YHC took his second consecutive Q this week and ramped it up from the day before at Ricky Bobby. Been backing off the Qs this year a little by design but given circumstances, that’s gonna change now. And we’re gonna bring it! But we’re going to be smart about it and get guys IN the fold as opposed to running them off. And they will get better and our fold/ community/state/world will get better. And boys let me tell you something – it needs to! And it has to happen on the individual basis and YHC’s experienced mind opines we have to overcome fear right now. And not just physical fear. There is a deeper fear out there that needs to be conquered and it comes from the soul. So let’s go about cleaning it up. We started today at The Goat with the swollen South Fork River in our midst to commence the process of getting better. Went like this:
arm stretches
SSH X 20
IW X 20
Grapevine Stretches
Cherry Pickers X 20
mosey up the hill to the elementary school for some work:
20 Mountain Climbers (in cadence)
20 plank jacks
10 shoulder taps (each side)
5 burpees
Parking lot suicide – Halfway and back, all the way and back.
30 SSH
25 jump squats
20 Freddie Mercs
20 Big boy situps
10 HR Merkins
1 minute planks
Run down the hill to the fire station and back.
Rinse and repeat above, mosey down to the gazebo for some 22s
22 set:
Jump Lunges X 20 X 18 X 16 X 14 X 12 X 10 X 8 X 6 X 4 X 2
Merkins X 2 X 4 X 6 X 8 X 10 X 12 X 14, X 16 X 18 X 20
Half way, take a lap around the green.
Mosey up to the flag for pledge and COT
Pax worked hard today. Very hard. That was the goal. Means we got better and expanded our capabilities. Acceleration. We need to do this and we need to do it a lot. This is the fear antidote. Especially when we combine it with faith and fellowship. We cannot – will not – lose.
So let’s about our work men! This is a time of opportunity! Take advantage of it!
Tesla out.