Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Tesla (Page 10 of 17)

Gettin’ with it in Cramerton

YHC took his second consecutive Q this week and ramped it up  from the day before at Ricky Bobby. Been backing off the Qs this year a little by design but given circumstances, that’s gonna change now. And we’re gonna bring it! But we’re going to be smart about it and get guys IN the fold as opposed to running them off. And they will get better and our fold/ community/state/world will get better. And boys let me tell you something – it needs to! And it has to happen on the individual basis and YHC’s experienced mind opines we have to overcome fear right now. And not just physical fear. There is a deeper fear out there that needs to be conquered and it comes from the soul. So let’s go about cleaning it up. We started today at The Goat with the swollen South Fork River in our midst to commence the process of getting better. Went like this:


arm stretches

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Grapevine Stretches

Cherry Pickers X 20

mosey up the hill to the elementary school for some work:

20 Mountain Climbers (in cadence)

20 plank jacks

10 shoulder taps (each side)

5 burpees

Parking lot suicide – Halfway and back, all the way and back.

30 SSH

25 jump squats

20 Freddie Mercs

20 Big boy situps

10 HR Merkins

1 minute planks

Run down the hill to the fire station and back.

Rinse and repeat above, mosey down to the gazebo for some 22s

22 set:

Jump Lunges X 20 X 18 X 16 X 14 X 12 X 10 X 8 X 6 X 4 X 2

Merkins X 2 X 4 X 6 X 8 X 10 X 12 X 14, X 16 X 18 X 20

Half way, take a lap around the green.

Mosey up to the flag for pledge and COT


Pax worked hard today. Very hard. That was the goal. Means we got better and expanded our capabilities. Acceleration. We need to do this and we need to do it a lot. This is the fear antidote. Especially when we combine it with faith and fellowship. We cannot – will not – lose.

So let’s about our work men! This is a time of opportunity! Take advantage of it!


Tesla out.




Ricky Bobby gets Real.

YHC took the wheels at Southern Gaston’s premier Wednesday workout site and brought in set of tasks both varied and challenging for the pax that showed. Went like this:


Arm stretch

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Cherry Pickers X 20

Grapevine stretches

Mosey over to the track:

1 lap

10 Burpees

30 jump lunges (15 each side)

15 HR merkins

15 Big Boy situps

15 squats

30 mountain climbers (15 each side)

24 Maktar Jihees (12 each side)

1 lap

Rinse and repeat !

Set of 22s.

Jump Squats X 20

Merkins X 2

All the way down to Jump Squats X 2 and Merkins X 20

Run the field and back at halfway point.

7s time

Bench on track – Dips

Mid field (across the field) – American Hammers

Enough time for some 4 corners:

Corner 1 – SSH X 10

Corner 2 – LBCs X 20

Corner 3 – CDDS X 10

Corner 4 – Freddie Mercury X 10

Mosey to flag and a little stretching before we wrap up with a pledge:

NMM: Small but get with it group this morning. Put in some upbeat work today. Everyone got better. Worm out again for a post! More targets from the area.

Prayers up for Clavin.’s wife. Whoopees 2.0 dealing with some issues. Praises for Breaker’s son’s wedding.

Great place to spend the gloom! And honor to lead.

BTW, we are live at The Station in Belmont Friday at 5 pm!

Tesla out


Buttermilk for Breakfast in Belmont

So YHC has a reputation for putting on a challenging workout and has been of late alluding to that fact in pre workout that it’s coming using the term “buttermilk” to announce it. Will, after two months of no Fighting Yank, yHC took he wheel and decided to amp things up there for the first real summer workout at the AO. Went like this:

Mosey over to the parking lot beside the park where Mugshots used to be.

Arm Stretches, 1 minute

2 Burpees OYO

SSH X 20

4 Burpees

IW X 20

6 burpees

Copperhead squats X 15

8 Burpees

Grapevine stretches X 1 minute

LBCs X 20

10 burpees

Mosey over to Heart

break Hill for some halfpipe action as follows:

Top of hearbreak: 10 plank jacks.

Bottom of hill: 10 HR merkins

Top of the hill by the Fighting Yank: Butt to the street Monkey humpers X 10

Over to the Field of Dreams for BLIMPS.

P1 – run the field and back

P2 – do the work per the BLIMP (Burpees, lunges, IWs, Merkins, Plank jacks, Squats)

Mosey up to the Corner of Knowledge for some core and UB work.

Dips, stepups, dirkins X 10, 15, 20

Mosey to the other end of the school house.

10 jump squats

10 Mike Tysons

Back to the corner:

10 Bulgarian Split squats

10 Elevated big boy situps.

Rinse and repeat 2X.

Back to the Field for Dreams for A Tesla Staple, Bear Crawl Slalom on a newly mowed field!

This was problematic. Sand burs all over the place. So we had to abandon the prime plan and fall back and improvise. Which we did! Used the track and ran thru the slalom. Worked well!

End of slalom, 10 SSH, 10 squats.

Quarter lap, 10 merkins, 10 LBCs.

Quarter lap: 10 big boy sit ups.

Mosey to the Yank and we’re done!


Great to be back in the saddle and see two 2nd posters in Worm and PP. Had a great coffeteria/breakfast afterwards, which I am going to push we do every Saturday as well as our Friday Happy Hour at The Station. We have and are going through a trying time now but you have to get this is where opportunity is born. And one of the things we need to be doing as a group is getting together and figuring that out in the 2nd F.  And you can’t do that unless you go to 2nd F. So let’s get on that too men!

Expecting a Metro contingent in June for Operation Livermush V 2.0. More later. Also, looking at a special July 4 workout to do our Declaration reading. More later but plan on being there.


Tesla Out!


We’re better then this.

20 pax including one FNG gathered at the Gas House amidst national panic and fear regarding Wuhan Virus to get better and set an example for what we would expect to be a normal behavior that includes getting out of our shells and getting better even during a media driven crisis that gives us an opportunity to be who we really are –  set of leaders capable of handling a time of adversity. So with that in mind as the sun began to rise YHC took the Gas House boot campers on a magical mystery tour with some buttermilk sucking effort involved. Went like this:


SSH X 25

IW X 20

Grapevine stretches

Merkins X 10

Mtn. Climbers X 20

LBCs X 20

Mosey up to the Middle School track for a six shooter round:

10 burpees X 1 lap

20 American Hammers X 1 lap

30 squats X 1 lap

40 merkins X 1 lap

50 SSH X 1 lap

60 CDDs X 1 lap

This got us about halfway and everyone was getting gassed by now. Mission proceeding as planned! Buddy Love was hanging in there. Great work brother!

Move to the picnic tables

10 X 15 X 20 repeats with 10 SSHs at the end.




Down to the baseball field for some triple nickel

Bottom: % plank jacks

Run the hill

Top: 5 HR merkins

Repeat 5X

Back to the football field for a Tesla Special – Bear Crawl Slalom!

Went across the field. sideline to sideline. Everyone gt three rolls.

Turkish getups X 5

Skip back across to where we started. Mosey back to the flag and a few minutes as a group of Mary.


We pushed the ole rock up the hill today – hard! I wanted to do that. It’s no secret YHC runs a tough boot camp. There are some reasons for that and today was a special one. YHC wanted to create a degree a degree of adversity for all of us, even me! I was pretty well sucking wind on the last part of Triple Nickel and even the slalom. But this was all about pushing through. Guys, when I came up the 1980 US Hockey team beat the USSR and it wasn’t even on live TV.  That’s how certain defeat was in the minds of the media covering it. Oh, and did I tell you, the whole 1980 Olympics was held in Lake Placid New York. A town not even as big as Gastonia.  The only guys that believed they could win were the guys on the team. Why was that in real terms? Because their coach Herb Brooks (the last guy cut from the 1960 team that beat the USSR in Squaw Valley) pushed them with a killer 60 game schedule leading to the games and tough conditioning, sometimes doing sprints and suicides AFTER some of those 60 games, And he did it because he wanted those guys to be have faced real adversity before they ran into it in the Olympics. It worked. You look at guys from that team now and they all were successful. Rob Mclanahan became the top college coach in the US as an example. and he did it by pushing guys in real time like we need to do in F3 to be better.

YHC faced some real adversity with an old friend out west last week. Intense conversation about his daughter’s death. I’m here to tell that if I had not pushed or been pushed I would have crumbled in that situation. But I did not and my buddy knows to reach out to me. Tough, tough situation for him and his family. But I am going to help them through. No doubt in my mind the ole Sky Q put all this in motion. That’s who we work for. And he would prefer you be ready when he calls you number to do something unique in the game.

We are also facing this Wuhan thing. And I have to tell you I am more than a little disappointed at our reaction to it lately. Too much herd mentality and not enough thoughtful action – and frankly prayer. Yeah, this thing can be bad, but we’ve seen things like it before. What we need to do as a group is recognize it as a time to step up and lead. Not get back in our shells and comfort zones.  Let’s lead, let’s be smart, pray, but don’t panic. Facts over fear men!

Oh, and that buttermilk thing. It’s here to stay! Know when you see it that you will be challenged in real time. Which is your opportunity to respond and get better. That is up to you. The opportunity will be there.

Hats off to our Mortimer guys! Great work all.



Sucking Buttermilk in Belmont

So YHC returned to his old site to Q for the first time in 2020. It was time for an old fashioned Tesla style beat down to be administered, one where pax are sucking buttermilk at the end of the day. Think mission was accomplished as it wen like this in the chilly mid February gloom with a FNG tagging along:

COP on the park pad:

SSH X 20

Grapevine stretches

IW X 20

squats X 20

Peter Parker X 15

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Mosey up to the Field of Dreams:

A little track work is in order!

10 burpees X 1 lap

20 Big boy situps X 1 lap

30 CDDs X 1 lap

40 squats X 1 lap

50 merkins X 1 lap

60 SSH X 1 lap

Time for a modified half pipe:

Top: 5 plank jacks

bottom: 5 HR merkins

Other side: 5 ass to the street Monkey humpers

Two sets, one to the right, one to the left.

Mosey over to the shelter for some table work

Dips X 10

Bulgarian Split squats X 10

Dirkins X 10

Step ups X 10 (total)

Run the hill down and back.

Repeat for 15X, 20X per set.

Guess what time it is! Yep, Bear crawl Slalom time!

Three rolls by all pax.

SSH X 10

Turkish getups X 10

Jump Squats X 10

Line up, broad jump to midfield , 10 merkins. Broad jumps to end, 20 merkins

Back for two last Half pipes to finish up.



Strong work by the pax today. Welcome FNG Crawl Space, EHed by Sargento. Prayers up for Lynn Hamm and her family. Also Virus’s friend who has had a brain bleed. Keep ’em in your thoughts and prayers guys!

Always great to lead the Fighting Yank, the best Saturday AO in the region!


WE did not grow cold

YHC had promised that anybody showing to Ricky Bobby would be cold even though a balmy 24 degrees was reported as 4 warriors took the frozen tundra at New Hope Elementary’s track and field to partake of a cold and clear morning. Went like this:


SSH X 20

Grapevine stretches, both legs.

IW X20

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Don Qs X20

Track work as follows:

10 burpees – take a lap

20 American Hammers – take a lap.

30 Merkins – Take a lap

40 squats – Take a lap

50 CCDs – Take a lap

60 LBCs – Take a lap

Quick 10 count and on to some across the field 7s

side 1 – Dirkins on the bench

Side 2 – Plank jacks.

Over for a goal line stand.

Goal line to 25, 5 HR merkins, back

Goal line to 50 , 10 jump squats, back

Goal line to other 25 – 15 Big boy situps, back

Goal -Goal – 20 regular merkins

SSH X 10

Copperhead squats X 10

Ran back to goal

halfway – 10 merkins

End – 20 merkins

Bear crawl slalom across the field. 4 turns for everyone!

Mosey back to the benches for Mary and COT.



It was cold but not for long. Upbeat group, upbeat workout. We did not stay cold for long. YHC has to admit, these are the BEST F3 has to offer. Cold clear morning that challenges pax to get out and  post.  Builds durability which is essential for leadership.  Guys out in Omaha were posting in 2 degree weather. I intend to go out there and post with them in weather like THAT someday! Next year I expect. All pax were respect level. I see that often in these workouts. Those guys show, and get it done.  Proud to be with these guys today. Honor to lead great men in tough conditions always. Varsity.



Drizzle and hairburners at The Yank

So YHC decided it was time to bring out the metal at The Fighting Yank, something we have not done since the spring. So, with Rev Flo-Rida’s aid I picked up the gods at Atilla on Friday morning and headed over to Gaston County with a beatdown in mind, especially with the cooler temps and some rain in the forecast. Went like this:


Arm Stretches

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Plank, do foot to hand stretch

Mtn. Climbers

Mosey up to the school and Highway 1 for some hair burner action as follows:

Count off by 3s.

1s – 1st push

2s – Go to the lightpole and do squats

3s – Stay back and do plank jacks

Repeat five times, 1-2-3.

Mosey over to Heartbreak Hill for half pipes

Half pipes X 2

jump squats at top

Merkins on the pad

Monkey humpers at the Yank.

Back to the hair burners, 5 repeats.

Mosey to the corner of knowledge:

10 X 15 X 20


Step ups


Back to hairburners

Another 5 “repeats” per pax.

LBCs at one end

Peter Parker at the other end.

Mosey down to the Field of Dreams for Bear Crawl Slalom.

3 rolls for everyone ot get to the end of the field.

Stretch for 1 minute.




YHC intended this as a beat down and indeed it was. YHC gets up @ 6-6:15 to Q this workout. Get there usually @ 6:40 am. This morning I got up, checked some emails and had one from a friend I have not corresponded with in some time out in California. We met in China in the ’80s and even climbed Mt. Shasta @ Labor Day 1987. Which was an epic accomplishment, we got it done in less than 24 hours, going up over 7,000 feet and back in that time period. Which means we effectively did 14,000 feet in elevation in one day. You build a strong bond doing that. Very Strong. His email to me informed me that his oldest (a daughter) had passed about four years ago. She was a graduate of Cornell University and went to med school (don’t know where). So she was very much a high impact person and on her way to more impact. It never happened. And it hit me pretty hard. It was apparent that they are still grieving (have two other sons) and I get that!

Then I to the news later in the day that my family’s great friend Banks Miller who was my elementary school principal and my dad and my uncle’s fishing and quail hunting partner passed yesterday. Banks was a HIM over in Huntersville, NC. A guy we would all do well to follow. Loved his pointers! Banks got a lot done over there and that hit me pretty good to although I knew it was coming.

So I think the lesson here is that it really is up to us to make the world better. And we should do it in proximity to the community we live in. One part of that is getting out and getting 1% better every day. Because when we do that we not only make ourselves better we become examples to those who will make themselves better. And that impact can be incalculable in a positive way! Getting those around us to become better is our highest calling. And that is effected by us being that example and being out there on a regular and disciplined basis.

So let’s keep it going – rain or shine! We have work to do.




Cramerton Beatdown via Tesla

So YHC raised his hand at the Storm Tuesday to show and Q the Goat on Thursday. It was most def worth the effort as the pax gathered on a perfect, chilly late November morning to get better. Went like this:


Arm stretches.

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Copperhead Squats X 10

Merkins X 10

Foot to hand stretches

Mtn. Climbers X 10

Mosey up the hill to the Coliseum, an underused feature of the AO – in my opinion of course! But YHC is never wrong.

5 5 X 10 X 15 reps

1st set:

Bottom: Jump Squats

Top: HR Merkins

2nd Set

Bottom: Big boy situps

Top:Diamond Merkins

3rd set

Bottom: SSH


On the rail:

Inclined merkins: 5 X 10 X 15

Rail squats 10 X 15

Mosey back up out of the Coliseum and down to the traffic light and grab some brick wall.

Dips X 10 X 15

Dirkins X 10 X15

Mosey down to the Fire station, 5 burpees for the train.

Line up at the bottom of the green for 7s.

Bottom: Burpees

Top: American Hammers (each side)

Mosey to the shelter for some end of the WO Mary:

5 merkins

5 big boys

5 Copperhead squats

Foot to hand stretches





Hot a lot of high points today and pretty much stayed in motion. Great work by all Pax! Glad to hear that  Anchorman has a diagnosis and can be on the road to recovery and full speed at some point. We will be praying for you brother! Great work by all today, pleasure and honor to lead. Plates are coming out at The Fighting Yank Saturday just so you know.


A cool morning in Mt. Holly

After a solid 6 plus months of sweltering spring and summer a little relief came to Mt. Hollywood as Tesla took the reins to start everybody’s work week off with a strong beatdown in the cool gloom. Went like this:


Stretch out arms and trunk.

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Copperhead squats X 15

Plank, foot to palm stretches.

Mtn Climbers X 20

Mosey over to BB&T for a little partner Dora action:

100 Hand release merkins

200 big boy situps

300 squats

Run around the bank while other partner does work, flapjack.

Mosey over to the bottom of K2, Tesla’s favorite place in Mt. Holly!

Bottom, 5 burpees, run the first bump to main Street.

Main Street: 10 American hammers

Run to next bump (the really hard one); 15 diamond merkins

Run to next bump: 20 LBCs

Back to the AO: 25 CDDs.

Warm down time:

Rugby sprints across the parking lot.

1st set, 20 SSH

2nd set, 10 Mike Tysons

1 minute of feet to palm stretching.


Great morning ot be out today. EST provided us no additional light this morning. Oh well. My lab Deke is NOT happy with the time change. He may strike on opening day of duck season week after this to send a message i am told. Can’t say as I blame him.

Great crowd today, glad to see Pockets out and pushing with us this morning.  Tiger offered up the pax to pray for this week. Keep them in your prayers. Also elections coming up. We look to wisdom to make good choices.  Hope everyone voted. It is an earned right. Use it or lose it.

Honor and pleasure to lead here always.


Tesla back at The Fighting Yank

So after the last six weeks of bird hunting and otehr assorted events including a visit to Gashouse, YHC made a Q appearance at old homeplace, The Fighting Yank. Finally a real October morning to do it on. So with little fanfare we got right to it in the gloom. Went like this:


Stretches, arm and torso

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Copperhead Squats X 10

Plank position

Hand to palm (R-L)

Leg under body (R-L)

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Mosey over to playground, count off by 3s

1s – 10 pullups

2s – 10 dips

3s – 10 big boy situps

Rotate 1-2-3, Run Heartbreak hill and back.

Rinse and repeat X 3

mosey to the top of Heartbreak.

Halfpipes X 2

Top of HBH – 5 HR merkins

Bottom pad: 5 jump squats

Top of main street – 5 monkey humpers

Back to bottom pad – repeat JS.

Mosey over to the Corner of Knowledge

Stepups X 10 (total)

Dirkins X 10

Elevated situps X 10

Run to the other end of the school and call an Omaha with the gate open down to the lower level with stairs.

Series of 7s,

Bottom – Burpees

Top – Big boy situps

Run back to the Corner, repeat stepups, dirkins, situps X 20

Mosey to the Field of Dreams for Bear Crawl Slalom!

*3 rolls for all pax to the end of the field.

SSH X 10

Squats X 10

Run back to the end:

1/2 way, 10 CDDs

End – 20 CDDs

Mosey back to HBH for 2 more halfpipes

Back on the pad for some warm down stretches.

Pledge and done!


Solid effort b ythe pax today. Welcome FNG Tinder who came out because a coworker he has not seen in 5 years IMed him to try it. He did. Talk abut a blind date internet romance! You never know do you? Glad to have him out.

Again, solid effort on a great morning. Major announcement, region convergance next Saturday. Should be a blast. Hate to miss but YHC will be in Starkvegas.

Honor and pleasure to lead this AO and these guys!





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