Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Tesla (Page 2 of 17)

What is it we’re doing here?

So on the next to last day of EDT this year some warriors gathered not in the gloom but the stomp down DARK to do some work with Tesla. That was their mistake! If you consider posting to be an error of judgement which 97% of the world would. more about that later. Things went like this:


Quick stretch including Tesla stretches

SSH X 20

IWs X 20

Grapevines X 20

Mosey over to Cemetary Hill for some six shooters. Went like this:

Run the hill, 10 burpees at the top. Return to bottom

Run the hill 20 big boys

Run the hill, 30 merkins

Run the hill, 40 squats.

Run the hill, 50 CDDs

Run the hill, 60 SSH

Stay at the top after the SSH and mosey over to Main Street for some wall work.

three sets 10, 15, 20




Inclined Big boys

Quiet mosey in “formation” through the Reserve. Wind up back at the field at the school.

Bear Crawl Slalom!

Done and pledge.


97% of the nation wouldn’t show up to do this regardless of Q or condition. Maybe more like 99%. What makes the 1% different is those are the guys who get that preparing to win is more important than just winning. At anything. And leading anything well. I just observed my 10th F3 anniversary and it is all about getting better and being durable through the process. That describes @ 1% of the population. And that’s a problem especially for men in the US. We aren’t taking risks and we have gotten way to comfortable as a society. It is showing up in men not working, not getting married, and having kids out of wedlock, all at an alarming rate. Last week I had a college reunion that I was an RA with and involved in student government with. We were the 3% crowd that stood up. And it shows up now.

So what is it we’re really here for? Each other! And to rebuild what has been lost which is masculinity and taking the hard road. It’s time!



Buttermilk on a Saturday!

So, YHC stole the Q from Gavel! Fun stuff to be had for sure. Here’s how it went on a warm, humid, morning, first in September.


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Gravel pickers X 20

Tesla stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Time for some Super-Duper Pipes!

Up on the street, 5 monkey humpers.

Run up to the pavilion, 25 step ups.

Run most of a lap on the track, run up the hill to the school and back down.

Run via the path back to the street.

Rinse and repeat.

Up on the Field of Dreams for Some partner BLIMPS.



Imperial walkers


Plank Jacks


P1 runs the field and does 5 of the exercises.

P2 does the work.


Up to the parking lot for some lot work.

1st set – burpee broad jumps length of lot,

2nd set – “frog hops” the length of the lot.

Back down to the Field of Dreams for the 4th quarter.

Bear Crawl Slalom! Off we go and it is what it always is!

SSH X 20

Halfway – Burpee Circle of Death! Then 5 chop-chops.

Hold a 3 minute plank and we’re done.


Welp, we got a lot done here this morning! Lot of variety, lot of work, lot of sweat and a lot of chatter! Great day at The Fighting Yank!

We’ll do it again soon. Drink up!

Cemetery Hill

Any of ya’ll been to Gettysburg? If not, you need to go and do it and do it in the spring or summertime, when the battle was fought. You need to see it that way. Cemetery Ridge was where the Union army dug and it gave them the high ground. The National Cemetery that Lincoln gave the address was on the hill behind the ridge. It is massive. Make sure you see it. It’s a very moving place.

YHC decided to take the pax into the cemetery for a little hill work as the Goat just was a little “soft” to be frank. And YHC was looking for something a little more since this was “shred” weekend with the canyon coming up. So off we went!


Easy jogs across the parking lot to do this:

SSH X 20 (jog)

IW X 20 (jog)

Gravel Pickers X 20 (jog)

Tesla Stretches

Mtn Climbers X 20

Mosey over to the cemetery and down to the bottom of the hill.

Act 1: Triple Nickel

Bottom: HR Merkins X 5

Top: 5 squats

Let’s try this again!

DORA 123

1 -100 merkins

2- 200 lbcs

3 – 300 SSH

Let’s go home!

About 2/3 of the way we stop and do some “chop-chops”. @ 5 of them.

Back to COT and a 2 minute plank.

NMM: Hot, humid morning. But a good one! Everyone put in the work and we did the work. Great day to be alive boys! Every day is. Be grateful.

We hold these truths to be self evident

Since 2017 the Fighting Yank has honored the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Marking the 247th anniversary YHC wanted to emphasize the radical notion of free men having Natural Rights which are rights that come from “God and Nature’s God” (the Creator) as opposed to men and government (the creation). That’s a big deal if you look at history and where we are now in the arc of history. So with that in mind we got with things on a hot July 4th morning.


SSH burpees X 5

IWs X 20

Grass Pickers X 20

Tesla Stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Up to the top of the field of dreams for a set of super pipes X 2

Up to the Corner of knowledge for a 4 corner run


Step ups


2nd corner:



big boys

3rd corner:

Jump squats

Plank Jacks


4th corner:

Star jacks

diamond merkins


Run this set 2X. 10 reps, then 20 reps

Head over to the Field of Dreams:

Bear crawl slalom! A little history lesson here.

SSH X 10

Halfway back: drop, 5 HR merkins

End: Chop-chop X 5

Triple nickel on heartbreak hill:

Bottom: squats

Top: merkins

All this 5X

Done, move to the Yank for the reading and message.

After party: We had Dr. Richard Boyce give the message today. Dr. Boyce is one of my faith mentors and was one of Dr. Dan Rhoads stars at Davidson College, a place I really admire. They usually do it right there. Dr. Boyce was the mayor of Belmont for quite some time and has a long history of delivering this type of message.

With that he delivered a message of “Broad Spaces” and free discourse. This came from a perspective of having been a 100 miles from the Czech – Ukraine border a week before, a place where freedom is endangered. Very endangered. We need to appreciate what we have and build on the common ground we can all agree on which is that our freedom is precious, rare, and worth preserving.  Let us be about this work.


Escalators at The Bobby!

Well, YHC thought the boys at The Ricky Bobby needed a little variety in their F3 life! So time for escalators for all.  Went like this on a warm morning.


SSH X 20

Tesla Stretches

IW X 25

Gravel Pickers X 20

Escalator set:

5 burpees

10 big boys

15 Merkins

20 squats

25 CDD

30 Plank Jacks

What we do here is start with the 5 burpess every time and just add on the next and then the next and then the next until we get to the plank jacks. In between, we ran to the end and did 5 monkey humpers.

Next set, run to 2 nd light and drop for 10 HR merkins. Rinse and repeat 3X. That gets us there!

NMM: Great morning to be out and at it. Everyone pushed the rock and away we went. Fun morning and pleasure to lead.


Double Down at Snooze

YHC has set a new standard and it appears to be holding! Standard is if you lead at Snooze, you have to post elsewhere first! Why not? And if you call that a standard you better be prepared to do it and lead by example. Which is the core of all leadership. So with that, YHC posted at Tequila Sunrise and moved right on over to Snooze to lead a beatdown. Went like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Gravel Picker X 20

Tesla Stretches

MTN. Climbers X 20

Partner Blimps:

P1 – Run the lot around the park and back

P2 – Do the called work.


1 – Burpees

2- Lunges

3- IWs

5 – Merkins

6 – Plank Jacks

7 – Squats

Bear crawl to the benches in the park.

Bench work as follows:

10 step ups (EL)

10 dips

10 dirkins

Rinse and repeat

Triple nickel on the hill outside the park.

Bottom: Jump squats X 5

Top: 5 American Hammers

Run this 5 times.

Done, time for COT.


Really a good push! Helped that YHC ate half a Cliff bar between this and Tequila! Helped a lot. Standard enforced! You want people to follow you and/or take you seriously as a leader – do it and show them you’re real! That ‘s the only way. You might fail but if you try people will follow you and give you credit for getting them off their asses and making something out of nothing.  We need some examples like that now. YHC will be double posting on Friday all summer long. Are you with me?



Ad Lib at Tequila Sunrise!

YHC completely blew the fact that he had the Q at Tequila Sunrise until he read Radar’s text that it was a thing @ 4:30 am! So with nearly a decade in the movement, he had a set library of things to go with and with AO knowledge he had that to build on as well. So it went like this:

COP/Warm up

Mosey over to the field and get some Tesla Stretches

Jog over to the far side, 20 SSH

Jog back, 20 IWS

Jog back across,  20 grass pickers

Jog back, 20 Mtn. Climbers, Tesla Stretches

Over to the goal line, partner up for BLIMPS

P1  – Do the exercise

P2 – Run the field, do 5 of the exercise, run back

Flapjack P1 and P2.

B – Burpees

L- Lunge

I – IWs

M- Merkins

P – Plank Jacks

S – Squats

Over to the benches

10 dips

10 step ups (each leg)

10 dirkins

10 inclined big boys

On the court line for suicides:

FT line, back

Circle/half court, back

Other end, back

rinse and repeat 2X

Back to the field for Bear Crawl Slalom! Everyone gets 3 runs in the slalom.

Run halfway back, drop and do 5 HR merkins

Run to the end – 5 chop-chop!

End and pledge

NMM: Not bad for making it up on the fly! No one knew the difference did they? That’s a good thing. What you have to be able to do to reach a goal or get through a tough situation is to get it done without a script. Which is to say when you’re out there and the situation goes sideway and your plans do not include that, you have to figure it out on the fly. Or you’re screwed to the wall! And you don’t want to be there. But if you have the consistency of preparation behind you, you adjust and deal with it. And you really grow because of that experience. Which is how you get better.

So give this a try. Get in a situation you didn’t expect and see how you do. because you will be there one day like it or not. That is, if you want to reach your true potential.

Expect it, prepare for it, but don’t fear it. It’s part of the growth and leadership process.




Buttermilk morning at The Fighting Yank via Tesla!

Well, now we know don’t we? What this “buttermilk” thing is really all about. Now that we have solved that mystery let’s get on with the business here doing the F3 business we do Saturday mornings in Midtown Belmont. YHC had wanted to provide plates to push around for hairburners but to no avail. Don’t worry men, it’s coming! Just hen you least expect it. So, sore Achilles and all YHC does the 4 plus mile EC work and gets the pax rallied for breakfast. Yeah, we did it. Went like this:

COP: up to the Field of Dreams for warmup work.

Tesla Stretches, mosey to the other side

SSH X 20, mosey back

IWs X 20, mosey back across

Gravel pickers X 20, mosey back

Mtn. Climbers and Tesla stretches again.

Time for a some Superpipes! Top of hill at old Middle school: 5 plank jacks

Run downhill to the pavilion: 2 burpees.

Run up the steps to the street, 5 butt to the street monkey humpers.

Rinse and repeat, we do this 2X.

Picked up a “straggler” walking on the track. Fascinating story. Guy boxed professionally mostly in the UK. Can’t remember his name. Had to do the disclaimer.

Up to the Corner of Knowledge.

10 dips (my cadence)

10 stepups

10 dirkins

10 inclined big boys.

Line up on the sidewalk for transportation instructions:

To first cross walk (middle) burpee broadjump

To end, frog hoppers (these truly suck). Lost our straggler here.

SSH X 20, lunge walk back to COK

Mosey down to the playground, count off by four for a rotation.

10 pull ups

20 Merkins

30 squats

40 LBCs.

Run to the top of heartbreak hill and do 5 burpees.

2X on this.

4th quarter boys! You and I know what that means don’t we! It’s time to get tougher!

Bear. Crawl. Slalom!

Because we had almost 20 guys we only needed to rotations to get this done.

SSH X 10

Copperhead Squats X 10.

Mosey back, halfway drop and do 5 HR merkins. Oh, did I tell you, we did 5 more burpees for the train!

At the end, 5 chop-chop drills and a 2 minute plank to end with. Glass was empty!

Slow walk down to the Yank and a pledge.

Was this not fun? Or did it suck? Maybe both? That can always be the case! Plenty of little hurts but we soldiered on. Which was kind of a theme YHC wanted to show on this Coronation Day. The English bulldog and it’s tenacity is a thing. YHC was raised a grandson of that empire and so hen I hear people here put down the crown and all that goes with it, I have to either remind that our freedoms started there (see Runnymede and the Magna Carta, 1215). And we are an extension of a great tradition that actually values the individual human life as a sovereign entity. Few if any empires have ever done that. We should appreciate that tradition. And we can’t help but notice King Charles’s comment about service either. “I come to serve not to be served.” Words to lead by men. They have done it since 1066. Maybe it works.




Uncle Ted at The Bobby

So with the addition of Ground Assault The Ricky Bobby has had less attendance. But not less in quality! Such as it was today as three pax gathered for F3 Tesla’s way! Looked like this:


Out to the field, jog to the other side

SSH X 20

Jog back, 20 IWs

jog back, grass pickers X 20

jog back, Tesla stretches, Mtn. Climbers X 20

Center of the field for 4 corners:

Center: 5 burpees, mosey to corner 1

Corner 1: 10 HR merkins

Center: 5 burpees

Corner 2: 20 Jump Squats

Center: 5 burpees

Corner 3: 20 Mike Tysons

Center: 5 burpees

Corner 4: 20 big boys

Center 5 burpees

Down to the goal line for some Herb Brooks. FYI, Herb was the coach of the 1980 US Olympic Hockey Team (Miracle on Ice) that was a cornerstone of my generation’s memories as I was in School at NC State then. So we did these suicide sprints in his honor which was a staple of his conditioning regimen.

25: 5 CDD, back to GL

50: 10 CDDs, back to GL

75:  15 CDDs, back to GL

100: 20 CDDs, back to GL

Over to the benches:

10 dips, stepups, dirkins

Sprint to the other side, 10 SSH

Rinse and repeat

Time for a Tesla staple, Bear Crawl Slalom!

Three across the field! All the way.

Done and pledge

NMM: Short crew but a good crew. Everyone did the work. Proud of ’em!

Prayers for our community in this very unsettling time. Guys, we are the light out there. Stand up and lead! It’s your time – right now!

Tesla Out

Uncle Ted brings buttermilk to The Goat!

Time for a little F3 – Tesla’s way! Been a little while since YHC led The Goat so after staying up too late to watch State kick VT around and advance in the ACC Tournament, it was time to get up, get the feet on the big ball and roll with it! Looked like this:

First, have to say the new Floyd and Blackie’s parking lot is a huge improvement and really improves the AO! So COP was:

Easy mosey from top down to the main road. 20 SSH. Note, we stretch a lot but never really warm up. YHC decided to change that a little bit.

Mosey back up to the top of the lot, IWs X 20

Mosey back down – Tesla Stretches.

Mosey back up  – Mtn. Climbers X 20

Mosey down to the bridge over to Goat Island.

Lunge walk the bridge.

Partner up – DORA 1-2-3

100 HR merkins

200 Big boy situps

300 Squats.

This took a lot of time. We were at 6:01 so on to a difficult triple nickel.

Bottom: 5 burpees.

Run @ 1/2 up K2.

Top 5 plank jacks.

This pretty well got us done. It was dead 6:15 when YHC got done. Had to end early on the triple nickel.


Good push on a great morning. Low 40s high 30s. Perfect weather. Great sunrise.

Talked in COT about a subject that has become very important to me- isolation! Coming out of the pandemic it has become a huge problem. Not for us in F3 assuming you post, but if you don’t it is. And too many people are not getting out of their cocoons and it is not healthy. Mentally, physically, or spiritually. We need to be a force for change on that front guys.

Pleasure to lead always.




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