Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Stroganoff (Page 9 of 15)

F3 Gastonia 2019 Pre-Blast

2019 Pre-Blast Is Here.  What are you going to do with the next 365 days?

First, I just want to send many thanks out to the 2018 F3 Gastonia Leadership Team, Site Q’s and all the PAX.  It was quite a year of growth and impact. 

Second, I want to thank all of you for the opportunity to be the Nantan for 2019.  I am grateful and honored for the opportunity.  I am looking forward to what 2019 has in store for us.  We have a great group in place to help lead us on the 2019 journey.

Let’s be serious though, F3 is not about one person or even a small group, it’s about the entire PAX and what we accomplish collectively.  We are always looking for thoughts and ideas on how we can be more impactful. 

I plan to focus on several things in 2019 but one of the biggest will be encouraging personal growth.  That is, what are you doing to grow personally away from your weekly posts at workouts?  It’s easy for me to forget the mission of F3 is to “plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.”  It’s not to have workouts to get in better shape, even though that is a huge byproduct of what happens.  It’s about impact (my word for 2018 by the way).  It’s about self-awareness, discipline and accountability.  We are compelled to help ourselves and each other be better in all facets of our lives, not just our physical well-being.  I have found reading to be the single biggest factor that has helped my personal growth and will be sharing books, podcasts, articles, etc throughout the year that I feel might be worthwhile to read or listen to. 

This was an extreme year for me personally, both high and low.  I experienced first hand the support that F3 gives to the PAX during the low after the loss of my Father.  I experienced the high of F3 as I completed the training required and ultimately finishing my first half marathon with several other PAX.  This is one of the reasons I felt compelled to get more involved in the leadership of our group.  I believe strongly that F3 can fill a void that is missing in many men’s lives.  Most of these men don’t even know it’s missing.  I didn’t realize it before F3.  I believe I’m a better man for it.  I believe there are many more out there we can positively impact. 

We can EH a few more and Kotter a few more to come back and get them more consistently to workouts and events.  We’ve had a lot of men show up 1 or 2 times and not come back.  This is something we can improve on. 

We have several new things happening with the first being the launch of the Q Source in our Region being led by Pizza Man.  He has already sent out details but please look to get involved in that.  We may be adding another workout, some Rucking events, CSAUP’s, 4th year anniversary (that’s hard to believe), Nation events, Speed for Need races, local races, 2nd & 3rd F opportunities, Community Service Opportunities, planned Whetstone growth, etc, etc. 

2019 can be a year where we all accelerate some or decelerate.  The decision is our own.  I need some help to continue to accelerate and am looking for help from all of you.  That man beside you tomorrow morning might be looking for that help.  You never know what is compelling someone to show up. 

See you in the gloom.



This is F3, where did you come from?

8 posted at the Coconut Horse this morning including FNG Compass.

I believe everyone that posted put in some EC.

Compass had seen us leaving from Harris Teeter on Sundays in the past and saw Roscoe and Myself running back toward the start this morning after some EC around Martha Rivers so he followed us to join in.  That’s what I’m talking about.

5 for Coffeeteria at Starbucks.  It was a Grande ole time (see what I did there?)

Until the next one.  Aye!


12 or 13 Days of Christmas?

15 showed in the gloom for the annual Stroganoff Christmas beat down with a side of Mayor for the Painlab.  A few did some EC running beforehand.

No FNG’s; quick disclaimer; pledge

Short warm-up that included the following:

SSH’s x 10 (IC)

Imperial Walkers x 12 (IC)

Split up for the Bootcamp and Painlab.

The Thang

Painlab Q’d by Mayor went as follows:

3:00 minute rounds of each exercise

Single/Double Arm Curls

Deadlifts – Release

Front Raise

Split Squat (Bulgarian) – Two rounds

Tricep Overhead Extension

SL Deadlift (Romanian)


Calf Raises

Bent Over Row


Press on Bench

Deck of Death:    10 Merkins; 10 ranger merkins; 25 diamond merkins; 10 incline merkins; 10 derkins; 25 Freddy mercury’s; 100 SSH’s

The Bootcamp Group moseyed to the Grier track for a dose of Stroganoff’s 12 Days of Christmas (or a baker’s dozen):

Day 1 – 1/2 Lap around the track

Day 2 – 12 Bobby Hurley’s

Day 3 – 12 Merkins

Day 4 – 12 LBC’s

Day 5 – 5 burpees

Day 6 – 12 Flutter Kicks

Dayy 7 – 12 Squats

Dayy 8 – 12 CDD’s

Day 9 – 12 Hillbillies

Day 10 – 12 Mt Climbers

Day 11 – 12 SSH’s

Day 12 – 100 Moroccan Nightclubs

The PAX worked through this quickly enough that we still had some time for an abbreviated Wolfpack Grinder.

10 Squats IC – Run. 1/2 lap – 25 Merkins

10 Squats IC – Run 1/2 lap – 50 LBC’s

Rinse & Repeat

By this time, we had worked our way back to the Schiele to finish with some Mary:

30 Flutter Kicks IC – 10 Dying Cockroaches IC

Good work men.

Bootcamp total reps and miles through the 12/13 days of Christmas:

~2 miles moseying

132 Bobby Hurleys; 170 merkins; 208 LBC’s; 40 burpees; 144 flutter kicks; 152 squats; 60 CDD’s; 48 hillbillies; 36 Mt. Climbers; 24 SSH’s; 100 Moroccan Nightclubs


Monday workouts coming up are scheduled for 0700 start times – Black Knight & Mt. Hollywood; Tuesday 0600 at The Storm

Many prayer requests.  Name-o-Rama.

The Moleskin

As always, it was an honor to lead the workout.  Thanks to Mayor for running  a great Painlab Q.  Great to see Jobu back out at the Gashouse.

Great work by all the Gastonia PAX that participated in the Belmont 5k or Half Marathon this morning.

We finished up with my annual book give away.  This year was the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.  This is one of my favorite personal growth books.  The two I have given out the last two years were The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews and Freedom from Fear by Mark Matteson.  If you don’t have them, I would encourage you to check them out.  I may have a copy or two in the back of my vehicle.  Ask me at the next post if you would like a copy.

Merry Christmas to all the PAX of F3 Gastonia.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Why F3?……a Personal Story of Hope & Support

An F3 Story.

Exactly two months ago today, my life changed in a dramatic way.  My Father passed away after a very short illness.  We received his diagnosis of Stage 4 Lung Cancer on August 20th, he died 13 days later on Sunday, September 2nd.  Those 13 days were a whirlwind of sadness, pain, agony, fear, anger, frustration, exhaustion, etc.  I could go on and on.

What does this have to do with F3 you might ask?

I have a terrific family, many friends (some far away) and acquaintances through Church, community organizations, from high school and college, work, etc.  Some of these people I have known for 35 – 40 years were not the first persons I thought of or the first persons to reach out to me.  As those 13 days were passing and I realized he was not going to recover, I found myself wanting to reach out to my F3 Brothers for support first.  Now, I did have support from my brother and mother but that is different.  Even with that, I was not really sharing with them what I was feeling or looking to them for support, I found myself wanting to support them more than looking for help from them.  I had support from some longtime friends but some were hours away.  As we’ve heard before in F3, proximity matters.  I had support from our Church and family as well but I found it to not be the same.

During those darkest moments of despair, the first persons that came to mind that I wanted to see and share my grief with were the guys I had been spending hours with in the gloom over the past 3 ½ years or so.  It was the guys I had spent nights out in the middle of nowhere and suffered through 30 hour relays with.  It was the guys that I had attended other visitations with to support another F3 brother in need.  It was the guys who helped push me up Crowder’s Mtn for a 2nd time during the Climb CSAUP.  It was the guys who might check on me if I haven’t been to one of my normal AO’s in a while.  It was the guys that helped me train for weeks and weeks to accomplish a half marathon for the first time this past Summer.  It was the guy who beat me in a 5 mile race by .7 seconds and won’t let me forget it.  It was the guys who I believe know me now better than some of the people I have known for 35 – 40 years.

The day after my Dad passed was the Labor Day Murph at Martha Rivers.  I wasn’t sure what to expect or if I could even get through it.  I decided to go….I decided I needed to go.  I needed to burn off some anger; I needed to start getting all this emotion out of my system.  I needed to see the men who inspire me to be better each day, who push me to be better.  I went through the entire workout without sharing it with anyone there even though a few guys knew from the previous day.  I struggled through it but got through it.  After the workout, Roscoe asked my permission to share with the group.  He did and at that moment, you guys lifted me up.  For the first time, I personally experienced the power of the shield lock.  I had been on the outside of this before in the last 3 ½ years, but never the reason for it.  I immediately felt different.  I felt supported.  I did not feel alone.  I felt like I would endure whatever was to come in the coming weeks and months.

The visitation was one of the hardest days of my life.  However, the burden was lightened for myself and my family (especially my Mother) as so many of you came through to pay your respects.  My Mother knows how much F3 means to me and she was thrilled to meet so many of you and hear about how some of you got your F3 Names.  She actually smiled during some of those explanations and introductions.  We were overwhelmed with the support.  If you ever wondered about moments like this and if your words of support, notes, texts, phone calls, etc. make a difference.  I can assure you they do make a difference.

Every day since September 2nd has been a struggle.  Each day brings a new thought, memory, count (as in today marks two months), level of sadness, joy, anger, despair, hope and fear. It sucks.  But I know I am not alone.

When I first showed up at the Schiele in April 2015, I had no idea where this would take me.  Something told me I should go and it’s been one of the best decisions of my life.  Maybe someone knew why I would need this group in the coming years, maybe it was just luck, I don’t know.

Men have lots of struggles these days and one of the biggest is loneliness and lack of connection with other like-minded men.  F3 can be the cure for this.  It has been for me.

With my faith, I believe I would have eventually struggled through the last 2 months.  Without F3, I’m sure it would have been more difficult and less hopeful as I would not have had the workouts and fellowship to help me get to this point.

I will never get over this but time and the support from so many will help me begin to heal a little more each day so I can get past the pain to move on toward the great memories and lessons I have from my Dad.

Last thing I want to share is something I’ve learned about the F3 Rock.  We get better by pushing the rock each day and helping each other push the rock.  We also have the opportunity to pause when needed to be the rock of support for those in need.  You guys have proven this to me over the past 2 months and I thank you.

I challenge all of us to continue to spread the word about F3.  I’m sure there are more men out there like us who would benefit from this.  They know something is missing, they just don’t know exactly what it is.  We can help others in the same manner you all have helped me.

See you soon again in the gloom.



The Pub is not Complicated

YHC arrived around 10 minutes before the start time to find a few getting EC in, some stretching and others yawning.  Let’s get it on.

We ran north, turned north-northwest, moseyed a while, turned a slow turn, turned back east, turned back south….we were done.

Sargento attempted to EH an existing Gashouse PAX along the way….nice work, he is the king of the EH while we’re running.

Some started early (Stone Cold), some got in some EC (Gastone, Madoff), some got in some EC by running to the AO from their house (Monk) and the rest of us followed the instructions.

Good work men.

Announcements:  Need a driver for BRR Van 1; Nomads headed to Fort Mill Saturday – meet and leave from Roses in Belmont at 0500; CSAUP on the 25th; 2nd F at Sargento’s on the 25th.  All is good.

Several prayer requests to keep in mind:  Sargento’s M – knee; Gastone’s mother-in-law; Nikki Bailey health

Thanks for the push men.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Better at 48

I was up early and ready to go this morning as I had not Q’d a workout in a while due to being on/off the DL lately.  Add in the fact today was my 4th birthday since getting involved with F3, I was ready to get it on.

I was awake early as usual so why not head to the Schiele for some EC running, someone else might be there.  No, so what do I do………….do it anyway.  Got in a 5k (slow) before the main workout.

Arrived back to find Huckleberry and Canteen ready to go but no one else.  Huckleberry inquired if this was normal, I said no.  We’ll see if anyone shows.

Why yes, by the time we were ready to go, we had 14 including the Q’s.

No FNG’s so no real disclaimer though we did have some Kotters on hand.

We did discuss this was my 48th birthday and the bootcamp might have a 48 theme.

Warm-Up IC

SSH X 24

Imperial Walkers X 12

Moroccan Nigh Clubs X 12

Time to split up and mosey (6 braved the bootcamp with YHC)

Quick stop at the Flag for the Pledge

The Thang

Mosey around the back of First Presbyterian and on to the track at Sherwood Elementary for some track work:

Partner up;  Run half lap in opposite directions until you meet back up for 12 Booyah Merkins (no idea if that’s spelled correctly); run back to the start for 48 LBC’s OYO;  Rinse/repeat 3 more times with 48 Flutter Kicks, 48 Freddy Mercury’s & 48 American Hammers after each set of 12 of the Booyah Merkins.  It was fun and reps focused on the number 48.

48 lunge steps along the back of the track to finish off the work at Sherwood.

Mosey back toward First Pres up to the Scout Building and down the steps for some step work:

48 LBC’s – Run to the top of steps for 8 Merkins and back  down.

48 Flutter Kicks – Run to top of steps for 8 Merkins and back down.

Continue sets with 48 reps at bottom and 8 Merkins at top.

48 Freddy Mercurys – 8 Merkins

48 American Hammers – 8 Merkins

48 Moroccan Nightclubs – 8 Merkins

48 Squats – 8 Merkins

Another fun-filled exercise.

Mosey to the track at Grier middle School for more track work with a modified Wolfpack Grinder:

12 Squats IC – Run half lap – 24 Merkins OYO

12 Squats IC – Run half lap – 48 Mountain Climbers OYO

12 squats IC – Run half lap – 24 Merkins OYO

12 Squats IC – Run half lap – 48 Mountain Climbers OYO

Mosey to the picnic tables to finish off the work at Grier:

24 Dips IC – 24 Step-Ups IC – 12 Derkins IC

12 Dips IC – 12 Step-Ups IC – 12 Derkins IC (I should know better by now not to work right beside Dolph)

Mosey back to the Schiele to finish off with 22 Merkins for the Vets led by Canteen.

Good work men.

Announcements; Prayer Requests; Name-o-rama – The PAX even sang Happy Birthday to me.  Many thanks.

The Moleskin

As always, it’s terrific to Q a workout and at my advanced age, just being able to get out there and get some work in is a privilege.  I mentioned this during the workout but 3 1/2 years ago at age 44, I was almost 40 pounds heavier, had a few good friends and was a borderline sad clown.  Things have changed a little since.  Besides being in better shape at age 48 as compared to 44, I feel I have a group of men I can count on if needed.  F3 is the answer for some of the issues that men currently are having in our society.  Keep spreading the word, there are many others that  could benefit.  The PAX of F3 Gastonia are helping me to think the best is still yet to come for this old(er) man.  I couldn’t think of a better way to start off my birthday than in the gloom with a group of HIMs as I did this morning.  The 6 guys in the bootcamp pushed me today to work hard through my Q and I didn’t want to disappoint.

Thanks for the opportunity.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Gashouse is under new management

Just another Saturday and another workout at the original F3Gastonia location……Gashouse.  I had announced on Friday that this was my last Q before turning over the Site Q reigns to Linus so I wondered who would have the guts to show for a little Forrest Gump action……well, a great group showed knowing good and well we might run a little.  Great crowd showed for Mayor’s Pain Lab also.  Another humid morning.  Time to get after it.

No FNG’s.  What would we do?

Let’s start with 5 burpees OYO…..that’s right…..I called some burpees.

10 Imperial Walkers IC


Split the group between the bootcamp and pain lab.  I was very happy to head off for the bootcamp after glimpsing Mayor’s torture chamber set up.

The Thang – The Forrest Gump (one of my early workouts that had to be brought out again)

Mosey to East Garrison Baptist Church for some IC work:

Merkins X 11

Prayer Squats X 15 (facing church)

LBC’s X 20

Mosey to Hillbilly’s for more IC work:

Merkins X 11

Prayer Squats X 15

LBC’s X 20

Hillbilly’s X 10

Mosey to the flag circle at Lineberger Park for some Dora 1-2-3:

Partner 1 does exercise, Partner 2 runs up to top of steps toward the pool and back until the cumulative reps are completed as noted:

100 Merkins

200 Squats

300 Flutter Kicks

Mosey to the upper picnic shelter inside the train tracks (exactly 1 mile from the Schiele for those wondering) for some IC work:

Dips X 15

Step Ups X 20

Derkins X 10

That was so much fun we Rinsed/Repeated for a second set.

Mosey back to the Flag Circle at Lineberger Park for some Ring of Fire:

10 Merkins Ring of Fire

20 Mountain Climber Ring of Fire

Time to start the mosey back toward the Schiele with the next stop back at the Baptist Church for more IC work:

Merkins X 11

Squats X 15

LBC’s X 20

Forrest Gump tradition of Monkey Humpers X 10 for all the drivers on Garrison….you’re welcome.

Wait…what???   5 more burpees OYO……had to do it.

Final mosey back to the Schiele to catch up with the Pain Lab for some Mary:

Dying Cockroaches X 20 (where’s Bandit?)

Flutter Kicks X 25

Bells ringing – we’re done.

Time for a terrific impromptu ‘Passing the Torch’ ceremony as Linus takes over as Site Q.  I know that Roscoe spent many, many hours of prep into it.  It was quite moving.

Announcements:  Convergence at Poston next Saturday; June 23 Grandfather Mountain hike/ruck; many great things happening in F3 Gastonia Region.

Several prayer requests; COT prayer

The Moleskin

I appreciate once again the opportunity to lead a workout at Gashouse.  I’m also grateful for the opportunity to be the Site Q at Gashouse for the last couple of years.  At the same time, we need to remember the purpose of F3 is to invigorate male leadership in our community so it’s imperative that we allow others to take on leadership roles such as Site Q’s.  I am looking forward to following Linus’s leadership in the coming year.  I hope I have set a decent example.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Gashouse is Fun

Another special day at Gashouse with a special guest that runs the 85 Podcast.  Welcome to Zach Brown (Cod(cast)).

More than a few for some EC running before the workout (this F3 thing won’t work in Gaston County).

Good crowd showing just before 7:00 and wait, how about a couple of Kotters….Dr. Feelgood & QT.  Let’s get it on.

With the FNG/Podcaster on site, we had the disclaimer and short question about the Painlab.  Hipaa and Rudolph were the only ones so they decided to join the Stroganoff bootcamp…….excellent.

Quick IC warm-up:

SSH X 15

Imperial Walkers X 10


Let’s get after it.

The Thang

Mosey up to the main parking lot at Grier Middle School for some modified Stroganoff’s:

Bear crawl across parking lot – 10 Mountain Climbers – Lunge Back (That’s one)

Rinse-Repeat for a total of 5.

Mosey to the steps at First Presbyterian Church (a favorite Gashouse location) for the Rally to 1000 – leg & shoulder edition:

Partner up – Partner 1 performs called exercise – Partner 2 runs to top of steps under overhang – 5 CDD’s and returns and switches positions with Partner 1; cumulative reps as follows:

Mountain Climbers X 200

Squats X 200

Moroccan Nightclubs X 200

Calf Raises X 200 (Our FNG got a taste of F3 fellowship when the Q called these leg raises; several of the PAX chastised the Q for this (rightly so I might add) so the Q reminded them they were all #1 in his heart……oops)

Overhead Claps X 200

8 groups – 1000 reps each – 8000 reps total – nice work

Plenty of time left for a mosey back to Grier’s track for a shoulder style Wolfpack Grinder:

Squats IC X 10 (once again the Q’s personal space was violated by multiple individuals – what gives?)

Run half lap – 20 CDD’s – plank for the six

Squats IC X 10 – run half lap – 30 mountain climbers – plank for the six

Squats IC X 10 – run half lap – 20 CDD’s – plank for the six (I think it was here that Short Sale took off for a Daughter event – setting a good example for putting family first.  He also successfully jumped the fence unlike YHC at a previous EC workout last year)

Squats IC X 10 – run half lap – 30 mountain climbers – plank for the six

Mosey to the picnic tables for one last bit of In Cadence reps at Grier:

Dips X 15

Step Ups X 20 (two of the PAX that will remain unnamed converted to Derkins during this set for some reason)

Derkins X 10

Rinse-Repeat sets above for a total of 2 rounds

Pushing the clock now toward 8:00 am so lets mosey back to the Flag for some quick Mary:

Flutter Kicks X 30

LBC’s X 30

Bells are ringing

Good work men.

Announcements – Prayer Requests – Name-O-Rama (Welcome FNG Cod – This might be revised)

The Moleskin

Another great morning for me as I was able to start another Saturday off with a great workout (including some EC running beforehand).  I greatly appreciate the accountability from the PAX.  F3 has provided this to me without anyone having to stay on my case (most of the time) just by the numbers that post to weekly workouts.  I have found myself wanting to get out there when possible because I know so many of you are out there each and every day.

We need to continue to EH others, ask others to get in leadership positions and keep moving the group forward.  Groups like this (or any organization) can get to a point where growth slows and stagnation can potentially creep in.  Right now some AO’s are thriving while others seem to be struggling.  Keep aware and keep pushing.  You guys are making an impact.

F3 PSA:  One other thing, when running a route that is about to be used by a Girls on the Run event, it might be a good idea to not tell the volunteers helping to set up the route that we like to “beat elementary school girls” as Qeruicdwhe did during the EC.

Be on the lookout for the 85 Podcast (put on by the Gaston Gazette). The FNG Zach Brown is the host and is podcasting about the positive things going on in Gaston County.  I subscribed tonight through iTunes and will be checking it out.

Thanks for the opportunity.

Until the next one.  Aye!


The Pub – Watch out for that Curb

11 HIMs pushed the rock for some moseying and rucking.

9 Ran (one was attacked by the curb near the start….I won’t name that individual but it rhymes with fiva).

7 for 5; 2 for 3

2 rucked (one with an impressive old school pack)

It was fun.  A great way to start a day full of opportunities to impact others.

Thanks for the push.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Quality…..not quantity

As I arrived back into the parking lot at the Schiele after an EC run, I was expecting a big crowd as I have not posted at Gashouse in well over a month due to travel, the CSAUP relay and other running events.  As I pulled in, all I saw was Moses.   Maybe the PAX was apprehensive about another Stroganoff Q……..unlikely.  Shortly, a few more arrived but it was a small crowd compared to the normal numbers at Gashouse.  We would still make the most of it.

An FNG, thanks to Hunchback.  Disclaimer.  Short warm up:

SSH X 20 (IC)

Imperial Walkers X 10 (IC)


Time to split up as Clavin had the Painlab Q

The Thang

We moseyed to the main parking lot at Grier Middle School for some Stroganoff 5’s:

Bear Crawl across parking lot – 10 Merkins – Lunge walk back to starting location

Rinse – Repeat for a total of 5 reps

Mosey to the steps at First Presbyterian Church for some partner work – Rally to 1000:

Partner 1 does exercise – Partner 2 runs up the stairs for 5 Merkins and back down to switch with partner:

LBC’s X 200

Squats X 200

Flutter Kicks X 200

Mountain Climbers X 200

Freddy Mercury’s X 200

Mosey to the track at Grier for some Booyah Merkins Half Mile:

Same partners.  Partners run opposite direction on track and perform Booyah merkins once they meet up as follows:

1st Half Lap – 8 Booyah Merkins

2nd Half Lap – 6 Booyah Merkins

3rd Half Lap – 4 Booyah Merkins

4th Half Lap – 2 Booyah Merkins

Short mosey to the picnic tables for the following IC work:

Dips X 15

Step Ups X 20

Dips X 15

Step Ups X 20

Mosey back to the Schiele to finish off with some Mary:

LBC’s – Box Cutters – Dying Cockroaches – Mountain Climbers – Nolan  Ryans

Announcements – Prayer Requests – Closeout with a Prayer

4 for Coffeeteria

Good work men.  Good to be back at Gashouse after a long absence.

Welcome FNG Stagecoach.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


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