Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Turtle Man (Page 2 of 4)

Dreams come true at Neverland

A strong crowd to start the week at Neverland.   16 pax for what was a simple but effective weinke.  The inspiration was the upcoming, annual Murph on Memorial Day (7am at Martha Rivers).

Warm up

SSH x 30 IC

LBC x 20 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

Mosey towards the park (YHC hears some mumble chatter about being happy didn’t head the other way towards Gastone’s hill.  What you don’t know, can’t hurt you)  Stop at the entrance of the park.

25 big boy sit ups on the hill with feet on the high side

Mosey down the road towards the play ground stopping about every other light pole for 25 monkey humpers OYO.

At the playground, share the reminder about the upcoming Murph and that would use today as practice.

10 pull ups, 20 merkins, 30 squats, then run the small lap around the playground.   Complete 5 times.  Some made it 6x’s, some 5 and others 4.  None the less, the rock was being moved.  Recent FNG’s Rainbow Ranger and Won Ton were pushing hard.  Was getting close to time so meandered to the parking lot.

Bernie Sanders (that’s the NUR but up a hill) to the upper side of the parking lot.   Easy Rider was hard to catch. Defib got him in the last 100 meters.

Plank it up waiting on the six.

In salute to Gastone – 50 flutter kicks IC.  This was a crowd pleaser.

About home, stop again at the entrance of the park for 25 more big boys with feet on the high side.

Mosey to the finish time.


A beautiful morning with a number of #hims getting it done.  Always a honor to Q.

Good work


Tax Day

Island with the Q and reminders to get your taxes filed.   Also, discussed some foreign financial instrument vehicles and other incorporation plays to lessen your tax burden.   Good strategies that can be discussed with coffee and doughnuts some day.   Turtleman publishing the back blast for Island based on a rough narrative that Island he provided.   Will attempt to include editorial comment and color where needed.

Did Watt’s Up really call out Turtleman?  (editorial comment:  no idea what that means; see Island or Watt’s Up for background).   I suspect Watt’s Up was attempting to lift the back end of Clavin’s truck and Turtleman was on his six doing big boy sit ups).

Started with quick warm up:  SSH’s, LBC’s, Moroccan Night Clubs

Quick mosey to KFC to grap a coupon so we can do some curls for the girls

Ran to the old HT parking lot for some Colt 45’s with a run across the parking lot.

Wall sits with our coupons and this is where Turtleman got called out.  LOL  (editor comment – Watt’s Up was trying to use the coupon to gain illegal access through the external brick wall into the old store to borrow their permanent porta john.  Watt’s up was having one of those mornings.   At least that is YHC’s memory – see Island for clarity).

Next up a burpee circuit with the group taking turns doing our favortie exercise.

Finished with a partner Dora 123, 100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 LBC’s.

Mosey to the start and ended with COT and Namearama

Thanks for joining me.  Peace out – ISLAND

Sparty’s War Eagle rode a Cavalier while chasing a Red Raider

Anything can happen during March Madness, thus an ode to this years final four teams in the title.   As related to the workout, no direct correlation to the workout.  If YHC had planned better, perhaps his Q would have been more creative and aligned to the strengths of the teams.   None the less, 5:30 rolled around early on this chilly 1st of April.  PAX was 8 strong to start the week in the gloom.  It was time to get to work.



Warm up

SSH x 50 IC; at this point Claven references it about reached his age.

Next exercise SSH x 1 IC; Claven’s wish was granted (respect)

MNC’s x 51 IC

LBC’s x 30 IC

Mosey down Riverwood stopping at every other light for 25 Monkey Humpers OYO

At the doctors office; broad jump up the hill to the first light, run back to start, 20 squats OYO; rinse and repeat x 3

Plank it up waiting on the pax

Mosey towards Gastone’s hill; stopping for train horn’s along the way for some burpees

Bernie Sanders up the hill to the circle

Flutter kicks x 30 IC

Mosey down the hill; stopping for the crowd favorite.   With feet on the high side, complete 30 big boy sit ups.   “Modify as needed” was demonstrated.   This has proven to be pretty funny.  All types of different gyrations.  Similar to my last Q; though some had wised up and avoided the severe slope

Mosey towards the Dollar store; stopped for another train horn.  Could of been the same one, who knows.  10 Burpees

Jail break to the parking lot

Line up; lunge walk across the parking lot; perform 10 V-Ups (F3 world may call them something different).   In one motion raise both legs while doing a sit up, run back to the start; rinse and repeat x 3

Pete Chilcutt planks, which by the way was part of the Houston Rockets championship team who won the NBA title with the Houston Rockets in the mid – 90’s.

Mosey across the Food Lion parking lot

At the stair case, calf raise for a couple of sets

Mosey across the old HT lot.

Stopped and the last light and bear crawled to the curb.

Tossed some “make believe” rocks to cross the island; this is Neverland

Mosey back to the start

Think I’m missing some other exercises, however,  you get the point.   Dry Rub made his first post at Neverland and was pushing the rock hard.   Come to find out, he is a neighbor of Watt’s Up.   These two are going to be complete beasts.  Their neighborhood will never be the same.

Prayer Requests



Mumble chatter was interesting through out.  It was fun.

Till next time


Spring has arrived but where is the PAX?

Understanding many were preparing for the P90x event this weekend,  YHC was expecting a smaller crowd.  Island and I arrived about 5:20 am and no one was in sight.  A bit odd, though a number are known to come streaking in at the last minute.    After a few minutes, it looked like it may be just be the two of us.   Perhaps it was the weather (freezing on the 1st day of Spring) or maybe that the Martha’s House crew knew that Gastone’s hill was going to be the star attraction.   Or maybe a statement against YHC’s Q abilities.  Being very insecure, YHC started to cry.  But suddenly out of darkness, there were lights.   And then more lights.   Looks like we’ll have a party after all.     6 PAX strong, lets get to work.


Disclosure : Be careful as we run down Riverwood, vehicles are going faster and faster.  Beware and be safe.

Warm up:

SSH x 30 IC

MNC’s x 30 IC

LBC’s x 20 IC

Lets Mosey

The Thang

Mosey down Riverwood Parkway, stopping at every light or so for 20 squats OYO (total of 100)

After 5 sets of squats, switched over to 10 burpees per light (total of 20)

At Gastone’s hill, Bernie Sander’s to the top circle

Plank it up

Flutter Kicks x50 OYO

Mosey down the hill

Next round up Gastone’s hill, sprint to each light, complete 10 merkins, rinse and repeat until the top circle

Plank it up

Reverse Crunches x 40 OYO

Mosey down the hill

Next round up the hill, bear crawl to each mail box, pause for a 10 count, rinse and repeat.  Complete to the 5th mail box

Meander to the side parking lot

On the decline (Hill), perform 30 big boy sit ups (feet up on the high side).  This was  crowd pleaser for sure.   Some had good form, others modified and had some strange body gyrations.

Let’s mosey, back down the hill and head towards the start.   YHC hears some mumble chatter about being happy not to be going back up Gastonia’s hill.   YHC will give your money’s worth so mid stride omaha’d and circled back to Gastone’s hill.   Normal mosey up to the top circle and mosey back down.

After the false start, now heading back to the start.  We stopped at a few lights to lunge walk to the next light.  Time was getting very short.  Jail break to the finish.  Time…..

Way to push it men.  I appreciate the opportunity to Q.  This group today put in the work.  Watt’s Up has turned into some Marvel super hero, Timeframe has lifted his game and is steps ahead of where he was, Spiderman is back to top form, Dirt is just solid and a machine.   Island is just continues to be the shut down corner.   You guys are inspiring me to lift my game.   Thanks for the push.


Convergence at Folsom March 30th

Community Run April 13th

Mt Mitchell Hike First Sunday in May


Gastone’s father in law

Unspoken prayers

Till next time.  Go Tar Heels!


The women crashed the party

Another rainy  morning in the gloom at Neverland.   The place where dreams do come true.   If you haven’t posted recently at Neverland, come on out.   Some magic in the air.   Looking at the forecast and radar, YHC figured we needed to seek cover.   The PAX was 8 strong for a core meltdown.   No FNG’s so let’s start.

The Pledge

In hindsight, no disclosure – Q Fail.   I am not a professional, I am an idiot.  Modify as needed.  You vs You

Warm up:

  • SSH x20 IC
  • MNC’s x 30 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Don Quixote’s x 15 IC

Mosey towards the park, stopping in the maintenance parking lot

10 Burpees OYO

Mosey into the park, back trail to the kids playground

Modified Cindy:   Total of 5 sets

  • 5 Pull ups
  • 10 Merkins
  • 20 Squats

Timeframe with a 10 count

Next up, find a pole for a 60 sec dead hang.   That was so much fun, let’s rinse and repeat to try it again.

Meander out of the kids playground to the shelter by the turd shack for some Mary fun.  Find a place on a table.   Perform the following set with no rest in between.

  • 20 flutter kicks
  • 20 lbc’s
  • 20 leg raises
  • 20 freddie mercury’s
  • 20 heel touches
  • 20 american hammers
  • 20 long arm crunches
  • 20 reverse crunches

Bernie Sanders (NUR + Uphill) to the top of the parking lot, plank it up waiting on the six, mosey back to the shelter

Rinse and repeat the Mary meltdown

Time was running short, quick 10 count by Whatsup

20 step ups each leg

Rinse and repeat the Mary meltdown – this time only 10 per exercise

Mosey towards the start at SnoBalls.

Stop at the 2nd light – 20 plank jacks OYO

Stop at the 4th light – 30 plank jacks OYO

At the park entrance – 40 mtn climbers OYO

Arrive at the starting point – TIME

Announcements:  50 Mile CSAUP Saturday am, May 5 hike at Mt. Mitchell; BRR team(s) are being formed

Prayer requests:  Those suffering with addiction, Gastone’s Father

Good work gentlemen.  Way to push the rock.   Happy President’s day to all.


The Elixir for the Super Bowl Hangover or perhaps the magic number of 24

10 PAX strong to start the week in gloom on this balmy Monday at Neverland.   Much mumble chatter to start about the boring game last night though I didn’t hear any Patriot fans.  Or Wolfpack fans for that matter.   5:30am on Monday’s come fast.   Let’s hit it

Start with the pledge and typical disclosure

Warm Up

SSH x20 IC

LBC’s x 20  IC

Merkins x 10 IC

The bucket of jelly beans made a return visit.  Someone grab the bucket and let’s mosey.

The Thang

Arrive at the doctor’s office down Riverwood Parkway

Broad jumps up the hill to the light; mosey back to start, rinse and repeat x3.   I’m always amazed at the damn rabbit (Island) that comes flying by.  So graceful in mid air.

Some grab the bucket of jellybeans and lets mosey to the back parking lot.

On your six, form a line, shoulder to shoulder.  AMRAP – Flutter kicks, while the 1st in line completes 20 bucket presses, pass on down the line until the end.  Brutal

Recover, grab the bucket, scale the back retaining wall and mosey to the parking lot by the pizza joint.

Time for the famous Red Barchetta , line up at the start, dash to the far end of the parking lot by the ATM, complete 100 SSH’s OYO (don’t forget the bucket of jellybeans)

Dash back to the start, plank it up waiting on the six, Dash back to the 2nd light, complete 75 mountain climbers OYO

Dash back to the start, plank it up waiting on the six, Dash to the 1st light, complete 50 LBC’s OYO

Dash back to the start, plank it up waiting on the six, from the plank position, complete 20 merkins OYO

Really an improvised Red Barchetta, only 3 lights total across the parking lot.

Whassupp man gave us an inspired 10 count

Next exercise – run to the loading dock, hop up and then bear crawl down the ramp, mosey to parking lot and complete 20 squats OYO

Rinse and repeat x3

YHC took a quick time check and saw that we still had plenty of time

Ran the Red Barchetta again with a minor adjustment

Line up at the start, dash to the far end of the parking lot by the ATM, complete 100 SSH’s OYO (don’t forget the bucket of jellybeans)

Dash back to the start, plank it up waiting on the six, Dash back to the 2nd light, out of the corner of my eye, saw a truck pulling out of the ATM.  Watch for the truck and called 75 monkey humpers  OYO.  Think the guy was amused, though, he hit the horn a time or two.

Dash back to the start, plank it up waiting on the six, Dash to the 1st light, complete 50 LBC’s OYO

Dash back to the start, plank it up waiting on the six, from the plank position, complete 20 merkins OYO

Getting close to time; grab the bucket and head towards Snoballs

Stopped at the wall and called 20 step ups

Followed by the people’s DIPs x  15 IC

Rinse and Repeat x2

Mosey back to the start, still had a few minutes, in honor of Spiderman, who has made a strong return and had to leave, 20 Peter Parkers and ended with 20 big boy sit ups OYO



May 5th Mt.Mitchell Hike – see Gastone

CSUAP – Spelling? coming up

Took us out in prayer.  Big prayers for Hushpuppy that surgery goes well with a speedy recovery, Whassupp man, Easy Rider’s son, Gastone’s dad, Blades and Stones of Whetstone

Great work gentleman.  Always a honor to lead.  Getting challenging coming up with new routines.   Sort of fall into old routines.   If you haven’t Q’d lately, get on the list.  Also, try other AO’s to get some new ideas.

Till next time – Turtleman

Island delivers a strong Q but is allergic to typing

12 strong in the gloom for a beat down to start the week led by none other than the legendary Island.  This guy is the best broad jumper in the Gastonia region, perhaps entire F3.   Like Karl “The Mail Man” Malone, Island delivers.  Turtleman was hibernating as it was below freezing.  A cold morning for sure.

What Island had in store can only be imagined except for those that actually suffered the beat down.   As Site Q, YHC should probably of been there but knew that the mail man always delivers.   Suspect it went something like this:

Warm up:  Slaughter Starter in tribute to none other than Slaw.  Mosey towards Gastone’s hill, stop at each light for 20 burpees.   Rinse and repeat up the hill, back down, all the way to grandma’s house.  Stop at all lights and stops signs for 30 burpees.  That includes car lights.  Must of completed 300 total.

At this point, the PAX had their tongues dragging.  They were toast.  Mosey back towards Snoballs stopping at the wall for 100 leg ups.


Good Q Island.   Need to get you online to post back blasts.

Last Monday of January 2019

Where has January gone?  Seems like the jolly ole man in the red suit was just here.  Having the Q gave YHC the push to climb out of hibernation on this beautiful morning.   As 5:30 neared closer, more and more vehicles continued to pack in.  16 PAX to start the week strong.  Started with the pledge and normal disclosure (I’m not a professional, modify as needed, I’m an idiot, etc)

Warm up: 

SSH x 30 IC

MNC’s x 30 IC

LBC’s x 30 IC

Plank Jacks x 30 IC

The Thang: 

Mosey down toward the park, down the maintenance building.   While waiting on the pax, completed 30 shoulder planks IC.

Mosey around the back of the fields, watch out for the bumps in the dark – STAY to the RIGHT.   Bandit had a bad wipe out there a year or so ago.   Stop at the parking lot by the kids playground.

Time to partner up.  I borrowed from a recent Medicine Women Q which is a best practice to partner the pax up.  Gets guys working together who may not regularly have the chance.   Counted out to 8 and repeated.  Next find your partner – 1’s together, 2’s together, you get the point.

Bear crawl 1-2-3 –  YHC found this one in the Excericon; Dora’s obnoxious neighbor.  Partner A bear crawls to the first light and back while Partner B completes an exercise (100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 lbc’s).   Rinse and repeat.  This one was a crowd pleaser.   The combo of bear crawl and squats was a nice combo.   Mumble chatter was minimal, however, heard periodic noises from JK2.

Plank it up waiting on the six and then right arm up, left arm up.   Some heavy breathing so-called for Timeframe to give a quick 10 count.  Somehow it went from 100 down by 10.   This is a smart group of HIM.

Next up – Bernie Sanders up the parking lot to the top side (some conversation about the difference between the Bernie Sanders and NUR, difference is up hill and there was a nice incline.

Mosey to the clubhouse between the ball fields.

Next up, partner back up for some Dora.  Partner A runs out towards the turd shack, up the parking lot and back around with Partner B completes an exercise (100 derkins, 200 big boy sits ups, 300 dips).   Time was getting close, those that had finished helped the others complete the exercises.

Mosey back to Snoballs for the close.


Announcements – CSAUP & Mt Mitchell hike (See Gastone).  Whetstone updates, QSource reminders

Prayer requests – Whassup’s family death in family, Easy Rider’s son and a few others.

Way to the push the rock men.  This group got it done.  Thanks for the opportunity to Q.  Always a honor.



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