F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Not “The Loops” Again!

The one thing about running out of downtown Belmont is that just about any direction you head, you have to start by going uphill. The good thing is that it is usually a downhill finish. One of the first routes put together by Flintstone was “The Loops” which could have also been named “The Hills” as it features a pretty good hill on each of the loops. We said the Pledge and then five runners and two ruckers set off to put in some work.


Prayer Requests


Slight Chill in the Air

The feel of fall is finally here. The PAX got the pledge in and then headed off into the gloom. The route for the day was “Loftin Park”. There were four ruckers and four runners of which one was an FNG. Welcome to Kudzu, EH’ed by Termite.


Prayer Requests


A Few Extra Loops

As the clock hit 5:00 we said the pledge and the set off. We ran the “Loops” route. As both the ruckers and runners approached downtown to cross the tracks to the finish that ominous horn blasted out through the silent morning. It was a long train, so we all got in some extra loops around downtown as we waited for the train to clear.


Prayer Requests


Be Careful in the Gloom



Warm Up

SSH – 10 IC
Side Straddle Hops – 20 IC
Don Quixote – 10 IC
Arm Circles– 10 forwards, 10 backwards OYO

Get to It

Mosey down to the school wall for some work:
5 Dips in cadence, 5 Derkins OYO
10 Dips in cadence, 10 Derkins OYO
15 Dips in cadence, 15 Derkins OYO

Mosey on down the street to the center of town and cross over railroad tracks. We ran around the buildings and to the back parking lot where we did Walls of Jericho: 7 different exercises and complete 7 reps of each and run one lap around the building. Repeat for 7 laps.
The following were the called exercises:

Jumping Spider
Merkin with a bounce on the up (getting feet & hands off the ground)
Elbow to knee
Russian Twist
American Hammer, but I needed an “R”
Imperial Squat Walker
Cruel cousin of the Imperial Walker, squat between each elbow to knee
Crunchy Frog
this keeps us getting up and down
Happy Jacks
5 side straddle hops quickly followed by two jump squats
One-legged burpee
Not enough exercises start with “O”… this was a crowd pleaser

When I scouted out the area I noticed the back corner of the building was a little dark so I warned the PAX. Unfortunately, on the first lap Red Ribbon tripped over a curb and had a very hard landing on his shoulder. I did not see the vehicle that had backed up against the curb and its shadow obscured where the curb was sticking out. Again, we all need to be aware of lighting and hazards and consider where we hold our workouts.

After completing our seven laps the PAX mosey back to the middle school.
We cruise into the parking lot and we are done!




Shortest BB EVER!!!

Labor Day weekend – I led the Iron Pax Challenge for that week. What # you ask? Who gives a shit – it was weeks ago. We did epic work I’m sure, at least Defib, Whoopee, and JJ. Enjoy the brevity, it’s the only time I’ll forget to write a novelette known as my BB (I promise). This will probably knock me out of the end of year awards for Best BB…well, time for someone else to win, I guess.

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