Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Wet_Nutz

Lettering in Varsity – Final Cut Day!



Thu Warmdown:

25 Mountain Climbers OYO  x2

25 Plank Jacks OYO  x2

25 Slow Air Presses

Mosey to Damp, Soggy, Muddy, WET soccer field

Thu Beatdown:

Start on End Line:  5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 Low Squats (x) 5 Rounds

BURPEE + 2 Steps to MidField

Mid Field: 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 Low Squats (x) 5 Rounds

BURPEE + 2 Steps to other End Line:

End Line: 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 Low Squats (x) 5 Rounds

BatFlippers:  CCD it out until all is done!

Rest: 25 slow Air-press count

Step back up to the End Line:  Bear Crawl to Mid Field

Mid Field: 100 Flutter Kicks

Stand Up: Sprint to End Line

End Line:  1:00 minute Plank Hold

Stand Up and sprint to Mid Field

Mosey back to Varsity Circle….TIMEEEEEEEEEEE!



Prayer Requests

Prayer – Thanks Slaw!

2021 Varsity Team Introduced



Bobby Jo Freekin Ricky 11.25 Blastback!


Mosey x 3 Track Lapz

50 Burpeez

100 Push Upz

150 Squatz

Mosey x 4 Track Lapz

? of the day to the Music experts, “Driving Cross Country to California and back you can take only one CD to listen to what is it?”

50 CCdz

100 Big Boy Supz

150 Squatz

4 x 30 yard sprintz

4 x 15 yard sprintz

:60  Merkinz




Prayer Requests



The Storm 8/4/2020

16 men at The Storm for a Wet Nutz special! 5:30, no FNG, Pledge


Moroccan Night Clubs x 20 (ic)

Air Presses x 50

CDD x 15

Rinse and Repeat


Mosey to softball field.  Start with Moroccan Night Clubs x 20 (ic), Air Press x 50, CDD x 15.  Then Bear Crawl to student parking lot.  Each time you have to stop to rest perform 10 CDD.  This is a long freaking way.  Not sure what Wet Nutz was thinking, but this sucked!!!!  Mosey back to softball field.  Exercises called were Moroccan Night Clubs x 20 (ic) , Air Presses x 50 , CDD x 15, and 100 LBCs.  Bear Crawl back to student parking lot.  This time each time you have to stop to rest perform 10 Merkins.  This was just plain terrible!!! 100 LBCs before mosey back to the softball field.  Here we circled up for some exercises.  Flutter Kicks, American Hammers and Merkins x 20.  This time walking lunge back to parking lot.  Then mosey to COT.

Finish up with Moroccan Night Clubs x 20 (ic), Air Presses x 50, CDD x 15



Prayer Request



Wet Nutz out!!


Oxygen Tanks at The Goat!!

Happy Thursday From The Goat & Termite!

Warm Up

20x Side Straddle Hops

20x Bonnie Blairs

20x Plank Jacks

20x Cotton Pickers

Mosey to the Basketball Cage, partner up, and introduce yourself to Termites Oxygen Tanks (big tire, cinder block in the middle, hooked to 2 tow straps)

Round 1 – 150 combined Push Ups.  One is out and back dragging Oxygen Tank and the other is “Pushing Up”

Round 2 – 250 combined Big Boy Sit Ups.  One is out and back dragging Oxygen Tank and the other is “Big Boying”

Round 3 – 350 combined Jumping Jacks.   One is out and back dragging Oxygen Tank and the other is “Jumping Jacks”

Recover!  10 count!

Most of us are use to 11’s….Termite today introduced us to 20’s!

One end of parking lot start out 19 Froggy Legs then run to other end of lot and do 1 Dry Dock.   You know the drill!  Flip Flop Boys!

Mosey back to downtown Goat, circle up, TIME!!!!!!!!!!


Name O Rama

Announcements – Convergence YANK 10/19!



Nice Q Termite!


You vs You!


.25 Mosey around downtown Cramerton

Halt!!!! at the field of dreams!

In honor of Week 1 Pax Challenge….20 min perform as many rounds as possible “The Killer B’s”:

Broad Jump 10 yards to station 1 and perform 10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs, 10 Big Boy Sit Ups

Rinse and Repeat to Station 2 and 3….After station 3, Bear Crawl all the way back to Start Line and Rinse and Repeat through all stations again until 20 min Q time is called.

After 20 min.. social mosey for 10 second Tesla count and pick pace up..aka slow mosey to the Fun Time Stairs.

At the Fun Time Stairs it’s 11’s time!   1 Burpee at bottom, go up stairs and 10 Burpee Mountain Climbers at top.   You know the drill, time to flip em or go for 15 min Q Time Recovery which ever comes first.

Pax dominated, so Pax moves to the one way bridge.   Time to Wall Stand in honor of Buckeye.   Wall Stand as long as you can, once you drop do 5 Merkins.   Rinse and Repeat until Q Time Recovery called.

Down the stretch….pick your mosey gear and mosey from bridge to Cramerton B-Ball Cage.   Once there OYO 50 Reverse Crunches.   Time to head back, so gear it up a notch and mosey back to Pax Circle in downtown CramerTown USA!

Time!!!!!!!!!!!   Nice calorie burn men!


Announcements – Several Events in and around town coming up,  Radar, Wet Nutz, and Milburn doing Week 4 Pax Challenge New Hope Elementary Friday 9/27 5:30 am.   All are welcome!

Name O Rama

Prayer Requests

Prayer – Thanks Tesla!

Happy Thursday!



Taste of Murph

Do This!    5:30  hit and PAX off and….


Get it! OYO,

.50 run (front runners circle back for the 6)

50 pull ups, 100 push ups, 150 air squats  in the Gazebo

.50 run

When complete mosey next door to the field of dreams.

11’s – 10 Bobby Hurley’s at start & 1 Burpee at top of field of dreams.   You know the drill.   Wee!

When complete mosey back to Gazebo

100 big boy sit ups

Clock winding down……….Finish it with OYO 15x side leg raises each leg and 15x each heel kicks while holding up Gazebo posts.

Timeeeeee!   Props Radar and Buckeye getting Wet in field of dreams and going the 6 more feet elevation to burpee land!   Stay thirsty my friends!



Prayer Requests

Wet Nutz Out!

No Coupon Left Behind!

Thu Yank

Grab a pair of brickpaver coupons it’s time to go shopping!

Warm Up (coupons in hand)

Moroccan Nightclubs x 50

Snow/Concrete Angels x 25

Shoulder Raises x 20

Shoulder Shrugs x 25

Mosey to Garibaldi Realty with your coupons

At every light pole (on your right) on Main St. full squat and shoulder press x 5.   Shoulder Plank  when done at Nichols Cstore.  Didn’t count but i’m guessing 10 total light poles on this parade route..

Recover… cross South Central and on the “hot corner” let’s do 25 donkey kicks for everyone boys!

Mosey 100 yards and partner up at the field of the mysterious camouflage soccer jersey….

Hear that?  Choo-Choo = 5 Burps!

4x Rounds – your partner runs out to the camo jersey does 50 mountain climbers, while other partner is sitting and getting diesel with unlimited shoulder flys with coupons in hand make sure to smile for all the traffic flow :>.  Putting on a show!

Recover…while in the field of the mysterious camouflage soccer jersey let’s do 2x rounds of 40 yard shuttle run sprints with our coupons…..recover and mosey to top of Myrtle Street.  To the stop sign, PAX mosey walk with unlimited front coupon shoulder raises.

From Stop Sign….mosey to Belmont Middle School benches.   OYO and fast as possible 50 dirken push ups but do shoulder push up rather then standard dirken with coupons under hands.   Break into four rounds if need to 20, 15, 10, 5….Shoulder plank when done.

Mosey to Belmont Middle parking lot and partner back up.    Coupons still glued to everyone’s hands.   3x Rounds.  One wall hops up and down on the five foot parking lot retaining wall and partner runs to the “wall of dreamz” and wall sits and smashes out 15 shoulder presses or flys and runs back tags off.

Down the stretch……..Mosey to Belmont Park….on the way stop to get Wet…stay thirsty my friends at water spigot….many PAX passed it up.  Laser focused on next challenge I guess. Impressed.. that’s fine, so on your six PAX.  With your coupons unlimited big boy sit-ups and one at a time let’s go down the pax line, attack the pull up bar.  Do as many as can pull ups come back to big boy sit up line until entire PAX  gets pull up credit.    PAX dominates.

No where else to mosey at this point.  Can only drop in to the newly famous Half Pipe.   Drop your coupons on the ground boys we dropping in shuttle run style.   Therefore, drop in running all the way up to main street stairs, go back get your coupon. Rinse and repeat..   No coupon left behind!

Mosey to the Yank circle it up men




Welcome FNG Kipper!


Lots of Wetness Observed after this one!   Way to Grit men!






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