags for COT

Announcements, prayers, praises, and gratitudes

YHC closed in prayer

Recovery Q

Sometimes you don’t plan your activities out with a lot of thought and sometimes you do to make sure you’re doing the hard things. YHC signed up for today’s Q knowing it was following the Peak to Peak CSAUP on Sunday. It was challenging to get up this morning and go lead a workout, legs were definitely tired and sore from the 11 some miles hiked across Crowders Mountain.


The Pledge


The Thang:

Mosey down to the house of education for young minds (elementary school).

Mountain Climbers x 30

LBC’s x 50

Merkins x 20

Side Plank – 30 secs

Elbow Plank – 1 min

Side Plank – 30 secs

Burpees x 15

Ty Jump Squats x 15

High Knees x 30

Squats x 25

SSH x 25

Wall Sit – 1 min

Rinse and repeat 2X

Mosey back to parking lot and grab a bench

step ups





prayers, praises, and gratitudes

YHC closed in prayer

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