Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Watts Up (Page 15 of 23)

10 Count

Broke was asking for Qs, especially from PAX who normally don’t frequent Mt. Hollywood. YHC, having only ever been there once, signed up. YHC was having trouble with where to go, what to-do, but came up with a plan.

For the record, don’t plan on using Catawba Avenue. It’s a bit too heavily traveled, even in the gloom of morn. Lesson learned.


0530 hits and 6 have joined YHC in the shadow of Mt. Holly Middle.

We knock the pledge and do a little warmup:
Goof Balls IC x 12
IW IC x 12
MNC IC x 12

Time to mosey – Hawthorne to Catawba to Second Baptist Church.

Ask Tiger for count off, he gives a 10 count. That works too, this time let’s do the count off.

Time for some work.
Escalating 4 corners
Corner 1:
10 Merkins

Corner 2:
10 Merkins
20 Mtn Climbers

Corner 3:
10 Merkins
20 Mtn Climbers
30 Reverse Crunches

Corner 4:
10 Merkins
20 Mtn Climbers
30 Reverse Crunches
40 Squats

Good work. Let’s go back in reverse.

Once all were assembled back at the beginning, requested Virus do a ten-count. Before Virus even uttered a sound, Tiger was counting off…!?! Sorry Virus, maybe next time.

Now let’s do a little Dora. Make groups of 3.
Pax 1 runs around the island.
Pax 2 planks
Pax 3 puts in the work.
Rotate in that order until all reps are put in.

100 Flying Squirrels
200 LBCs
300 Lunges
400 SSH

Everybody got after it, but the 400 SSH were dropped due to time. But before heading back, let’s all do 50 of them.

Somewhere in here, there was another 10 count, but YHC asked it of Tiger just because.

All survived the mosey back. As we rolled back in the parking lot, YHC glanced at his watch and saw we were just short of 2 miles at that point, so 2 laps around the parking lot!

That left just enough time for 3 rounds of Mary:
Plank Jacks
Peter Parkers
Bobby Hurleys


This morning’s verse comes from Matthew 22:36-39
“…which is the greatest commandment in the Law? And He said to him ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ ‘This is the foremost commandment.’ ‘The second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself’”

Not too much to add to that. This is “simple”, but it’s not easy.

Nothing new on the announcements side. Lots of events coming up, be sure to signup from something and put in the work.

Lots of hurting and healing in our community, we need to lift those people up.

Tiger took us out.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead today. I encourage all to get out to AOs you don’t frequent.

Watts Up powering down.

Scavenger Hunt @ Labyrinth

YHC was fresh off of a Q at The Storm and was trying to bring something fresh/different. So here goes.

0530 hits with 6 joining the Q. One coming off EC and another a Kotter that hadn’t posted since summer.

A short disclaimer is given and we do 18 MNC IC.

After that, the first clue is provided to the PAX:
“Mosey to Turtleman’s favorite jumping off spot.”

Upon arrival, the following was assigned:
2 Rounds of:
Broad Jump to Light Pole
Return to bottom and perform 18 Big Boy Sit-ups

2nd Clue:
“Mosey to the only place you can Bank on there being a Hole

There we knocked out the Pledge and did 2 rounds of:
18 Step-ups
36 Rocky Balboas

The PAX having picked up on 18/36 numbers were trying to figure out the significance. Lots of good ideas, but none correct thus far.

Clue 3:
“If this place wasn’t there, Martha’s would be an unkempt mess. Also, one of TimeFrame’s favorite places to start a workout.”

Here, 2 rounds of the following were done:
18 Flutter Kicks IC
18 Jane Fonda’s each leg

Clue 4:
“While most times this placed is Automatically Zoned out, let’s mosey and stop there.

To keep the heart rate up perform 2 rounds of:
36 SSH
36 Plank Jacks

Clue 5:
“While we all know construction has been Ramping up in the are, the work seems to be Behind on the Planet Fitness. You know this is one of Watts Up’s favorites.”

Upon arrival, we found a truck with some guy asleep, so we continued on a bit and instead of Bear Crawls and Squats, YHC adlibbed 2 Rounds of 18 Merkins and 18 of something else.

Clue 6:
“There is a Lion of a Parking Lot nearby. If there is a good spot along the way do 36 calf raises each of Watts Up’s ways. Then onward”

After knocking out the calf raises, Howling Monkey was called with High Knees.

Clue 7:
“Given this is Clavin’s AO, it must be time to return to sender.”

Along the way, YHC realized there was time for one more:
“This place may be finger-licking good, but some of their nuggets are granite”

After everyone had a nugget 2 rounds of:
40 curls
18 tricep presses

Return your nugget and proceed onwards.

There was still a little time left, so Clavin and JJ lead a little Mary.


If you don’t know the answers to all of these clues, come out to this AO or SandLot…

Somewhere along the way, the PAX observed that most scavenger hunts had a prize and wanted to know today’s. At the time, the answer given was the 1st F – Fitness. But in writing/reflecting the prize is F3 – Fitness, Fellowship and Faith.

Now, as far as the 36 number…
Today is the 5th day of February and there were 31 days in January…

This morning’s verse comes from Romans 8:5
“For those who are according to the flesh set their mind on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.”
A reminder to keep your mind/focus on Jesus and His word. Do not get wrapped up in that of the world.

Convergence 3/21 Martha Rivers 0700
2nd F Shooting 3/21 Allen Tate’s 1200
GoRuck Training 2/8 GasHouse 0600
Whoopee’s Polar Plunge

Clavin took us out in prayer.

Thanks to all that participated. Great to see Drone out again.

Watts Up powering down.

A Lil’ Schoolin at The Storm

As this YHC first Q at this AO and with only a handful of postings, there wasn’t a whole lot of experience to draw on. Also, YHC has been trying to improve his cardio game, and there are some races upcoming, so wanted to try to cover some distance. Drawing inspiration from a recent Ricky Bobby, this is how it played out.

YHC arrived early and taped the weinke to the wall, much like Martin Luther did with his 95 theses.

0530 arrives to find 11 have joined YHC with 2 coming off of EC. None are FNGs. We knock out the Pledge and a minutely short disclaimer is given before we set on a mosey around the parking lot to end up at the school.

Alas, my weinke is no where to be found. So YHC heads back to the truck for the electronic version. Expecting to have 11 in tow, YHC was surprised to find only Dirt in attendance.

We complete the retrieval and return to find most of the PAX where they were left, while others were searching for the missing paperwork. Shout-out to Virus for locating the missing weinke, so now we can get started with school.

Here is the concept. Do the 1st grade work, mosey 1 row. Repeat 1st grade work and do 2nd, mosey 2 rows Repeat 1st & 2nd, do 3rd, mosey 3 rows. Repeat 1, 2 & 3, do 4, mosey 4 rows. Repeat all work for graduation and run entire parking lot. Once you graduate Elementary, wait on six and then repeat for middle, repeat for high, etc.

1st Grade – 2 Burpees
2nd Grade – 10 CDDs
3rd Grade – 15 Bobby Hurleys
4th Grade – 20 Crab Position Heel Touches
Elementary Graduatiom
5th Grade – 3 Burpees
6th Grade – 15 HRMs
7th Grade – 20 Step Ups (10 per Leg)
8th Grage – 25 Plank Position Knee Touches
Middle Graduation
9th Grade – 5 Burpees
10th Grade – 20 IWs
11th Grade – 25 Plank Jacks
12th Grade – 30 Squats
*Note: For the sake of time, all moseys in high school were 1 row.
Unfortunately we ran out of time and were not able to actually graduate, much less get into the college level work that was prepared. We did have time for Anchorman led Am. Hammers to close us out.

This morning’s verse comes from Philippians 2:4:
“do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.”
This is reminder we are to live 3rd. Always be looking to how we can be more like Christ and let people see Him through each of us.

Gastonia Area 5 year anniversary/convergence. 21-Mar at Martha Rivers 0700 – 0930ish. See PreBlast.
2nd F Shooting Event – 21-Mar at Allen Tate’s 1200-1500. RSVP to Whoopee. See PreBlast.
GoRuck Training 08-Feb at GasHouse 0600. HIPAA with the Q. Don’t wear your good clothes/shoes.

YHC took us out in prayer.

I really appreciate the encouragement and push from the PAX. I am trying to accelerate. I have been trying to get 3 miles in a 45 min bootcamp. While today was the closest yet, the carrot yet remains.

It was an honor to be given the opportunity to lead.

Watts Up powering down.

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